Ordinance 2083CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. 2083 New Series AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE THAT ON- STREET PARKING METERS IN COMMERCIAL ZONES PRESENTLY ALLOWING A MAXIMUM PARKING LIMIT OF TWO HOURS BE CHANGED TO ALLOW A MAXIMUM PARKING LIMIT OF ONE HOUR BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALMAMEDA that: Section 1. Section 17 -364.1 [Two -Hour Parking Limit] of m the Alaeda Municipal Code is hereby amended by repealing subsections 1 through 9, 11 through 13, 15 (a) (a -1) (a -2), 16 (a) (b), 17 (a) (b) (c), 18 through 21, 23, 25 through 28, and 30. Section 2. Section 17 -364.1 [One -Hour Parking Limit] of the Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding 27 through 59 thereto, to read: 27. Park Street, on the easterly side thereof, between the southerly side of Buena Vista Avenue and the northerly side of Lincoln Avenue. 28. Park Street, on the westerly side thereof, between the southerly side of Buena Vista Avenue and the northerly side of Pacific Avenue. 29. Park Street, on the westerly side thereof, between the southerly side of Pacific Avenue to the northerly side of Lincoln Avenue. 30. Park Street, on the easterly side thereof, between the southerly side of Encinal Avenue and the northerly side of San Jose Avenue. 31. Park Street, on the westerly side thereof, between the southerly side of Encinal Avenue and the northerly side of San Antonio Avenue. 32. Park Street, on the westerly side thereof, between the southerly side of San Antonio Avenue and the northerly side of San Jose Avenue. 33. Pacific Avenue, on the northerly and southerly sides thereof, between the westerly side of Park Street and a point 48 feet westerly therefrom. 34. Lincoln Avenue, on the northerly and southerly sides thereof, between the westerly side of Park Street and the easterly side of Oak Street. -1- 35. Lincoln Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the easterly side of Park street and a point 177 feet easterly therefrom. 36. Central Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the easterly side of Park Avenue and a point 131 feet easterly therefrom. 37. Central Avenue, on the northerly side thereof, between the easterly side of Park Avenue and the westerly side of Everett Street. 38. Alameda Avenue, on the northerly and southerly sides thereof, between the westerly side of Park Street and the easterly side of Oak Street. 39. Encinal Avenue, on the northerly side thereof, between the easterly side of Park Street and the westerly side of Park Avenue. 40. Encinal Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the easterly side of Park Street and the westerly side of Park Avenue West. 41. Oak Street, on the easterly side thereof, between the southerly side of Lincoln Avenue and the northerly side of Times Way. 42. Oak Street, on the easterly side thereof, between the southerly side of Santa Clara Avenue and the northerly side of Central Avenue. 43. Oak Street, on the easterly side thereof, between the southerly side of Central Avenue and the northerly side of Alameda Avenue. 44. Encinal Avenue, on the northerly and southerly sides thereof, between the westerly side of Park Street and the easterly side of Oak Street. 45. Webster Street, on the westerly and easterly sides thereof, between the northerly side of Lincoln AVenue and the southerly side of Pacific Avenue. 46. Central Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the easterly side of Webster Street and a point 83 feet easterly therefrom. 47. Central Avenue, on the northerly side thereof, between the easterly side of Webster Street and a point 88 feet easterly therefrom. -2- 48. Central Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the westerly side of Webster Street and a point 57 feet westerly therefrom. 49. Central Avenue, on the northerly side thereof, between the westerly side of Webster Street and a point 52 feet westerly therefrom. 50. Santa Clara Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the westerly side of Webster Street and a point 113 feet westerly therefrom. 51. Santa Clara Avenue, on the northerly side thereof, between the westerly side of Webster Street and a point 129 feet westerly therefrom. 52. Haight Avenue, on the northerly side threof, between the westerly side of Webster Street and a point 74 feet westerly therefrom. 53. Haight Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the westerly side of Webster Street and a point 59 feet westerly therefrom. 54. Lincoln Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the easterly side of Webster Street and a point 256 feet easterly therefrom. 55. Lincoln Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the westerly side of Webster Street and a point 148 feet westerly therefrom. 56. San Jose Avenue, on the southerly side thereof, between the westerly side of Park Street and a point 136.5 feet westerly therefrom. 57. San Jose Avenue, on the northerly side thereof, between the westerly side of Park Street and a point 62.5 feet westerly therefrom. 58. San Jose Avenue, on the northerly side thereof, between the easterly side of Park Street and a point 90 feet easterly therefrom. 59. Oak Street, on the easterly side thereof, between the northerly side of Santa Clara Avenue and a point 207 feet northerly therefrom. -3- Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Attest: Presiding ice of the Council City Clerk N V -4- I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 16th of March, 1982, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmen Diament, Gorman, Sherratt, Stone, and President Corica - 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 17th day of March, 1982. City Clerk of the ity o Al meda