2011-02-01 Packet33 :r CITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1, 2011 5:30 P.M. Location.: Cit Council Chambers Conference Room, Cit Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street 1 Roll Call Cit Council 2. Public Comment on A Items Onl An wishin to address the Council on a items onl ma speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Ad to Closed Session to consider: 3-A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS 5. A ne Joe Wile Crai Jor and Human Resources Director Emplo organizations: Alameda Cit Emplo Association, Alameda Fire Mana Association, Alameda Police Mana Association, Alameda Police Officers Association, Alameda Police Officers Non-Sworn, International Association of Firefi International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and Mana and Confidential Emplo Association. Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if an Ad Cit Council CITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA. SPECIAL JOINT M EETING of THE CITY COUNCIL. ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA) COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION &IC) HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (HABOC) TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1 2011 6:59 P.M Location City Council Chambers, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Ave and Oak Street Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council/Boards/Commission on agenda items or business introduced by the Council/Boards /Commission may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Council /Boards /Commission. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk if you wish to speak. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. ROLL CALL City Council, ARRA, CIC, HABOC 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council/Boards/Commission or a member of the public 2 -A. Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, CIC and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Meeting Held on January 18, 2011. (City Clerk) [Cit y Council, CIC, HABOC] 2 -B. Recommendation to Accept the Quarterly Financial Report through September 30 2010, (Finance) [City Council, ARRA, CIC] 2 -C. Recommendation to Accept the Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 Audited Financial Statements and Compliance Reports. (Finance) [City Council, ARRA, CIC] 2 -D. Recommendation to Authorize the Acting Chief Executive Officer to Negotiate and Execute Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Islander Motel Property Located at 2428 Central Avenue. [HABOC] (Housing Department) 3. AGENDA ITEMS 3 -A. Adoption of Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Alameda and Community Improvement Commission for the Alameda Point Improvement Project Area. [City Council, CIC]; and Adoption of Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement Between the Housing Authority and the Community Improvement Commission for the Alameda Point Improvement Project Area. [HABOC, CIC] (City Manager) 3 -B. Adoption of Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Alameda and Community Improvement commission for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project /vilest End Community Improvement Project Areas. [City Council, CIC]; and Adoption of Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement Between the Housing Authority and the Community Improvement Commission for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project/West End Community Improvement Project Areas. [HABOC, CIC] (City Manager) 4. ADJOURNMENT City council, ARRA, CIC, HABOC Marie L. Gilmore, Mayor Chair, ARRA, CIC, and HABOC j c7•. CITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach the podium and state your name; speakers are limited to three (3) minutes per item 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during Council meetings AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1 2011 -7 :00 P.M. [Note: Regular Council Meeting convenes at 7 :00 pm, City Hall, Council Chambers, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and oak Street] The Order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Changes 3. Proclamations, Special Orders of the Day and Announcements 4. Oral Communications, Non Agenda (Public Comment) 5. Consent Calendar 6. Regular Agenda Items 7. City Manager Communications 8. Oral Communications, Non Agenda (Public Comment) 9. Council Referrals 10. Council Communications (Communications from Council) 11. Adjournment Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmembers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before Council. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk if you wish to address the City Council. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 6 :30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM Separat Ag enda (Closed Session) SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEDA REUSE 6 :69 P.M. AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT, AND HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Separate Agenda 1 ROLL CALL City council 2. AGENDA CHANGES 3. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (Public Comment) A limited number of speakers may address the council in regard to any matter over which the council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda; this section is limited to 15 minutes; additional public comment will addressed under Section 8 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 5 -A. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting Held on January 18, 2011. (City Clerk) 5 -B. Bills for Ratification. (Finance) 5 -C. Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of $234,000 to Columbia Electric, Authorize a Twenty Percent Contingency to Implement the Woodstock to Webster Street Neighborhood Improvement Project, and Authorize the Acting City Manager to Execute the Contract and Related Documents. (Economic Development) 5 -D. Recommendation to Award a contract in the Amount of $185,831, including Contingencies, to Waterworks Engineers for the Preparation of Engineering Documents for the Upgrade of the city of Alameda Sewer Pump Stations, Phase 3; Bay Farm Island Pump Station Rehabilitation, No. P.W. 12- 10 -35. (Public Works) 5 -E. Adoption of Resolution Appointing an Engineer and an Attorney for Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84 -2. (Public Works) 5 -F. Adoption of Resolution Appointing an Engineer and an Attorney for Maintenance Assessment District 01 -1 (Marina Cove). (Public Works) 5 -G. Adoption of Resolution Opposing the Governor's Proposal to Abolish Redevelopment Agencies in California. (City Manager) 6. REGULAR. AGENDA !TrI Ms 6 -A. Public Dearing to Consider introduction of ordinance Amending Sections 30 -6, 30 -36, and 30 -37, of the Alameda Municipal Code to Improve the Design Review and Sign ordinance Provisions for the City of Alameda. (Community Development) 6 -13. Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Section 3 -7 at Article I, (Finance) of Chapter III (Finance and Taxation), Regulating Holders of State Video Franchises. (Public Works) 7. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from City Manager) 7 -A. overview of SB 375, the Regional sustainable Communities Strategy and the Opportunities for Involvement by the City of Alameda 7-13. Presentation on Redevelopment Funding 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON- AGENDA (Public Comment) Any person may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda; speakers not called under Item 4 may address the Council at this time 9. COUNCIL REFERRALS Matters placed on the agenda by a Councilmember may be acted upon or scheduled as a future agenda item 10. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) Councilmembers can address any matter, including reporting on any Conferences or meetings attended 10 -A. Consideration of Mayor's Nomination for Appointment to the Planning Board. 11. ADJOURNMENT City Council Materials related to an item on the a are available for public inspection in the Cit Clerk's Office, Cit Hall, Room 380, durin normal business hours AD Si lan interpreters will be available on re Please contact the Cit Clerk at 747-4800 or TDID number 522-7538 at least 72 hours prior to the Meetin to re an interpreter E for the hearin impaired is available for public use. For assistance, please contact the Cit Clerk at 747-4800 or TDID number 522-7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meetin Accessible seatin for persons with disabilities, includin those usin wheelchairs, is available Minutes of the meetin available in enlar print 0 Audio Tapes of the meetin are available upon re Please contact the Cit Clerk at 747-4800 or TDID number 522-7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meetin to re a materials in an alternative format, or an other reasonable accommodation that ma be necessar to participate in and en the benefits of the meeting UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC), AND HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (HABOC) MEETING TUESDAY- JANUARY 18 2011- -6:59 P.M. Acting Mayor /Chair Bonta convened the meeting at 7:02 p.m. Councilmember 1 Commissioner deHaan led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Allen and Councilnembers 1 Commissioners deHaan, Johnson, Tarn and Acting Mayor /Chair Bonta —4. Absent: Mayor /Chair Gilmore 1. I1�71�M1111.1 HABOC/*1 1-001 CIC Minutes of the special Board of Commissioners Meeting held October 19, 2010. Acceptance is recommended. Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and CIC Meeting Held on December 21, 2010. Approved. Commissioner deHaan moved approval of the minutes. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: December 21, 2010 Minutes: Ayes: Commissioners deHaan, Johnson and Tam 3. Abstention: Acting Chair Bonta 1. Absent: Chair Gilmore 1. The minutes of the October 19 Minutes were not adopted due to lack of affirmative votes: Ayes: Commissioners deHaan and Johnson 2. Abstentions: Commissioners Allen, Tam and Acting Chair Bonta 3. Absent: Chair Gilmore 1. AGENDA ITEM (11 -024 Public Hearing to Consider: 1) Recommendation to Find the Project Located at 2210 Lincoln Avenue to be Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Pursuant to Californ Public Resources Code Section 21159.21, 21159.23 and 22159.24, as well as CEQA Guidelines Section 15332; (11 -024A CC) Recommendation to Approve the Summary Report Pursuant to Section 33433 of the California Community Redevelopment Law. for an Owner. Participation Agreement (OPA) between the CIC, Housing Authority, Satellite Housing and Housing Consortium of the East Bay (HCEB) and a Lease Option Agreement between the Housing Authority, Satellite Housing and HCEB; (11 -002 CIC) Recommendation to Approve the summary Report Pursuant to Section 33433 of the California Community Redevelopment Lave for an OPA between the CIC, Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission, and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners January 18, 2011 Housing Authority, Satellite Housing and HCEB and a Lease Option Agreement between the Housing Authority, Satellite Housing and HCEB; -002A CIC Recommendation to Authorize Conveyance by Quitclaim Deed of the Property Located at 2216 Lincoln Avenue for Construction of 19 Units of Affordable Rental Housing to the Housing Authority; HABOC Recommendation to Accept the Property Located at 2216 Lincoln Avenue via a Quitclaim Deed from the CIC; HABOC Recommendation to Approve a Lease option Agreement and Authorize the Acting Chief Executive officer to Execute a 75 -Year Ground Lease Based on the Lease Option with Satellite Housing and HCEB and an OPA and other Related Documents between the Housing Authority, CIC, Satellite Housing and HCEB; -602B CIC Recommendation to Approve and OPA and Authorize the. Acting Executive Director to Execute an OPA and other Related Documents with Satellite Housing, HCEB and the Housing Authority; and -002C CIC Recommendation to Approve an Appropriation of $1.4 Million .from the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP) Affordable Housing Fund Balance to Housing Project Development Funds; -024B CC Resolution No. 14640 "Approving (1) the Disposition of Certain Property Owned by the CIC of the City of Alameda at Not Less Than Its Fair R in Connection with Development of an Affordable Rental Housing Project on the .Site, and (2) Making Certain Findings with Respect to the Disposition of Such Property." Adopted; -002D CIC Resolution No. 11 -173 "Approving (1) an OPA for. Development of Affordable Rental Housing, and (2) the Disposition of Certain Property Owned by the CIC at Not Less Than its Fair Reuse value in Connection With Development of an Affordable Rental Housing Project on the Site, (3) Making Certain Findings With Respect to the Disposition of Such Property, and (4) Authorizing the Executive Director to Execute the OPA and a Quitclaim Deed to Convey Such Property to the Housing Authority." Adopted; HABOC Resolution No. 825 "Authorizing the Acting Chief Executive Officer. to Execute (1) An OPA Among the Housing Authority, CIC, Satellite Housing and HCEB, (2) A Lease option Agreement Among the Housing Authority, Satellite Housing. a nd HCEB, and (3) to Accept a Quitclaim Deed From the CIC for the Project Site." Adopted; and -002E CIC Resolution No. 11 -174 "Approving the Use .of Housing Funds to Pay a Portion of the Costs of Development of a 19 -Unit Affordable Rental Project within the City of Alameda on Certain Property Commonly Known as 2216 Lincoln Avenue." Adopted. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission, and Housing 2 Authority Board of Commissioners January 18, 2011 The Housing Department Executive Director; Dori Kojima, Satellite Housing Executive Director; and Darin Lounds, HCEB Executive Director, gave a Power Point presentation. Council member/Corn missioner Johnson inquired whether an Satellite Housing would be allowed to assign rights and obligations without prior written consent of the City. The Housing Development and Programs Manager responded assigned rights and obligations could only be given to a new, single entity associated with Satellite Housing and HCEB. Councilmember /Commissioner Johnson stated Satellite Housing and HCEB would have the ability to assign the Lease option Agreement (LOA) before [the City gives] prior written consent. The Development Services Division Manager stated language could be added to the LOA. The Housing Department Executive Director stated said language would be added to the LOA. Council member/Commissioner Tam inquired how varying loan terms would be factored in when determining rental rates; further inquired whether the Housing and Urban Development Department(HUD) would control rates. Ms. Klima responded the HUD Section 811 program provides federal dollars calculated per unit; stated a long -term HUD operating subsidy would ensure that enough funds would include enough funds to ensure proper maintenance and management; tenants would pay 30% of adjusted monthly income; HUD 811 would. not require repayment of the loan as long as affordability is maintained; rental rates would not be affected by financing. Councilmerr ber /Commissioner Tarn inquired whether 30% of adjusted gross income would cover various loans given varying terms and interest rates. Ms. Kojima responded most sources are soft debt; stated loans would not require repayment during the operation of the development unless the project has. excess cash; HUD would provide operational subsidy up to the amount of the operating budget; a development does not usually have excess cash because HUD controls the operating amount. Councilmember /Commissioner Johnson inquired whether [LOA] renewal would be automatic. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission, and Housing 3 Authority Board of Commissioners January 18, 2011 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Acting Mayor /Chair Bonta adjourned the meeting at 7:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger, city clerk Secretary, Cl C The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda city Council, community Improvement commission, and Housing 5 Authority Board of Commissioners January 18, 2011 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To.- Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Communit Improvement Commission Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit From: Lisa Goldman Actin Cit Mana Actin Executive Director Date: Februar 1, 2011 Re: Accept the Quarterl Financial Report throu September 30, 2010 The first q uarter's financial reports on all Cit funds has been completed,. based upon actual revenues and expenditures throu September 30, 2010. Quarterl reports include financial information for all Cit funds presented as follows.: Exhibit I details General Fund actual revenues b ma cate at September 305 2010 and 2009 Exhibit 2 details General Fund actual expenditures b major depart at September 30, 2010 and 2009 Exhibit 3 outlines b fund the revenues, expenditures, chan in current available fund balance as of September 30, 2010, and projected available balances for all Cit funds at June 30, 2011, based upon the adopted bud for FY1 0-11. Quarterl reports provide the Cit Council with updates on the financial status of the Cit funds b comparin bud projections in revenue and expenditures. to. actual receipts and expenses. In addition, each q uarterl y report includes a -projection cif available fund balances for each fund at fiscal y ear end. It should be noted that projections are based upon the information av at the time the projection is made. In this volatile economic environm e ent, pro c tions..cannot. be g uaranteed to reflect final results at y ear-end. However, includin such. inform in the Cit q uarterl y reports is important in anticipatin an major revenue or expenditure impacts that could affect the Cit financial position at fiscal y ear end. CC/ARRA/C1C/HAB0C A Its #2-B 02-01-11 Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Februar 1 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the CIC Pa 2 of 5 Honorable Chair and Members of the ARRA General Fund The FYI 0-11 annual bud was balanced at the time of its adoption in .Jul 2010, with total appropriations of approximatel $71 million. The downturn in. both the national and the state economies, which affected the Cit bud in prior fiscal y ears, continues to impact the FY1 0-11 bud The General Fund and related funds gill continue to contend with limited revenue g rowth, and actual declines in som are du.e.to s lu gg ish retail and housin sales, as well as impacts from the State's. budge .for FY10-1 1. General Fund expenditures bud for FYI 0-11 are also approxi $71 million. However, this is merel a projection, and actual expenditures will var General Fund actual revenues as of September 30, 2010, were .$8..5 million, or. 12% .of the FYI 0-11 bud actual expenditures were $16.6 million, or 23% of the FY1 0 -11 bud Note that the Cit does not be to receive propert t pa from the Count its leadin source of revenues, until the second q uarter of the.fis y ear. General Fund ma revenue cate are summarized .in Exhibit 1. The City derives a si portion of its General Fund revenues from economicall sensitive sources such as propert tax, sales tax, utilit users' tax, and. construction- related permits. and fees. When one or more of these ke revenue sources decl ines s i g nificantl y below pro pro and service operational levels ma be affected. General Fund expenditures b ma depart are summarize.d..in Exhibit 2.and include actual expenditures at September 30, 2010, includi Gene.ral.F.und -transfers to the Police/Fire Pension funds in the amount of $550,000, the Librar fund for and the Other Post-Emplo Benefit (DPEB fund f All. of these meted transfers represent 25% of their bud amounts for the y ear. Special Revenue Funds The Special Revenue Fund g roup includes funds accountin for the Cit redevelopment activities, g as tax funds, librar operations, various assessment districts, and an athletic fund. The FYI 0-11 actual receipts at September 30, .2010, for this fu nd g roup totaled $6.1 million (11% of bud actual expenses totaled $8.9 million (1.5%. of bud Proje at June 30, 2011 are approximatel $55 million for revenues and $58 million for expenditures. These funds usuall operate within bud pro utilizin available fund balances as needed. A number of these funds are g rant funds or capital. p funds, which g enerate revenues and expenditures in patterns different from the. Cit General Fund or other operatin funds, such as Enterprise Funds or Internal Service Funds. Sufficient reserves in each fund are maintained to en -completion of pro or pro At June 30, 2011, the projected net fund balance for the Special Revenue Fund Group is $46 million, based upon the FY1 0-11 adopted budget. Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Februar 1, 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the CIC Pa 3 of 5 Honorable Chair and Members of the ARRA Capital Project Funds The Capital Project Fund Group, which includes such individual funds as. g en era l c api.ta.1 projects, construction funds, assessment districts, impact fee funds. and the urban runoff fund, had a actual revenues of $6.7 million (35% of bud and expenditures of $7.3 million (32% of bud at September 30, 2010. Projections at June 30, 20.11 are approximatel $19 million for revenues and $23 million for expenditures (excludin necessar capital project carr from FY09-10, which had not.been recorded as of September 30, 2010 The vast majorit of these funds operate within bud projections, utilizin available fund balances strate Man of these funds are project driven funds, or derive their revenues from the collection of impact fees from new.development,.which g enerate revenues and expenditures in patterns different from the Cit o ther operatin funds. These funds have also been affected b the economic climate.in California.. At June.30 2011, the projected net fund balance for the Cap Proj Fun Gr is approximatel $18 million, based upon the FY1 0-11 adopted budget.. This projection will be revised in the second q uarter report, to reflect necessar capital pro carr from FY09-1 0 which had not been recorded as of Septemb 30, 2010. The Debt Service Fund Group includes individual funds established. to .account for the lon debt of the Cit ARRAS and CIC. Th y ear-end fund b.alance of all debt service funds is projected to be $9.2 million at June 30, 2011, based, upon the FY1 0.1 adopted bud Sufficient funds are available to meet all debt service re for FY1 0-11. Enterprise Funds The Enterprise Funds Group, which is comprised of Cit business-like, operations such as the g olf course, ferr services, and the sanitar sewer s r balance reportin that includes cash, reserves, fixed assets and related lon term debt of-the enterprise. Exhibit 3 includes the available. reserves (excludin fixed assets .and related lon term debt) for each of these individual funds. The ag g regate. available reserve balance at June 30, 2011 for all enterprise funds is projected to. be $5.5 million, based upon the FY1 0-11 adopted bud Internal Service Funds The Internal Services Fund Group includes those funds created for pro and/or services provided cit to all departments. Revenues to these funds derive from administrative (cost recover char to the other funds, primaril the General Fund. Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Februar 1, 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the c Pa 4 of 5 Honorable Chair and Members of the ARRA The endin workin capital balance for FY1 0-11 of this Internal Service Fund g roup is $4.5 million, based upon the FY1 0-11 adopted bud A cost controls, bud reductions, and full cost recover formulas applied to departments have assisted in reducin prior ne cash balances in some of these funds. The workin capital balance does not reflect the lon term liabilities for Worker's Compensation claims ($6.3 million), Risk Mana Claims ($1.2 million) and the unfunded portion of Other Post-Emplo Benefits (OPEB) ($7.8 million) outstandin as of the end of FY09-1 0. Trust and A Funds The Trust and A Fund Group includes bond reserve funds for several Cit lo ng term debt obli and funds established for the current y ear's pa of the Cit pension and retirement obli such as the 1079 and 1082 Pension. P.lans and OPEB. The projected endin available balance for this fund g r o up for FY10 -1 1 is projected to be approximatel $37 million, based upon the adopted FY1 0-11 bud FINANCIAL IMPACT The FY1 0-11 first q uarter report includes Exhibits 1, 2 and 3 detailin the vari between bud and actual for revenues, expenditures, and chan in fund .bala nces at September 30, 2010. These exhibits were created to present a. c.le.a.r representation of the Cit bud and of available reserves for each Cit fund at the close.of the.1irst fiscal q uarter. It should be noted, however, that projections for y ear end can be affected. b numerous variables. Staff will continue to monitor market conditions affectin g revenues and maintain dili in controllin expenditures throu h This thro monitorin will help to ensure that the Cit continues to. maintain ade reserves in its various funds. Staff be preparation for the FY1 1-12 bud in Januar and w.ill continue to incorporate chan in the Cit bud structure that were adopted in FY1 0-11.. Cit mana will be conductin several anal completed b both staff and independent experts, focusin on the most si revenue and ex e .p nditure factors and assumptions to be used in preparin the Cit annual financial plan. These include: a multi- propert tax anal a multi- sales tax anal a multi- anal of propert transfer tax projections, and revised 1079, 1082 and OPEB actuarial valuations, includin updates on annual contribution requirements Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 1, 2011 Honorable chair and Members of the CIC Page 5 of 5 Honorable chair and Members of the ARRA RECOMMENDATION Accept the quarterly financial report through September 30, 2010. Respectfully submitted and approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibits: 1 FY10 -11 YTD Revenue Deport General Fund 2 FY10 -11 YTD Expenditure Report General Fund 3 Fund Balance Report All Funds FY10 -11 Unaudited ry lM Exhibit I t Agend I ;fr'` f sly% g FY10 -11 YT® Revenue Re p ort General Fund Preliminary Financial Report For FY10 -11 First Quarter Total General Fund 12% Revenues 12©/0 Property Taxes 5% 5 /o t I Utility User Taxes 13 13% Other Takes t 1 7 ®/v f 16 f Licenses and Permits o 44 0 I I Interest and Rental 22, 497, 676 FY1 0-11 Income 1 5% 9,050 1 66,075 El FY09 -10 Misc. Fines and 1 /v 5 Revenues 1 t Revenues from Other 29 /v 3,6 0,000 Ag 2 2 0 0% 25 50 75 .100% 25% of Year. Conn plete 125% Property Taxes Ut i lity User Takes Sales and Use Taxes Property Transfer Taxes Franchise Other Local Taxes Licenses and Permits Interest and Rental Income Revenues from other Agencies Charges for Services Fixed Charges Fines and Transfers In Total General Fund Revenu FY1.0 -.11 FY10 -11 .Of FY.09 -10 of .A ctu al fo Budget YTl7 Actual Budget YTD Actual FY 2009/10 22, 497, 676 1,168, 246 .5 1 5% 9,050 1 66,075 13% 1,112,391 13% 5 1, 029,27.8 19% 1, 083, 248 24% 3,6 0,000 .59 ,833 16% 730,647 16 8,07.5 1 15 961 11% 1 701,123 36% 803, 486 44% 3 -410,729 -13% -186 -7% 6,29 82,629 1 69,441 1 7 2,222 29% 1 66 22% 2 566,355 25% 555,339 25% 7.64 ,050 185,853 24% 163 22% 71,114, 315 8 12% 7 12% FY10•11 'STD Expenditure Report General Fund Preliminary Financial Report For FY10 -11 First Quarter Total General Fund Expenditures N.................. p.......... General Government 22% v 2 0 5I s Administrative 21 /v Servi 2 5% v YrTD Actual X3% Police 0 27 0 24% Fire 25 50 Public ''Forks :17% 20©x© 2 ;24% Recreation and Parks 2 o v rE Exhi t A g en da 0 x 0■ 1 0% 25% 50 75% 1 00 1 25% 25% of Year complete FY10 711 FY10 -11 of FY09 -10 of Actual for Budget YrTD Actual Budget YTD Actual FY09 -10 General Govern 2 624 22% 717 25% Administrative Services 3,325,155 690,998 21% 788,391 25% Police 28, 880,695 6,188, 443 23% 6 27% Fire 22,014, 836 5 24% 5,757 25% Publi Works 2,216,505 371 3 319 17% 374 20°x© Recreation and Parks 4 520 1, 076 3 854 24% 1,1 53, 099 28% Non Departmental 640 67 11% 114,703 16% Transfers to Other Funds 8,646,690 2 26% 1 23% Total General Fund Expenses 71,114 16,635,612 23% 17 26% Co 'C:t N r` C 3 CD I` Co d" q t LO (M r f T Co f r r` N If N o Co IN t r` 1 Q T CO o Co LC] CD 01 Ca Ln T T CO Co (D N o N Co 00 0Q000QCo0 00 (D Co T U CD M �t Q f` N I u7 N o i Co LO m N ct CD o Co CAD N Co LO i 10') Cy')N Q Co d Co N a %t f�- %t d" 114 LO Co CD I` Co LO N a]_ CD T 00 o Q N Q CSI 3 Q N f` Co Co t• CF) d- -r- C�7 Co Co N cfl Co f CSI o Q 0) N [m I Cv Q CD CY') oo I Ca C)! LO QD T Co o N Co s .r. N Co Ct" Co C\l N rte 3 Lf7 T cc LO N f` 'It Lo 4 o T.t Co "s ss' t rrrr. LM cv 1 v 0 0 .�.r. �r N j N C3] CC) j i tiU j Co r�� n �I v L N F L) GL N CL r` Co Co 'C:t N r` C 3 CD I` Co d" q t LO (M r f T Co f r r` N If N o Co IN t r` 1 Q T CO o Co LC] CD 01 Ca Ln T T CO Co (D N o Co 117 Co N Co T U CD M �t Q f` N I u7 N o i Co LO m N ct CD Co CO Co CAD N Co LO i T LO Q Co d Co U TI %t f�- %t d" m N U N LO LO m Co LO N a]_ CD T 00 C7 Cr) I` N N CSI 3 Lo N Co N Co r Q f] C11 C�7 CQ N Ln Co f CSI C37 T 0) N [m I T CD I N d-' S T T Co N Co s .r. N I N Ct" Co 1 R V L L cc rr C\l .�ff' 0 al P d" C) 0o 'C:t N r` Co C9 1 r`_ Cfl T LO rl%- C D a) CC] C D "t 't C) r` q t LO (M r f T L7 M 't r` LO N M I-- mot' CD Co m rr-- o j E Co l` Co r` n r• t r` 1 Q T Cr) I a N o Co LC] Cl) N Co N lo Co Cn Lo f 3 r t T CO Co (D N co C r-_ N r� Co Co T Co Q C) Q N N Q C'+t T N CU Coo f N LO Co N C:) cc) 3 Q C� T m C7Q CY] 0 1 Cr) Co D Co d' Coo 1I3 co CO N a]_ r` Coo o T Co N Ni N N C(5 N Co Co Co T T CY) CO L� Q C9 Co 1 a Quo �f�I ct LO��cn °0 C L �LC\l� LO o :;J- LC) (a as C.0 Ln Cr) f C� o N C11 �t Lfl LO a CO (N N i r.. Cn c� cr i Co Cy') p N CD "t Co Co Co 0 N t- Co r•. o cn r• Co 3 cn Ca Q LO Co CC) Q .Q aor• Co CCU f T T Co -'r N LO 'd` CM r� U C oa �t C�o Cr] N 000 d U. Lo Co;��a i N LO Co 'tCO mot Q P 0 1 Cr) �co op (M Co N N N a]_ r` Coo o T Co N Ni N N C(5 N Co Co T T CY) CO L� Q C9 Co CZ] f CSI C37 CY] 0) N [m f o f N CD I N d-' Co f'`'€ Co N Co Co N N Co C1l N t T C� I` C3� d' co I N N i D T 'It. Lo Co ti Co 1 �t Ca U. qct o I CO CC) ti Co T Co C7 N N Ctrl w C] r" 'Ct' .;4 LO t f 3_ N a]_ Cv cf CC] T Co f f CACp 1 1 10 1 Cj CQ CO r o pp (1` CD C o CO L� a7 Co C O N Lo 3 V Lo f LX) f Co Co M 0) N [m w CD 1 R V L L cc rr j .�ff' 0 f P Ci3 �w�r�.y CI "s ss' t rrrr. LM 1 U. 1 f 0 0 CACp 1 1 10 1 CO r m L of F Q CL [m w CD R V L L cc rr j .�ff' 0 f P Ci3 �w�r�.y CI "s ss' t rrrr. LM cv 1 v 0 0 .�.r. �r N C O V Main 1 1 E j i tiU j Co r�� n �I v L L) GL L€ CL CL r` Co CM Q 1� f Co f y �.r .....r L cu V (rj !y■ .:,C FLU J tl31 1 i CL A f.l�a q 3 "=3 •111.•i E i O o 0 73 f t RS C= (`mow■ 'I V� J G� to 4-a M r Co tt� c� 3 r 0 t7 0 0 d7 is- t o Los 0 o a. IWO D o f E o Cc r� slow Lr w 3 0 I Gi fill 0? y /1 G Ca m v E[� ca r r■ A v i �/�j i �T►/^�]' 'i� I H o j/��� C■ Al F 3 'o m Cl) 2 3 z f (3 i C f S U i f r M F U 0 U 11 r r T O 1 0 Co 0) (D q 0 CV Lo i M N 0 Ca vcfl,r• Q7 0[x 0; N 0 n M Gi r•• U) 0 r `nCD P''�... T Cm s Co CSI Co r N f cc r Cm f t3o Co T OCCi 1-4 CV Clo r'r;r N Clo CV tyU N Go r Cad Go (CV Co CV CM C'►] C'� N f CV Ctrl f Cm [11 N l Cm 1 CN CV CV CV Cpl CV C �no: N M CSI CV 00LO o cv Ln ca- co :t cDoLo€ r` as Cfl Ni r` F No NI q 3 Lo -oo� -ic) i as��- Qo 0 I f` 3 cl] c t` :t d f� ;acv f• f•_ co m LC} N f` t N CZ7 N C37 �t cc) co N Ln I l o N V 00 M N cocv CD C I QD r- CO N�tr` CD Ci7 o C� :000= CU CD "TooN d" Lr) N coocv Ct" C7D N 0 N o N CV CSI n N T a3 rn rn Cs� C37 Co m u sir► CD std- r c N�N�ot! m C\j CJ co t� C D Vomit CV r� I`_ r` CYj co T- r r C37 N CD o CC7 CD CC) C) a) co 't N qj- j a) q 3 Lo EE j CD 3 f` o o co Qo 0 I f` 3 cl] o �t t` :t d f� CD f• f•_ co m LC} N f` t N CZ7 N C37 mt CS7 cc) co a) 1 co Nr C37 r` C) N co l o V 00 M N Q CD C I QD r- CO C) CD CD Ci7 o d' CU CD (37 d" Lr) N d" Ct" C7D N 0 N zt r T CU o t C� I r• C3� t• T sir► ^i C7 Cr"3 N N I C 3 t CYj co T- _CD; €NECC3 co o0(.0Co o C) -r-- co co 001 C) (M N� CC) E r �t o LO o cyom o a Cn0 Ln'ctcr7� zt n CV CD CD N Cv co 0:ca0 m LO OD o 1 ;3 r` t� CY Lr] LO -r o Ccr) ;t CD co Lo a7 Lo CY) c) C.0 co Lo o OD jj LO 1_ N (3) cr) (D t C�7 LO QD rn N tt r o J C3 m n I T f r CD CU CD C7D CD LO T cC3 0 N zt t T Co. r` o C) -r-- co co o C) (M o E r �t o LO 0 C) o a zt n CV CD CD N Cv co C) m LO zt co Ct �t CC3 r C'7 LCD co co Ct] (D CX3 I QD 0 0 LO QD N f` m C6 N C3 m CD N (3) Cv O N C7D CD LO r^ zt C� CU o t C� I r• C3� t• T sir► ^i t co T- m o ;I- f• o o a c� o t C� o CY) N L,r� CD cr) I a� Lo 0 o C'7 C'7 N Ct] (D L Cn l LO cY 0 0 (m N Lo f C3) C) co CD Rt- Lo cv cr) (3) Cv 0) co r^ f` sir► ^i Lo co _CD; €NECC3 co 4 0 co C33 m Lf C;7 N N f` t` co CD 4 CY? co CD d) 0Cv I o (M f` N co co 0tLoLo€ i (fl lql 0) ao 'd' N Lo' oNL CD r*. a) oLOLO C7 C) CC3 C37 N c� It t CD t` r` %zt N LO N CO N 0 et m co N N t 'It CO 1'� LO cn -It F S s v j co 0 MOORE i� v Q f f cn E 13: CU t3 I oil CD LM G3 a tV .tG I Chi 4) En C) �m D m ORRRR CIS 1 C!3 N .r� U. 01 0 1: cc U. 1 3: r f r cn:u co R IM cu 0 co t Ct? 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(D tC� CO 0 ss NN.1. fI11MN M... fN1.SS .rI... f to i N in t1J CA 0 0 3 i ICE G� m E pp ■.rwN N.N. ar• N.NN .NIN. ow" .,INN. 1 f 117 It cz C) 4 LO LD r• e1 CD CO 1S7 t7 tD tl3 t[7 117 t1'i I` ti cc co co co t 117 N N N� C��! N�� N t~ti1 C'V N N= N� N N CQ w co N1, E f F r C� o a t o 0 va o a LO Lo 10 LO 100 c) 00 0 0 C) 00 O) 0 o CY] C] l 1 r C� c o LINO r` o Cf) fn r-. Cr7 Lf] (5 C7C3 CJ �t o cr) 0') o LO o C� Q r� C A D r C37 co CO C• Lf E C{7 Ln o C� N r) Lo r� c� N CD_ S J r� N r 0= LiJ =Ctrl a Co N 00 C11 r` C� r� N N N= L 3 L!7 N Co 'U N Cr] Co LO C) CN1 zD C'7 r T I r F E 0 NOW CA 3 of TMMM N cn LO a) N N NININNN p ;C CO cv' Ls p C V cm N N C l N N N O ""N" A, ,0 j a t E E E I E 1 1 W i i tr+ 00-00 tap #tap tap co co Co E Q N 06 co ...r. R#SSS MASS. ■E :NN. .INNS ...MML 12 tv L C CD t!i MO s... s U *mA Mossa *a :1 *-A 4-0 SOMMA 1 20-0 't Lm. cn -0 IMMUNE .01 m 0 0 w o 70 so so s� F INN 3 f Q? 1 CO CL.c MISSION. (D tC� CO 0 ss NN.1. fI11MN M... fN1.SS .rI... f to i N in t1J CA 0 0 3 i ICE G� m E pp ■.rwN N.N. ar• N.NN .NIN. ow" .,INN. 1 f 117 It cz C) 4 LO LD r• e1 CD CO 1S7 t7 tD tl3 t[7 117 t1'i I` ti cc co co co t 117 N N N� C��! N�� N t~ti1 C'V N N= N� N N CQ w co N1, f cam] co d LO N CY 0 0 CD c) r` CD -t cv mot co LO LO -t- CY] C] l 1 r c o C\ 0 r-. d7 LO 0 -r- F CV CO 0 N o C� Q r� C A D C37 co CO C• Lf d C1' E C37 C7 'fit f Go r� c� N CD_ S J r� N r o LiJ Tf N 1 o a Co C 3 co m ri C� r� CO N LO co LO co CD m m r- N Co 'U N Cr] Co Lfl Cdl L C'7 r T I r F E 0 NOW CA 3 of TMMM N cn LO a) N N NININNN p ;C CO cv' Ls p C V cm N N C l N N N O ""N" A, ,0 j a t E E E I E 1 1 W i i tr+ 00-00 tap #tap tap co co Co E Q N 06 co ...r. R#SSS MASS. ■E :NN. .INNS ...MML 12 tv L C CD t!i MO s... s U *mA Mossa *a :1 *-A 4-0 SOMMA 1 20-0 't Lm. cn -0 IMMUNE .01 m 0 0 w o 70 so so s� F INN 3 f Q? 1 CO CL.c MISSION. (D tC� CO 0 ss NN.1. fI11MN M... fN1.SS .rI... f to i N in t1J CA 0 0 3 i ICE G� m E pp ■.rwN N.N. ar• N.NN .NIN. ow" .,INN. 1 f 117 It cz C) 4 LO LD r• e1 CD CO 1S7 t7 tD tl3 t[7 117 t1'i I` ti cc co co co t 117 N N N� C��! N�� N t~ti1 C'V N N= N� N N CQ w co N1, C7 P 3 -It C') CD N 07 C D LD C\r t` c) co Lo r-.. Q Lo 0 f` CDcy co N 0 N m d' CD CC) CY) (Y) cr) f 1 00 f vD o0) x rnc9Lr)1 N CD �a C33 I CD Lo co 0 C\ 1 caN N (3) Lo C r-�cD� C.0 "t0) 11 ;3 1 a o ©v as�a moo 'Cf co C� v7 E co C� M C Lf 7 N 0 }tip Lr) L0 Lr) co C 3 r 1 CC) j C CY) CD C� N CD N a7 co C7 CD CD c7 Cl Cl] co Rl co cr) oaf r"- C7 c 0cr) t` Co cy7 t N I r cr cr) d' ff C'7 CQ j N --we 1-J Lo f C7 I d' 0) N f CD tS7 CD CD oo co 1 00 f N 'tt C7 cr) CD CD Lo co 0 (fl i N C 3 t tt] r E D7 11 ;3 1 'Cf co C� v7 C D d co C� M C i Lf 7 N 0 0 d' r mot' L L0 co C 3 r 1 CC) j C CY) CD C� N N a7 C7 co CD c7 C C r Rct I co 3 t i f i C I O oCDa� oo a� `0a gym. ���a3: LO Lo Lo co CD r r` Lo co I f 3 j r^ N C7 C7 C .y v CD CD Co C'r7 C'7 L J N f` CD f CD L0 i Lo L Lo .n f CD I CD r� co s Ci] m 11 ;3 N co C D 3 co CD C 3 Cf' CD d" i m J tI3 P C'7 z-- d7 Co is in N cv Co cod .r Lo Kol 11 Aft oo�CD Co C) rnCV r� LO co Lo r N 0o o'er L(7 LO o C7 N LC] N co 111- r• Cr] w CY] co N CV CD r` CD C�7 C'U LO CD CD Li3 CD C�? r Co M cv co LO cf o C� N m m CC) co M T 0 Lim cc 0 �F C37 Ln (c� �y� T a� g I Lf7 N :mow w( N Cf? C) co o N LO o o �t U N 1 I` CO C) CO CD r LO N N N CO CY) C'Y7 L O C7 Cp I co r' q CO i i N C7 Ca j: i I i r T i c o LO I t f Cr S E C37 I I I I i r S 3 I X11 0 t co 3 3 i C� C�! CF] N LO f I CD I I I N I I S r C37 Co 00 L O N N N N C7 r` s CD d° CD i V I N CC) CA o CD L� co 0 r­- CQ Ln C f CY7 CY] �r-- f C7 C�3 CD t T T T N f` 1 N ch CD f`_ 0 T LC] Cfl Cr] r r` N LO 0 o T LC3 T N i Co c co 1 C4 r` T if N C) 00 00 N Lo l D co "t co LC7 LO Cfl CY C11 r� N C37 c� s t C7 T r` N CD r� C�3 �t r T N f T co C3] i m CD co 4�11 0 co C) C'7 t S q q I o (M f LO 0) f f f f 3 S S f i f j S i r` Lo CM! o 't C\j 1 I N W r CD E I j I Ln i d7 r� N CD CD o T Loco s CU L O t r` Co Cl� Q 47 Ni- C 3 CY7 C37 N f CY3 CJ ��Ln Co "t o CD �c)�) Cpl r• co I O cm co tl] LO co co co CD LO C6 Cc� 0 C� �t o Lit? CV Co co Cr3 Cu C� r: ti co N N 'r N (Co N' a t Z T mot' OC) 'cf tt N L�3 ce 0.: C1J 11 Aft oo�CD Co C) rnCV N cx� L�] o'er L(7 v .n r cn c r• c� co ca r`. QD co o M cv co N N CD CD I I c� co m Ln 0 Lim 0 f N o C37 Ln (c� r*-- CO LO o N T a� N N Lf7 N :mow C�7 N Cf? j T r- r` Lf 3 U N r` c C*3 3 f I q i i N C7 Ca j: i i i c o LO i j OD N d Cr cr) D7 00 E C37 Co N o CO LO X11 0 co CD o C� C�! CF] N LO C37 L[7 CO I CD ❑7 N LO N r C37 Co 00 L O N N N N N CD (3) S d�' N LO C7C3 CD CV Y� C f CY7 CY] �r-- 00 CD LO i Rt Ln N O LO LO w u i i i 1 f i I I I I C N co d' co Co f f r~ s CD CY] C] o (M CY3 CD LO 0) 1 r` LO N LO t i LO i r` Lo E N co (D N I` CD C3) Lf 3 Ln Lf3 d7 r� N CD LO CU L O [d r` Co N o o-- o j LCD C� CD C? C7 co C7 CD I O cm N co tl] LO co co co CD r` CD N C OC) co 'cf tt N L�3 I I CITE( OF ALAM ELBA Memorandum To: Honorable May0r and Members of the City council Honorable chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission From: Lisa Goldman Acting city Manager/Acting Executive Director Date: February 1, 2011 Re: Accept the FY09 -1 o Audited Financial statements and Compliance Reports The Alameda city charter Article IV, section 4 -2, various financing covenants., and rules associated with restricted funding sources, require the city of Alameda to publish financial statements presented: in conformance with generally. accepted accounting principles (CARP) and to be audited by a firm of licensed certified public accountants. The financial reports noted in the .exhibit section of this report below include financial statements and supplemental data that summarize the. results and operations. of. all funds. and g ive the financial position of the city for FY09 10. The comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is prepared in accordance with nationally recognized reporting standards established. by the Governmental Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The CAFR and the other reports and .fln.ancial statements are on file with the city Clerk. After acceptance, the CAFR will be included in the Finance section of the city's website. DISCUSSION The city's CAFR shows that the city continued to hold a sound financial position for F.°Y.09- 10. The CAFR contains the. basic financi the City (including the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (AR RA Community Improvement Commission (CIC Ala.m.ed Municipal Power (AMP) and Alameda Housing Authority (AHA) as component units), and contains the following: I�Wi&dpli, 17W A genda �Nr: E 02-01 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 1, 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the ARRA Page 2 of 3 Honorable Chair and Members of the CIC Introductory Section: This section contains the City's transmittal letter, which highlights accomplishments and discusses. economic conditions and outlook. This section also contains a listing of principal officials, a City -wide organization chart, a map of the area and a copy of .an award to the City for. excellence in financial reporting from the Governmental Finance officers Association 0f the United States. Financial Section: This section includes the. auditor's opinion letter, the Management Discussion and Analysis of the financial statements, and the financial statements for each of the City's funds. Budget to actual comparisons for most funds can be found within these statements. Statistical Section: This section provides .information regarding financial trends, revenues and debt capacity, demographic and economic information, as well.as information relating to City operations. This section includes graphs of.relev.ant historical data, which can be useful in analyzing the changes of the financial condition of the City over the previous ten fiscal years. The General Fund is the chief unrestricted operating fund of the City of Alameda: At June 30 2010, the City's General Fund had a fund balance of approximately $22 million, which included unrestricted, available. funds of approximately $1.5 million, with the balance reserved primarily.for.fire station improvernents.and for loans made to.other funds. This was higher than the amount projected.as the beginning balance in the adopted budget for p g FY10 -11, due primarily to. lower than expected expenditures in several categories. Available retained earnings .(i.e. working capital) in the.City's Internal Service Funds totaled approximately $4 million as of June 30, 2010, which was higher than the amount projected as the beginning balance in the adopted budget for.FY10 -11, due to lower than expected expenditures for Risk Man.age.rnent and .Equipment Replacement. Available retained .earnings in .t.he city's Enterprise Funds. whiph accounts far .the City's Seger, Ferry and Golf Course operations) totaled approximately.$1 4million as of June 30, 2010, which was higher than the amount projected.as thebeginning balance in the budget for FY10 -11, due to carryovers of fun.ds.to FY10 -11 for some serer related capital projects. Fund balances in the .City's. other. restricted governmental funds (including CIC. and ARRA totaled approximately $80 million as of June 30, 2010.: This was higher than the amount projected as the beginning balance in the FY1 0 -11. adopted budget, due to the carryover of funds to FY10 -11 for a number of capital. projects. These funds .are governed :b many y covenants and restrictions and may only be used on specific projects and programs. The auditors have. issued a Memorandum on Internal Control and Required Communications., which noted four recommendations for. follow -up by Staff, all of which staff will look toward implementing in FY10 -11, and none of which is considered a material weakness. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 1, 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the ARRA Page 3 of 3 Honorable Chair and Members of the CIC FINANCIAL IMPACT Acceptance of this report does not affect the City's budget or its financial condition. The report reflects an audit of the City's financial records for all funds at June 30, 2010. RECOMMENDATION Accept transmittal of FY09 -10 Audited Financial statements and Compliance Reports. Respectfully submitted and approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibits (all for FY09 -10): 1. City of Alameda Comprehensive Annual Financial Deport (CAFR) on file in the City Clerk's office 2. Agreed Upon Procedures Report on Compliance with vehicle Code section 40200.3 Parking Citation Processing 3. Agreed Upon Procedures Report on Compliance with the City's Appropriations Limit 4. Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Plans 1079 and 1082 Audit Report) on file in the City Clerk's office. 5. Metropolitan Transportation .Commission Grant Program Financial statements 0. Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority of.the City of Alameda, Component Unit Basic Financial Statements) on file in the City Clerk's office 7. Community Improvement Cor mission of .the City of Alameda, Component Unit Basic Financial.Statements) on file in the Cit y Clerk's office 3. Memorandum on Internal Control and Required Communications.. 9. City of Alameda Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authorit y .Measure B 2000 Funds Financial statements cc: City Auditor City Treasurer Maze Associates +Caporicci and Larson, Inc. 0 'i F n TV El"" ­­­­­-­1 ­7 A Ufa A.NC Y CORPORATIO U A. ii.• F kY. >'i>.<•::! f �Y x l i: '.vim -Y�::: �i- S i. Y s::% it -f' 3 C O r A-GRE To m PRo F.n E Y S .E O .N Cold L► N E WI THE R P.oS I on 1 1 2009-20 APPROPRIATIONS L T C EN M-I. Honorable M. 'A nor and members of the Cite Council and City ,auditor of the C ity of Alameda, Alanif,-da, California We have applied- the procedures below to the Appropriations Limitation Worksheet for the City of A lameda for h r ended d un 2010. These procedures, which were suggested the League of `al or..i.. Cities and presented In their Artic X tl1B Appropriations Limitation ..in lforr G .l d l .n -es, .w.ere performed so l e ly to as lst you In meeting the requirements of Section. ,5 of Article XHEB Of the Cal.lfomia Constitution. This encracrement to apply .greed -upon procedures was perfomied in accordance with standards established by h American Institute of Certified c Accountants. The sufficienc y of the procedures. is solely the responsibility of the specl.filed users of this report.. Consequ mtly, Make no representation regarding the su fficiency of the procedures despribed below ei for th p for hick this re port has been. requested of for any other purpose. This report is intended for the. information. of management and the City Council however, this restriction ls not intended to lint the. distribution o .this reporL w. hlch is a matter of public record. The procedures you requested, us to perfonn. and our f mdings were as f°ollo v�ls: A. We obtained the Appropriations Limitation pork -sheet and detern ined that the 2009-2010 Appropriations lmit of $84,266,213 and muival adj ustment factors were adopted by reso of the City Council. We also deterr med that the population and inflation options ears selected by a recorded Grote of the City Council. B. We recomputed the 2009 Current Appropriations Limit by multl�l rin® the 2008-2009 Prior Year Appropriati Limit on th.e Wo rk shett b the annual. adjustment factors C. For the .:appropriations Limitation orksh e� w agreed the Per Qnlpita hicom C ounty and City Population Factors to California State. Department of Finance Worksheets. These agreed procedures are substwitially less in scope than an .ud.it, the objectiv of which .ls the expression of an. opinion on the Appropriations Limitation Worksheet. Accordingly, w e do not express such an opinion. I -:ad we perfonned additional pro.c dures or mad an audit of the. Appropriations LftT.Itation W orksheet and the other completed worksheets described above, matters might have come to our attention which would have been reported. to you. ea Q., O 1, 2010 ..4- y �.+c:+`. .d Yw i�:f.$_'•5�� Tw�2.�'l'- .3�T%�J•?.`} ou s it 9 Authorit of the Cit of Alameda 701 Atlantic Avenue -Alameda, California 94501 -2161 -Tel: (510) 747 -4300 Fax: (510)522-7848 TD D: (510) 522-3467 To: Honorable chair and Members of the Board of Commissioners From: Lisa Goldman Acting chief Executive Officer Date: February 1, 2011 Re: Authorize the Acting chief Executive officer to Negotiate and Execute a Purchase and sale Agreement for the Islander Motel Property Located at 2428 central Avenue BACKGROUND On November 10, 2010, the Community Improvement Commission (CIC) authorized the Interim Executive Director to negotiate and execute a. purchase and .sale agreement for the Islander Motel property located. at 2428 Central Avenue. It is proposed to acquire the property and renovate it as permanent affordable housing for very low- and. lo- income households. The Islander Motel, located in the Business and. Waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP) Area, is well suited to be redeveloped as workforce housing given its proximity to downtown Alameda. Staff initially anticipated that the .CIC would acquire the property from the owner and, subsequent to securing all required financing, the. CIC would quitclaim the property to the Housing Authority for long -term ownership. However, staff has determined. that. it is more efficient for the Housing Authority to acquire the property directly from .the owner. Therefore, it is requested that .the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners (BOC) authorize the Acting chief Executive officer to negotiate and execute the purchase and sale agreement rather than the CIC Acting Executive Director. The CIC will continue to partner with the Housing Authority on this important project. DISCUSSION Other actions taken by the CIC in November 2010, included authorizing issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to secure a development partner and appropriating funds from the BWIP Affordable Housing Fund balance for due diligence reports and deposits. Based on the proposals received in response to the RFQ, the. Housing Commission, at its January 10, 2011 meeting, selected Resources for Community Development (RCD). RCD and staff are working diligently to submit an application pursuant to the state Housing and Community Development Department's Notice of Funding Availability for the Multifamily Housing Program. Applications are due on A Item Honorable Chair and February.1 2011 Members of the Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 3 March 3, 2011. Approval of the Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) and commitment of local funding is scheduled for a special meeting of the City Council, CIC and BOC on February 15, 2011. Authorizing the Housing Authority to negotiate and execute the purchase and sale agreement streamlines the transaction and is more cost- effective. The C.IC, which .does not oven property on a long -term basis, will no longer be a party to the transaction and therefore the need to convey the property from the CIC to the housing Authority is eliminated. In addition, due to technical requirements of. tax credit financing, while the Housing Authority will oven the land and enter into a long -term lease vv.ith RCD, RCD must oven the improvements for a certain amount of time. The .transaction is more efficient when the Housing Authority, as the long -term owner, purchases the land and RCD purchases the improvements. The CIC will continue to provide the local funding commitment and the. affordable u.n.its will be inclusionary units. pursuant to California. Redevelopment Law. The recommendation to authorize the Housing Authority to negotiate and execute the purchase and sale agreement, rather than the CIC, is .a .technical md.ification. The substance of the proposed. transaction. to acquire and renovate the .Islander Motel for permanent housing affordable to very love- and low- income households is consistent with the CIC's November 10, 2010 direction. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no impact to the City's .General Fund to authorize Housing Authority staff, rather than CIC staff, to negotiate and execute a purchase and sIe agreernert for the Islander Motel property located at 2428 Central Avenue. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Acquisition and rehabilitation of the Islander. Motel for re -use as. permanent affordable housing is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant .to Section 15301 of the Act. Section 15301 addresses existing facilities and. exempts minor alterations to existing structures. No exceptions (found in Guidelines Section 15300.2) apply that would defeat the use of the. exemption. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the Acting Chief Executive officer to negotiate and. execute a.purchase and sale agreement for the Islander Motel property located at 2428 Central Avenue. Honorable Chair and February 1, 2011 Members of the Board of Commissioners Page 3 of 3 CITY OF ALAM E D Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council Honorable chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission Honorable chair and Members of the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners From: Lisa Goldman Acting city Manager /Acting Executive Director /Acting chief Executive officer Date: February 1, 2011 Re: Approve a Public l m.provements Reimburse.rnent Agreement between the City of Alameda and the. Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda and Adopt Related Resolutions. for the Funding of Public Improvements in the Alameda. Point mprovernent Project Area Approve an Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement between the Housing Authority of.the city of Al ameda. and the Community Improvement Commission of the city of Alameda and Adopt Related Resolutions for. the Funding of Affordable Housing in the Alameda Point Improve rent Project Area BACKGROUND On Monday, January 10, 2011, Governor Brown issued his 20.11- 12..budget proposal. The proposal includes the dissolution of redevelopment agencies statewide and the requirement that all future tax increment be used only to sati the agencies e xi st i ng obligations. Given the current budget proposal, staff. is recommending that. the Community Improvement Commission of the city of Alameda (CI.C the C redevelopment agency, and the City of Alameda enter into are agreeMent .for funding public improvements .(Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement) (Exhibit 1 associated with the projects and priorities. that City. and C.I.0 have previously envisioned for the Alameda .Point Improvement Project (A P.1 area (Exhibit 1). The CIC would agree to fund the improvements with existing and future tax increment financing from the APIP redevelopment area, and the City would agree to. implement the public infrastructure improvements. The APIP consists generally of th land. that eras the former Laval Air station crest of Main street, also referred to as Alameda Point (Exhibit 2 r �e. Agen dR'. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 1, 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the CIC Page 2 of 4 Honorable Chair and Members of the HABOC DISCUSSION Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement The CIC currently has numerous projects in various stages of development, from pre- conception to actual construction. These projects range from significant public infrastructure projects to participation in public- private development projects. The CIC also maintains a list of future potential projects that could be funded with future CIC resources and that would assist in the elimination of blight and serve as a catalyst for private investment in the. APIP area. These public infrastructure projects (Projects) comprise the capital improvement program attached as an exhibit to the Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement that the City will agree to implement with tax increment funds from the CIC. The total cost of these public improvements is currently estimated to be. approximately $155 million, based on current estimates of non housing tax increment financing potential. The cost of these improvements represents only a portion of the. overall cost of public infrastructure requirements for redevelopment of Alameda Point.. Examples of these important public improvements include: off -site roadway improvements necessary to mitigate traffic impacts; neighborhood, community and regional park facilities; creation of a publicly accessible and active waterfront along the Seaplane Lagoon; and flood protection measures to protect against flooding and sea -level rise along the northern boundary of the property. Upon implementation, the identified projects will improve the local economy and accelerate recovery from the current economic downturn; construct, rehabilitate or replace publicly -owned capital improvements and public improvements to facilitate new economic development; provide housing; and ensure the creation of local, high- quality construction and permanent jobs. California Redevelopment Law (CRL) provides that the CIC, a California redevelopment agency; may, with the consent of the City Council, pay for public improvements that are publicly owned either within or contiguous to a redevelopment project area, if the City Council determines that: 1) The acquisition of land or installation or construction of such public improvements that are publicly owned are of benefit to the redevelopment project area by helping to eliminate blight within the project area or providing housing for low- or moderate- income persons. 2} No other reasonable means of financing the acquisition of land or installation or construction of the buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements that are publicly owned are available to the community. Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Februar 1, 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the CIC Pa 3 of 4 Honorable Chair and Members of the HABOC 3) The pa of redevelopment a funds for the ac of land or the cost of buildin facilities, structures or other improvements. that are publicl owned are available to the communit T-he Projects included in the Public Improvements Reimbursement A meet these re Staff recommends that the Cit Council and .CIC enter into the Public Improvements Reimbursement A to ensure that ..e ..e s sential public improvements that remove bli and improve economic development in the APIP area are implemented. Affordable Housin Reimbursement A Redevelopment of Alameda Point, one-fourth of the Cit land area, is critical to the overall economic viabilit of the Cit The land plan, contained in the..C Re.use Plan, the APIP, and a number of other plannin documents, calls. for a mix of development. Pursuant to a le settlement a 2.5% of all housin built.at Alameda Point must be affordable to ver low-, low-, and moderate income. households. This obli is in addition to the Homeless Accom which provides 200 units of housin for formerl ho households.. The requi r ements. '.o.f. the settlement a will result in at least 450 new afford h ou si ng units. It Js incumbent upon the CIC to make low- and moderate-income funds (20% tax inc funds) a vail a ble to the Housin Authorit to meet this mandate. It is currentl estimated tha $70 million will be re to provide the local g ap financin for this housin as well as to contribute to the affordable housin fair.share of the pub I ic. infrastruc cost. Staff recommends that the HABOC and CIC enter into an Affordable Housin Reimbursement A to ensure, that the l eg all y re affordable housin obli is met throu construction of housin for ver low-, low- and moderate- income households (Exhibit 3). FINANCIAL IMPACT The Public Improvements Rehr A would encumber existin and future tax increment from the CIC APIP area to cover the costs of the.Pro such as public improvements, pro and initiatives outlined in the attached Public Improvements Reimbursement A The Affordable Housin Reimbursement A wo e existin and future low- and moderate-income funds (20% tax inc.rement.funds) from the. CIC APIP area to fund the rehabilitation and production of housin affordable to ver low-, low-, and moderate-income households as outlined in the Agreement. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City council February 1, 2011 Honorable chair and Members of the CIC Page 4 of 4 Honorable chair and Members of the HABOC RECOMMENDATION Approve a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement between the City and the Community Improvement Commission of the city of Alameda and adopt related resolutions for the funding of public improvements in the Alameda Point Irnprovemen Project area. Approve an Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement between the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda and the Community Improvement Commissio n of the City of Alameda and adopt related resolutions for the funding of affordable housin g in the Alameda Point Improvement Project area. B Q'�� Dorene E. Soto Business Development Manager Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibits: 1. Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement 2. Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REIMBURSEMENT: AGREEMENT (Alameda P Comm Impr o veme W P.roje.,L.) THIS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT ("A is entered into this da of 1 .2011 b and between the -CITY OF ALAMEDA ("Cit and the COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF. THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ("Commission"), with reference to the followin f A. Commission has prepared a Communit Improvem ent Plan Comm -Lit Improvement Plan" for ..the Alameda Poi Improvem P ect.Ar ("Project A which results in the allocation of .propert taxes fi- om the Project A r e a to the Commission: ("Tax Increment") pursuant to. Secti 3.3670(b) of th Co mm un i t y Redevelopment Law Health Safet Code Section 33000 et se ("CRL" for purposes of redevelopment. B. The intent of the .Com I Plan is in part, to provide for the construction and inst of necessar p u blic.infra.stract u r e and f4ciliti and. to. fac the restoration and/or repl of existin inade public facilities to .take all other necess actions to implement the Co Improvement Plan. f or the Pro A rea and to e xpend Tax Increment to accomplish the g oals and objectives of the Communit Improvement Plan. C. Th Com ha a d o pted a Five -Year Implementation Plan for the Project Area ("Imple m ent a tion. P lan") establishin g oals fo r elimination. bli production of affordable housin construction .of infrastructure and public. improvements and c ommunit y and commercial revitali Toilpplement.th.e.pro and .activities ,asso associated with.ea.ch g oal, the Commission has..Committed rede fu f rom the Pro A on es available Tax Incremen revenue and debt finan struc Th.e.-Community. Improvement Plan and the Implementation Plan and. all.official.records.of the.Commission, as ainended.from time to time, are incorporated herein b reference. D. Pursuant to ..Section 33220 of the. CRL, certain public bodies, includin the -Cit ma aid and cooperate in the planning, undertakin or operation of red e pro Commission desires assistance .and coop offl-ie City .carr out the public infrastructure and impro p listed i E xhibit I attached h and. incorporated herein b this reference (collectivel "Pro Thepro and activities associated with the Projects include but are not limited to ac of propert developmen t of de si criteria, desi plannin preparation of construction bid documents, financial anal financin project administration and new construction or rehabilitation, as applicable. E. The Cit is willin to aid .and cooperate with th Co to eypedi.tio implement the Projects. i ac w ith the Alameda Poin Improvement Plan and Implementation Plan on the condition that Commission pled Net Available Tax Increment, as defined in Recital F below, to finance the Projects in this current fiscal y ear and forthcomin fiscal y ears. OAK -#4847-0252-0328 v2 F. For purposes of this Agreement., "Net Available Tax Increment" means any all Tax Increment revenues, including (1) any and all Tax Increment funds currently held by the Commission, which are not budgeted or appropriated for payment of other indebtedness or obligations of the Commission; (2) any and all net proceeds of bonded indebtedness currently or hereafter held by the Commission or any lawful successor of Commission (ex cept to the extent otherwise determined by the City Manager on behalf of the City and the Commission executive Director on behalf of the Commission); and (3) all future Tax Increment revenues allocated to the Commission, or any lawful successor of Commission, pursuant to the Community Improvement Plan and the CRL or other applicable law, to pay indebtedness of the .Commission after the Commission or its successor has made all necessary annual payments with respect to other outstanding debt obligations of the Commission, including without limitation bonded indebtedness, pass through payments owed to affected taxing entities under. .written agreement or Sections 33607.5 or 33607.7 of the CRL, written agreements with other persons. or entities, and any other statutorily required payment obligations of the Commission, but excluding those Tax Increment revenues which Commission is required to deposit into the Com-inission's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund established pursuant to Section 33334.3 of the CRL. C. The City Council "Council and the Commission Board by. resolution have each found that the use of Commission's Net Available Tax .Increment for the publicly -owned improvements described in Exhibit 1 is in accordance with Section 33445 o f the CRL and other applicable law. Said Council and Commission resolutions are each based. on the authority of the Commission, with the consent of the Council, to pay all or part of the cost of the land for and the installation and construction of any facility, structure, or other improvements which are publicly owned either inside or contiguous to a project area, if the Council makes certain detenminations. H. By approving and entering into this Agreement, the Commission has approved the pledge of Net Available Tax Increment from the Project Area to pay for the Proj eets. The obligations of the Commission under this Agreement. shall. constitute an indebtedness of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the Community Improvement Plan for the Project Area and a pledge of Net Available Tax Increment received by the Commission from. the .Project Area to pay such indebtedness under the provisions of Article XVI, Section l6 of the Constitution of the State of California, the CRL and the Community Improvement Plan. I. This Agreement is in addition to, and does not supersede any other cooperative, repayment or reimburse ment agreements entered into between the Commission and the City. Now, THEREFOR, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: I INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS 1.1 The recitals above are an integral part of this Agreement and set forth the intentions of the parties and the premises on which the parties have decided to enter into this Agreement and are incorporated into the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2 OAK 44847Wo?s2 -a -32g vz 2. COMMISSION'S OBLIGATIONS 2.1 The Commission agrees to pay to the City the amounts set forth in Exhibit I or such lesser amounts to the extent the costs incurred by City to carry out the Projects are less than the budgeted amounts set forth in Exhibit 1 to reimburse City for all costs incurred by the City in connection with the Projects, including without limitation all costs of planning, land acquisition, financing, development, permitting, design, site testing and environmental rernediation, other predevelopment activities (e.g., preparation of appraisals, geotechnical analyses, title reports and relocation plans), bidding, project administration, construction and construction management. The Commission's obligations under this Agreement, including without limitation the Commission's obligation to make the payments to the City required hereunder, shall constitute an indebtedness of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out thu redevelopment of the Project Area and are obligations to make payments authorized and incurred pursuant to Section 33445 and other applicable statutes. The obligations of the ommission set forth in this Agreement are contractual obligations that, if breached, will subject. the Commission to damages and other liabilities or remedies. 2.2 The obligations of Commission under this Agreement shall be payable out of Net Available Tax Increment, as defined in Recital F above allocated to the Commission or any lawful successor entity of the Commission to carry out the Community Improvement Plan and /or pay indebtedness of the Commission pursuant to Section 33670 et serf. of the CRL, .Article XVI, Section 16 of the Constitution of the State of California, and any other applicable constitutional provision, statute or other provision of law now existing or adopted in the future. 2.3 The indebtedness of Commission under this Agreement shall be subordinate to the rights of the holder or holders of any outstanding bonds, notes or other instruments of indebtedness (all referred to herein as "indebtedness of the Commission incurred or issued to finance redevelopment of the Project. Area, including without limitation any pledge of Net Available Tax Increment revenues from the Project Area to pay any portion of the principal and interest (and otherwise comply with the obligations and covenants) of any bond or bonds heretofore issued or sold or issued or sold in the future by the Commission with respect to the Project Area. 2.4 All payments due to be made by the Commission to the City under this Agreement shall be made by the Commission within the times set forth in Exhibit l and as otherwise necessary to reimburse the City for the costs incurred by City in performing its obligations hereunder. City shall provide Commission with a report from time to time as requested by Commission accompanied by evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Commission's Executive Director that City's progress in the development and construction of tie. Project for which payment is requested is commensurate with the amount of the requested payment and that City has incurred costs or obligations equal to or greater than the amount requested. 3. CITY'S OBLIGATIONS 3.1 The City shall accept and devote any and all funds offered by the Commission pursuant to this Agreement solely to completion of the Projects by (i) reimbursing City accounts or using such funds to make City expenditures to perform the work required to carry out and 3 OAK Y4547 -02s2 -0328 v? complete the Projects; (ii) utilizing such fiends to pay debt service on bonds or other indebtedness or obligations that the City has or will incur for such purposes; and /or (iii)'paying such funds into a special fund of the City to be held and expended only for the purpose of satisfying the obligations of the City hereunder. 3.2 It is the responsibility of City to pay all development and construction costs in connection with the Projects from funds paid to the City by the Commission under this Agreement. 3.3 Prior to commencement of work on any of the listed Projects, all necessary environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act "CEQA shall be completed. This Agreement in no way limits the discretion of the Planning Board, the Commission Board or the City Council in completing environmental review of the Projects. 3.4 The City shall perform its obligations hereunder in accordance with the applicable provisions of federal, state and local laws, and shall timely complete the work required for each Project within the times set forth in Exhibit 1 4. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 4.1 h7 contemplation of the provisions of California G`rovenuuent Code Section 895.2 imposing certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason of such entities being parties to an agreement as defined by Government Code Section 895, the parties hereto, as between themselves, pursuant to the authorization contained in Government. Code Sections 895.4 and 895.6, shall each assume the full liability unposed upon it, or any of its officers, agents or employees, by law for injury caused by negligent or wrongful acts or omissions .occurring in the performance of this Agreement to the same extent that such liability would be. unposed in the absence of Govenunent Code Section 895.2. To achieve the above stated purpose, each party indemnifies, defends and holds harmless the other party for any liability, losses, costs or expenses that may be incurred by such other party solely by reason of Government Code Section 895.2. 5. DEFAULT 5.1 If either party fails to perform an obligation required by this Agreement within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving written notice from the non defaulting party, the party failing to perform shall be in default hereunder. h1 the event of default, the non- defaulting party will have all the rights and remedies available to it at lain or in equity to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation the right to sue for damages for breach of contract. The rights and remedies of the non defaulting party enumerated in this section. are cumulative and shall not limit the non defaulting party's rights under any other provision of this Agreement, or otherwise waive or deny any right or remedy, at law or in equity, existing as of the date of the Agreement or hereinafter enacted or established, that may be available to the non.- defaulting party against the defaulting party. All notices of defaults shall clearly indicate a notice of default under this Agreement. 4 OAK 44847 0252 -0328 v2 6. MODIFICATION OF PROJECTS 6.1 The City and Commission may modify the list of Projects and time schedules set forth in Exhibit 1 from time to time to provide for the use of additional federal, state and local funds; to account for unexpected changes in available revenues; to modify or delete a particular project; to modify the cost estimate for individual projects; to maintain consistency with the City's General Plan or the Community Improvement Plan; or to take into consideration unforeseen circumstances including circumstances that may come to light as a result of subsequent CEQA review. Any such modifications shall be in writing and subject to approval by the City Council and Commission Board. 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 7.1 This Agreement and the obligations of the City and Commission. hereunder shall terminate upon the earlier of completion of the Projects by the City and Commission's reimbursement of City's costs incurred in connection therewith or by June 30, 2041. 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals, each of which is deemed to be an original. 8.2 This Agreement integrates all of the terns and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties with respect to the subject utter of this Agreement. 8.3 This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the City and the Commission. Notwithstanding any reference in this Agreement to persons or entities other than the City and the Commission, there shall be no third party beneficiaries under this Agreement. 8.4 All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement and all amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. 8.5 If any term, provisions, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions. shall continue in full force and effect. 8.6 This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of all successors and assigns of the parties, whether by agreement or operation of law. [Signatures on following page) 5 OAK #4847 -0252 -0328 v2 III WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. CITY OF ALAMEDA COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA i Lisa Goldman, Acting City Manager Attest: Lara Weisiger, City Clerk 6 OAK #4847-0252-0328 Q Lisa Goldman, .Acting Executive Director Attest: Lara Weisiger, Secretary Exhibit 1 ALAS EDA POINT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET AND SCHEDULE of PERFORMANCE _Qr•hafh darl Aarfnrmnnr n Project Description Cost FY Start FY Complete Backbone Infrastructure Demolition Phase f and Adaptive Reuse $18,126,000 2014 2 026 2 Flood Protection Adaptive Reuse $39,603,000 2014 2016 3 Storm Drain System Adaptive Reuse $21 2014 2026 4 On -Site Roadway Reconstruction for Adaptive Reuse and Partial Funds for Bus Rapid Transit $16,596,000 2014 2026 Subtotal Backbone Infrastructure $96,172,000 Parks and open Space 1 Linear Park Main Street $2,575,000 201 4 2026 2 Sea Plane Lagoon Frontage $25,685 2014 2026 3 Neighborhood and Community Parks $13,583,000 201 4 2 026 4 Park and open Space Adaptive Reuse $1 ;91 0 2014 2026 5 Regional Park Facilities $14,800 2014 2026 Subtotal Parks and open Space $68 Total Public Improvements $164,725,000 !Vote: The budgeted costs above include construction costs plus 25% contingency, 14% Professional Services, 4% Plan Check Inspection, 3% Construction Management and 2% Contract Administration. A Its AFFORDABLE HOUSING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (Alameda Point Improvement Project) THIS AFFORDABLE HOUSING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT "Agreement is entered into this day of 201 L by and between the COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALA VIEDA and the HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA "Authority with reference to the following facts: A. Commission has prepared a Community Improvement Plan Community Improvement Plan for the Alameda Point Community .Improvement Project Area Project Area which result in the allocation of property taxes from the Project Area to the .Commission "Tax Increment pursuant to Section 3 3 670(b) of the Californiaonlmunity Redevelopment Law (Health Safety Code Section 3 3000. et seq.) "CRL for purposes of redevelopment. B. The intent of the Community Improvement Plan is, in part, to provide for the production and rehabilitation of for -sale and rental housing affordable to very lover low- and moderate income persons and families; to tale all necessary actions to implement the Community Improvement Plan for the Project Area; and to expend Tax. Increment to .accomplish the affordable housing goals and objectives of the Community .Improvement Plan. C. The Commission has adopted a Five -Year Implementation Plan for the Project Area "Implementation Plan establishing goals for, among other. things, elimination of blight and production and rehabilitation of affordable housing. To implement the prograrn .and activities associated with each affordable housing goal, the Commission has committed... redevelopment funds from the Project Area based. on estimated available Tax Increment revenue and debt financing structures. The Community Improvement Plan and the Irnple .entation Plan and all official records of the Commission, as amended from time to time, are .incorporated herein by reference. D. Pursuant to Section 3 3 220. of the .CRL, certain public bodies, including the Authority may aid and cooperate in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of redevelopment projects. Commission. desires assistance and cooperation of the .Authority to carry out the affordable housing programs and projects listed in Exhibit l attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference .(collectively, "Projects The .affordable housing programs and activities associated with the Projects .include but are not limited to .acquisition of property, development of design criteria, design, planning, preparation of construction bid documents, financial analysis, financing, project administration and new constru ction or rehabilitation, as applicable. E. The Authority is willing to aid and cooperate with the Commission to expeditiously implement the Projects in accordance with the Community Improvement Plan and Implementation Plan on the condition. that Commission pledge Net Available .L.MI .Funds, as defined in Recital F below, to finance the Projects in this current fiscal year and forthcoming fiscal years. CCIARRAXIC/HABOC OAK #4850 -7043 -9432 v I f F. For purposes of this Agreement, "Net Available L.MI Funds". means that portion of the Tax Increment revenues, currently 20/0, which Commission is required to deposit into the Commission's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund established pursuant to Section 33334.3 of the CRL ("LMI Funds including (1) any and all LMI Funds currently held by the Commission, which are not budgeted or appropriated for payment of other indebtedness or obligations of the Commission; (2) any and all net proceeds of Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund bonded indebtedness currently or hereafter held by the Commission or any lawful successor of Commission (except to the extent otherwise determined by the. Chief Executive Officer on behalf of the Authority and the Commission Executive Director on behalf of the Commission); and (3) all future LMI Funds allocated to the Commission, or any lawful successor of Commission, pursuant to the Community Improvement Plan and the CRL or other applicable law, to pay Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund indebtedness. of the Commission after the Commission or its successor has made. all necessary annual payments with respect to other outstanding Law and Moderate Income Housing Fund debt obligations, including without limitation bonded indebtedness, pass- through payments owed to affected taxing entities under written agreement or, if applicable, Sections 33607.5 or 33607.7 of the CRL; written agreements with other persons or entities, and any other statutorily required payment obligations of the Commission. O. By approving anal entering into this Agreement, the Commission has approved the pledge of Net Available LMI Funds from the Project Area to pay for the Projects. The obligations of the Commission under this Agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the Community Improvement Plan for the Proj ect Area and a pledge of Net Available LMI Funds received by the Commission from the. Proj ect Area to pay such indebtedness under the provisions. of Article XVI, Section 16. of the. Constitution of the State of California, the CRL and the Community Improvement Plan. H. This Agreement is in addition to, and does not supersede any other cooperative, repayment or reimbursement agreements entered into between the Commission and the Authority. NOVA, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS 1.1 The recitals above are an integral part of this Agreement and set forth the intentions of the parties and the premises on which the parties have decided to enter into .this Agreement and are incorporated into the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. COMMISSION'S OBLIGATIONS 2.1 The Commission agrees to pay to the .Authority the amounts set forth in Exhibit 1 or such lesser amounts to the extent the costs incurred by Authority to carry out the Projects are less than the budgeted amounts set forth in Exhibit 1 to reimburse Authority for all costs incurred by the Authority in connection with the Projects, including without limitation all costs of planning, land acquisition, financing, development, permitting, design, site testing and environmental remediation, other predevelopm.ent activities (e.g., preparation of appraisals, OAK. #14850- 7043 -9432 v geotechnical analyses, title reports and relocation plans), bidding, project administration, construction and construction management. The Commission's obligations under this Agreement, including without limitation the Commission's obligation to make the payments to the Authority required hereunder, shall constitute an indebtedness of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the redevelopment of the Project Area and are obligations to make payments authorized by Section 33334.2 et seq. of the CRL. The obligations of the Commission set forth in this Agreement are contractual obligations that, if breached, will subject the Commission to damages and other liabilities or remedies. 2.2 The obligations of Commission under this Agreement shall be payable out of Net Available LMI Funds, as defined in Recital F above, allocated to the Commission or any lawful successor of the Commission to carry out the Community Improvement Plan and/or pay indebtedness of the Commission pursuant to Section 33670 et seq.. of the CRL, Article XVI, Section 15 of the Constitution of the State of California, and any other applicable constitutional provision, statute or other provision of law now existing or adopted in the future. 2.3 The indebtedness of Commission under this Agreement shall be subordinate to the rights of the holder or holders of any outstanding bonds, notes or other instruments of indebtedness (all referred to herein as "indebtedness of the Commission incurred or issued to finance redevelopment of the Proj ect Area, including without limitation any pledge of Tax Increment revenues from the Project Area to pay any portion of the principal and interest (and otherwise comply with the obligations and covenants) .of any bond or bonds heretofore issued or sold or issued or sold in the future by the Commission with respect to the Project Area. 2.4 All payments due to be Blade by the Commission to the Authority under this Agreement shall be made by the Commission within the times set forth in Exhibit 1 and as otherwise necessary to reimburse the Authority for the costs. incurred by Authority in performing its obligations hereunder. Authority shall provide. Commission .with a report from time .to tune as requested by Commission accompanied by evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Commission's Executive Director that the Authority's progress in the development and construction of the Project for which payment is requested is commensurate with the amount of the requested payment and that Authority has incurred costs or obligations equal to or greater than the amount requested. 3. AUTHORITY'S OBLIGATIONS 3.1 The Authority shall accept and devote any and all funds offered by the Commission pursuant to this Agreement solely to completion of the Projects by (i) reimbursing the Authority's accounts or using such funds to make Authority expenditures to perform the work required to carry out and complete the Projects; (ii) utilizing such funds to pay debt service on bonds or other indebtedness or obligations that the Authority has or will incur for such purposes; and/or (iii) paying such funds into a special fund of the Authority to be held and expended only for the purpose of satisfying the obligations of the Authority hereunder. 3.2 It is the responsibility of Authority to pay all development and construction costs in connection with the Projects from funds paid to the Authority by the Commission under this Agreement. OAK #4850 -7043 -9432 v 3.3 Prior to commencement of work on any of the listed Projects, all necessary environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") shall be completed. This Agreement in no way limits the discretion of the City Council, Planning Board, the Commission Board or the Authority Board in completing environmental review of the Projects. 3.4 The Authority shall perform its obligations hereunder in accordance with the applicable provisions of federal, state and local laws, and shall timely complete the work required for each Project within the tinges set forth in Exhibit 1 4. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 4.1 In contemplation of the provisions of California Government Code Section 895.2 imposing certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason of such .entities being parties to an agreement as defined by Government Cede Section 895, the parties hereto, as between themselves, pursuant to the authorization contained in Government Code Sections 895.4 and 895.6, shall each assume the full liability imposed upon it, or any of its. officers, agents or employees, by law for injury caused by negligent or wrongful .acts or omissions. occurring in the performance of this Agreement to the same extent that such liability would be imposed in the absence of Government Code Section 895.2. To achieve the above- stated purpose, each party indemnifies, defends and holds harmless the other party for any liability, losses, costs or expenses that may be incurred by such other party solely by reason of Government Code .Section 895.2. 5. DEFAULT 5.1 If either party fails to perform an obligation required by this Agreement within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving written notice from. the non defaulting party, the party failing to perform shall be in default hereunder. In the event of default, the non defaulting party will have all the rights and remedies available to it at law or in equity to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation. the right to sue for damages for breach of contract. The rights and remedies of the non defaulting party enumerated in this section are. cumulative and shall not limit the non defaulting party's rights under any other provision of this. Agreement, or otherwise waive or deny any right or remedy, at law or in equity, existing as of the date of the Agreement or hereinafter enacted or established, that may be available to the non defaulting party against the defaulting party. All notices of defaults shall clearly indicate a notice of default under this Agreement. 6. MODIFICATION OF PROJECTS 6.1 The Authority and Commission may modify the list of Projects and time schedules set forth in Exhibit 1 from time to. time to provide for the use of additional federal, state and local funds; to account for unexpected changes in available revenues; to modify or delete a particular project; to modify the cost estimate for individual projects; to maintain consistency with the City's General Plan or the Community Improvement Plan; or to tale into consideration unforeseen circumstances including circumstances that may come to light as a 4 OAK #4850 -7043 -9432 v1 result of subsequent CEQA. review. Any such modifications shall be in writing and subject to approval by the Authority Board and Commission Board. 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 7.1 This Agreement and the obligations of the Authority and Commission hereunder shall terminate upon the earlier of completion of the Projects by the Authority and Commission's reimbursement of Authority's costs incurred in connection therewith or June 30, 2041. 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals, each of which is deemed to be an original. 8.2 This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 8.3 This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the Authority and the Commission. Notwithstanding any reference in this Agreement to persons or entities other than the Authority and the Commission, there shall be no third party beneficiaries under this Agreement. 8.4 All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement and all amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. 8.5 If any term, provisions, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 8.6 This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of all successors and assigns of the parties, whether by agreement or operation of lave. [Signatures on following page] 5 OAK #4850 7043 -9432 v IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ALAMEDA. COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMED A By: Lisa Goldman, Acting Chief Executive Officer MD Attest: Michael T. Pucci, Secretary Re., mended for A r al: r Michael T. Pucci Executive Director Lisa Goldman, Acting Executive Director Attest: Lara Weisiger, Secretary 6 OAK #4850- 7043 -9432 v1 Exhibit 1 ALAMEDA POINT AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUDGET AND SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE Scheduled Performance Project Description Cost FY Start FY Complete Local Share of Funding for Inclusionary Housing- Units 1 25% of 1800 residential units constructed must be affordable $40,000,000 2014 2026 to very low low and moderate- income households 2 Prorata share of backbone infrastructure $9,000,000 2014 2026 Subtotal Local Share of Funding Inclusionary Units $49,000,000 Local Share of Funding Homeless Accommodation 1 Alameda Point Collaborative Infrastructure $4,000,000 2014 2020 2 Alameda Point Collaborative Rehab /Relocation $8,000,000 2014 2020 3 forth Housing Homeless Accommodation $9,000,000 2016 2022 Subtotal Local Share of Funding Homeless Accommodation modation $21 Total Affordable Housing 1 $70,000 Note: The budgeted costs above include construction costs plus contingency, Professional Services, Plan Check Inspection, Construction Management and Contract Administration. CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE APIP PROJECT AREA WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda ("Commission") is carrying out the Community Improvement Plan lrn rovemer t Plan for the Alameda Point Im rovement Pr ("Community P p Project "Project and CL CL WHEREAS, under the Community Improvement Plan, the City of Alameda "City shall aid and cooperate with the Commission in carrying out the Project and shall take actions necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the purposes of the Community Improvement Plan and to eliminate and prevent the recurrence or spread of conditions causing blight within the area of the Project "Project Area" and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33220 of the California. Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code. Section 33000, et seq.) the "CRL for the purposes of aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking, construction or operation of redevelopment projects within the Project Area, the City may, among other things, exercise the .following powers: sell. or lease any of its property to the Commission; cause public improvements to be furnished in connection with redevelopment projects; plan or replan and zone or rezone an part of a redevelopment project; and enter into agreements wi th the Commission respecting actions to be taken pursuant to any such pourers; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445(a) of the CRL, the Commission may, with the consent of the City Council of the City of. Alameda "City Council pay all or part of the value of the land for and the cost of the installation and construction of any buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements which are publicly owned and located inside.or contiguous.to a project area upon a determination by the City Council ..that such building, facilities, structures or other improvements. are .of benefit to the project area .by helping to eliminate blight within the project area, that. no other reasonable means of financing the acquisition of the land or installation. or construction of such buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements that are publicly owned are available to the community, that the payment of. funds for the acquisition of the land or installation or construction of the building, facilities, structure or other improvements that are publicly owned is consistent with the implementation plan adopted by the Commission pursuant to Section 33490 of the CRL; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445(c) of the CRL, when the value of the land or the cost of installation and construction of a building, facility, OAK #4s29- 0205-0312 V1 Resolution #3_A CC o2 -o2 -11 structure, or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, has been, or will be, paid or provided for initially by the city, the Commission may enter into a contract with the City under which the Commission agrees to reimburse the city for all or part of the value of the land or all or a part of the cost of the building, facility, structure or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, by periodic payments over a period of years; and WHEREAS, the Commission and city Council have prepared and wish to enter into a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement ("Ag e nt" to provide for city's development and construction of certain public improvements ("Public Improvements within or contiguous to the Project Area and Commission's reimbursement of city for the costs of the Public Improvements; and WHEREAS, a program Final Environmental Impact Report was prepared and certified on the Community Improvement Plan "Final.EIRs 11 in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQX),.which included analysis of the Public Improvements on a programmatic level; and WHEREAS, at this time there are no preliminary drawings, plans or other sufficient information to enable a meaningful environmental assessment of the specific Public Improvements, and consequently, the Agreement provides that the commitment of funds to and commencement of the specific ro jects set p forth therein shall be subject to completion of additional environmental review and analysis, as required by 0 EQA. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The city council hereby finds and determines that the provision of the proposed Public Improvements are of be to the Project Area as they will help to eliminate blight within the Project Area, that no other reasonable means of financing the Public Improvements are available to the community; and that the payment of funds for the Public Improvements is consistent with the Commission's Implementation Plan for the Project -adopted pursuant to Section 334.90 of. the CRL. These findings and determinations are based upon the following facts: a. All the. Public Improvements are either located within or contiguous to the Project Area and will assist in eliminating the following blight conditions: Alameda Point contains many old, deteriorated, and functionally. obsolete buildings. In many cases, the cost of a building upgrade would exceed the replacement value of the structure and require significant capital investment, leading to the need for demolition. In addition to deteriorated building stock, Alameda Point contains many adjacent uses that would be incompatible in civilian communities. Structures OAK #4829 -0200 -0312 v12 related to maintenance and repair work, heavy industrial uses, and large warehouses can be found in or near residential neighborhoods. Development patterns in the area are irregular, with clusters of industrial buildings grouped together with limited points of entry and vehicular access. Legal parcels have not been created in many areas, and landscaping is minimal. In general, land use does not comply with present General Plan and zoning standards or present market conditions. Finally, the new infrastructure needed to revitalize Alameda Point presents a significant financial challenge to the city. b. Although the city is able to aid and assist the commission by undertaking the Public Improvements. and initially providing the funds necessary for the acquisition of land .or the construction or installation of the.. Public I mprovements, the city lacks the resources necessary.to permanentl y fund the Public Improvements from the .General Fund, and other potential sources of funds are no longer available or are inadequate. The city' General Fund continues to be eroded by increased insurance and liability costs and State mandated programs which are not fully funded by the state. Further there has been a marked. decline in tax revenues and the availability of State and federal grants over the P ast several years. c. The Implementation Plan for the Project contains the specific goals and objectives of the Commission for e Projeot Area, the specific programs, including potential projects, and estimated expenditures proposed to be made during the next five years, and an explanation how the g oals and objectives, programs, and expenditures will e.limi blight within the Project Area. The Public Improvements are consistent with the Implementation. Plan, as the goals and programs provide for the elimination of inadequate public improvements and the provision of public infrastructure of benefit to the Project Area consistent with the Public I mprovements set forth in the Agreement. Section 2 The. city council hereby approves the Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement and hereby .authorizes and directs the city Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City, subject to an 1 y minor, technical or clarifying changes that may be approved by the city Attorney. The city council hereby further authorizes and directs the city Manager to take all actions and execute all documents as necessary to carry out the Agreement and accomplish the acquisition of land, installation and construction of the Public Improvements and the Commission's reimbursement OAK #4829 -0205-0312 v13 of city for the costs of the Public Improvements as provided for in the Agreement. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the council of the city of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1 st day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ray hand and affixed the seal of said city this 2nd day of February, 2011. Lara Weisiger, city clerk City of Alameda OAK #4829-020155-0312 v14 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMISSION AND CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE APIP e� PROJECT AREA P 2 x WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Commission of the Cit y of Alameda "Commission is carrying out the Comm unit Improvement Plan g y p an Irn rovement Plan for the Alameda ("Community P Point Improvement Project "Project") and WHEREAS, under the Community Improvement Plan, the. Cit y of Alameda "City shall aid and cooperate with the Commission in carrying out the Project and shall take actions necessary to. ensure the fulfillment of the purposes of the Community Improvement Plan and to eliminate and p revent the recurrence or spread of conditions causing blight within the area of the Project Project Area"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33220 of the California.. Community Redevelopment Law (Health and safety Code Section 33000, et se the "CRL"), for the purposes of aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking, construction or operation of redevelopment projects within the Project Area, the City may, among other things, exercise th.e.following powers: sell or. lease any of its property to the Cornm.ission; cause. public improvements to be. furnished in connection with redevelopment projects; plan or replan and zone. or rezone any part of a redevelopment project; and enter into. agreements :with the Commission respecting actions to be taken pursuant to an such powers; and y p WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445(a) of the CRL, the Commission may, with the consent of the City Council of the. City of Alameda "Clt y Council pay all or part of the value of .the land for and. the cost of the installation and construction of any buildings, facilities, structures. or other improvements which are publicly owned and located inside or contiguous to a project area upon a determination by the City Council that such buildin g facilities, structures or other improvements .are of benefit to the project area by helping to eliminate blight within the project area, that no other reasonable means of financing the acquisition of the land or installation or construction of such buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements that are ublicl y owned are available to the community, that the payment of funds for the acquisition of the land or installation or construction of the build.in 0 facilities structure or other improvements that are publicly owned is consistent with the implementation plan adopted by the Commission pursuant to Section 33490 of the CRL; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445(c) of the CRL, when the value of the land or the cost of installation and construction of a building, facility, OAK #4824 6420 4296 v1 Resol 3 A CIC 02 -02 -11 structure, or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, has been, or will be, paid or provided for initially by the city, the Commission may enter into a contract with the City under which the Commission agrees.to reimburse the City for all or part of the value of the land or all or a part of the cost of the building, facility, structure or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, by periodic payments over a period of years; and WHEREAS, the Commission and city Council have prepared. a.nd .wish to enter into a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement ("Agreement" to provide for city's development and construction of certain public improvements "Public Improvements within or contiguous to the Project Area and Commission's reimbursement of City for the costs of the Public Improvements; and WHEREAS, a program Final Environmental Impact Reports was prepared and certified on .the Community .Improvement Phan "Final EIRs in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act "CEQA which included analysis of the Public Improvements .on a program ma.tic .level; and WHEREAS, at this time there are.no preliminary drawings, p fans :or other sufficient information to enable a meaningful environmental assessment of the specific Public Improvements, and consequently, the Agreement provides .that the commitment of funds to and commencement of the specific projects set forth therein shall be subject to completion of additional environmental review and analysis, as required by CEQA. NOW THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 Commission hereby .finds and determines that .the provision of the proposed Public Improvements are of benefit to the Project Area as they will help to eliminate blight within the Project Area, that no. other reasonable means of financing the Public Improvements are available to. the community; v and that the payment of funds for the Public Improvements .is consistent with the Commission's Implementation Plan for the. Project adopted. pursuant to Section 33490 of the CRL. These findings and determinations are based upon the following facts: a. All the Public Improvements are either located within or contiguous to the Project Area and will assist in eliminating the following blight conditions: Alameda Point contains many old, deteriorated, and functionally obsolete buildings. In many cases, the cost of a building upgrade would exceed the replacement value of the structure and require significant capital investment, leading to the need for demolition. In addition to deteriorated building stock, Alameda Point contains many adjacent uses that OAK #4524 -6420 -4296 v12 would be incompatible in civilian communities. structures related to maintenance and repair work, heavy industrial uses, and large warehouses can be found. in or near residential neighborhoods. Development patterns in the area are irregular, with clusters of industrial buildings grouped together with limited points of entry and vehicular access. Legal parcels have not been. created in many areas, and landscaping is minimal. In general, land use does not comply with present General Plan and zoning standards or present market conditions. Finally, the new infrastructure needed to revitalize Alameda Point presents a significant financial .challenge to the City. b. Although the city is able to. aid and assist the commission by undertaking the Public Improvements and initially providing the funds necessary for. the acquisition .of. .land or the construction or ins.tal.lation of. the Public Improvements, the city .lacks the resources necessary to permanentl y fund the Public Improvements from. the General Fund, and other potent.ial.. sources of funds are no. longer. available. or are inadequate. The City�s General.. Fund. continues to be eroded by increased insurance and liability costs and state mandated programs which .are not fully.funded .by the state. Further there has been a narked decline in tax revenues and the availability of state and federal grants over the p ast several years. c. The I mpleme.ntation Plan for the Project contains. the specific goals and objectives of. the Commission for. the Project Area, the specific programs, including potential projects, and estimated expenditures .proposed to be shade during the next five years, and an explanation of hove the goals and objectives, programs, and. expenditures will eliminate blight within the Project Area. The Public Improvements are consistent with the Implementation Plan, as the. goals and programs provide for the elimination. of inadequate public improvements and the provision of public infrastructure of benefit to the Project Area. consistent with the Public Improvements set forth in the .Ag reernent. Section 2 The Commission hereby approves the Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement and .hereby authorizes and directs the Executive Director of the Commission to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Commission, subject to any minor, technical or clarifying changes es that may be approved by the Commission's counsel. The Commission hereby further authorizes and directs the Executive Director to take all actions and execute all documents as necessary to carry out the Agreement and accomplish the acquisition of land, installation and construction of the Public OAK #4524 6420 v13 Improvements and the commission's reimbursement of city for the costs of the Public Improvements as provided for in the Agreement. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Community Improvement Commission of the city of Alameda in a Special Community Improvement Commission meeting assembled on the V day of February, 2011, by the following vote to grit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said Commission this 2nd day of February, 2011 Lara Weisiger, Secretary Community Improvement Commission Marie Gilmore, chair Community Improvement Commission OAK #4824 64 -4296 v14 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 2 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE API P PROJECT AREA WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda Commission) is carrying out the Community Improvement Plan "Community Improvement Plan for the Alameda Point Improvement Project "Project"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33220 of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000, et seq. (the LL 7f CRL the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda "Authority may enter into agreements with the Commission for the purposes. of aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking, construction or ..operation of redevelopment projects within the City of Alameda, including to facilitate the production and rehabilitation of affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the Commission and Authority have prepared and wish to enter into an Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement ("Agreement") to provide.for. the production and rehabilitation of affordable housing within the City of Alameda and Commission's reimbursement of Authority for the costs of affordable housing projects undertaken pursuant to the Agreement Housing Projects and WHEREAS, a program Final Environmental Impact Report was prepared and certified on the Community Improvement Plan "Final EI Rs in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA which included analysis of the Affordable Housing Projects on a programmatic level; and WHEREAS, at this time there are no preliminary drawings, plans or other sufficient information to enable a meaningful environmental assessment of the specific Affordable Housing Projects, and consequently, the Agreement provides that the commitment of funds to and commencement of the specific projects set forth therein shall be subject to completion of additional environmental review and analysis, as required by CEQA; Novo, THEREFORE, THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The Authority hereby approves the Affordable Housing g Reimbursement Agreement and hereby authorizes and directs the Chief Executive officer to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Authority, subject Y 1 to any minor, technical or clarifying changes that may be approved by the OAK #4829 5762 -4840 v1 Resolution #3 -A. HABOC 02 -02 -11 Authority's counsel. The Authority hereby further authorizes and directs the Chief Executive Officer to take all actions and execute all documents as necessary to carry out the Agreement and accomplish the Affordable Housing Projects and the commission's reimbursement of the Authority for the costs of the Affordable Housing Projects as provided for in the Agreement. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of 2011 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: FINWOR01 61,15 Marie Gilmore, chair Board of commissioners ATTEST: Michael T. P ucci Executive Director/Secretary OAK #4829-5762-4840 v12 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMISSION AND THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE APIP PROJECT AREA WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda Commission is carrying out the Community Improvement Plan ("Community improvement Plan for the Alameda Point Improvement Project "Project and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33220 of the California C.ommunity Redevelopm 'ent Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000, et seq.) (the "CRL the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda. Authority may enter into agreements with the Commission for the purposes of aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking, construction. or operation of redevelopment projects within the City of Alameda, including to facilitate the production and rehabilitation of affordable housing, and WHEREAS, the Commission and .Authority have prepared and. Irish to enter into an Affordable Housing Reim burse nent Agreement ("Agreement') to provide for the production and rehabilitat on of .:affo.rdable housing within the City of Alameda and Commission's reimbursement of Authority for the. costs of affordable housing projects undertaken pursuant to the Agreement "Affordable blousing Projects and WHEREAS, a program Final Environmental Impact Report.was prepared and certified on the Community Improvement Plan ("Final. EIRs") in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act "CEQA which Included analysis of the Affordable Housing Projects on a programmatic level; and WHEREAS, at this time there are no preliminary drawings, plans or other sufficient information to enable a meaningful environmental .assessment of the specific Affordable Housing Projects, and consequently, the Agreement provides that the commitment of funds to and commencement of the specific projects set forth therein shall be subject to. completion of additional environmental review and analysis, as required by CEQA. N0W THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 The Commission hereby approves the Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement and hereby authorizes and directs the Executive Director to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Commission, subject to any OAK #4827- 15642 -9320 v1 Resolution #3 -A ClC 02-02-11 minor, technical or clarifying changes that may be approved by the Commission's counsel. The Commission hereby further authorizes and directs the Executive Director to take all actions and execute all documents as necessary to carry out the Agreement and accomplish the Affordable Housing Projects and the Commission's reimbursement of the Authority for the costs of the Affordable Housing Projects as provided for in the Agreement. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Community Improvement Commission of the city of Alameda in a Special Community Improvement Commission meeting assembled on the 1st day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said commission this 2nd day of February, 2011. Lara Weisiger, Secretary Community Improvement Commission Marie Gilmore, chair Community Improvement Commission OAK #4827-D v12 CIT ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission honorable Chair and Members of the Mousing Authority Board of Commissioners From: Lisa Goldman Acting City Manager /Acting Executive Director /Acting Chief Executive Officer Date. February 1 2011 Re. Approve a Public. improvements. Reimbursement. Agreement between the City of Alameda and the Community 1 mprovement Commission of the .City of Alameda and Adopt Related Resolutions for .the Funding of Public. improvements. in the Business and Waterfront. improvement Project and the vest .End Com munity_l rr provement Project Areas Approve an Affordable Housing Reirriburserrent Agreement between. the Housing Authority of the City of Alarneda .and the Community 1 mprovement Commission of the City.of Alameda and. Adapt Related.%Res.0lutions .for the. Funding of Affordable Housing in the B and Waterfront Improvement Project and the West End Community Improvement Proiect Areas On Monday, January 10, 2011, Governor Brown issued his 2011 -12 budget proposal. The proposal ..includes the dissolution of redevelopment agencies statewide and. the requirement that all future tax increment be used only to s atisfy. t he agencies existing obligations. Given the current budget proposal, staff is recommending that the Community Improvement Commission ..of the City... of Alameda (CIC) the City's redevelopment agency, and .the City of Alameda enter into an agreement .for funding public improvements (Public Improvement Reimbursement Agreement) (EXhibit 'l.} associated with the :projects. and priorities that the City. and. +CIC have previously envisioned for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP). and the West End Community. Irr provernent Project (W.EQIP) areas. The CIC would agree. to fund the improvements with. existing and future tax increment financing (80% funds) from the BWI P and WECIP redevelopment areas;. and. the City mould agree. to implement the public infrastructure improvements. The BWIP consists generally. of.. the northern Agenda CC/AR1WCiC/HAB0C 02-01-11 Honorable Ma and Me of the Cit Council F e bruar y 1, 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the CIC Pa 2.of 5 Honorable Chair and Members of the HABOC waterfront and Park Street and Webster Street business districts, and. the WECIP consists g enerall y of the Marina Villa area. In addition, it is recommended that the CIC and H o usin g A enter. into an a for fundin affordable housin (Affordable Housin Reimbursement A (Exhibit 2). Th funds will b used to preserve .a expand suppl of affordable housin consi with the g oals and. objectives .of th.e BWIP WECI Communit Improvems ent Plans and Five-Year. Implementation Plan. Pur uant to the attached a the CIC w ould fund the. affordable housin with existin and future Low-.and Moderate-Income funds, currentl 20% of .tax incremen fun.ds.received fro rn the BWIP and WECIP improvement areas, and the Housin Authorit would implement the.affordable housin pro DISCUSSION Public Improvements Reimbursement A The CIC currentl has numerous projects, ran f r om p.r e-development. to actual construction. These projects include si public infrastructure ects and p.ro participation in public-priyate development. pro The C.IC also maintains a list of potential projects that co.uld..b fundedwith future -CIC resources and. thatwould assist in the elimination of bli a serve as a catal f private inv in. the BWIP and WECIP areas. Thes public infrastruct pro (Projects) comprise. the capital improvement pro att a s an exhibit to Publi Improvements Reimbursement A that. the Cit will. agree .to implement. with. tax increment funds from the CIC. Thetotal cost of. the pub.lic. improvements is currentl e stimated to be $64 million.. Examples .of these important p vements :inc.lude-.. the. Mitchell Aven pe...exten.sio n.from. Ala Landi t plain .Street; the:Cle.ment.Aven ue improvements and extension.. alon the northern waterfront, and the next phases .of the Park Street and Webster street streetscape improvements. Upon implementation, the identified projects. will improve the local. econom and accelerate recover from the c urrent economic downturn; -construct, rehabilitate or replace publicl capital i and public improvements to fa new economic development; provide housin and ensure the creation .of local, hi construction and permane jobs. California Redevelopment La (CRL) pro.vi.d.es.that the CI.C, a Calif redevelopment a ma with the consent of the Cit Council, pa for public improv that. are publicl either within or conti to a redevelopment pro area, if the Cit Council determines that: 1) The ac of land or installation or construction of such public improvements that are publicl are of benefit to the redevelopment Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council February 1, 2011 Honorable chair and Members of the CIC Page 3 of 5 Honorable chair and Members of the HABOC project area by helping to eliminate blight within the project area or providing housing for lour- or moderate- income persons. 2) No other reasonable means of financing the acquisition of land or Installation or construction of the buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements that are publicly-owned are available to the community. 3) The payment of redevelopment agency funds for the acquisition of land or the cost of buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements that are publicly owned are available to the community. The projects included in the Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement meet these requirements. staff recommends that the city council and CIC enter into the Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement to ensure that essential public improvements that remove blight and improve economic development in the city are implemented. ,affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement In October 2010, the city Council accepted a report entitled affordable Housing Development Pipeline. The report identified a. number of affordable. housing projects to be developed by the Housing Authority,, in partnership with the CIC, over the next ten years. Those projects identified as.. short -to- medium term could be .developed within the next five years, and longer -term projects. would.b.e developed within ten years. These affordable housing projects comprise..the affordable housing program attach.ed..as are exhibit to the reimbursement agreement .and include the acquisition and rehabilitation .of the Islander motel, constructiorn of the recently approved project. for. adults with developmental disabilities at 2216 Lincoln Avenue,and a proposed .affordable housing project at the former Island ..High school site. The Housing Authority agrees to implement these projects with low- and moderate- income funds (20% tax increment funds) received from the CIC. The total local funding commitment for these projects is currently estimated to be $27 million. Affordable housing is a critical unmet need throughout the Bay Area, and the city of Alameda is no exception. Funding the preservation and expansion of housing affordable to very low low and moderate income. households is key to a vibrant and sustainable local economy. In addition to funding these important activities, 20 °Io funds are used to administer the CIC's inclusionary housing program, and undertake various reporting activities, as required by state lair. Staff recommends that the CIC and HBOC enter into the attached Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement to ensure that critical projects are completed to provide affordable housing to very low low and moderate- income residents. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 1, 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the CIC Page 4 of 5 Honorable Chair and Members of the HABOC FINANCIAL IMPACT The Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement would encumber existing and future tax increment from the CIC BWI P and W ECI P areas to cover the costs of the Projects, such as public improvements, programs .and initiatives outlined in the attached Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement. The Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement would encumber existing and future low- and moderate income funds (20% i.ncremer t funds) .from the CIC BWIP and WECIP areas to fund the rehabilitation and production of housing affordable to very low low and moderate- income households as outlined in the Agreement. Z r 00.7�r1f6101 r........_ Approve a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Alameda and the Community Improvement Commission of..the City of Alameda and adopt related resolutions for the Funding of Public Irnprovements.in the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area and the West End Community Improvement Project Area. Approve an Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement between the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda and the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda and adopt related resolutions for the funding of affordable housing in the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project and the finest End Community I mprovement .Project Areas spiArC.tfully sub fitted, Tli -h Je�1Yi'f� Ott De ut City Manager Dorene 0o B.us..i :.Dev.e.lpprne.nt :Manager i ebbie otter Housing Development and Programs Manager Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 1, 2011 Honorable Chair and Members of the CiC Page 5 of 5 Honorable Chair and Members of the HABOC Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibits: 1. Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement 2. Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area dap 3. Affordable Dousing Reimbursement Agreement PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (West End and Business and Waterfront Community Improvement Projects) THIS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT "Agreement is entered into this day of 2011 by and between the CITY OF ALAMEDA "City and the COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALA MEDA ("Commission"), with reference to the following facts: A. Commission has prepared Community Improvement Plans "Community Improvement Plans for the west End and Business and waterfront Community Improvement Project Areas "Project Areas"), which result in the allocation of property taxes from the Project Areas to the Commission "Tax Increment pursuant to Section 3 3 670(b) of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.) "CRL for purposes of redevelopment. B. The intent of the Community Improvement Plans is, in part, to provide for the construction and installation of necessary public infrastructure and facilities and to facilitate the restoration and/or replacement of existing inadequate public facilities; to take all other necessary actions to implement the Community Improvement Plans for the respective Project Areas; and to expend Tax Increment to accomplish the goals and objectives of the respective Community Improvement Plans. C. The Commission has adopted a Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Project Areas "Implementation Plan establishing goals for elimination of blight, production of affordable housing, construction of infrastructure and public improvements and community and commercial revitalization. To implement the programs and activities associated with each goal, the Commission has conu redevelopment funds from the Project Areas based on estimated available Tax Increment revenue and debt financing structures. The Community Improvement Plans and the Implementation Plan and all official records of the Commission, as amended from time to tune, are incorporated herein by reference. D. Pursuant to Section 33220 of the CRL, certain public bodies, including the City may aid and cooperate in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of redevelopment projects. Commission desires assistance and cooperation of the City to carry out the public infrastructure and improvement projects listed in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (collectively, "Projects The programs and activities associated with the Projects include but are not limited to acquisition of property, development of design criteria, design, planning, preparation of construction bid documents, financial analysis, financing, project administration and new construction or rehabilitation, as applicable. E. The City is willing to aid and cooperate with the Commission to expeditiously implement the Projects in accordance with the Community Improvement Plans and Implementation Plan on the condition. that Commission pledge Net Available Tax Increment, as Exhibit I I to OAK #4843 1788 -8776 v2 Agenda Its 02-01-11 defined in Recital F below, to finance the Projects in this current fiscal year and forthcoming fiscal years. F. For purposes of this Agreement, "Net Available Tax Increment" means any and all Tax Increment revenues, including (1) any and all Tax Increment funds currently held by the Commission, which are not budgeted or appropriated for payrnent of other indebtedness or obligations of the Commission; (2) any and all net proceeds of bonded indebtedness currently or hereafter held by the Commission. or any lawful successor of Commission (except to the extent otherwise determined by the City Manager on behalf of the City and the Commission Executive Director on behalf of the Commission); and (3) all future Tax Increment revenues allocated to the Commission, or any lawful successor of Commission, pursuant to the Community Improvement Plans and the CRL or other applicable law, to pay indebtedness of the Commission after the Commission or its successor has made all necessary annual payments with respect to other outstanding debt obligations of the Commission, including without limitation bonded indebtedness, pass- through payments owed to affected taxing entities under written agreement or Sections 33607.5 or 33607.7 of the CRL, written agreements with other persons or entities, and any other statutorily required payment obligations of the Commission, but excluding those Tax Increment revenues which Commission is required to deposit into the Commission's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund established pursuant to Section 33334.3 of the CRL.. C. The City Council ("Council and the Commission Board by resolution have each found that the use of Commission's Net Available Tax Increment for the publicly -owned improvements described in Exhibit I is in accordance with Section 33445 of the CRL and other applicable law. Said Council and Commission resolutions are each based on the authority of the Commission, with the consent of the Council, to pay all or part of the cost of the land for and the installation and construction of any facility, structure, or other improvements which are publicly owned either inside or contiguous to a project area, if the Council makes certain determinations. H. By approving and entering into this Agreement, the Commission has approved the pledge of Net Available Tax. Increment from the Project Areas to pay for the Projects. The obligations of the Commission under this Agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the Community Improvement Plans for the Project Areas and a pledge of Net Available Tax Increment received by the Commission from the Project Areas to pay such indebtedness under the provisions of Article XVI Section 16 of the Constitution of the State of California, the CRL and the Community Improvement Plans. I. This Agreement is in addition to, and does not supersede any other cooperative, repayment or reimbursement agreements entered into between the Commission and the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: I. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS 1.1 The recitals above are an integral pall of this Agreement and set forth the intentions of the parties and the premises on which the parties have decided to enter into this Agreement and are incorporated into the tenns and conditions of this Agreement. 2 OAK 44843 1788 -8776 v2 2. COMMISSION'S OBLIGATIONS 2.1 The Commission agrees to pay to the City the amounts set forth in Exhibit 1 or such lesser arnounts to the extent the costs incurred by City to carry out the Projects are less than the budgeted amounts set forth in Exhibit 1 to reimburse City for all costs incurred by the City in connection with the Projects, including without limitation all costs of planning, land acquisition, financing, development, permitting, design, site testing and environmental remediation, other predeveloprn.ent activities (e.g., preparation of appraisals, geotechnical analyses, title reports and relocation plans), bidding, project administration, construction and construction management. The Commission's obligations under this Agreement, including without limitation the Commission's obligation to make the payments to the City required hereunder, shall constitute an indebtedness of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the redevelopment of the Project Areas and are obligations to make payments authorized and incurred pursuant to Section 33445 and other applicable statutes. The obligations of the Commission set forth in this Agreement are contractual obligations that, if breached, will subject the Commission to damages and other liabilities or remedies. 2.2 The obligations of Commission under this Agreement shall be payable out of Net Available Tax Increment, as defined in Recital F above allocated to the Commission .or any lawful successor entity of the Commission to carry out the Community Improvement Plans and /or pay indebtedness of the Commission pursuant to Section 33670 et seq. of the CRL, Article Xvl, Section 16 of the Constitution of the State of California, and any other applicable constitutional provision, statute or other provision of law now existing or adopted in the future. 2.3 The indebtedness of Commission under this Agreement shall be subordinate to the rights of the holder or holders of any outstanding bonds, notes or other instruments of indebtedness (all referred to herein as "indebtedness of the Commission incurred or issued to finance redevelopment of the Project Areas, including without limitation any pledge of Net Available Tax Increment revenues from the Pro j ect Areas to pay any portion of the principal and interest (and otherwise comply with the obligations and covenants) of any bond or bends heretofore issued or sold or issued or sold in the future by the Commission with respect to the Project Areas. 2.4 All payments due to be made by the Commission to the City under this Agreement shall be made by the Commission within the tinges set forth in Exhibit I and as otherwise necessary to reimburse the City for the costs incurred by City in performing its obligations hereunder. City shall provide Commission with a report from time to time as requested by Commission accompanied by evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Commission's Executive Director that City's progress in the development and construction of the. Project for which payment is requested is commensurate with the amount of the requested payment and that City has incurred costs or obligations equal to or greater than the arnount requested. 3 CITY'S OBLIGATIONS 3.1 The City shall accept and devote any and all funds offered by the Commission pursuant to this Agreement solely to completion of the Projects by (i) reimbursing City accounts or using such funds to make City expenditures to perform the work required to carry out and 3 OAK #4843 1.788 -8776 v2 complete the Projects; (ii) utilizing such funds to pay debt service on bonds or other indebtedness or obligations that the City has or will incur for such purposes; and /or (iii). paying such funds into a special fund of the City to beheld and expended only for the purpose of satisfying the obligations of the City hereunder. 3.2 It is the responsibility of City to pay all development and construction costs in connection with the Projects from funds paid to the City by the Commission under this Agreement. 3.3 Prior to commencement of work on any of the listed Projects, all necessary environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") shall be completed. This Agreement in no way limits the discretion of the Planning Board, the Commission Board or the City Council in completing environmental review of the Projects. 3.4 The City shall perform its obligations hereunder in accordance with the applicable provisions of federal, state and local laws, and shall timely complete the work required for each Project within the tines set forth in Exhibit 1 4. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 4.1 In contemplation of the provisions of California. Government Code Section 595.2 imposing certain tort liability j ointly upon public entities solely by reason of such entities being parties to an agreement as defined by Government Code Section 59.5, the parties hereto, as between themselves, pursuant to the authorization contained in Govenunent Code Sections 895.4 and 895.6, shall each assume the full liability imposed upon it, or any of its officers, agents or employees, .by law for injury caused by negligent or wrongful. acts or omissions occurring in the performance of this Agreement to the sane extent that such liability would be imposed in the absence of Goverment Code Section 595.2. To achieve the above- stated purpose, each party indemnifies, defends and holds harmless the other party for any liability, losses, costs or expenses that may be incurred by such other party solely by reason of Covenunelt Code Section 895.2. 5. DEFAULT 5.1 If either party fails to perfon an obligation required by this Agreement within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving written notice from the non defaulting party, the party failing to perforni -shall be in default zereunder. In the event of default, the non defaulting party will have all the rights and remedies available to it at lair or in equity to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation the right to sue. for damages for. breach of contract. The rights and remedies of the non- defaulting party enumerated in this. section are cumulative and shall not limit the non defaulting party's rights under any other provision of this Agreement, or otherwise waive or deny any right or remedy, at law or in equity, existing as of tl-.e date of the Agreement or Hereinafter enacted or established, that may be available to the non defaulting party against the defaulting party. All notices of defaults shall clearly indicate a notice of default under this Agreement. 4 OAK ff4843- 1788 -8776 v? 6. MODIFICATION OF PROJECTS 6.1 The City and Commission may modify the list of Projects and time schedules set forth in Exhibit 1 from time to time to provide for the use of additional federal, state and local funds; to account for unexpected changes in available revenues; to modify or delete a particular project; to modify the cost estimate for individual projects; to maintain consistency with the City's General Plan or the Community Improvement Plans; or to tale into consideration unforeseen circumstances including circumstances that may cone to light as a result of subsequent CEQA review. Any such modifications shall be in writing and subject to approval by the City Council and Commission Board. 7. TERMINATION of AGREE MENT 7.1 This Agreement and the obligations of the City and Commission hereunder shall terminate upon the earlier of completion of the Projects by the City and Commission's reimbursement of City's costs incurred in connection therewith or December 31, 2026. S. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals, each of which is deemed to be an original. 8.2 This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 8.3 This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the City and the Commission. Notwithstanding any reference in this Agreement to persons or entities other than the City and the Commission, there shall. be no third party beneficiaries under this Agreement. 8.4 All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement and all alnendinents .to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. 8.5 If any tern, provisions, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall continue in ffill force and effect. 8.6 This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of all successors and assigns of the parties, whether by agreement or operation of law. [Signatures on following page] 5 OAK #4843 -1 788 --8776 v2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. CITY OF ALAMEDA Lisa Goldman, Acting City Manager Attest: Lara Weisiger, City Clerk Approved As To Fors- mob- By. Donna Mooney, Acting, City Attorney COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. Lisa Goldman, Acting Executive Director Attest: Lara Welsiger, Secretary Approved As To Form: By: Donna Mooney, Acting General Counsel 6 OAK. 44843-1788-8776 v2 Exhibit 1 WECIP /BWIP PUBLIC IMPR{3VEMIENTS Budget and Schedule of Performance Dote: The budgeted costs above include construction costs plus contingency, Professional Services, Plan check Inspection, Construction Management and Contract Administration. Scheduled Performance Project Description Cost FY Start FY Complete Backbone Infrastructure Mitchell Extension from Alameda Landing to Main $6 2012 2015 1 St. Mitchell Ave. Extension blw Mariner Square Loop $31200,000 2 and Alameda Landis western boundary 3 Star ell Ave. Ex ansion to 4 lanes $3 Boatoworks Mitigations Improvements to Park Street and Blanding Avenue Intersection. and Park Street and Clement Avenue Intersection; Traffic Signal Modification along Park Street for $1 1 700 1 000 2012 2016 Transit Signal Priority; New Signal at Oak Street and Clement Avenue; and Street Resurfacing of 4 oak Stret and Clement Avenue 5 Clement Ave. Extension Peter Wang Property $10 20.14 2024 6 Clement Ave. Extension Thru Pennzoil Property $6 201 4 2024 Clement Ave. Extension blw Broadway and $2 2014 2024 7 Tilden Way 8 Clement Ave. Track Removal $1 9 Blanding Ave. Track Removal $600 2012 .2014 Park/Ride Lot. and Mariner Square Drive $815001004 10 Extension to Marina Village Parkwa Inter -modal Cross Alameda Trail Transit, Bike, $1 20'l4 2026 11 Pedestrian Trail 5 Street extension thru Alameda Landing $6 1 300 1 000 20 2 2022 2 n 5tar� ell an d �llitchell (between 3 Alameda Landing Traffic Signals 3 $900 .2012 ..2017 Subtotal Backbone Intrastructure $61 Streetscapes 4 Park Street Phase Il and Ili $700 20 .2018 5 Webster Street Phase 11 $2,000,000 .2014 2016 Subtotal Streetscapes $2,700 Total Public Improvements 1 $64 Dote: The budgeted costs above include construction costs plus contingency, Professional Services, Plan check Inspection, Construction Management and Contract Administration. s 3 t i AS o. P VA u 8 0 U D ir Ir a n CL LL 3 z A w o Ul to cc a 4 r 0. ul rz IL Q D to I. w o s LIC CL Z W T- 0 6 C LO in OOL ai �i u as' MOV ry r RE t f o P� P, Foa PIA Opt .t .0, HA red M PA y e I z y IC I E 3 E d z 'fs E ro 0 U w A g enda Its AFFORDABLE HOUSING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (West End and Business and Waterfront Community Improvement Projects) THIS AFFORDABLE HOUSING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT "Agreement is entered into this day of 2011 by and between the COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. "Commission and the HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ("Authority"), with reference to the following facts: A. Commission has prepared Community Improvement Plans "Community Improvement Plans for the west End and Business and Waterfront Community. Irnprovement Project Areas ("Project Areas which result in the allocation of property taxes from the. Project Areas to the Commission "Tax Increment pursuant to Section 33670(b) of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.) ("CRL"). for purposes of redevelopment. B. The intent of the Community Improvement Plans is, in part, to provide .for the. production and rehabilitation of for -sale and rental housing affordable to very love low- and moderate- income persons and families; to tale all necessary actions to implement. the Community Improvement Plans for the respective Project Areas; and to expend Tax Increment to accomplish the affordable housing goals and objectives of the respective Community Improvement Plans. C. The Commission has adopted a Five -Year Implementation Plan for the Project Areas "Implementation Plan establishing goals for, among other things, elimination of blight and production and rehabilitation of affordable housing. To implement the programs and activities associated with each affordable housing goal, the Commission has committed redevelopment funds from the Project Areas based on estimated available Tax Increment revenue and debt financing structures. The Community Improvement Plans and the Implementation Plan and all official records of the Commission, as amended from. time to tune, are incorporated herein by reference. D. Pursuant to Section 33220 of the CRL, certain public bodies, including the Authority may aid and cooperate in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of redevelopment projects. Commission desires assistance and cooperation of the Authority to carry out the affordable housing programs and projects listed in Exhibit 1 attached hereto. and incorporated herein by this reference (collectively, "Projects The affordable housing programs and activities associated .with the Projects include but are not limited to acquisition of property, development of design criteria, design, planning, preparation of construction bid documents, financial analysis, financing, project administration and new construction or rehabilitation, as applicable. E. The Authority is willing to aid and cooperate with the Commission to expeditiously implement the Proj ects in accordance with the Community Improvement Plans and CC/ARRAICIC/HABOC OAK ##4828 -4800 -4872 Q A Item Implementation Plan on the condition that Commission pledge Net Available LMI Funds, as defined in Recital F below, to finance the Projects in this current fiscal year and forthcoming fiscal years. F. For purposes of this Agreement, "Net Available LMI Funds" means that portion of the Tax Increment revenues, currently 20 which Commission is required. to deposit into the Commission's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund established pursuant to.. Section 3 3 3 34.3 of the CRL "LMI Funds including (1) any and all LMI Funds currently .held by the Commission, which are not budgeted or appropriated for payment of other indebtedness or obligations of the Commission (2) any and all net proceeds of Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund bonded indebtedness currently or hereafter held by the Commission or any lawful successor of Commission (except to the extent otherwise determined by the Chief Executive Officer on behalf of the Authority and the Commission. Executive Director on behalf of the Commission); and (3) all future LMI Funds allocated to the Commission, or any lawful successor of Commission, pursuant to the Community Improvement Plans and the CRL or other applicable law, to pay Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund indebtedness..of the CozTu after the Commission or its successor has made all necessary annual payments with respect to other outstanding Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund debt obligations, including without limitation bonded indebtedness, pass through payments owed to.. affected taxing entities under written agreement or, if applicable, Sections. 3 3 607.5 or 3.3 607.7. of the CRL, written agreements with other persons or entities, and any other statutorily required payment obligations of the Commission. G. By approving and entering into this Agreement, the Commission has approved the pledge of Net Available LMI Funds from the Pro j ect Areas to pay for the Projects. The obligations of the Commission under this Agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the. Community Improvement Plans. for the Project Areas and a pledge of Net Available LMI Funds received by the Commission. from the Project Areas to pay such indebtedness under the provisions of Article x�TI, S ection 16 of the Constitution of the State of California, the CRL and the Community Improvement Plans. H. This Agreement is in addition to, and does not supersede any other cooperative, repayment or reimbursement agreements entered into between the Commission and the Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: I INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS 1.1 The recitals above are an integral part of this Agreement and set forth the intentions of the parties and the premises on which the parties have decided to enter into this Agreement and are incorporated into the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. COMMISSION'S OBLIGATIONS 2.1 The Commission agrees to pay to the Authority the amounts set forth in Exhibit 1 or such lesser amounts to the extent the costs incurred by Authority to carry out the Projects are OAK. #4828- 0800 -4572 Q less than the budgeted amounts set forth in Exhibit 1 to reimburse Authority for all costs incurred by the Authority in connection with the Projects, including without limitation all costs of planning, land acquisition, financing, development, permitting, design, site testing and environmental remediation, other predevelopment activities (e.g., preparation of appraisals, geotechnical analyses, title reports and relocation plans), bidding, project administration, construction and construction management. The Commission's obligations under this Agreement, including without limitation the Commission's obligation to male the payments to the Authority required hereunder, shall constitute an indebtedness of the Commission for the purpose of carrying out the redevelopment of the Project Areas and are obligations to make payments authorized by Section 33334.2 et seq. of the CRL. The obligations. of the commission set forth in this Agreement are contractual obligations that, if breached, gill subject the Commission to damages and other liabilities or remedies. 2.2 The obligations of Commission under this Agreement shall be payable out of Net Available LMI Funds, as defined in Recital F above, allocated to the Commission or any lawful successor of the Commission to carry out the Community Improvement Plans and /or pay indebtedness of the Commission pursuant to Section 336 70 et seq. of the CRL, Article XV1, Section 16 of the Constitution of the State of California, and any other applicable constitutional provision, statute or other provision of lave now existing or adopted in the future. 2.3 The indebtedness of Commission under this Agreement shall be subordinate to the rights of the holder or holders of any outstanding bonds, notes or other instruments of indebtedness (all referred to herein as "indebtedness of the Commission incurred or issued to finance redevelopment of the Pro j ect Areas, including without limitation any .pledge of Tax Increment revenues from the Project Areas to pay any portion of the principal and interest (and' otherwise comply with the obligations and covenants) of any bond or bonds heretofore issued or sold or issued or sold in the future by the Commission with respect to the Project Areas. 2.4 All payments due to be made by the Commission to the Authority under this Agreement shall be made by the Commission within the times. set forth in Exhibit I and as otherwise necessary to reimburse the Authority for the costs incurred by Authority in performing its obligations hereunder. Authority shall provide Commission with a report from time to time as requested by Commission accompanied by evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Commission's Executive Director that the Authority's progress in the development and construction of the Project for which payment is requested is commensurate with the amount of the requested payment and that Authority has incurred costs or obligations equal to or greater than the amount requested. 3. AUTHOR.ITY'S OBLIGATIONS 3.1 The Authority shall accept and devote any and all funds offered by the Commission pursuant to this Agreement solely to completion of the Projects by (i) reimbursing the Authority's accounts or using such funds to make Authority expenditures to perform the work required to carry out and complete the Projects; (ii) utilizing such funds to pay debt service on bonds or other indebtedness or obligations that the Authority has or will incur for such purposes; and/or (iii) paying such funds into a special fund of the Authority to be held and expended only for the purpose of satisfying the obligations of the Authority hereunder. OAK #4828 -0800 -4872 Q 3.2 It is the .responsibility of Authority to pay all development and construction costs in connection with the Projects from funds paid to the Authority by the Commission under this Agreement. 3.3 Prior to commencement of work on any of the listed Projects, all necessary environmental review required by the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") shall be completed. This Agreement in no way limits the discretion of the City Council, Planning Board, the Commission Board or the Authority Board in completing environmental review of the Prod ects. 3.4 The Authority shall perform its obligations hereunder. in accordance with the applicable provisions of federal, state and local laws, and shall timely complete the work required for each Project within the times set forth in Exhibit 1 WA MAN 4.1 In contemplation of the provisions of California Government Code Section 895.2 imposing certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason of such entities being parties to an agreement as defined by Government Code Section 895, the parties hereto, as between themselves, pursuant to the authorization contained in Government Code .Sections 595.4 and 895.6, shall each assume the full liability imposed upon it, or any of its officers, agents or employees, by law for injury caused by negligent or wrongful acts or omissions occurring in the performance of this Agreement to the same extent that such liability would be imposed in the absence of Government Code Section 895.2. To achieve the above- stated purpose, each party indemnifies, defends and holds harmless the other party for any liability, losses, costs or expenses that may be incurred by such other party solely by reason of Government Code Section 895.2. 5. DEFAULT 5.1 If either party fails to perform an obligation required by this Agreement within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving written notice from the non defaulting party, the party failing to perform shall be in default hereunder. In the event of default, the non- defaulting party will have all the rights and remedies available to it at law or in equity to .enforce .the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation the right to sue for damages for breach of contract. The rights and remedies of the non defaulting party enumerated in this section are cumulative and shall not. limit the non defaulting party's rights under any other provision of this Agreement, or otherwise waive or deny any right or remedy, at law or in equity, existing as of the date of the Agreement or hereinafter enacted or established, that may be available to the .non defaulting party against the defaulting- party. All notices of defaults shall clearly indicate a notice of default under this Agreement. 6. MODIFICATION OF PROJECTS 6.1 The Authority and Commission may modify the list of Projects and time schedules set forth in Exhibit 1 from time to time to provide for the use of additional federal, state and local funds; to account for unexpected changes in available revenues; to modify or delete a particular project; to modify the cost estimate for individual projects; to maintain OAK #4828 0800 -4872 Q consistency with the City's General Plan or the Community Improvement Plans; or to take into consideration unforeseen circumstances including circumstances that may come to light as a result of subsequent CEQA review. Any such modifications shall be in writing and subject to approval by the Authority Board and Commission Board. 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 7.1 This Agreement and the obligations of the Authority and Commission hereunder shall terminate upon the earlier of completion of the Projects by the Authority and Commission's reimbursement of Authority's costs incurred in connection therewith or September 1, 2041. 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals, each of which is deemed to be an original. 8.2 This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 8.3 This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the Authority and the Commission. Notwithstanding any reference in this Agreement to persons or entities other than the Authority and the Commission, there shall be no third party beneficiaries under this Agreement. 8.4 All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement and all amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. 8.5 If any term., provisions, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 8.6 This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of all successors and assigns of the parties, whether by agreement or operation of law. [Signatures on following page] OAK #4828- 0800 -4872 Q IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ALAMEDA COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA By Lisa Goldman, Acting Chief Executive Officer C Attest: Michael T. Pucci, Secretary Approved As To Form: By: Donna Mooney, Acting General Counsel Re mended for Ap o l: B y:. 4 i hael T. iVI c ucci Executive Director Lisa Goldman, Acting Executive Director Attest: Lara Weisiger, Secretary Approved As To Form: Donna Mooney, Acting General Counsel 6 OAK #4828 -0800 -4872 v2 BWIPIwECIP AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUDGET AND SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE Scheduled Performance Project Description Cost FY Start FY Complete Local Share of Funding Affordable Houisng Projects 1 Acquisition and Rehab of Islander Motel $10 2011 2014 2 24 -unit Affordable Housing Project at 2437 Eagle Street $2 2011 2014 3 15 Units of Senior Housing above Commercial at 1435 Webster St. $1 2011 2014 4 32 Inclusionary Units at Alameda Landing $1,000,000. 2013 2018 5 27 Inclusionary Units at Boatworks Site $2,000,000 2012 2020 0 Housin2 Element Unit Production $4 2014 2020 Subtotal Local Share of Funding Affordable Housin $22,000 Purchase of Affordable Housing Covenants 7 Five Years x 128 units at Independence Plaza $4 2028 2031 Subtotal Purchase of Affordable Housing Covenantsl $4 Inclusionary Housing Pro ram Administration S Administer the Inclusiona Housing Program $1,000,000 2011 2041 Subtotal Inclusionary Housing Program Administration $1 000 Total Affordable Housing $27,000,000 1 Dote: The budgeted costs above include construction costs plus contingency, Professional Services, Plan Check Inspection, Construction Management and Contract Administration. CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A PUBLIC E. IMPROVEMENTS REIMBURSEMENT AGREE BETWEEN �1 THE CITY AND THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT r 0 COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE N BWIPIWECIP PROJECT AREAS U11-1 WHEREAS, the Communit Improvement Commission of the Cit of Alameda ("Commission") is carr out the Communit Improvement Plans (collectivel "Communit Improvement Plans") for the West End and Business and Waterfront Improvement Projects (collectivel Pro e j cts" and WHEREAS, under the Communit Improvement Plans, the Cit of Alameda ("Cit shall aid and cooperate with the Commission in carr out the Projects and shall take. actio ne to ensure the fulfillment of the purposes of the Communit Improv Plans. and to eliminate and prevent the recurrence or spread of conditions causin blight within the areas of the Projects ("Project Areas"); and WHEREAS, pu.rsuant to Section 33220 of the. California Communit Redevelopment Law. (Health and Safet C 33000,.et se :(the "CRL" for the purposes of aidin and c in the p,la nnin undertakin construction or operation .of redevelopment projects within.the Project Areas the Cit ma am .other thin exercise the.followin powers: :sell or lease an of its propert to the. Commission; cause. p ublic improvements to be furnished in connection with redevelopment projects plan or replan an zone or rezone an part of a redevelopment project: and enter into a with the Commission respectin actions to be t aken pursuant to an y �such pow ers and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445(a) of. the..C.RL, the Commis sion ma with the consent -.of. the ..Cit Council. of .the Cit of Alam "cit Council"), pa all or p of the value of the land.for and the cost of the installation and construction of an buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements which are publicl owned and.located inside or contiguous to a pro area upon a det b the Cit Council that such huildin facilities, structures or:oth.er improvements are of benefit to the pro area b helpin to eliminate bli .within the pro area, that no. other reasonable means of financin the ac of the l or installation or. construction of such buildin facilities, structures or other improvements that are. publicl v owned are available to the communit that. the pa of fu for the ac of the land or installation or construction of the buildin facilities, structure or other improve that are publicl owned is consistent Frith the implementation plan adopted b the Commission pursuant to Section 33490 of the CRL; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445 of the CRL, when the value of the land or the cost of installation and construction of a buildin facilit CAK #4822-3056-8456 v1 Resolution #3-B CC 02-02-11 structure, or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, has been, or will be, paid or provided for initially by the City, the Commission may enter into a contract with the city under which the Commission agrees to reimburse the city for all or part of the value of the land or all or a part of the cost of the building, facility, structure or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, by periodic payments over a period of years; and WHEREAS, the commission and city council have prepared and wish to enter into a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement "Agreement to provide for City's development and construction of certain public improvements "Public Improvements within or contiguous to the Project Areas and Commission's reimbursement of city for the costs of the Public Improvements; and WHEREAS, program Final Environmental Impact .Reports .were prepared and certified on the Community Improvement Plans ("Final.. EIRs in accordance with the California Environmental Quality.Act "CEQA which included analysis of the Public Improvements on a programmatic .level; and WHEREAS, at this time there are no preliminary drawings., plans or other sufficient information to enable a meaningful environmental assessment of the specific Public Improvements, and consequently, the Agreement provides that the commitment of funds to and commencement of the specific projects .set forth therein shall be subject to completion of additional environmental review and analysis, as required by CEQA. NOVA, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAIVIEA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The city Council hereby finds and deterrnines that the provision of the proposed Public Improvements are of Benefit to the.. Project Areas as they will help to eliminate blight within the Project Areas, that no other reasonable means of financing the Public lmprovernents are available to the community; and that the payment of funds for the Public Improvements is consistent with the Commission's Implementation Plan for the Projects adopted pursuant to Section 33490 of the CRL. These findings and .determinations are based upon the following facts: a. All the Public Improvements are either located within or contiguous. to the Project Areas.and will assist in.elirninatin 9 the following blight conditions: Defective design and character of physical construction, residential overcrowding, 9 small or irregular lots, inadequate public. improvements and varying degrees of social and economic maladjustments. b. Although the City is able to aid and assist the Commission by undertaking the Public Improvements and initially providing the funds necessary for the acquisition of land or OAK #4522 --30D v12 the construction or installation of the Public Improvements, the city lacks the resources necessary to permanently fund the Public Improvements from .the General Fund, and other potential sources of funds are no longer available or are inadequate. The city's General continues to be eroded by increased insurance and liability costs and State mandated programs which are not fully .funded by the state. Further there has been a marked decline in tax revenues and the availability of State and.federal grants.over the p ast several years. c. The Implementation Plan for the Projects contains the specific goals and objectives of the Commissi on for the Project Areas, the specific programs, including potential projects, and estimated expenditures proposed to..be made during the next five. years, and an ex planation of. how the goals and objectives, programs, ..and expenditures will eliminate blight within the Proj Areas. The Public Improvements are .consistent with the Implementation Plan, as the goals and programs provide ..for. the elimination of inadequate public improvements. and the provision of public infrastructure of benefit to the Project Areas consistent with the Public lmprovements .set forth in the Agreement. Section 2 The city Council. hereby approves the Public Improvements Reimbursement Ag reement and. hereby authorizes and directs the city Manager to execute .the Agreement on behalf of the city, sub'ect to any Y minor, technical or clarifying changes that may be approved by the city Attorney. The city hereby further authorizes and directs Y .the City Mani g er to take all actions and execute all documents as necessary to carry out the Agreement and accomplish the acquisition of land, installation and .construction of the Public Improvements and the commission's reirnbursernent of City for the costs of the Public Improvements as provided for in the Agreement. OAK #482-2-3056-8456 v1 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the council of the city of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1 st day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ray hand and affixed the seal of said city this 2nd day of February, 2011. Lara Weisiger, city clerk City of Alameda OAK #4822- 3056 -8456 vA COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A PUBLIC E IMPROVEMENTS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN Nal THE COMMISSION AND CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE BWIPMECIP PROJECT AREAS WHEREAS, the Communit Improvement Commission of the Cit of Alameda ("Commission") is carr out the Communit Improvement Plans (collectivel "Communit Improvement Plans") fo.r the West End and Business and Waterfront Improvement Projects (collectivel "Proje cts") and WHEREAS, under the Communit Improvement. Plans, the Cit of Alameda ("Cit shall aid and cooperate with the Commission in.carr out the Projects and shall take actions necessar to ensu..re.the fulfillment .of the purposes of the Communit Improvement Plan and .to eliminate and prevent the recurrence or spread of conditions causin bli within the areas of the Projects Project Areas"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33220 of the California Co Redevelopment Law (Health and Safet Code Section. 33000, et.se the "CRL for the purposes of aidin and cooperatin in the pl g undertakin construction or operation of redevelopment pro within. �the Project ct A the Cit ma amon other thin exercise the followin sell or lease an of its proper to the Commission cause public improverrients to be furnished in connection wi redevelopment projects;: or replan and zone or rezone an part of a redevelopment project- and enter into a me.nts. with the Commission respectin actions. to be taken pursuant to an su ch and powers, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section. 33.445(a) of the CRL, the Commission ma with the consent of the Cit Council. of the Cit of Alameda "C.it y Council"), pa all or part of the value of. the land for and the cost of the installation and construction of an buildin facilities, structures or other improvements which are publicl owned and located inside. o to a pro area upon a determination b the Cit Council that such buildin facilities, structures or other. improvements are of benefit to the pro' j e c t a rea b helpin to elimin bli within the pr area, that no other reasonable means of fina the ac of the .l.and or instaflation or construction of such buildin facilities, structures or other improvements that are publicl y owned are available to the co that the payment of funds for the ac of the land or installa or construction of the buildin facilities structure or other improvements tha are publicl owned is consistent with the implementation plan adopted b the Commission pursuant to Section 33490 of the CRL; and OAK #4843-0237-2616 v2 Resolution #3..B CIC 02-02-11 WHEREAS, pursuant to section 33445(c) of the CRL, when the value of the land or the cost of installation and construction of a building, facility, structure, or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, has been, or will be, paid or provided for initially by the City, the Commission may enter into a contract with the City under which the Commission agrees to reimburse the City for all or part of the value of the land or all or a part of the cost of the building, facility, structure or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, by periodic payments over a period of years; and WHEREAS, the Commission and City Council have prepared and wish to enter into a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement ("Agreement') to provide for City's development and construction of certain public improvements "Public Improvements within or contiguous to the Project Areas and Commission's reimbursement of City for the costs of the Public Improvements; and WHEREAS, program Final Environmental Impact Reports were prepared and certified on the Community Improvement Plans Final EIRs in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (".CEQA"), which included analysis of the'Public Improvements on a programmatic level; and WHEREAS, at this time there are no preliminary drawings, plans .or other sufficient information to enable a meaningful environmental assessment of the specific Public Improvements, and consequently, the Agreement provides that the commitment of funds to and commencement of the specific projects set forth therein shall be subject to completion of additional environmental review and analysis, as required by CEQA. NOW THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 Commission hereby finds and determines that the provision of the proposed Public Improvements are of benefit to .the Project Areas as they will help to eliminate blight within the Project Areas, that no other reasonable means of financing the Public Improvements are available to. the community; and that the payment of funds for the Public Improvements is consistent with the Commission's Implementation Plan for the .Projects adopted pursuant to section 33490.of the CRL. These findings and determinations are based upon the following facts: a. All the Public Improvements are either located within or contiguous to the Project Areas and will assist in eliminating the following blight conditions: Defective design and character of physical construction, residential overcrowding, small or irregular lots, inadequate public improvements and varying degrees of social and economic maladjustments. OAK #4540 0237 -2615 v22 b. Although the city is able to aid and assist the commission by undertaking the Public Improvements and initially providing the funds necessary for the acquisition of land or the construction or installation of the Public. Improvements, the city lacks the resources necessary to permanently fund the Public Improvements from the General Fund, and other potential sources of funds are no longer available or are inadequate. The city's General Fund continues to be eroded by increased insurance. and liability Costs. and State mandated programs which are not fully funded by the State. Further there has been a marked decline in tax revenues and the availability of State and federal grants over the past several years. c. The Implementation Plan for the Projects contains the specific goals and objectives of the commission for the Project Areas, the specific programs, including potential projects, and estimated expenditures proposed to be made. during the next five years, and an explanation. of how.the goals and objectives, programs, and expenditures will eliminate blight within the Project. Areas. ..The Public Improvements are consistent .wit.h the Implementation Plan, as the goals and programs provide for the elimination of inadequate public improvements and the provision of. public infrastructure of benefit .to .the Project Areas consistent with the Public Improvements set forth in .the Agreement. Section 2 The Commission hereby approves the Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement and hereby authorizes. and directs the Executive Director of the Commission to execute the Agreement on behalf of the commission, subject to any minor, technical. .r clarifying changes that may be approved by the commission's counsel. The commission hereby further authorizes and directs the Executive Director to take. all actions and execute all documents as necessary to .carry out the. Agreement and accomplish the acquisition of land, installation and .construction of the Public Improvements and the Commission's reimbursement of city for the costs of the Public Improvements as provided for in the Agreement. OAK #4845 -0237 -2616 v2,) 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda in a Special Community Improvement Commission meeting assembled on the 1 st of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said Commission this 2nd day of February, 2011. L.ara Weisiger, Secretary Community Improvement Commission Marie Gilmore, Chair Community Improvement Commission OAK #4845 -0237 -2616 v24 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. I 0 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE BWIP/WECI P PROJECT AREAS WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda "Commission is carrying out the Community Improvement Plans (collectively, "Community Improvement Plans for the West End and Business and Waterfront Improvement Projects (collectively, "Projects and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33220 of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety code .Section 33000, et se g) (the "CRL the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda ("Authority )I may enter into agreements with the Commission for the purposes of aidin g and cooperating in the planning, undertaking, construction or operation of redevelopment projects within the' city .of Alameda, including to facilitate the production and rehabilitation of affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the Commission and Authority have prepared and wish to enter into an Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement Agreement to provide for the production and rehabilitation of affordable housingrithin the City of Alameda and Commission's reimbursement of Authorit y for the costs of affordable housing projects undertaken pursuant to the Agreement "Affordable Housing Projects and WHEREAS, program Final Environmental Impact Reports were prepared and certified on the Community Improvement Plans "Final. EI Rs" in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA7), which included analysis of the Affordable Housing Projects on a programmatic lever and WHEREAS, at this time there are no preliminary drawings, plans .or other sufficient information to enable a meaningful environmental assessment of the specific Affordable Housing Projects, and consequently, the. Agreement provides that the commitment of funds to and commencement of the specific projects set forth therein shall be subject to completion of additional environmental review and analysis, as required by CEQA. NOUN, THEREFORE, THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 The Authority hereby approves the Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement and hereby authorizes and directs the chief Executive officer to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Authority, subject OAK #4810-6042-3176 v1 Resolution ##3 -B HABOC 02 -02 -11 to any minor, technical or clarifying changes that may be approved by the Authority's counsel. The Authority hereby further authorizes and directs the Chief Executive Officer to take all actions and execute all documents as necessary to carry out the Agreement and accomplish the Affordable Housing Projects and the Commission's reimbursement of the Authority for the costs of the Affordable Housing Projects as provided for in the Agreement. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of 2011, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Marie Gilmore, chair Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Michael T. Pucci Executive Director /Secretary COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMISSION AND THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE BWI PIWECI P PROJECT AREAS WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda "Commission is carrying out.the community Improvement Plans (collectively, Community Improvement Plans for the West End and Business and Water Improvement Projects (collectively, "Pro and jects" J WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33220 of the California. Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety code Section 33000, et seq.) (the "CRI... the Housing Authority .of the city of Alameda ('Au t ma horit enter y into agreements with the Commission for the purposes of aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking, construction or operation of redevelopment projects within the city of Alameda, including to facilitate the production and rehabilitation of affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the Commission and Authority have prepared a.nd wish to enter into an Affordable. Housing Reimbursement Agreement ("Agreem.ent 11 to provide for the production and rehabilitation of affordable housing within the City of Alameda and Commission's reimbursement of Authorit y for the costs of affordable housing projects. undertaken pursuant to the Agreement "Affordable Housing Projects and WHERE program Final Environmental Impact Reports were prepared and certified on the Community. Improvement Plans "Final EIRs" in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act "CEQA which included analysis of the Affordable Housing Projects on a .programmatic level; and WHEREAS, at this time there are no preliminary. drawings, plans or other sufficient information to enable a meaningful environmental assessment of the specific Affordable Housing Projects, and consequently the Agreement g provides that the commitment of funds to and commencement of the s p ecific projects set forth therein shall be subject to. completion of additional environmental review and analysis, as required by CEQA; NOW THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The commission hereby approves the Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement and hereby authorizes and directs the Executive OAK #4814-9833-4728 vT Resolution #3-B CIC 02 -02 -11 Director to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Commission, subject to any minor, technical or clarifying changes that may be approved by the Commission's counsel. The Commission hereby further authorizes and directs the Executive Director to take all actions and execute all documents as necessary to carry out the .Agreement and accomplish the Affordable Housing Projects and the Commission's reimbursement of the Authority for the costs of the Affordable Housing Projects as provided for in the Agreement. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda in a Special Community Improvement Commission meeting assembled on the 1st day of February, 2011, by the following vote to grit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said Commission this 2nd day of February, 2011, Lara Weisiger, secretary Community Improvement Commission Marie Gilmore, Chair Community Improvement Commission OAK #4814- 9833 -4725 v12 UNAPPROVED MI NUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL M EETING TUESDAY- JANUARY 18, -7 :00 P.M. Acting Mayor Bonta convened the meeting at 7 :48 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: AGENDA CHANGES None. Cou ncilmembers deHaan, Johnson, Tarn and Acting Mayor Bonta. Mayor Gilmore 1. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Acting Mayor Bonta announced that the Resolution Amending Resolution No. 12121 [paragraph no. 11- 1 was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmernber Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 4. [Absent: Mayor Gilmore 1 [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] *11-025) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on January 4, 2011. Approved. *11-026 Ratified bills in the amount of $1,070,360.92. (*11-0 Recommendation to Accept the Work of Marine Express, Inc. for the Alameda Harbor Bay Barge Replacement Project, No. P.W. 00- 09w -19. Accepted. (*1 1-028 Recommendation to Authorize the Acting City Manager to Enter into the Second Amended and Restated Agreement for Maintenance and Management of the Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal. Accepted. x`11 -029 Recommendation to Authorize the Acting City Manager to Enter into the Landing Rights Agreement License to Land at the Port of San Francisco Ferry Terminals for Commuter, Excursion, and other Ferry Services By and Between the City and County of San Francisco operating By and Through the San Francisco Port Regular Meeting Alameda City Council January 18, 2011 Commission and the City of Alameda. Accepted. *11-030 Recommendation to Appoint Mr. Michael Krueger to the Oakland Chinatown Advisory Committee. Accepted. *11-031 Resolution No. 14541 "Authorizing the Acting City Manager to File an Application for $52,500 in the Urban Forestry Grant Program Funding Through Propositions 40 and 84 Entitled, "An Urban Forest for Every City," Appropriate $25,000 in General Funds as the Necessary Local Match, and Execute all Necessary Documents." Adopted. *11-032 Resolution No. 14542 "Approving an Agreement Between the City of Alameda and the State of California's Department of Boating and Waterways to Recover Costs for Dismantling and Disposing of Abandoned Watercraft." Adopted. *11-033 Resolution No. 14543 "Fixing the Annual Salaries for the Auditor and Treasurer Pursuant to the 2008 City Charter Amendment of Section 2 -4." Adopted. (1 1-034 Resolution No. 14544 "Amending Resolution No. 12121 Setting the order of Business of City of Alameda City Council Meetings." Adopted. Speakers Adam Gillitt, Alameda; Jon Spangler, Alameda; and Michael John Torrey, Alameda. Councilmember deHaan stated individuals have stayed until 1 :00 a.m. to get a point across; Council would be willing to try the proposed change; nothing would be locked in stone; the 15- minute idea is bothersome but doable. Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 4. [Absent: Mayor Gilmore 1 CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS 11-035) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Request for Qualifications for a Second Campus The Acting City Manager provided a handout and gave a brief presentation. Councilmember Johnson inquired how the land transfer would be handled. The Acting City Manager responded the City would enter into along -term lease with a purchase option under the current Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance (LIFOC). Councilmember Johnson inquired whether staff has discussed the proposed use with Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 January 18, 2011 the Navy. The Acting City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated staff" would discuss site cleanup with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); the Environmental Consultant thinks the Navy would be supportive; staff is hoping to get support letters from the Navy and EPA. In response to Councilmernber Johnson's inquiry on whether the University of California is considered a government entity for the purpose of conveyance from the federal government, the Acting City Manager stated there would be a long -term lease with a purchase open upon conveyance. Councilmember Johnson stated staff should not consider the sale as a private land sale; the City should almost be in the same position as Richmond. The Acting City Manager stated staff would recommend a below market lease. Councilmernber deHaan stated thirteen years ago, the conveyance would have been a federal conveyance; the area does not have any historical buildings and would be n ew construction. The Acting City Manager stated the area does not have environmental issues, is outside the Tidelands Trust area, and does not include a wildlife buffer; the area is one of the cleanest and easiest sites; the area would allow new construction and would be the best proposal. Councilrrember deHaan inquired ghat is the size of the property. The Acting City Manager responded that she does not know; stated a .planner is putting together site plans and different parking scenarios; staff is leaning toward having surface parking for Phase I and then structured parking. Councilrrember deHaan stated job generation is key. The Acting City Manager stated the proposal would be a golden opportunity for Alameda Point as well as local business parks; staff is in the process of getting letters of support from as many associations as possible. Councilrnember deHaan stated negative responses have not been received; positive responses are important. Coucilmember Tam stated the opportunity is exciting and would provide benefits; the R equest for Qualification [RFQ) would provide a private developer; the campus is a State and federal agency and would not generate property tax or sales tax; inquired how tax increment would be achieved if the Governor does away with redevelopment funding. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 January 18, 2011 The Acting City Manager responded property taxes mould be generated by private users of adjacent land; the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) site is a federal site owned by the University of California and would not generate tax; using tax increment as a financial incentive would be risky; a below market. rent or land value write down could be used as financial incentives; staff is looking into. the passibility of other tax revenues such as Utility User Tax rebates similar to the VF outdoor project; fee waivers and other business deals could be discussed in future negotiations. Councilmember Johnson stated emphasizing that the City has land that would be conveyed government to government to government is important; years ago, the land would have been conveyed; adjacent properties would increase in value as well as other parts of Alameda. The Acting City Manager stated at some point, Alameda Point will receive an economic development conveyance; the whole concept would be to generate jobs. Councilmember Tam inquired whether staff is considering a federal -to- federal transfer similar to that of Veteran's Administration. The Acting City Manager responded staff would recommend that the ARRA receive the land and then the land could be conveyed to LBNL. Councilmember Tam inquired whether the approach would be to use the LI FOC .for a long -terra lease. The Acting City Manager responded the City needs ensure long-term. control over the land through the LI FOC; stated the City would provide the land to LBNL at no cost after receiving a conveyance agreement from the Navy; staff would. recommend having .the City in the middle. Councilmember del -laan stated Coast Guard housing has gone back to the federal government; the City needs to control the land; adjacent properties are important; Richmond is campaigning and making strong overtures; inquired whether Alameda is doing the same. The Acting City Manager responded Richmond has sent out press releases; stated. the City is placing more focus on making its response as competitive as passible; staff is doing a detailed analysis of the other two sites to ensure Alameda is competitive. Councilmember Johnson stated letters of support should be requested from business associations, the School District, and College of Alameda. The Acting City Manager stated draft letters have been sent to a number of associations; that she has spoken to the Chamber of Commerce, Association of Realtors, and business parks; everyone is interested in sending letters of support. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 January 18, 2011 Councilmember Johnson stated service clubs such as the Rotary and Kiwanis should be included. The ..Acting City Manager stated staff is discussing whether or not to bring the entire response back to Council on February 1 5 two weeks before the response is due which p p would allow the response to be viewed by others. Acting Mayor Bonta inquired whether adjacent areas would be appropriate for office, laboratory, and business space. The Acting City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated LBNL wants to ensure an adequate buffer from residential neighborhoods; the yellow and red. areas are. more contaminated and would not be zoned residential; mixed use might be a possibility. Acting Mayor Bonta inquired whether quantifying possible financial benefits would be possible. The Acting City Manager responded not now; stated technology transfer..stud.les. could be reviewed; the City could contract with a firm to calculate the Impacts; staff could perform some calculations but would not be comfortable in estimating future land value. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the RFQ dovetails with the going forward process. The Acting City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated LBNL wants to see. a commitment to a plan that would create a mixed -use environment; having the City keep up with LBN L's planning process is important to ensure that LBNL would not be stuck by themselves; the timeline is coming together. Councilmember deHaan stated the RFQ is a golden opportunity; community support is needed. Speaker Cathy Moehring, West Alameda Business Association. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS ma ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON- AGENDA None, COUNCIL REFERRALS 11 Consider Providing Detailed Information to the Public regarding the December Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 January 18, 2011 23 2010 Special City Council Meeting and Clarifying the Process and Brown Act Compliance. Acting Mayor Bonta read the January 13, 2011 press release on the matter. Outside Counsel Edward Kreisberg, Meyers Nave, gave a brief presentation. Councilmember deHaan gave a brief presentation. Speakers Red Wetherill, Alameda; Joan Konrad, Alameda (submitted handout); Eugenie Thomson, Alameda (submitted handout); Michael Krueger, Alameda; Susan Decker, Alameda; Gretchen Lipow, Alameda; Reyla Graber, Alameda; John Knox White, Alameda; Nick Cabral, Alameda; John Piziali, Alameda; Dorothy Freeman, Alameda; Kathy Moehring, Alameda; Richard Hausman, Alameda; Jim Oddie, Alameda; Dan Wood, Alameda; Alan Pryor, Alameda; Roberta Schutes, Alameda; Honora Murphy, Alameda; Frances Monte l, Alameda; Barbara Kahn, Alameda; Michael. John Torrey, Alameda; Rosemary McNally, Alameda; Kate Quick, Alameda; David Burton, Alameda; Domenick Weaver, International Association of Fire Fighters Local 689; Mike Henneberry, Alameda; Adana Gillitt, Alameda; Carol Cottstei Alameda; Jean Sweeney, Alameda; Bill Gibbs, Alameda; and Jon Spangler, Alameda. Councilmember deHaan stated Council was unanimous on one individual; what was presented that evening was that an individual took a job with another jurisdiction which left a lot of confusion for Council; Council tasked Legal Counsel to look at those elements. Mr. Kreisberg requested that Councilmember deHaan limit the amount that was said in Closed Session. Councilmember Johnson inquired when outside Counsel would provide information to Council. Mr. Kreisberg responded that he would be happy to meet with Council in Closed Session. Councilmember Johnson stated that she would like the report to be in writing. Acting Mayor Bonta stated utilizing the services of Meyers Nave was unanimous; Council needs to move forward in a way that is not divisive. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1 1-037) Councilmember deHaan stated Council requested community input regarding the City Manager selection process; information should be inclusive. Acting Mayor Bonta inquired whether Councilmember del -lawn has specific individuals in Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 January 18, 2011 mind for a broader committee. Councilmember deHaan responded a good cross section should be selected. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Acting Mayor Bonta adjourned the meeting at 9:50 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 January 18, 2011 CITY of ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Fred Marsh Controller Date: January 27, 2011 Re: List of Warrants for Ratification This is to certify that the claims listed on the attached check register and shown below have been approved by the proper officials and, in my opinion, represent fair and just charges against the City in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon. Check Numbers Amount 234717 235240 (Vendor Checks) $2 V21682 V21844(ACH Retiree Medical Benefit Reimbursements) $125,273.49 EFT970 EFT977 (Vendor Wire Transfers) $2,179,772.27 Void Checks: 234774 ($225.00) 234975 ($560.00) GRAND TOTAL Respectfully submitted, Controller $4 BILLS #4 -B Council Warrants 02101/11 2/1/2011 r-I ti--i H W RI P� W CJ G4 r-I H N H x wU0 0zU r�WU o NrminNww mm w 000 m w o lDrnaawwm o o m o 0 0 0 o IV 0m0N O oo NLnO H N O WH H o r-A 'di 00 O M o 0 oo ;4 4 N t 4 H N m m o kD 0 o 0 rn r-I r 0 1n r Ln Ln rn oo N Ln d' o O Ln m ri O Ln Ln H o0 o d+ ►-I N oo Co Ln co di N Ln o o Ln Ln 07 N r Ln r- 00 r-i M d' CO W N Oo H H ON o OD di o r t H N Co r-I N r oo N w M w r N N Ln oo N o m o oC) N N N mo w w N rn kD 0) r oo d r N r MdV Nil H -;:v N r r H N m r-I r'- m H 914 coo 00 H r-I r-I r-I I I I 1 r r-i r-i r-i r-I r-i r-1 r� rI r-I r i 1 r q r r H H r-I r--i r'I r-1 H H 1 �-4 �H �>i �H �H �A �>A :>4 >-4 �H �-4 a) c o wwwwwwwwwww H m I-q a a a V-a a I_q a s a H H H H Cl) CI] pi E1 U 00000000000 w Q pq PQ u w a> 00000000000 u z x Cn H Q Cl) co Cl) H cn al w aw al 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 H a w w w u) w cr) H 0 0 W 0 Py, ul U) Pa W u uca w 0 Cl) cn a xxux U w cncnCf)cncn Cl) cn Cl) uI Cl) Cl) �R: U H E �-1 w Z a H u UUHU va U F< 4F:� <l< l< f< KC <44 0 LS a 0 cnPC/I>4EA H P4 w a w 00oc�r�0c�0 00 a mm a s H E1H N> x w 0 0 W WC4W Q a 0 a UVUHU U F:4 H U w H E-q Z�2; z W 0000000000 F4 [-1 E-1 a s Z H �D CO 0 Z HHHUH 04 P4 P4 P4 P4 W W CO a [-4 a C/] CQ U �D ooU}o x x x 104 r D rD E H E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 �D o W P4 R+ QI W 121 1 �D H Cl) Cl) Z U UVUU 0 U E-1 a 0 Cl) w E-1 WWZW 1 H E1PP E -1PE -1 z H 04 P4 wwwww u Z a x Z o cn aaoa 0+ 00 D� 4 F:4 00000 w 0 0 U 0 P4 Z wwxW as 04 a4 W W W W W Ix a4 U U C!] U ar H E-+ E w E-I O O 0 0000000o.000 O o0 o O O 00000 rA o o 0 0 0 0 0 0000 E� H NNNNNNNNNNN r Ln Ln m H N H HHH H to �10 kD 1D m �10 m m HH r Ir I U 0 00000000000 O Oo O O H 00000 Ctrl o 0 o N O N m 0000 U LD r-I r-I r-I m to m m m m m m H r H H H H r-I H N N N N lD w to lD to lD w w w w w w LC) to LD Ln LO w Lo w w w lD N W W %D N %D W to W W W W Ix Q W 1 00000000000 H W H pi H H 0000 W 1 0000 0000000 Pu aI w w cn U)cn E 4 E cx H o PL4 P4 04 0x ax x rx Ei 9 w Cn p 0 0 H H 1 F 1 Cl) Cl) m m wwwww w 9 a H wwww I CrJC7UC'3C7 U HH H �9: �9: �t 4 �..q 0 0 F-I'i z'2;:2::z dr W I zzzzz.zzzzzz 00 Q m 00000 0 U 4 m 0 u 0000 Q; I HHHHHHHHHHH Q 00 H a404 04 Na4 u 4 x xxxx Fr+ I W cn cn rn C1? 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H am] H w Ei ZEN U wN c� ate" �E;Z H Cn off qoo E 0ww w0 �H wU Cl) A H C!] 9 00 00 00 00 EiH 00 00 Cn w W Cl) �x or- o r- v] W o E-1 0 E-+ 0 r14 0 w UU 0W ow E-+ U0 U�4 Ei Ei W� h0 0U P� U w4 E1 W H H Cl) q CC) a0 w w H H N N H E-{ U 00 0 0 P4 a w U r-I H M o to o r-I W Ei w Ei p4U w� w 0 z H Ei p 0 U A G4 U z H 0 H Ei Ei W a A C7 Cn H 0 H E4 H r-I N r-I 0 W Ei A 2 mw m 0 6 H 0 0 u rod HF� wH H a H Ra 0) U o> 0 0 0 N N H W W w Ei Uz H H Ei Ei Ei H CI} H 0 �A UU H H E-1 E c 0 �H w �w F s H F:� W w M w M W P4 R' AA a U W W P4 A p 4 p Py z 1:41:4 W wW Ga 7A W W rig E-1 a a W w W W �4 a U fx 0 0 W Ei �H �H �H>1 0 uz 0 0 (Q U 0 H r-I �U w w H w 00 00 H q p4a as o 1 W H r-I xx a N N 4F:4 W U o 0 0 z H Ei p 0 U A G4 U z H 0 H Ei Ei W a A C7 Cn H 0 H E4 H r-I N r-I 0 W Ei A 2 W a W N� E-1a �4a xw w Ei Uz xw U� WW UU H H E-1 E co Cn �Ix WW WW 1:41:4 p4 P4 cx Px Pi Py a W w W W �4 a U U W Ei �H �H �H>1 W Ei Uz PQp 9Q u 00 00 00 p4a as Q xx a 4F:4 F:�4 4K4 00 00 00 00 E-+ Ei Ei p Ei Ei E-+ Ei 0 z H Ei p 0 U A G4 U z H 0 H Ei Ei W a A C7 Cn H 0 H E4 H r-I N r-I 0 W Ei A 2 CITY OF ALAMELEA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: Lisa Goldman Actin Cit Mana Date: Februar 1 201 Re: Award a Contract to Columbia. Electric in. the Amount. of $234 0, Authorize. a. 20% Con to I mplement the Woodstock 10 Webster Street Nei Improyerrient Project, and Authorize the.Acti.n Cit Mana to Execute the Contract and Related Documents BACKGROUND The Woodstock .to. Webste Street N ei g hborho od I m p r o.ve.me n.t. P r ect i s an.. importan streetscape and ne pro �fu .t.hrou the. Comm Development Block Grant (CDBG} pro The in.stallation....of. the.: st1eetscape improvements, such as the �.stree .:an.d trees, is a necessary. step. in .the. first phas of implementation.of the West Alameda. Nei Improvement Pla n d p r p.a re. in 2005... Li and. lands within the nei will improve securit and safet as well as.. beautif th area In 2003, the cit Council authorized $2177099 in CD.BG. funding .for. the .implementation. of the Woodstock to 11eb.ster..N.e.i. oject. I n. 2004., 2.005 and. 2006 the Cit Council added tD13G.funds to �th g ram� e:pro bud in order t o complete the purcha installat of t he light fixtures alon with. new and replacement. plantin of t r e es. On Januar 26.1.20103 the. Cit Council approv a contract to purchase:.:25 li standards for the pro with these allocated CDBG. funds. These li standards are to be installed as.:part.of this contract. Theli standards were purchased, delivered and are read for install DISCUSSION Staff worked with Ala Municipal Power. (AMP) to. de plans a nd specifications for the installation of li standards and retained an arborist to complete a surve of trees in the nei and a proposed pla plan. In September 201 a call :for bids was issued. The bid package .was placed on the Cit :s website, and indi vidual packets were sent to more than the ten contractors. Since. no bids were received b t e it Council A Its #5-C 02-01-11 Honorable Mayor and February 1, 2011 Members of the city council Page .Z of 2 end of the bid period, staff compiled a new. packet of information and solicited bids. In December 2010, the .City received two bids. Columbia Electric submitted the lowest bid for a total of $234,00.0. The first phase of the Woodstock to Webster Street Neighborlleed I mpro.vernent Pro ject J includes the purchase and installation of 59 streetlights, and removal .of existing cobra head streetlights. Columbia Electric wi.11 also use a subcontractor to replace dead and dying trees. Tree removal and replacement. will be. based. on the.:arborist's report and selection of new tree. stock. will be in accordance. with.:. the. City's Master: Tree Plan. A copy of the proposed contract with Columbia. Electric is on file. in ..the City Clerk's .office. FINANCIAL IMPACT This project .is funded with C.DBG. monies .arid does not impact the City's General Fund. A total of $574,259 in CDBG. funds (Fund No. 230, Pro gram Number 023550 is currently available for implementing the project. A 20% contingency is needed to provide flexibility in the event of unforeseen issues. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The project's specifications and the call for bids were. prepared in accordance with AMP standards and.. Federal CDBG rules and regulations. The call for bids ..encouraged businesses owned by women or minorities to bid,: and all ...contractors and other businesses providing services to the city to hire Alameda. residents, .pursuant to City Resolution No..1 2278. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is subject to compliance with the .National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). The activities proposed are categorically, excluded from NEPA. RECOMMENDATION Award a contract to. Columbia Electric in the amount of $234,000, authorize a 20% contingency to. implement the Woodstock to Webster Street Neighborhood Improvement Project, and authorize the Acting city Manager to execute. the contract and related documents. CITY OF AL.AM E ❑A [`Memorandum To: honorable Mayor and Members of the city council From: Lisa Goldman Acting city Manager Date: February 1, 2011 Re: Award a contract in the Amount of $1 85,831, 'Including Contingencies, to Waterworks Engineers for the Preparation of Engineering Documents for the upgrade of the City of Alameda Sewer Pump Stations, Phase 3: Bay Farm Island Pump Station Rehabilitation, No. P.W. 12 -10 -35 3 0 0K ��O�Ji In December 2010, the Public Works Department issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) and conducted a selection process to choose a consultant to provide design services and construction support for the upgrade of the Bay Farm Island (BFI) pump station. The professional services to be provided include the preparation of engineering plans, specifications, and detailed estimate(s), project management assistance to review future contractor design submittals, change orders, and Requests for Information, and site inspections prior to and during construction. DISCUSSION To solicit the maximum number of bids and most competitive price, the RFP was provided to 19 separate builders exchanges throughout the Bay Area and all qualified civil engineering consultants on the city's consulting list. A notice was also published in the Alameda Journal. Five consultants submitted proposals, and the proposals were opened January 3, 2011. The list of proposers includes: Consultant Location Proposal Amount BCF Redwood city $132 Harris Associates concord $165 Waterworks Engineers Oakland $168,937 Psomas Walnut creek $238,200 Schaaf Wheeler San Francisco $172,781 Individual presentations and interviews were held on January 20, 2011, and Public Works staff determined that Waterworks Engineers was best qualified for the work based on experience, capabilities, understanding of the Issues, cost, and staffing availability. Staff proposes to award a contract to Waterworks Engineers, for a total amount of $185,831.. A copy of the contract is on file in the city clerk's office. Cit Co uncil A gen d a It em 5-* Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FINANCIAL IMPACT February 1, 2011 Page 2of2 The project is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program (Project Name Sewer Pump Station Upgrades, Project Number 91008), with monies allocated from the Sewer Enterprise Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this project is Categorically Exempt under CEQA Guidelines, section 15301(b), Existing Facilities (Repair and Restoration of Existing Public Utilities to Provide sewer, Water, Electricity, etc.). RECOMMENDATION Award a contract in the amount of $1 85,831, including contingencies, to Waterworks Engineers for the preparation of engineering documents for the upgrade of the City of Alameda sewer pump stations, phase 3:. BFi pump station rehabilitation, No. P.W. 12- 1 0.35. Pau oo, Jr nt Engineer Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibit: 1. Contract (on file in the City Clerk's office) CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: Lisa Goldman Actin Cit Mana Date: Februar 1, 2011 Re: Adopt a Resolution Appointin an En and an Attorne for Island Cit Landscapin and Lightin District 84-2 I f WIT, =00 60- [91 000111 On June 7, 1984, the Cit Council established the Island Cit Landscapin and Li District 84-2 (District). The purpose of this assessment district is to provide enhanced maintenance in certain business or nei zones throu the Cit This work varies amon the zones within the districts, but includes re litter collection, landscape maintenance of the medians and planters, and sidewalk cleanin DISCUSSION There are currentl seven zones in the district (Exhibit 1). Zone 1: Lincoln Avenue between Sherman Street and St. Charles Street. Zone 2: Webster Street between Central Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. Zone 3: Webster Street between Lincoln Avenue and Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkwa Zone 4: Park Street between Blandin Avenue and San Jose Avenue, and Santa Clara Avenue and Central Avenue between Oak Street and Broadwa Zone 5: Harbor Ba Parkwa between Doolittle Drive and the west end of the roadwa includin North Loop Road and South Lo Road. Zone 6: Alameda Marina Villa Zone 7: Ba Street between San Antonio Avenue and the la It is necessar to appoint an En to prepare the annual assessment dia and to determine the assessment amount, b parcel, within the zones of the assessment District. It is also necessar to appoint an Attorne for the District to perform the le services re in the conduct of these proceedin Consistent with current practice, it is recommended that the Cit En be appointed as the En and that the Actin Cit Attorne be appointed as Attorne for the Distri Cit Council A Item #5 Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council FINANCIAL IMPACT February 1, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Direct costs associated with this work, such as landscape maintenance, are paid by the District, and apportioned to each zone, based on the individual zone's percentage of the total work. Indirect costs of $2,000 for attorney fees and $5,000 for the engineering, advertising, and mailing fees associated with property owner balloting, if required, are also charged to the District. Tone 1, Lincoln Avenue between Sherman and St. Charles Streets (Fund 275.1, Program 275100), Tone 2, Webster Street between central and Lincoln Avenues (Fund 275.2, Program 275200), Tone 3, Webster street between Lincoln and Atlantic Avenues. (Fund 275.3, Program 275300), Zone 4, Park Street from the Bridge to San Jose Ave, Including areas of Webb, Santa Clara and central (Fund 275.4, Program 275400), Tone 5, Harbor Bay Business Park (Fund 275.5, Program 275500), Zone 0, Marina Tillage Commercial Areas (Fund 275.0, Program 275000), and Zone 7, 1100 and 1200 blocks of Bay Streets (Fund 275.7, Program 275700). MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal code. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution appointing an engineer and an attorney for District 34 -2. Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibit: 1. Zone Maps T i ll l l i! AL 4 bA 1-4 Z cc *1 ILZ ata -rd y ;0--4w is 00- rta M 00 I-PIF1 00 LQ s its -S'r�7 c� `.�'Y� +.1 ta 7,Y VH a .3. a ti1� IQ r UD Q 3 b v -.7 .7 -Y C Cr a o q a o v N1 C ity Cou Exhibit to A Ite #5-E I i 1 r ef:f a •t I t 3 G11 iii. qR u 'R NZ cz czi _K C� IS4 At a al Pe 7 1 all is i c 4 .r C1t 9F "x) FD 0ZD 0,9-?•C X37r -u 3 J ti 4 NLI a 0 ,a- a rip w 3 tz 1 i s pD -r0❑ op -Gf� i nt as -['n❑ Q C.' Olz �I tool tit L 4 t 0 P-047 Z j RCO v0 .7a COO 474 £"Q P .019 P- 100 P- 100 P- 100 a( q r -.f I -�j /0 -COO jt S r� -5't� J 1 OS 5 E x Fj. z 1Y1 OW Pe+7 Gr Li au pan t� 7•0-uo DO -Cfo /7 /V -YA G0- c -7 A lCr -t1D _u0 s io -wQ 4 Hwy ryr i �n -are i 7/7 N Q2 !C7 ^■Gt7 DCx -CID PI"CI• Vol i 'COQ Cp- POO 1 I I I 14 E o o o a 4 is zo 0 co a sc p 1-• c� r 00 clo GX i C] oo•SIa i ors wct V. -il❑ CGCr kk v. 14 lzi :a Q Im It 1 k ■'L �i d L"r'S,¢ S"i. Q F ►�i V 4 i r! w w V3 P4 IQ 00- 3 1 CST t mot+ Zi7 te 70 -TVC r. r ❑i av- �aa 8fo o��a �a A0 -Dto t IT tl Mk th w t If3 Ifp -7 41 r0- k❑ 6 i 7 V Q) W .Tac 2v N4 -CIV t D as ''�F t 00- Ora 1 isrs r TA 1 0/1V roo J f v= a� i IL d t f FT, LJ Q e r4 all q p CA 4 i D f r r l q r wJfMr� L a .94 r r K s s� m I CQ w i..f 1rL f wia i s C7 I i a .+r ■s DQ --fro f r Y M 4� a -*Zo OC L act -oF� Oti7 Saa 1 OCR- 3u mow. r. 4 L�t tt W r r 4 rr •q a/^r S Zt q a t .w r T:ll r +C�� v ti M L O NO r Qt wt Iza f'K E 4 i g Qx�CI pp j �F4tasr e ACT Ilk rrr�rr- rrrr•. ..yr +r x f %MC I 4{ •ar��arrrrr��rr��rr q a ri I'LL t3 I laaa RGraaa a 1 r �n.sly r,r w�.raiil r �Otr CQ n4 M' 4 L.� r F r+.�a.... .�'p -4 .efir, 7 C Q,� w t rti.. v+r w. r4•s�A� r Ilk �r ��r- wxi..w= w '17TI y./ ,n �.»l •7 r•� r a •►rr naanoawano0 VA r. 4 -M'M 0 r qi cc° rF a a 1 i .fir "yJ► V �'r `w. ti "r"' e^1 i ww Yom• w-S .w .44k►dr wrr arr.b 4 0 IF qk L F s� gs6�av+Fraaaq�ta4t�'�'1S 7 *7roes4vq*4M A'm44 �'�"��44 t z .�.w►y w,. -„y�� r� Qr 7C'S•O �7.7hQOC4 Q4r•'+CQ i ;r +r r r f...� wt r a r.....w►rw.►•MRr 4L IQ r 1* 14 4M 4ftf& eft+ G w w CJ; w7Q�VOY1AgV��ad •vwyaOgQapaCpaaq�agY�7qv9L1 3y w AtAl Z] •y y3: 4 r� r3w �w� a 31 +3tir•! 7 q Q t� 1• Y 4��jwr wti ..r •+s�rwr wwr. +rr,��`+R "•�•ti�w��►w `wed rt !+�w�� 1rrS'Iw r r y.7' �'W w%0%a *%k"e •�"�Frt. r. 4 4+ rO R'+ O G 7 rtr tiQ R w 4wOtwV� M �1�['r Q �s+�wVVd aaa- y ^;r;ri�rvrr wr s 01 r s r v y v •J r r �.....a w -C" wl r, wE"!M^R'� �ILyA r• a` LIT .K^+a pp�Q400ui0- rsrr�7►+r -r+►r. �o +�t7ri4V'%tf4%aay►•. +rw�rltl+Cf�* kj r r �w�tiwr wr..�°Ar �M..- a.w�r.r. .rw r- .f•.ywti "r��� IK CO IMP IL p r r-t� ►i rr rJ B+ l C3 1 k A r. 1 .O T 7 r All r +J f 4r W. S e x Iq r ti to vt 3 Y a 17 16 ift tot PIP c S� y •w a ti M .a Otis ir -4 1 -r s w 6 r ar -s Ski r 1 ter a g N Za r, S Y rM.� .'C.7 -v_i ,ten �i y~ .'Mrs 1 w i ka 1- 7- PT c ?r❑ f a1 f CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPOINTING AN ENGINEER AND AN ATTORNEY FOR ISLAND CITY LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 84 -2 WHEREAS, on June 7, 1 984 by Resolution No. 10363, the city Council of the City of Alameda ordered the formation of and levied the first assessment within the Island city Landscaping and Lighting District 84 -2 (hereinafter the "District pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 as set forth in the California Streets and Highways Code (hereinafter the "Act and WHEREAS, Sections 22620, et seq. of the Act provide for the levy of annual maintenance assessments after formation of the District; and. WHEREAS, the purpose of said assessments .is to provide for enhanced maintenance in business district Zones 1 through 6 and in residential Zone 7 described in proceedings in and for said District heretofore approved by this council and herein incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAS, the public interest and convenience will be served by appointing an Engineer and an Attorney for assessment and legal services; and WHEREAS, it would be advantageous .to the City to continue with the services of the city Engineer as the Engineer -of -work and Acting City Attorney as the Attorney for said District. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE by the city council. of the .city of Alameda that the city Engineer for the city of .Alameda. is hereby appointed as Engineer for preparation .of the assessment diagram .and the assessment amount by parcel within the zones of the Island city Landscaping and Lighting District 84 -2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Acting city Attorney for the city of Alameda is hereby appointed as Attorney to perform the legal services required in the conduct of said proceedings. Resolution #5-E CC I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 1 st day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of February, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY O F ALAM E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Cou ncil From: Lisa Goldman Acting city Manager Date: February 1, 201 Re: Adopt a Resolution Appointing an Engineer and an Attorney for Maintenance Assessment District 01 -1 (Marina Cove) UNI'm 0 77!=777� On June 7, 2002, the city council established Maintenance Assessment. District 01- (District). The purpose of this assessment district is to provide maintenance for the city park, sidewalks, and landscaping in the Marina cove development (Exhibit 1). DISCUSSION It is necessary to appoint an Engineer -of -Work for annual preparation of the assessment diagram and the assessment amount, by parcel, for the maintenance assessment district. It is also necessary to appoint an Attorney -of- Record to perform the legal services required in the conduct of these annual proceedings. consistent with the current practice, it is recommended that the city Engineer be appointed as the Engineer -of -Work and that the Acting City Attorney be appointed as Attorney for. the District. FINANCIAL IMPACT All direct costs for services, such as landscape maintenance, are charged to the District. In addition, indirect costs of $2,000 for attorney fees and $2,600 for engineering, advertising, and mailing fees will also be charged to the District (276-0276). MUNICIPAL. CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal code. Ci ty 4 o ti. nL S A genda .M. F.. 4 A n} ....,i Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council RECOMMENDATION February 1, 20 Page 2 of 2 Adopt a resolution appointing an engineer and an attorney for District o1 -1, Marina cove. Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibit: 1. Maintenance Assessment District Map rfr M Oel� L J 42) z LL— :3 LLI 0 1 0 LL33 LLJ C IL (5 LJ Z D OU M L U) La lei t7 C7 V �62 yj �t ems, vn Z rL 0 rN LLJ I E CN -j^ -X= 2 R- I L A 13381S MUSH LO 4p lie I L J— Pei r%T Ld A Ld -7 7Y— LLI 9 D M I 3 42) _F r LL33 3.f ex lei t7 C7 V �62 yj �t ems, f�F Uj it Council =xMDvXXU A Its #S-F 02-01-11 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPOINTING AN ENGINEER AND AN ATTORNEY FOR CITY OF ALAMEDA MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 01 -1, (MARINA COVE) E- 0 U. WHEREAS, by its previous proceedings, the City Council of the City of 0 Alameda determined to undertake the formation of the first maintenance U) assessment district within the city of Alameda Maintenance Assessment District 01 -1 (here inafter the "District pursuant to the provisions of Chapter article V of 0 the Alameda Municipal Code (the city of Alameda Maintenance Procedure Code CL (hereinafter the "Code which also incorporates the procedural requirements of the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 (hereinafter the "Act and WHEREAS, sections 22620 et seq. of the Act provide for the levy of annual maintenance assessments after formation of the District; and WHEREAS, the purpose of said assessments .is .to provide for enhanced maintenance in the zones established within said District described in proceedings in and for said District heretofore approved by this council and herein incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAS, the public interest and convenience will be served by appointing an Engineer and an Attorney for assessment and legal. services; and WHEREAS, it would be advantageous to the City to continue with the services of the city Engineer as the Engineer -of -Work and the Acting City Attorney as the Attorney for said District. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city Council.of the City of Alameda that the City Engineer for the city of Alameda is hereby appointed as Engineer for preparation of the assessment diagram and the assessment amount by parcel within the zones of the City of Alameda Maintenance Assessment District 01 -1. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Acting City Attorney for the city of Alameda is hereby appointed as Attorney to perform the legal services required in the conduct of said proceedings. Resolution #5 -F CC 02 -02 -11 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the I st day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of February, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF AL.AMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Lisa Goldman Acting City Manager Date: February 1, 2011 Re: Adopt a Resolution in opposition to the Governor's Proposal to Abolish Redevela ment Agencies in California BACKGROUND On Monday, January 10, 201.1, Governor Brown issued his 2011-12 budget proposal. The proposal includes the dissolution of redevelopment agencies statewide and the requirement that all future tax increment be used only to satisfy the agencies' existing obligations. Given the current budget proposal, staff is recommending that the City of Alameda adopt a resolution in opposition to the proposed budget, DISCUSSION The Governor's proposal to eliminate redevelopment agencies is another attack on.local funds that voters have repeatedly .sought fio end. In November X010, for example, 01 of the voters elected to stop state raids of local government funds,. including redevelopment funds. The current •proposal w..ill destroy local economic development efforts. The elimination of redevelopment would take away. one of. the fury. tools. local governments have to comply with.. state requirements. to. plan. for. more.compact urban development supported by transit- oriented development, housing, jobs and infrastructure. The Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda (CIC), the city's redevelopment agency, has numerous projects in various .stages d evelopmer t that assist in the elimination of blight and serve as a catalyst for. private investment in its redevelopment areas. It will be d continue. planning and implementing these redevelopment and economic development projects. without the resources from redevelopment. Examples of areas. that could be. adversely affected include. redevelopment of the Northern Waterfront, the Webster street and Park Street commercial districts, and Alameda Point projects. Additionally, redevelopment agencies are the second largest fonder of affordable housing, behind. the federal government. Affordable housing is a critical, unmet need throughout the Bay Area, and the. City of Alameda is no exception. Funding .the preservation and expansion of affordable housing for very low low and moderate- Cit Council A Item #5-6 02 0 1-11 Honorable Mayor and February T, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 income households is key to a vibrant and sustainable local economy. In addition to funding these important activities, 20% redevelopment funds are used to administer the CIC's inclusionary housing program and undertake various reporting activities, as required by State law. Lastly, the proposal is expected to bring little financial benefit to the State. According to the state controller's office, redevelopment agencies have more than $87 billion in bond and other contractual obligations that legally must be repaid before revenues are available to any other purpose. In fact, according to the State Department of Finance's own budget documents, there will be zero State savings in the long term from shutting down redevelopment. FINANCIAL IMPACT Adoption of the resolution has no impact on the city's or CIC's budget. f'.7K *j0 ►►j►T► I Adopt a resolution in opposition to the Governor's proposal to abolish redevelopment agencies in California. spe�tfully submitte Je nife 'Ott Deputy t;ity Manager Dorene E. Soto Manager, Business Development Division CITY OF ALANEDA RESOLUTION NO. OPPOSING THE GOVERNOR'S PROPOSAL TO ABOLISH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES IN CALIFORNIA P4 U. WHEREAS, as part of its 2011 --12 budget proposal, the Governor has proposed permanently abolishing California's more than 400 local redevelopment agencies; and p 9 1 WHEREAS, this proposal represents rnisgui and illegal state budget raids of local government funds that voters have repeatedly sought to end, most recently in November 20 10 when an overwhelming 01 /o of voters elected to v stop state raids of local government funds, including redevelopment funds; and WHEREAS, this proposal will bring little financial benefit to the .state. According to the state controller's Office, redevelopment agencies have more than $87 billion in bond and other contractual obligations that legally must be repaid before revenues are available to any other purpose. In fact, according to the state Department of Finance's own budget documents, there gill be zero State savings in out years from shutting down redevelopment; and WHEREAS, this proposal will severely limit local economic development efforts, including hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in local economic activity throughout California. Specifically, in. the city of �lrreda abolishing redevelopment will significantly impede efforts to redevelo p the northern waterfront and Alameda Point, and to provide affordable housing for the residents of Alameda; and WHEREAS, throughout California, redevelopment activities support 804,000 jobs annually, including 170,000 construction jobs, contr.ib.ute over $40 billion annually to California's economy in the generation of goods .and services, and generate more than $2 billion in state and local taxes in a typical ear; and Yp Y WHEREAS, eliminating redevelopment will take away one of the few tools local governments have to comply with state requirements to plan for more compact urban development supported by transit oriented development, housing, jobs and infrastructure; and WHEREAS, eliminating redevelopment will have significant adverse impacts on the development of affordable housing in California. Redevelopment agencies are the second largest funder of affordable housing, behind only the federal government, responsible for over 98,000 units of affordable housing since 1993; and Resolution #5 -G CC 02 -02 -11 WHEREAS, shutting down redevelopment agencies is a violation of multiple State and Federal Constitutional provisions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Alameda formally opposes the Administration's proposal to abolish redevelopment in California. THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Alameda authorizes its City Council and City staff to communicate its opposition to this proposal to the Governor, the Legislature, business groups, and citizens. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1 st day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 2nd day of February, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: Lisa Goldman Actin Cit Mana Date: Februar 1, 2011 Re: Hold a Public Hearin to Introduce an Ordinance Amendin Sections. 30-.36 and 30-37 of the Alameda Municipal Code Related to Desi Review and Section 30-6 Related Si and Related Amendments to the Guide to Residential Review and the Webster Street Desiqn Manual The proposed amendments to the Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) :desi review re si ordinance, and related manuals are intended to: Clarif streamline, and improve the Cit of Alameda's Desi Review pro Improve customer service and satisfaction with the pro Correct existin problems with the public notification.and appeal procedures; .and Maintain consistenc between the si re and the amended desi review re The draft amendments were developed with assis and .advice from the C ity of Alameda Customer Service Improvement Committee and representatives from the Webster Street Desi Committee and Park Street Business.Association. The Plannin Board unanimousl approved the recommende amendments on December 14, 2009. On April 20, 2010, the Cit Council approved the first readin of the. amendments.and asked staff to make two chan for the second read.in The Council.as.ked that staff: ff 1. Amend the ordi to prohibit exemptions for proposals in the.case when an applicant proposes. to replace an inappropriate window with a near inappropriate window. For example, if adouble. hun wood window. in.a.1 9.1 O.craftsman bun was replaced with a horizontal aluminum slider. in 1959, a 2011 proposa[to replace the 1959 window with a bra new aluminu slider should not. be. e from Desi Review under the lon standing Lt r exemption. Staff has made the necessar amendments to the ordina s o that onl windows and other features that are "consistent with the ori desi will q ualif y for the replacern ent in kind" exemption. Cit Council A Item #6-A 021-01-11 Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Februar .2011 Pa 2 of 7 2. To prepare a "Window Replacement Handout" that describes and illustrates the re for replacin windows for the second readin of theordina Due to a number of competin priorities, staff was unable to make.the. chan in. a timel manner for the second readin Althou staff has now compl the .requested chan staff chose to re-notice this item as a first readin g iven.the amount of time that has passed since the April 2010 first readin DISCUSSION The proposed improvements to the desi review pro re amendments to several sections of the Alameda Municipal Code (AMC). The followin anal is or in the order in which the appear in the code and in the recommended ordinance. Section 30-36. Design Review Procedures Sections 36.1 throu 36.4 describe the procedures b which desi review applications are considered, noticed and appealed. The curre.n.t code has caused -a variet of problems over the y ears, which have been detrimental. to the q uality .and effectiveness of, and confidence in, the Cit Desi Review Pro The proposed revisions to sections 36.1 throu 36.4 improve the desi review process b Ensurin that the public and nei are better informed and m ore pr o.ductively involved in desi review application review, and Ensurin that the Plannin Board is better inf of pe ndin and. recent staff decisions on desi review applications so that staff .decisions ma called for review if necessar to ensure consistenc with com unit :design stan Under the amended code, the notification and appeal pi-ocess would. be improved to work as follows: At least 10 da prior to a decision on a desi re application, the site. will. be posted and a letter sent out to propert owners and residents ire a 100. foot. radius informin them that the staff aril! .make a decision on. a specific.date, and that a 1.07da appeal period will. be .on tha date. This..is si..milar to. the approach that. is used f Plannin Board and. Cit Council -decisions. The -postin and letter. will describe the nature .of the proposal and the oppo to r and comment..o.n 'the application. When staff makes a. deeision on the, pro a N. otice of.Decision.w.ill be..sent b mail..to the propert owner and .an n interested parties re th notice. Durin the 10 da appeal period staff will.report the decision to .the Plann in Board at which time the Plannin Board .gill have.the opp.ortunit to call the decision for review, if necessar If the project is to be heard b the Plannin Board .or Zonin Administrator, then the noticin procedures g overnin g Plannin Board or Zonin Administrator Honorable Ma and Februar 1, 20.11 Members of the Cit Council Pa 3 o f 7 decisions will be utilized i.e. the 20 da notice of upcomin hearin but no notice of decision to the nei New administrative g uidelines ensure that current and future st consistentl implement these procedures. As drafted, the Administrative Guidelines instruct.staff to: Maintain a public list of pendin desi review applications. Maintain the list on the Cit website, so that the Plannin Board .or an y me of the communit ma at an time review the applications on -file, includin the proposed plans. Include the list in the Plannin Board's re packet. Report to the Plannin Board at a meetin on an desi review decisions. made and provide the Plannin Board the opportunit to call the decision .for review. The Administrative Guidelines also include the criteria for which.. pro should automaticall be referred to the Plannin Board. Desi review projectsthat shall be automaticall referred include: 0 New commercial buildin 0 New residential buildin but not second units consistent with 30-4.1, 0 An pro for which a nei or the applicant re Plannin B 0 An pro that includes an entitlement that re Plannin Boa rd review, such as a zonin amendment or General Plan amendment. Section 30-37 Desi Review Regulations Section 30-37 Desi Review Re describes the t o f projects that are sub to desi review, the .findin for approvin a.desi review,. pro and the time limits on desi review approvals. Currentl the cod e stablishes three. cate of pro j ects'. "ma desi review, "minor" desi review, and projec that are. icexe from desi review. The intent of the minor desi cate is to allow for staff level desi decisions on small projects. Most minor desi review approvals are conducted over the counter.. or approved within a couple of da However, the minor d review .process.has :been problematic and has caused a number of problems for applicants, nei and -staff. As currentl written, all desi review decisi ma b appealed. b an person but onl the applicant receives the notice of de minor d.esi n review a Is. pprova Minor desi review pro are discretionar decision th should be subject t appeal, but the applicant is the onl person who actua.11 the. o ppor t u. nit appeal the project. If a staff decision re jud and discretion such as .a d etermination as to whether the "improvement is consistent w.ith the nei or the "improvement will not impact the nei then that.decision should be subject to appeal. Reasonable people can and do disa on these jud s and when staff is i Honorable Mayor and February 1, 2011 Members of the City council Page 4 of 7 making these judgments, which the minor design review process requires, then those decisions should be subject to an effective appeal process. For minor design review applications, the public and neighbors do not get a notiee.of the application or a notice of decision; but they do have a right of appeal. The ordinance has resulted in some very unfortunate situations. Because there is no notice of minor design review, the neighbors do not find out about minor design review decisions until the actual construction work begins. At this point in the process, it. is extremely problematic to start questioning whether the appropriate findings were made to approve the project, and the 10-day appeal period has usually passed. In addition to the noticing and appeal problems with minor design review described above, the minor design review category adds an unnecessary level of complexity. and uncertainty to the program. Minor design review includes "routed" minor design review projects and "over the counter" minor design review projects. If a project is "over the counter it is .approved :at the counter by the planner. If it is routed, the project gets review b.y.other departments before it is approved. Therefore, when a resident comes to the: permit. center for. a building permit for exterior modifications to their property, there are four potential design review tracks that their project may follow before being reviewed for a building permit: exempt, minor design -over the counter, minor design review- rowed, or major design review. There are four different design review tracks (major design .review, routed minor design review, over the counter design review, and exempt) Each track. has. a. different process and fee, and the planner at the counter often determines the appropriate. track. Some applicants planner shop" for a preferred answer. These applicants. may return several times to the permit center hoping to find. a planner at. the counter .ho.. mill determine that an inexpensive, faster track is available. In some. cases, staff will change its determination about the design review track. Both of these: urcumstances are detrimental to the quality of the City's design review program and the public's confidence in the program. In many cases, these small "minor design review" projects are quite simple, .but in some cases, they might take a lot of staff work and time. From a cost recovery and customer service perspective, this is problematic. Minor design review requires a..flat fee of approximately $27o if it is routed to other departments. over the counter. minor design review is only $37. If the .project takes.more than about two hours of stafr.tirr e, then the Community Development Department is subsidizing a .routed project for the applicant. If staff spends more than 15 minutes on an over the counter design review, the department is also subsidizing the project. This often happens. when the applicant "Planner shops" or has chosen not to hire a design professional and instead uses City staff to design the project to comply with City standards. In .cases where applicants hire design professionals for minor projects, the work can often be done in two hours, without the City subsidizing the project. x:: men amen. se All P r•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• r.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. t......R •:•:•:•:•:•:i•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•' •i:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::x {may}. }I�+�[:.:.: •Y': ]y y F ham....... F...[ .SrI �.4/�... m 'x:: m er.s.. II 1 x x x Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 1, 2011 Page 6of7 For example, replacing deteriorated double hung windows with new double hung windows that is consistent with the original dimensions, proportions, details and textures and outwardly appears unchanged from the original element. Restoration. Restoration of a window, door, porch or similar architectural detail from a style not consistent with the original architectural design of the structure to a feature that is in keeping with the original architectural style .of the. structure. For example, replacing aluminum horizontal sliding windows. with new double hung windows on a 1020 bungalow would be exempt.. However, replacing aluminum horizontal sliding window with aluminum horizontal sliding windows on a 1020 bungalow would. not be exempt. Additions or improvements that meet all of the following criteria: a) are less than 200 square feet in size; and b) are on the first story as defined by the Building Code; and c) are located in the rear yard area; and d) are in compliance with all applicable lot coverage, open space, and setback requirements of the applicable zoning district and, e) include exterior materials, roof pitch, design, windows, and doors that .are a visual match the existing or original design of the structure. Awnings that have approval by the City of Alameda Facade Improvement Program or meet certain specific design criteria listed in the Design Review Ordinance 30- 37.2.7 Changes to existing parking lots that are not visible from the. public. right-of-way, y provided there is no change in the number of spaces or amount of.landscaping. New signs, provided that they have an approved sign permit. Solar collection facilities. Fences in conformance with the Alameda Municipal code. Section 30 -0 Sign ordinance Amendments Currently, a proposed sign requires two permits. a sign permit and a minor design review permit. Under the current regulations, the size and number of signs is reviewed as part of the sign permit, and the design of the sign. is reviewed under minor :design review. Under the proposed revisions to the Design Review ordinance, signs with approved sign permits would. be exempt from design review. To maintain tine. City's existing ability to review and approve signs for new businesses expeditiously, the proposed code amendment would allow the City to review the design of the sign as part of the sign permit process. Design Guidelines Manuals and Handouts Amendments to the City of Alameda wide for Residential Design and Webster street Design Manual are required to maintain consistency between the proposed Honorable Ma and Februar 1, 2011 Members of the Cit Council Pa .7 of 7 amendments to the Desi Review Ordinance and the Guidelines and Manuals that are used b the public and staff to implement the desi review pro Should the C it Council approve the recommended ordinance amendments, Cit staff will revi .the desi g uidelines and manual to ensure consistenc The attached handout (Exhibit 1) is intended to provide eas to understand descriptions and tips for applicants and homeowners wishin to replace windows. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no financial impact from adoptin the recommended Code amendments. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The proposed zonin text amendment is necessar to ensure that desi re can be uniforml and efficientl processed and assist staff in attainin General Plan g oals to develop a protection of Alameda's historic nei and small .to wn character as stated in the Cit Desi Element. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed amendments are cate exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15305 Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations. The proposed amendments amend the review process for desi review and da not .increase the intensit or densit of use that would be permitted on propert in Alameda. RECOMMENDATION Introduce an Ordinance amendin Sections 30-36 and 3037 of the. Alameda Municipal Code related to.desi review and Section 30-6 related to si amendments to the Guide. to. R R e vi e w and the Webster Street Desi Manual. Exhibit: 1. Window Handout Cit of Alameda Desi Review Exemptions for Window Replacements For Structures not listed as Historic Resources* Windows define and express the style and architectural period of a building through such details as molding profiles, function, size, shape, position and glazing patterns. Retaining the original windows is one of the best ways to retain the charm, character, and resale value of an older building. Exemption Criteria Replacement windows are exempt from Design Review if there is no change in the size of the opening and either: Replacement "in Kind" If the existing windows are part of the original construction of the house, the replacement windows shall visually match the existing windows, including having dimensions typical of the original window (see Attachment 2 Typical Dimensions as well as the Design Review Ordinance.); or 2. Restoration. If restoring previously altered windows, the replacement windows .are consistent with the building's original architectural style (see Attachment I Stylistic Consistency) and visually match the types of .windows that would have been used originally (see Attachments 1 and 2). 3. *If your structure is listed on either the City of Alameda Study List or city Monument List, a slightly higher standard called the Department of Interior Standards will be required. Please see Planning staff for explanation and criteria. All other window replacement projects require design review. Submittal Requirements Photograph(s) of existing windows to be replaced. Photographs of front of building and si.de(s) of building where the windows are.to be installed. Window manufacturer and, if applicable, model number or style name, e.g. "Marvin Integrity Brochure(s) of new. windows, if available. Cross section of new windows (Usually available from .the supplier or .tae drawings in A ttachment 2. If you use the drawings. and your proposal. is different from the drawings, mark- up the drawings to show the cdr'ffererrces.) Site plan or floor. plan clearly identifying all new and replacement window locations. window schedule.with numbers or letters (i.e. A, B, C or 1, 2 3) corresponding to the window locations on the floor or site plan. See attached window schedule Attachment 3 For restoration of previously altered windows: Identify the style of the building and either: 1. Use Attachment 1 (Stylistic consistency) to determine the. type, material and design of the new windows; or 2. Select other buildings of the same style with original windows; use these windows as models for the restored windows. and include .photographs of the.other buildings with your submittal; or 3. If old photographs or plans are available, base the new windows on the photographs or plans and include the photographs or plans in your submittal How to visuall match replacement windows existing or is original windows. 1. Choose a window that matches type and size of the original window or, if the original window has been replaced, a window consistent with the building's original architectural style (see Attachment 2. choose a window that has dimensions typical of the original window. (See Attachment 2 for typical dimensions.) City Council 3. Replacement windows do not have to be made of the same material (e.g. wood) as the originals Exhibit to Item as long as the visual character of the new windows matches that of the originals. But if the existing or original windows were good, and if the new window material is different, surfaces must be smooth and flat (not molded), and finishes flat or semi -gloss (not gloss). Attachment 1: Stylistic Consistency Chart Attachment 2: Typical Dimensions of Wood and Steel Windows Attachment 3: Window Schedule Form P) Qj p W E p U) U 0 U Q3 N S.Z E N p3 C: d L7 E p p' 0 s0LL°Chfl �v M V 0U v� -0oaoa oo a -r3 cn =.0 W p m o m >L3 n� -a Q Rs o U D o Cif L-- U CO EIL CL U) D 0 u7 a 0 p CCU CU 0 0 cu Z3 5 0 Q p p CL U p r!7 U 0 v ca v a� co Z N NNMM 4-j i CO C Co.. t r ii o U) co i l Vj •V €g s gg p d Q r 00 LL co S m U m 4-; m c C: L.:- (1) -0 £a m X -0 U) (n v 0 4-1 E v "w C13 LCD r1 Co -F--' t17 m v m U) U] Q. N v E 3e v LU 0 v U3 x v D v C..� tl3 tip D3 v c M M ti3 E v w M x E v m v w t� a L o ca- E E L 0 E E cn v �l3 v o a c c U -G-J ��nL3tts.c�.�ca cn EHI v E:l c v M I r 4-0 CL c Z U) v v o v CL Q) a v 0LL oLL El r co ry f c o 7 tU M ca co co C 113 CC5 Q) (u U) C: X v Co ca a .cn �n >w.. 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F= CY) M o (D Q- A) J--: (1) X 4-j (D: a) 4a) 0 0. co VJ 0 0 N a CY) Co o CY) a) C13. (D U) o (1) o U) co CIO 0 ii Z TO E. ca cu (D 0 0 0 (D 0 TO 0 ca z 542 I= -4 LW- �g MEOW ROSSI ANSI cn I NIq IBM V. SEEMS vl� SAM *wJ 2 E 5-9 0 E22 BE 'w E co *-Ift ce) lem Z: Cf) Z 0 Lu E mi am -04 E mom I*j ap 0 slow MONO SIMON U. C W% E 0 N A. X: INS 0 CL.-No r awE Imm. am &MB No= 00 BONIN x ammis, WOMBS NOMMO SO MOONS IN Is no X .0 Lid o o -4 LW- �g MEOW ROSSI ANSI cn I NIq IBM V. SEEMS vl� SAM *wJ 2 E 5-9 0 E22 BE 'w E co *-Ift ce) lem Z: Cf) Z 0 Lu E mi am -04 CCU d] Ct ct CID 13 E3 E3 E3 r a v p v v 0 o v v v E3 E3 E3 o a� U v *"-4 V a a� e� 0 a fl a� CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. New Series AMENDING SECTIONS 30-36,30-37, AND 30 -0 OF THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE TO IMPROVE THE DESIGN REVIEW AND SIGN ORDINANCE PROVISIONS FOR THE CITY OF ALAMEDA BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Alameda: Findings. N. o In enacting this Section, the City Council finds as follows: 2 1. The amendments maintain the integrity of the General Plan. The proposed zoning ext amendments are necessary to ensure that design review can g g be uniformly and efficiently processed and assist staff in attaining General Plan goals to develop a protection of Alameda's historic neighborhoods and small town character as stated in the City's. Design Element. The proposed amendments will also simplify and improve the design review process in Alameda and provide relief for property owners who are required to delay construction on approved projects. 2. The amendments will support the general welfare of the community. The proposed zoning tent amendments will require that ..all exterior changes are subject to Design Review, unless exempt, ensuring compliance with the Residential and Commercial Design .G.0 del nes.. The amendments also provide relief to property owners. that may have been required to delay construction due to the worldwide economic downturn by not requiring them to pay for renewing permits. 3. The amendments are equitable. The proposed zoning amendments are equitable in that they establish consistent noticing and appeal procedures for all property owners. The proposed zoning amendments are also equitable in that they establish consistent expiration and extension requirements for all design review projects, irrespective of whether they are joined with a variance or use permit. Section 1. Section 30 -30 of the Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 30 -30 DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURE. 30 -30.1 Design Review Staff. The review of applications required by this article shall be made by the Planning Staff designated by the Planning Director. In those instances where the Planning I ntroduction of Page 1 of 7 ordinance #6-A 02-02-11 Director believes an application will generate significant public interest, er involve policy issues, or re uire other entitlements to be reviewed by the Lonin Administrator or Planning Board the Planning Director shall refer the application to either the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Board for review and action. 30 -36.2 Notice. At least ten (10) days before final ae�a� decision by the Planning Director e# on a Design Review application, a notice shall be sent to the owners of property located within one hundred (100') feet of the property line of the applying property and prominently posted on the project site regarding the application and the opportunity to comment on the proposed design. Public comments may be submitted to the Planning Department within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the notice. No hearings on Design Review. applications are required; however, the Planning Director may refer an application to hearing as provided for in subsection 30 -36:1. Applications referred to the Zoning Administrator or Planning Board shall be noticed in conformance with Zoning Administrator or Planning_ Board noticing procedures: 30 -35.3 Notice of Decision. Final action on a Design review shall be made in writing listing any conditions of approval. A copy of the action shall be mailed to the applicant, p rovided to the M ,z t=h nr_Q s f t� Plannin Board at the next regularly meetinq and to any person or interested party that vv� has requested notice. The date of the final action shall be the date the aG.A.iGR, Notice of Decision is p ostmarked �s 30 -36.4 Appeals and Calls for Review. Any person dissatisfied with a decision of the Planning .Director may file an appeal to the Planning B ten (10) calendar days from the date the Notice of Decision, pursuant to subsection 30 -36,3, is mailed. The appeal shall be made in writing and filed with the Planning Department. Failure to file a timely appeal shall result in a waiver of the right to appeal. The appeal shall state in detail the factual basis for the appeal. Appeals shall be heard pursuant to Section 30 -25. The decision of the Planning Director may be called for review pursuant to Section 30 -25. Section 2. section 30 -37 of the Alameda Municipal code is hereby amended to read as follows: 30 -37 DESIGN REVIEW REGULATIONS. 30 37.1 Definitions. a. Additions shall mean the expansion of an existing structure, affixed to real property. Page 2 of 7 b. Improvements shall mean the construction of a structure, an addition or alteration to the exterior of a structure affixed to real property, which requires a building permit. c. Nlaj-e; Design Review shall mean an improvement subject to rev4ew under subsection 30- 37.2a. S i A I I I ra I %.F V I I 1 %.0 1 1 g. %I %A bw J -f rw- t ft. GI Feview-U, t 2 8 27 h d. e- Replacement -in -kind shall mean the replacement of any structure or architectural element which is identical to the existin structure or architectural element in terms of location, size, and shape; and is made of materials that outwardly have the same dimensions, proportions, details and textures of the original and that outwardly appear uncharged from the .original. e. Restoration shall mean to restore or replace any structure or architectural element back to its original dimensions p details and textures of the on final element and that outward l a ear unchang from the original element in place at the time of construction. If the original element has been removed or altered the replacement element shall be consistent with the structure's on final architectural sty le as set forth in the City of Alameda Desi n Revie Manual. f. structure shall mean a building or facility of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite matter. 30 -37.2 Irr rovements subject to D e s ig n Review; and Exemptions. a. All improvements re uire Design Review Review-a roval unless specifically exem t pursuant to 30- 37.2.b. M200 �.wi■ I Ira K W'406, s ,ia. ..s a Ah a. ■r w a w w rr wr rir L WAN ELIAW r w w r w •r wr i w +r w i FA i i Ift A■ i �R i i t li i A r ►1. 1 11111 1 d i ig i i ia i R i a i w r r r w s w w w ■s w r i Mir w wr w w f Ili rNr w r F w err ►V w s r 111 A i R +Ih i A A A C■ �r w I 'a I NO w w r r ■r wr s r r r w w. r J io'hMir w rr wr w qW rr w rr wALIVIIIIN UVWME!WALI 45 11 /ESA i i A +M► 4s w. rr rr MM'A 0 WS!IIII WAW I MR I YUWWWALWA WIN w 2rom AM am A W Page 3 of 7 c:- b. Exempt Improvements: Int;zrimr- Ir" evemmnttz- improvement that does not re u ire a pf building perm pursuant to the Building Cade; 2. Interior Improvements ,ii h��• 1 1 I 3. Replacement —in-kind that the structure or element bein replaced is consistent with the original dimensions p roportions, details and textures and outwardly appears unchanged from the on final element in place at the time of construction 4 F 6 4. Restoration of an original architectural element or structure. 5. F; An addition or imp rovement that meets all of the following criteria: A. The gross floor area of the irnnrovement is less than 200 s uare feet and; B. The improvement is a one sto accessory building or the improvement is located on the first sto as defined 'by the Building—Code, and C. The imp rovement is located in the rear yard area the imp rovement is in compliance with all ap plicable lot covers e op s ace and setback re uiremerts of the a licable Bonin district, and; D. The imp rovement includes exterior materials architeclur~al detailing roof p itch and design windows and doors that are a visua snatch to the existing or o riginal desi n of the structu 6 +;,n --vim 6. New or refaced signs, regulated under Section 30-6 with armroved sign p ermits and signs that meet the re uirernents of an approved si n program. 7. New awnings that meet all of the following criteria: A. Is covered in an a non-glossy fade and fire resistant fabric Material, and; B. Matches the alignment and shape of any existing awning on the building Page 4 of 7 C. Does do not cover transom windows or extend more than six inches 5" be and the perimeter of a window door or other opening an--1 D. i s not placed over pilasters, columns or other prominent vertical elements and E. Provides a minimum of eight feet 8' of vertical clearance for framed portions and seven feet 7' for any unframed valances, and; F. Exhibits a slanted or if over arched windows or individual upp er floor windows a donned shape, and G. is not internally illuminated and' H. Has all re wired encroachment ermits. (lonlir thirbi innhoc /`2(Y'1 in hoin 8. Awnings with approval by the City of Alameda Facade Improvement Program. 9. Changes to an existing parking lot provided that the lot is not visible from the public right of way and the number of parking spaces or the area of landscaping are not being reduced. 10. New solar collections systems or skylights. 11. Docks which comply with the standards of the Alameda Municipal Code. 12. Second units consistent with development regulations of Section 30- 4.1. 13. Fences consistent with the standards of the Alameda Municipal Code. 30 -37.3 Applications for Design review. a. Any person or entity proposing to construct or locate within the City any improvement subject to Design Review, shall.file an applio.ation.for. review of the project G-. b. The form of the Design Review applications shall be as required by the Design review staff, and shall be accompanied by architectural and site development drawings drawn to scale and shall include all information as specified e-R in the application form. Page 5 of 7 d-: c. Design Review Staff may require additional information from applicants which is pertinent to the application necessaa to evaluate the project. 30 -37.6 r rirerne J Findings. To grant Design Review a roval the following findings must be made: a. The proposed design is consistent with the General Plan and the City of Alameda Design Review Manual b. The proposed design is appropriate for the site, is compatible with adjacent or neighboring buildings or surroundings, and promotes harmonious transitions in scale and character in areas between different designated land uses; and c. The proposed design of the structure(s) and exterior materials and landscaping are visually compatible with the surrounding development, and design elements have been incorporated to ensure the compatibility of the structure with the character and uses of adjacent development. 30 -37.6 Expiration and Extension. Design Review approval shall expire two (2) years from the initial date of approval unless construction has commenced under valid permits. Design review approval may be extended upon application for up to two (2) additional years from the date of expiration. Section 3. Section 30 -6 of the Alameda Municipal code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 30 -6.1 In General; On- Premise and off Premises Signs. b. Permit Required. A sign permit shall be obtained °c ^r ^v;Gh°ed c11.41hcont inn and a building permit shall be obtained as provided in Sections 6 -3 and 13 -1 of the Alameda Municipal Code. Section 30 -6.3 General Requirements on On- Premise Signs. a. Regulations Pertaining to All On- Premise Signs: Page 6 of 7 1. Permit Required for All Permanent Signs. In order to assure compliance with the regulations of this section, no permanent sign (including signs that do not require building permits) may be installed until a sign permit has been issued. Sign permit applications shall be filed with the Planning Department, and reviewed by the Planning 'Director, or person so designated. To g rant a sign permit, the Planning Director must find that the proposed sign(s): A. Are consistent with all applicable General Plan policies all sign r_equlations of Section 30 -6 of the Alameda Municipal Code and all provisions of the City of Alameda Design Review Manual that may apply to the project type or site; B. Exhibit a design and materials that are appropriate for the site and compatible with adjacent or neighboring buildings or surroundings. Section 4. Severability Clause. It is the declared intent of the city Council. of Alameda that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not be so construed as to render invalid or unconstitutional the remaining provision of this ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance and the rules, regulations, provisions, requirements, orders, and matters established and adopted hereby shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Section 6. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The proposed amendments are categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15305 Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations. The proposed amendments amend the review process for Design Review and do not increase the intensity or density of use that would be permitted on property in Alameda Presiding officer of the city Council Attest: Lara Weisiger, City clerk City of Alameda Page 7 of 7 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of 2011 by the following vote to wit. AYES: NOES.: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of 2011. Lara Weisiger, City-Clerk City of Alameda CITY of ALAMEDA Memorandum To Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Lisa Goldman Acting City Manager Date: February 1, 2011 Re: Introduce an Ordinance to Amend the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Section 3 -7 at Article I, (Finance) of Chapter III, (Finance and Taxation) Regulating Holders of State Video Franchises BACKGROUND The City's non exclusive cable television franchise was adopted in July 1982 to franchise holder United Cable Television of Alameda, which eventually transferred to Comcast of Alameda. On September 29, 2006, Assembly Bill 2987, the Digital Infrastructure. and Video Competition Act of 2006 (DIVCA), was approved. The purpose of DIVCA is to create a streamlined process for granting video service franchises to foster new technology, encourage competition, and expand customer choice. It also permanently changes the franchising and regulatory structure for the provision of cable television and other video services in California. Under DIVCA, video service franchises are granted exclusively by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) rather than local franchising entities. Although the City is not the franchising authority, it has specific rights and responsibilities under DIVCA with respect to any holder of a State franchise. With the adoption of DIVCA, Alameda's Municipal Code (AMC) needs to be amended to implement the State law under which a video service provider can provide services in Alameda after obtaining a State franchise. In March 2007, AT &T was issued a State franchise to provide video Services to Alameda. In October 2008, Comcast notified the City that it received the State franchise and was providing video services. A state issued franchise is valid for tern years after the date of issuance, and the holder shall apply for a renewal of the State franchise for an additional ten -year period if it wishes to continue to provide video service to Alameda. DISCUSSION DIVCA allows a city to charge a franchise fee of up to five percent of the gross revenues (as defined in DIVCA) of State video franchise holders providing service within the city for use of its public right -of -way. The proposed ordinance clarifies that the franchise fee for the City of Alameda is five percent of gross revenues. The City has been receiving a five percent franchise fee since 1982. Cit Council Agenda Item i Honorable Mayor and February 1, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 3 Cities are also entitled to an additional fee of up to one percent of the gross revenues for the support of Public, Education, and Government (PEG) cable channels, provided the City has enacted an ordinance establishing such fee. The proposed ordinance sets this fee at one percent of the gross revenue. DIVCA also requires cities to monitor customer service standards for state video franchisees, but cities are limited to enforcing only federal and state customer service standards. A city may only impose fines for violations of those standards if it enacts an ordinance or resolution establishing a fine schedule as outlined by DIVCA. The proposed ordinance calls for the maximum fines allowed under State law. These fines are $500 per day for the first violation (not to exceed $1,500), $1,000 per day for a second violation within twelve months (not to exceed $3,000), and $2,500 per day for a third and further violation within 12 months (not to exceed $7,500). One -half of the revenues received from fines are to be placed in a Digital Divide Account as described in CPUC Code 280.5. The remaining one -half is to be placed in the general fund to support the assessment of customer service standard. The proposed ordinance also authorizes the City to audit a state franchisee's business records to ensure compliance with the fee requirements of the ordinance. in addition, when applying fora new state franchise, entities must provide a copy of its application and any amendments to the City. Lastly, the ordinance allows the City to hire a independent third party auditing firm on a flat fee or contingency basis. FINANCIAL IMPACT Adoption of the proposed ordinance is estimated to provide the City with an additional $175,000. This revenue is required to be placed in a separate account and may only be used to replace or upgrade existing equipment for programing and broadcasting of the PEG channels. The City will also receive revenues from fines assessed; however, it is difficult to estimate the amount of this additional revenue. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This ordinance will add a new division and section to Chapter III, Finance and Taxation, Article ll, Taxation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this project is found to be Statutory Exempt under CEQA Guidelines, Section 15273, Rates, Tolls, Fares, and Charges. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECOMMENDATION February 1, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Introduce an ordinance to amend the AMC by adding Section 3 -7 at Article I, (Finance) of Chapter III, (Finance and Taxation) Regulating Holders of State Video Franchises. Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. New Series AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3 -7 AT ARTICLE I (FINANCE) OF CHAPTER III (FINANCE AND TAXATION) REGULATING HOLDERS OF STATE VIDEO FRANCHISES WHEREAS, the Digital Infrastructure and video Competition Act of 2005 (the "Act went into effect on January 1, 2007; and WHEREAS, under the Act, the state of California, through the Public Utilities Commission, has the sole authority to issue statewide franchises, impose user and application fees and establish franchise fees; and WHEREAS, under the Act, the city of Alameda has the authority to manage the rights of way, to regulate the payment of Public, Education, and Government "PEG fees, to require the provisions of PEG channels and to enforce federal and state customer service standards; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda desires to exercise that authority and to facilitate the implementation of the Act by setting forth regulations for the provision of video service by state franchise holders within the city. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Alameda that: Section 1. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a new section 3 -7 to Article I of Chapter 111, which shall read as follows: 3 -7 Regulation of State video Franchise Holders. 3 -7.1 Purpose and Authority. This section is designed to regulate video service providers holding state video franchises and operating within the City of Alameda. This section is enacted pursuant to the authority provided in the Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (Public Utilities Code Section 5800 et seq.) as such legislation may hereafter be amended and supplemented by regulations published thereunder. 3 -7.2 Definitions. Unless the term is specifically defined in this section or the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the definitions set forth in the Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (Public Utilities Code Section 5800 et seq.) shall govern the interpretation of this section. Introduction of Ordinance #6 -B 02.02 -1 3 -7.3 State Video Franchise and PEG Fees. (a) Any state video franchise holder operating within the boundaries of the City of Alameda shall pay to the City a franchise fee equal to five percent (5 of the gross revenues of that state video franchise holder. (b) Any state video franchise holder operating within the boundaries of the City shall pay to the City an additional fee equal to one percent (1 of the gross revenues of that state video franchise holder, which fee shall be used by the City for any Public, Educational and /or Governmental (PEG) purposes consistent with state and federal law. (c) For purposes of subsections (a) and (b) above, the term "gross revenues" shall be defined as set forth in Public Utilities Code Section 5860. 3 -7.4 Audit Authority. Not more than once annually and in a manner consistent with Public Utilities code section 5860, the city may examine and perform an audit of the business records of the holder of a state. video. franchise to ensure compliance with subsection 3 -7.3, above. 3 -7.5 Customer Service Penalties. (a) The holder of a state video franchise shall comply with all applicable state and federal customer ,service and protection standards pertaining to the provision of video service. (b) The City shall monitor. compliance by state video franchise holders with state and federal customer. service and protection standards. The City shall provide to the state video franchise holder written notice of any material breaches of applicable customer service and protection standards, and .shall allow the state video franchise holder thirty (30) days .from .receipt of the notice to remedy the specified material breach. Material breaches not remedied within the 30 -day time period will be subject to the following monetary penalties to be imposed by the City in accordance with state law. For purposes of this subsection, "material breach" shall be defined as set forth in Public Utilities Code Section 5900. (1) For the first occurrence of a violation, a monetary penalty of $500 shall be imposed for each day the violation remains in effect, not to exceed $1,500 for each violation. (2) For a second violation of the same nature within twelve (12) months, a monetary penalty of $1.,000. shall be imposed for each day the violation remains in effect, not to exceed $3,000 for each violation. (3) For a third or further violation of the same nature within twelve (12) months, a monetary penalty of $2,500 shall be imposed for each day the violation remains in effect, not to exceed $7,500 for each violation. (c) A state video franchise holder may appeal a monetary penalty assessed by the City within sixty (3g) days by providing written notice to the city Manager. The city Manager or his or her designee shall appoint a hearing officer, who shall promptly hold an administrative hearing. After relevant evidence and testimony is received, the hearing officer shall either uphold, modify, or vacate the monetary penalty. The hearing officer's decision on the imposition of a monetary penalty shall -be final. 3 -7.6 city Response to State Franchise Applications. Applicants for state video franchises within the boundaries of the City of Alameda must concurrently provide to the city complete copies of any application or amendments to applications filed with the California Public Utilities commission. one complete copy must be provided to the city Clerk. The city may provide any appropriate comments to the Commission regarding the application or amendment. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Section 3. Severability clause. It is the declared intent of the city Council of Alameda that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not be so construed as to render invalid or unconstitutional the remaining provisions of this ordinance. Presiding officer of the city council Attest: Lara Weisiger, city Clerk I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of 2011 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES.: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ►LAMEDA Memorandum To Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: Lisa Goldman Actin Cit Mana Date: Februar 1, 2011 Re: Receive an Overview of SB 375, the Re Sustainable Communities Strate and the Opportunities for Involvement b the Cit of Alameda BACKGROUND This staff report describes Senate Bill 375, the Sustainable Communities Strate (SCS) and the effect of the law on the Cit of Alameda and the Ba Area as a re This report is based on reports provided b the Metropolitan. Transp Commission MTC) and the Association of Ba Area Governments (ABAG). ..Th purpose of this report is to provide the Cit Council and the communit with an overview of. the .SCS in relation to local land use policies, implementation needs, and ke polic considerations for the Cit of Alameda. No action b the Cit Council is re at this time. DISCUSSION Senate Bill 375 became law in 2008 and is considered landmark le for California relative to land use, transportation and environmental plannin SB.375 calls for the development of a SCS. in all metropolitan re in California.. Within the Ba Area, the law g ives j oint responsibilit for the SCS to MTC and ABAG. These a will coordinate with the Ba Area A ir Qualit Mana District Air. District and the Ba Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC). The SCS inte several existin plannin processes and is re to accompli the followin objectives: Provide a new 25- land use strate for the Ba Area that. is realistic and identifies areas to accommodate all of the re population, includin all income g roups; Forecast a land use pattern, which when inte with the trans portati on s reduces g reenhouse g a s emissions from automobiles and li trucks and is measured a the re tar established b the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Cit Council A Item #7-A Ut Honorable Mayor and February 1, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 7 The SCS is a land use strategy required to be included as part of the Bay Area's 25- year Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). By federal law, the RTP must be internally consistent. Therefore, the over $200 billion dollars of transportation investment typically included in the RTP must align with and support the SCS land -use pattern. SB 375 also requires that an updated eight -year regional housing need allocation (RH N..A) prepared by ABAG be consistent with the SCS. The SCS, RTP and RHNA will be adopted simultaneously in early 2013. Exhibit 1 includes an expanded three year schedule for the effort. The primary goal of the SCS is to build a Bay Area that will thrive and prosper under the changing circumstances of the 21st century. By directly confronting the challenges associated with population growth, climate change, a new economic reality and an increasing public health imperative, the SCS should ensure a Bay Area which is both livable and economically competitive on the world stage. A successful .SCS gill: Recognize and support compact walkable places where residents and workers have access to services and amenities to meet their day -to -day needs; Reduce long commutes and decrease the region's carbon consumption; Support complete communities that remain livable and affordable for all.segments of the population, maintaining the Bay Area as an attractive place to reside, start or continue a business, and create jobs. Support a sustainable transportation system and reduce the. need for expensive highway and transit expansions, freeing up resources for other more productive public investments; Provide increased accessibility and affordability to our most vulnerable populations; Conserve water and decrease our dependence on imported food stocks and their high transport costs. In recognition of the importance of these other goals, ABAG and. MTC will. adopt performance targets and indicators that will help inform decisions about land use patterns and transportation investments. These targets and indicators will apply to the SCS and the RTP. The targets and indicators are being developed by the Regional Advisory Working Group (RAWG), which includes local planning and transportation staff, nonprofit organizations, and business and developers organizations. The targets are scheduled for adoption early 2011; and the indicators will be adopted in spring 2011. In many respects the SCS builds upon existing efforts in many Bay Area communities to encourage more focused and compact growth while recognizing the unique characteristics and differences of the regions many varied communities. Priority Development Areas (PDAs) are locally-identified and regionally adopted infill development opportunity areas near transit. Pursuant to a 2008 City Council resolution, 1 The City of Alameda is represented on the RAVVC by Supervising Civil Engineer Obaid Khan and Planning Services Manager Andrew Thomas. Honorable Ma and Februar 1, 2011 Members of the Cit Council Pa 3. of 7 Alameda Point, Alameda Landin Ba and Coast Guard North Housin are desi as PDAs. The PDAs provide a stron foundation upon which to structure the. re g ion's .first S.CS. PDAs are onl three percent of the re land area. Based: u pon existing plans, resources, and incentives the PDAs re can collectivel accorn mod ate over 50 percent of the Ba Area's housin need throu 2035. The current .RTP allocates an avera of $60 million a y ear to PDA incentive-related fundi Future R consistent with the SCS, will be structured to provide policies. and fundin that at is supportive of PDAs and potentiall other opportunit areas for sustai development in the re Initial Vision Scenario ABAG and MTC will release an Initial Vision Scenario in Februar 2 based in lar part on input from local jurisdictions throu the county/corridor.e.n and information collected b December 2010. The Vision Scenari.o.Will encompass an initial identification of places, policies and strate for I nc 0 .I-term, sustainable development in the Ba Area. Local g overnments will identif places. of g reat potential for sustainable development, includin PDAs, transit corridors, emplo areas, as well as infill opportunities areas that lack transit services but offer opportunities for increased walkabilit and reduced drivin The Initial Vision Scenario will: Incorporate the 25- re housin need encompassed in the SCS; Provide a preliminar set of housin and emplo g rowth numb.prs.at re count jurisdictional, and sub jurisdictional levels Be evaluated a the g reenhouse g as reduction tar as w ell. as the additional performance tar adopted for the SCS. Detailed Scenarios B the earl sprin of 2011 the conversation between local g overnments and re a will turn to the feasibilit of achievin the Initial Vision Scenari b work.in the Detailed Scenarios. The Detailed Scenarios will be different than the initial:Vision Scenario in that the will take into account constraints that mi limit. development potential, and will identif the infrastructure. and resources.that can. be identified -and/or secured to support the scenario. MTC and ABAG. expect to. relea a. first round of Detailed Scenarios b Jul 2011. Local jurisdictions will provide input which will then be anal for the release of the Preferred Scenario. by t he. end. of .2011. The Count Workin Groups ..as well as the RA will facilitate -local input 'into the scenarios throu 2011. The anal of the Detailed Scenarios and Preferred Scenario takes into account the Performance Tar and Indicators. Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Regional Housin Needs Allocation: Februar 1, 2011 Pa of 7 As described above, the ei RHNA must be consistent with the SCS. Plannin for affordable housin in the Ba Area is one of the essential tasks of sustainable development. In the SCS, this task becomes inte with the-r land. use strate the development of complete communities and a sustainable transportation s The process to update RHNA will be in earl 2011. The. c.o.unt en process will include discussions of RHNA, since both the SCS and RHNA re consideration of housin needs b income g roup. Citi will discuss their strate for the distribution of housin needs at the count level and. decide if the want to form a sub-re RHNA g roup b March 2011. The distri of housin needs will inform the Detailed SCS Scenarios. Re agencies will t input from local j urisdictions for the adoption of the RHNA methodolo b September 2 The final housin numbers for the re will be issued b the State Department of.Housin and Communit Development HCD b September 2011. The Draft RHNA will. be released b sprin 2012. ABAG will adopt the Final R b the end. of summer 2 012. Local g overnments will address the next round of RHNA in their next Housin Element update. This is a condensed description of the RHNA process. Additional details about procedural re (e. appeals, revisions and transfers) and .substantive issues (e. housin b income cate and formation of subre will be described in a separate document. Re Transportation Plan The SCS establishes an explicit link between the land use. choices and the transportation investments. ITC and ABAG's commitment. to the reduction of g reenhouse g as emissions and provision of housin for.all income l e vels translates into an ali of the development of places committed to these g oals and transportation, infrastructure and housin fundin The re a will work closel with.'.the Con Mana Authorit CMA transpo age ncies and local j urisdictions to define financiall constrained transportati prioritie in their respo to a call for transportation pro in earl 2011 and a detailed pro assessment that will be completed b Jul 2011 the. pro ass w b .an essential. part of the development of Detailed SCS Scenarios. Th.e-RTP will be anal throu and released for review b the end of 2012. ABA G will approve the SCS b March 2013. MTC will adopt the final RTP and SCS b April 2013. Re a will prepare one Environmental. Impact Report (EIR) for both the SCS and the RTP. This EIR mi assist local jurisdictions in streamlinin the environmental review process for some of the pro that are consistent with the SCS. Local jurisdictions are currentl providin input for the potential scope of the EIR. Re a are investi the scope and strate for an EIR that could provide the most effective support for local governments. Honorable Ma and Februar 1, 2011 Members of the Cit Council Pa 5 of 7 Challenges and Opportunities for the Cit of Alameda in the Sustainable Communities Strateg The SCS provides an opportunit for the Cit of Alameda to advance. loc g oals -as. part of a coordinated re framework. B coordinatin pro across. multiple 1a rs. of g overnment, the SCS should improve =public sector efficienc and create more. rational and coordinated re and public fundin The SCS c onnects lo nei concerns such as new housin j obs, and traffic to re ob je ctives and resources. As such, it is a platform for cities and counties to discuss. and.address. a .ride spectrum of challen includin hi housin costs, job access, and:pub.lic health, and identif local, re and state policies to address them. It g ives lo ca l g overnments a stron voice in identif desired infrastructure improvements.. and p r.ov.id.e.s a framework for evaluatin those investments re In this wa the SCS. rewards y those cities whose decisions advance local g oals and benefit qualitof. life be their borders whether to create more affordable housin new j obs, or reduce d.. As the SCS process unfolds over the next few y ears, Cit staff will participate in the followin re plannin activities: Re Housin Allocation: Cit staff will pla an active role. in the SCS process with ABAG and IVITC to advocate for a realistic housin developm s.cena.rio..fo.r Alameda over the next 25 y ears. In the past, the State a nd Re have. pr ovid.ed Alameda with unrealistic housin development g oals as part of Not onl have these housin production g oals been unrealistic. for...Ala.meda, but the associated traffic from those g oals has caused g reat co for Al.arneda residents and nearb Oakland nei such as Chinatow St :..i.s..h th the "bottom up" approach that is bein undertaken in the SCS process ill .give City staffi a better chance to work with Oakland staff and local ABAO a :MTC :staff to de op more realistic housin develop g oals for Alameda. that are consistent with existin Cit densit standards. To date, Alameda staff ha req that :and ETC staff identif Alameda Point, Alameda Landin and the. No.rthe Wateffront (from Sherman to Tilden and North Park Street in the February.2011 V.is.io.n Scenario. as areas that ma accom additional housin and 'job g rowth in m ..Alaeda consistent with the Cit of Alameda General Plan. Staff has als.o.r.e that the 2011 Vision Scenario not identif the existin Alameda neighborhoo.ds. "si infill opportunities for re g rowth. Infrastructure and Transportation Funding. Cit staff will advocate for infrastructure and transportation improvement funding to .support .S .CS develop in Alameda. Alameda Point, Alameda. Landin the. Northern Waterfront, and: North. Park Street cannot be expected to accommodate si or even a moderate snare of the re development without si commitment b the region to fu ndi th necessar infrastructure (severer, stormwater, etc.) and transportation (streets, bike lanes, transit, etc. that is absolutel essential to support the development. Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Februar 1, 2011 Pa 6 of. 7 Hazardous Materials and "Brownfield" develo ment. M an y of Alameda's potential development sites at Alameda Point, the Northern Waterfront. and North Park Street are former industrial sites with soil and or water contamination issues. Without financial support from the state to address th issues, man of these potential development sites ma remain vacant, underutilized and undeveloped for man y ears.- Plannin Funds: The Cit of Alameda cannot make Alameda Point available for SCS development without completin and adoptin a land use. plan for Alameda Point. With the departure of the last two Master Developers, Cit staff will look to the re a and the State to provide fundin to the Cit of Alameda to assist in the plannin and environ review effort for Alameda Point. Staff is currentl workin on a $750,000 g rant application to MTC for.Alameda Point plannin efforts that is due in March 2011. NEXT STEPS The Re a expect to release an initial Vision Scenario in earl Februar Cit staff will review the 2011 initial Vision Scenario and provide astatus. report.to the Plannin Board and Cit Council describin the Scenario and local:.imp.li.cations for. the Cit of Alameda. At that time, staff will seek Cit Council, Planning Board and communit feedback and response to the initial Vision Scenario. 1 0 share. with the re a This feedback will serve as a basis for the dev D d SCS, Scenarios throu Jul 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACT This report is for information onl The financial impacts of an proposed changes to the Alameda Municipal Code will be evaluat at the time these changes .are brou before the Cit Council. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The proposed chan are consistent with General Plan policies pro vital, pedestrian oriented commercial uses within the Webster Street and Park Street Commercial districts. The proposed amendme also support.the policies, objectives and priorit actions from the 2009 Transportation. Element Update, 2008. Local Action Plan for Green House Gas Reductions the 2008 General Plan Retail:P ol.icies Update, and Cit of Alameda economic development and historic prese policies. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Participation in the SCS is statutoril exempt from the California Environmental Qualit Act. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECOMMENDATION February. 1, 2011 Page.? of No action is required at this tune. This report is for informational purposes only. Exhibit: 1. sustainable Communities Strategy Schedule 112 2 cu CL 44 luawa6P`fib'3 U0113 P UP lUaWUJOAD I 230-1, PAeGS AN-10d k k E �2� 7: E cu 75 E E f E E co rz E m