2011-07-19 PacketKrrK$.i, h CITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA 'L A €:;;n..; wens REMISED SPECIAL MEETING of THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY -JULY 19 -5:00 P.M. Location City Council Chambers Conference Room, City Hail, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and oak Street Agenda. 1. Roil Call City Council 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items only Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items only, may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Adjournment to Closed Session to consider: 3 -A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (54957) Title: City Attorney 3 -B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (54957.6) Agency negotiators Human Resources Director Employee organizations: All bargaining units 3 -C. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL EXISTING LITIGATION Case Name Petition for Local Tax Reallocation of the City of .Livermore Account Number: 099 500375, California State Board of Equalization 4. Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any 5. Adjournment City Council Marie L. Gilmore, Mayor Devised 7/15111 11:00 a.m. �n T+ CITY OF ALAMEDA •CALIFORNIA IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach the podium and state your name; speakers are limited to three (3) minutes per item 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during council meetings AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY ,DULY 19 2011 7:00 P. [Note: Regular council Meeting convenes at 7:00 pm, city Hall, council chambers, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street] The Order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Changes 3. Proclamations, Special Orders of the Day and Announcements 4. Oral Communications, Non Agenda (Public Comment) 5. Consent Calendar 6. Regular Agenda Items 7. City Manager Communications 8. Oral Communications, Non Agenda (Public Comment) 9. Council Referrals 10. Council Communications (Communications from Council) 11. Adjournment Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the council on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmembers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before council. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant city clerk if you wish to address the city council. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL s COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM Separate Agenda (Closed Session) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND 7:01 P.M. REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1 ROLL CALL City Council 2. AGENDA CHANGES 3. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAB' ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 -A. Presentation by the Park Street Business Association on the 27th Annual Art and Wine Faire. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (Public Comment) A limited number of speakers may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda; this section is limited to 15 minutes; additional public comment will be addressed under Section 8 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 5 -A. Minutes of the Special City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and Community Improvement Commission Meeting held on June 28, 2011; and the Special Joint City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Meeting and Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on July 5, 2011. (City Clerk) 5 -B. Bills for Ratification. (Finance) 5 -C. Recommendation to Award Contract in the Amount of $432,200, Including Contingencies., to Gallagher Burk, Inc. for Parking Rehabilitation of the Main Street and Harbor Bay Ferry Terminals, No. P.W. 05- 11 -14. (Public Works) 5 -D. Recommendation to Award Contract in the Amount of $79,474, Including Contingencies, to Republic Intelligent Transportation Services to Remove I Replace LED Signals for Traffic and Pedestrian Signal Heads /Indicators in the City of Alameda, No. P.W. 04-11-08. (Public Works) 5 -E. Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of $'146,912, Including Contingencies, to Robert C. Terry, DBA Comfort Air Mechanical Systems, for the Annual Keating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems Maintenance in Various City Facilities, No. P.W. 00- 20 -28. (Public Works) 5 -F. Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize a Call for Bids for the Upgrade of the City of Alameda Sewer Pump Stations, Phase 3: Bay Farm Island Pump Station Rehabilitation, No. P.W. 2- 10 -35, and standardize Equipment for Specific Major Components for All City of Alameda Sewer Pump Stations. (Public works) 5-G. Recommendation to Authorize the Purchase of Holophane. Streetli for the Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10-09-30 Project from W.W. Grain Inc. in the Amount of $350,000, Includin Contin and Authorize the Cit Mana to Execute All Necessar Documents. Public Works 5-H. Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize a Call for Bids for Rehabilitation of Tennis Courts (Various Locations), No. P.W. 05-11-10. Public Works) 5-1. Recommendation to Authorize the Cit Mana to Execute an Amendment to the Cit of Alameda Ambulance and Paramedic Provider A with Alameda Count and Receive an Update on Related Le (Fire) 5-J. Reject the Sole Bid and Adoption of Resolution Authorizin Open Market Ne of a Contract Pursuant to Section 3-15 of the Alameda Cit Charter for Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P. W. 10-09-30, Contin Upon Ca ltrans Approval of Cost Effectiveness/Public Interest Findin [Re four affirmative votes] (Public Works) 5-K. Adoption of Resolution Approvin a Revised Memorandum of Understandin Between the Alameda Police Officers Association and the Cit of Alameda for the Period Be Januar 3, 2010 and Endin June 29, 2013. (Human Resources) 5-L. Adoption of Resolution Approvin a Revised Memorandum of Understandin Between the Alameda Police Mana Association and the Cit of Alameda- for the Period Be Februar 28,. 2010 and Endin June 29, 2013. Human Resources) 5-M. Adoption of Resolution Affirmin the. Cit Support for the .34th America's Cup and the Cit Participation in the Activities Surroundin These Events. (Cit Mana 5-N. Adoption of Resolution Authorizin the Open Market Contract Between the Cit of Alameda and Yamaha Corporation Pursuant to Section 3-15 of the Alameda Cit Charter to Lease 120 Golf Carts in the Amount Not to Exceed $360,000. Re q uires four affirmative votes] (Golf) 5-0. Final Passa of Ordinance Amendin Sections 2-1.1 and 2-1.5 of Article ((The Cit Council and Meetin of the Cit Council) of Chapter 11 (Administration) to Modif the Meetin Time and Deadline for Submission of Matters. (Cit Mana Cit Clerk) 6. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 6 -A. Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of Resolution Approving Tentative Map 8060 and Density Bonus Application PLN10 -0262. (Community Development) 6 -B. Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Alameda, California, Determining It Will Comply with the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program Pursuant to Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code in Order to Permit the Continued Existence and Operation of the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda. [Requires four affirmative votes] (Housing Department) 7. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from City Manager) 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON AGENDA (Public Comment) Any person m ay address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda; speakers not called under Item 4 may address the Council at this time 9. COUNCIL REFERRALS Matters placed on the agenda by a Councilrrember may be acted upon or scheduled as a future agenda item 10. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) Councilrnerrbers can address any matter, including reporting on any Conferences or meetings attended 1, ADJOURNMENT City Council Materials related to an item on the agenda are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office, City Hall, Room 380, during normal business hours Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the City Clerk at 747- 4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 72 hours prior to the Meeting to request an interpreter Equipment for the hearing impaired is available for public use. For assistance, please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meeting Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, is available Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print g Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting AGENDA Special Meeting of the Governing Body of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Alameda City Fall Council Chambers 2263 Santa tiara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 1. ROLL CALL Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Meeting will begin at 7 :91 p.m. 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (A limited number of speakers may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda; this section is limited to 15 minutes; additional public comment will be addressed under Item 6.) 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Board or a member of the public. 3 -A. Approve the Minutes of the Joint City Council, ARRA and Community Improvement Commission Meeting of June 28, 2011. 3 -13. Approve the Second Amendment to the Lease with St. George Spirits to Hangar 21 to Allow Qualified Shell Improvements Valued at $450,000 Over a Three Year Period. 3 -C. Authorize the Executive Director to Execute an Amendment to an Agreement with Russell Resources for Environmental Consulting Services for Alameda Point Extending the Term for Four Months and Adding $94,200 to the Budget. 4 -A. Presentation on Alameda Point Collaborative Community Planning Process. Mme] f 10 Oki. :4: 9 IQ :4 K 5- A.Oral Report from Member deHaan, Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) Representative Highlights of June 2, 2011 RAB Meeting. 6 -A. Alameda Point Update. UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA) AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) MEETING TUESDAY- -JUNE 28 201 1 -7:00 P.M. Mayor /Chair Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:01 p.m. Councilrr ember /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Councilrnembers /Board Members /Commissioners Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor /Chair Gilmore 5. [Note: Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson arrived at 7:08 p.m.] Absent: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON AGENDA (11 -338 CC) Jennifer Solomon, Alameda, discussed finding stolen goods in an abandoned bike trailer. (11 339 CC Adam Cillitt, Alameda, discussed the Crown Memorial Beach drowning incident and budget. (11-340 C} Frances Montell, Alameda, discussed open political discourse. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor /Chair Gilmore announced that the resolution [paragraph no. 11 -342 CCU was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] *11-341 CC/1 1-053 ARRA /11 -029 CIC Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, ARRA and CIC Meetings of May 31, 2011; and the Regular ARRA Meeting of June 1, 2011. Approved. (11 -342 CC} Resolution No. 14580, "Approving the Purchase of a Replacement Disk Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 Storage Solution and Implementing Server Virtualization, at a Cost Not to Exceed $230,000." Adopted Councilmember Tarn requested an explanation for the urgency to purchase a replacement disk storage solution. The Information Technology Manager stated systems have been running on servers and the EMC Storage Area Network system for a number of years; storage has been depleted because of email growth and graphics; email is 00% full; messages cannot be retrieved when a server is out of disc space; disk space has not been increased over the last six years. Councilmember Tam stated the staff report notes that the current system does not have the ability to recover lost information if the system crashes. The Information Technology Manager stated system backups are stored on unreliable legacy magnetic tapes; multiple tapes are needed as disk space continues to grow; space is not available to hold all of the data. Mayor Gilmore stated storage space is cheap; inquired why the Replacement Disk Storage Solution is so expensive. The Information Technology Manager responded the Storage Area Network allows everyone to share data and provides fault tolerance. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the proposed storage platform is the best price. The Information Technology Manager responded four proposals were submitted; stated Compellent, Dell's midrange system, is the fastest growing vendor in the industry; price is not the only issue; technology is important; Compellent provides options and provides more disk space for the money; Compellent uses 60% disk drive versus other vendors using 50 Councilmember del -laan inquired what type of on -going support would be needed. The Information Technology Manager responded the vendor would provide a three -year warranty; stated training mould be provided to allow staff management of many features. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether a support contract would be needed, to which the Information Technology Manager responded definitely. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired how long the City's needs would be met with the proposed Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 2 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 solution. The Information Technology Manager responded staff assumed that the current solution would last ten years when purchased seven years ago; forecasting is very difficult and depends upon use; hopefully, the solution will last five to six years. Councilmember Tam moved adoption of the resolution. Vice Mayor Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. AGENDA ITEM[ (11 -343 C Public Hearing to Establish the Proposition 4 (Appropriations) Limit for FY11 -12 and Resolution No. 14581, "Establishing the Appropriations Limit for FY11 -1 2. Adopted; (11 -343A CC) Resolution No. 14582, "Approving and Adopting the operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012." Adopted; (11 -054 ARRA) Resolution No. 54, "Approving and Adopting the operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012." Adopted; and (11 -030 CIC) Resolution No. 11 -182, "Approving and Adopting the operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2011 2012." Adopted. (11 -343B CC) Public Hearing to Consider Resolution No. 14583, "Amending Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 to Add and Revise Fees." Adopted The Controller gave a brief presentation on the Proposition 4 Limit. Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the Proposition 4 resolution. Councilmember Tara seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was held until after the budget resolutions [paragraph no. 11 -343A CC, 11 -054 ARRA, and 11 -030 CICI were discussed. The Assistant City Manager and Controller gave a Power Point presentation on the operating and capital budget. Mayor /Chair Gilmore stated staff would begin to work on next year's budget in .duly; concepts should be brought to the public in the fall if significant services might be cut, such as the Animal Shelter; the public should have the opportunity to prioritize the nice to haves versus the need to haves; receiving input in January or February might be too late. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 3 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 The Assistant City Manager stated getting information out sooner rather than later would be better. Councilmember/Board Member /Commissioner Tarn stated non departmental expenditures grog from $550,000 in 2010 to $1.3 million for next year; the driver is not clear, other than ACAP. The Assistant City Manager stated in previous years, the City owed the County money for property tax administration; the money was not budgeted; this year, $221 ,000 has been budgeted; retiree vacation payouts were also not budgeted in the past. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tarn stated the Fire Department generates $2 million in revenue; the Police Department generates $1.3 million; inquired whether the Fire Department revenue is primarily generated from Fire Prevention Bureau services. The Controller responded said revenue is primarily generated from ambulance transport services; stated Police Department revenue is generated from parking citations, traffic operations, patrol, court fines, and special grants. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam inquired whether Police Department costs $2 million more but generates $1 million less in revenue than the Fire Department. The Assistant City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated the Police Department has fewer sworn staff. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson stated the Police Department role is different than the Fire Department; the Police Department does not have the opportunity to generate revenue; the Fire Department would not generate revenue without ambulance services; inquired what type of contractual services would be eliminated and who would pick up the duties. The Assistant City Manager responded it would depend upon the department; stated the City Manager's office has money for contractual services which has not been used because contracts have been ratcheted back for a variety of reasons. Councilrnernber/Board Member /Commissioner Johnson stated the City should not put itself in a position of needing to hire extra staffing because of contractual services. The Assistant City Manager stated part time staff performs a variety of duties; every department has money for contractual services; the budget has a City Manager contingency; money .could be taken out of the non departmental fund to pay for hiring a professional polling firm to poll for possible revenue measures. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 4 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 Councilmernber /Board Member/Commissioner Johnson inquired whether all non -sworn Fire Department staffing would be eliminated, to which the Assistant City Manager responded in the negative. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson stated playground staffing should be kept if possible. The Assistant City Manager stated the Recreation and Parks Department organizational changes are pretty deep; that she does not think the Recreation and Parks Department could still offer all programs and keep the sites; staff has reviewed reducing the number of special events in favor of keeping program sites; special events benefit the entire community; staff thinks that it would be better to put limited resources into special events and keep half of the free sites available; paid program sites are still available. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson stated fee programs are great but do not accommodate the same children that are served by having free directors at the playground. Mayor /Chair Gilmore inquired what type of police vehicles are leased, to which the Chief of Police responded undercover vehicles. Mayor/Chair Gilmore stated the City has significantly improved its position with regard to workers compensation and risk management over the last two years. The Controller stated a new section [R76 and R77] has been added to the budget which provides more detail for each fund; reserves need to be built for workers compensation and risk management. In response to Mayor/Chair Gilmore's inquiry, the Controller stated the budget shows the workers compensation forecast for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 with an ending fund balance of approximately $1.2 million; as of last year, the estimated workers compensation future liability is approximately $6.2 million; the fund balance is only about 20% of ghat it should be; the fund was in the negative in Fiscal Year 2009 -2010. Mayor/Chair Gilmore inquired whether risk management works the same way, to which the Controller responded in the affirmative. The Acting City Attorney /Legal Counsel stated the net negative has been on going for over six years. Mayor /Chair Gilmore inquired whether workers compensation and risk management are part of cost allocation. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 6 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 The Controller responded an estimate is made every year and allocated to each department; stated a temporary negative balance would result if claims come in higher; staff reviews the issue every year and cost allocations are adjusted. Mayor /Chair Gilmore inquired whether adjustments have not been made for the last six years, to which the Acting City Attorney /Legal Counsel responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Bonta concurred with Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson regarding having an early preview workshop in the fall; inquired whether any plans are being made to increase ambulance billing collection. The Interim Fire Chief responded in the affirmative; stated that he cannot guarantee increased collection this year; staff has been working hard to improve record keeping. The City Manager /Executive Director stated another inspection concept would be corning to Council, which could generate approximately $100,000 per year. Councilrr'ember /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated a conscious decision has been made to lease big apparatus over the last two years; inquired whether support vehicles are purchased, to which the Interim Fire Chief responded in the affirmative. Councilmernber /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated procurement for the next two years is aggressive. The Interim Fire Chief stated a report was provided several months ago outlining financing options; fire trucks and engines need to be replaced on a scheduled basis to avoid passing their useful life. Council nember /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson stated the former Interim Finance Director alerted Council to the workers compensation deficit; a policy needs to be established so that the same situation does not happen again. The Controller stated having a fund with a deficit for one year is okay, but becomes a problem over multiple years. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson stated a policy needs to be in place; a budget should not be balanced by not contributing to funds. The Assistant City Manager stated a policy could be brought to Council. Councilrr ember /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated Council wants to establish separate funding to build up revenue for vehicle replacement and workers compensation; getting away from leasing vehicles would be good. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 6 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 The Assistant City Manager stated staff would bring back a policy for review in September; the vehicle replacement fund would be completely wiped out if expensive vehicles were purchased, not leased. The Controller stated the terms of a lease would not exceed the useful life of the equipment. Speakers Barbara Kahn, Alameda; Honora Murphy, Alameda; Kate Quick, Alameda; George Phillips, Alameda; Rudy Rebago, Alameda; Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association; Lois Pryor, Leslie Cameron, Bay ship Yacht; Mike Henneberry, Alameda; David Connolly, Alameda; Kathy Moehring, Alameda; Judi Friedman, west Alameda Business Association; Corinne Lambden, Alameda; Adam Gillitt, Alameda; Rosemary McNally, Alameda; Bruce Knopf, Alameda; and Alan Pryor, Alameda. The Deputy City Manager gave a brief presentation on the Fagade Grant. Mayor/Chair Gilmore inquired whether there would be no guarantee for replenishment if the entire $250,000 were budgeted; further inquired whether three years would be covered by lowering the amount spent annually, to which the Deputy City Manager responded three full years and a partial fourth year would be covered [at the propesed lower budget amount]. Mayor/Chair Gilmore stated twenty projects are cued up; only half would be funded by splitting the money; businesses have already paid designers and architects. Councilrnernber /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson stated that she assumes the Chamber of Commerce and Greater Alameda Business Association are on the same page as other business associations; she supports accelerating the use of funds and continuing to look for funding sources. The Deputy City Manager stated twenty projects could be funded with the $250,000. Mayor/Chair Gilmore stated the City has to put its best foot forward because of the heavy competition for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory project. The City Manager /Executive Director stated the economy is down and difficult right now; prices are lower; there are more than adequate reasons to accelerate funding. The Deputy City Manager stated the issue could be revisited next year. Mayor/Chair Gilmore stated that she is in favor of moving forward and getting through the projects in the cue. CouncilmemberlBoard Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired whether the $250,000 Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 7 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 20111 is available now, to which the Deputy City Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmernber /Board Member /Commissioner del -laan inquired whether projects in the cue would use most of the $250,000. The Deputy City Manager responded the money would cover fifteen to twenty projects; stated staff would pursue grants. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Bonta stated that he is supportive of taking advantage of lower costs; he is worried about the lack of on -going funding for the program; inquired how the program would continue. The Deputy City Manager responded staff= does not have a detailed plan; stated Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC) lease revenue funds that have been kept available in case something happens to the warehouses could be used. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Bonta inquired whether a finite time limit has always been assumed for the program. The Deputy City Manager responded staff has always assumed that another funding solution would be needed. The Assistant City Manager stated the program has always been successful and money has been well spent; staff is working on an alternative but cannot promise that a solution will be found down the road; the City does not have a lot of unrestricted funds. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson stated the $250,000 leverages a lot of money from the private sector; inquired how much money [for projects] comes from businesses and building owners. The Deputy City Manager responded that she does have sedid information at this time but it would be provided. Mayor /Chair Gilmore stated the she is hearing a consensus to go ahead and spend the money aggressively and try and take care of as many of projects in the cue as p ossible provided direction to increase the fagade grant program to $250,000. Councilrnember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam left the dais at 9:00 p.m. and returned at 9:02 Councilmember /Board Member/Commissioner deHaan stated Alan eda's reserves are at the lower end compared to other cities. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 8 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 The Controller stated Alameda has a fair amount of reserves; however, the chart indicates that the City has a long way to go. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) have increased ten percent over the last year; inquired whether said increase is noted in the budget. The Controller responded page A -1 notes contributions; stated contributions jump from $2.3 million in Fiscal Year 201 0 -2011 to $2.7.million in Fiscal Year 201 1 -2012 and to $3 million in Fiscal Year 2012- 2013. Council member /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated that he has yet to see one -time dollars being used at such a high rate. The Controller stated the City has a significant deficit issue; trying to do all.the cuts in one year would be dramatic; one time revenues and a small portion of reserves would be used. The Assistant City Manager stated that she requested five and ten percent. cuts Citywide; the community has not had an opportunity to provide input regarding cuts; g g using one time sources would provide a method of transitioning to a lower.level of service while planning more appropriately for the future. The Controller stated staff has been upfront regarding using one time funds; a five year forecast has been provided; the deficit jumps so much in Fiscal Year 2013 because. one time funds would not be available in 2013. Counclimember /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated the City threshold of having 20% in reserves would erode by next year; that he does not see the economy changing quickly; opening up the next budget dialogue needs to be done soon; the estimated increase in revenue for Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 is 1 and expenses are 1.3% which is not in character with past budgets. The Controller stated the reason for the. small revenue increase is primarily due to property taxes; foreclosures are still happening; the property tax increase would be minimal. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam stated that she disagrees with Councilmember /Board Member/Commissioner deHaan; commended staff for fixin g some prior budget problems; stated the former City Manager forgot to pay. $1.3 million in debt and also forgot to pay the County for the administration of collecting property taxes; stated using one -time fees for a one time event is appropriate; a 21% reserve. is commendable given the changes the City is going through; service cuts are oin to be g g Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 real and hard for the community; concessions need to be appreciated; the City is very reliant on property taxes as a revenue source; the City will be stuck without diversifying its revenue portfolio; Pleasanton relies less on property taxes. The City Manager /Executive Director stated the City is over reliant on property taxes; the City has never recovered from the loss of business at the former Naval Air Station; the City can grove at the former Naval Air Station and other commercial, industrial, and office park areas; the Assistant City Manager and Controller worked hard to avoid dipping into the reserves; reserves are a rainy day fund; the economy is the worst since the 1930's; some cities have used reserves during spiking revenue periods; the City needs economic growth. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Bonta thanked staff for all the hard work; stated that he is proud to have a balanced budget and healthy reserve; many past, unhealthy practices are being discontinued; moved adoption of the budget resolutions. Councilmernber /Board Member Johnson stated that she has been reluctant to use one time funds; the City has faced a number of years of bad economy; public services have been severely cut; the use of one time funds is reasonable for now in order to avoid even more cuts; seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor /Chair Gilmore thanked staff for the hard work and willingness to work in a cooperative manner and continuing to enhance the budget format; stated the document is more readable; that she supports using one time funds now but would not support using a significant amount of fund balance to balance next year's budget. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Johnson stated staff would start working on next year's budget in a few weeks; everyone understands that the process does not end tonight. The Controller inquired whether direction to raise the Fagade Program to $250,000 is part of the motion or would be done administratively, to which Mayor /Chair Gilmore responded direction has been given to raise the amount. On the call for the question, the motion on the Proposition 4 Resolution carried by unanimous voice vote 5. On the call for the question, the motion on the budget resolutions carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers /Board Members /Commissioners Bonta, Johnson, Tara and Mayor /Chair Gilmore 4. Abstention: Councilmember /Board Member /CommissionerdeHaan 1. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated next year's budget process needs to start now; the nation is struggling; the City will be feeling the heavy Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 0 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 2$, 2011 handed cuts made by the state. The Assistant City Manager thanked staff for all of the hard work in preparing the budget. The Controller gave a brief presentation on the Master Fee Resolution. Speaker Carol Gottstein, Alameda. In response to Ms. Cottstein's inquiry, the Police Chief stated the scofflaw fee involves fees issued when a parking ticket is not paid. Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the master fee resolution. Councilmember Tara seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 58' COUNCIL R EFERRALS 1 1-34 4 C) Discuss and Consider Taking a Position on the Audit Legislation (SB 1857 449; AB 187, 229, 253 Mayor Gilmore gave a brief presentation. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the City Auditor has reviewed the issue, to which Mayor Gilmore stated that she has no idea. Councilmember deHaan stated the City Auditor should be in the loop. Councilmember Tam inquired whether the City Auditor is participating through an auditor association group. The Assistant City Manager responded that she does not know; stated Council adopted a Legislative policy that allows Council to oppose unfunded mandates on the Cit inclined. Council can comment on the bills if so Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the League of California Cities has taken a position on the matter. The Assistant City Manager responded the League wants the bills to match up with the League's principles. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the legislation would apply to Charter cities, to which Councilmember Tam responded two of the auditors are from Charter cities. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 Councilmernber Johnson stated Charter cities need to be more vigilant about pushing back on Charter authority violations; following up and commenting on the matter would be good and should be brought back to Council. Councilmernber Tam stated that she would like the City Auditor to join with other city auditors to comment on the matter. The Assistant City Manager stated staff could refer the matter to the City Auditor and send a letter from the Mayor on behalf of the Council with suggestions made by the Berkeley and Oakland City Auditors. Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the City Auditor could provide an off Agenda Report, to which the Assistant City Manager responded that she would ask. The City Manager stated that he would be meeting with the City Treasurer and City Auditor on Friday and would discuss the matter with them. Vice Mayor Bonta stated having the City Auditor join with other city auditors in creating a course of voices saying the same thing would be powerful; that he would like the City Auditor to sign a letter, if he so agrees. The Assistant City Manager stated that the City Auditor could be requested to weigh in on the matter. The Acting City Attorney stated feedback can include language about not applying to Charter cities under the Constitution. Councilmember Johnson stated other Charter cities should be encouraged to put similar language in their communications; inquired why the State thinks it knows more about budgeting than local governments. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 9:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara weisiger City Clerk Secretary, CIC Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 12 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 2011 The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Alameda 13 Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 28, 201 UNAPPROVED SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CIT COUNCIL TUESDAY- -JULY 5 2011- 6:00 P.M. Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: Councilrnembers Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tangy and Mayor Gilmore 5. Absent: None. The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: (11 -345) Conference with Real Pro perty Negotiators (54956.8); Property: Alameda Marina, 1815 Clement Avenue; Agency negotiator: Nanette Mocanu; Negotiating parties: Pacific Shops, Inc., dba Alameda Marina and City of Alameda; Under negotiation: Price and terms. (11 -346) Conference with Labor Negotiators (54957.6); Agency negotiators: Human Resources Director; Employee organizations: All bargaining units. Following the Closed Session, the meeting was reconvened and Mayor Gilmore announced that regarding Property, the negotiator briefed Council and received direction; regarding Labor, Council was briefed on Alameda Police Management Association, Alameda Fire Managers Association, and Executive Management Employees. Ad There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 7 :10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Alameda City Council July 5, 2011 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC), AND HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (HABOC) MEETING TUESDAY- -JULY 5 -6:59 P.M. Mayor /Chair Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:12 p.m. Commissioner Allen led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Allen, Councilmembers Commissioners Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor /Chair Gilmore 0. Absent. None. i a ki, I I None. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor /Chair Gilmore announced that the First Amendment to the Owner Participation Agreement [paragraph no. 11 -033 CIC/HA BOCI was removed from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember /Commissioner Tam moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. 'Mice Mayor /Commissioner Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 0. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] (*HAB Minutes of the Regular Board of Commissioners Meeting held on April 5, 2011. Acceptance is Recommended; and (*11-031 CIC} Minutes of the Annual CIC Meeting held on June 21, 2011. Approved. *11 -347 CC/1 1-032 CIC /HABOC Recommendation to Approve an Amendment to a $150,000 Ten -fear Agreement with Resources for Community Development, the Community Improvement Commission, and the Housing Authority to Imp.[erent the Housing Authority's obligations Pursuant to the Declaration of Reciprocal Easements, Covenants, and Restrictions for the Breakers at Bayport Townhornes, Modifying the Consultant Compensation schedule, and Assigning the Community Improvement Commission's obligation to Pay Pursuant to the Agreement to the City of Alameda and to have the City Council Accept the obligation to Pay. Accepted. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners .July 0, 2011 �1 1 -033 CICIHABOC Recommendation to Approve a First Amendment to the Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) for 2428 Central Avenue, Redirecting the Community Improvement Commission Housing Bond Proceeds to Resources for Community Development for Acquisition of the Property at 2428 Central Avenue, and Amending the Form of the Promissory Note to Increase the Principal Amount from $1 Million to $9 Million, and Authorize the Executive Director /Chief Executive Officer to Execute All Required Documents; and -033A CIC Recommendation to Approve a Form of a Partnership Agreement Between the Housing Authority, RCD Housing, LLC, and 112 Alves Lane, Inc. and Authorize the Chief Executive officer to Execute the initial Partnership Agreement and the Amended Agreement to Include Additional Limited Partners. The Acting Legal Counsel stated that the CICIHABOC action to amend the OPA would not be addressed because of new redevelopment legislation passed last week. Commissioner Bonta moved approval of the staff recommendation regarding the Partnership Agreement. Commissioner Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote C. HABOC Resolution No. 833 "Amending the Housing Authority Budget to Increase the Fiscal Year 2012 CI P GF3 Budget by $93,000 to $013,141 for the Expansion of the Housing Authority office Building and Additional Architectural services (Budget Revision No. 4); Amending and Increasing the Architectural Contract by $32,800 to $05,800, Including Contingencies; Awarding the Contract to N.S. Construction and Paining in the Amount of $580,800, Including Contingencies; and Authorizing the Executive Director to Execute the Contract and Amendment." Adopted. AGENDA ITEM HABOC Recommendation to Approve the Housing Commission's Recommendation to Name the Proposed Affordable Housing Project at 2218 Lincoln Avenue Jack Capon Villa. The Housing Authority Executive Director gave a brief presentation. Speakers Arthur Kurrash, Housing Commission; Bernie Fitzgerald, Alameda special Olympics; Mathew Fitzgerald, Team of Alameda special Olympics; Lanay Eastman, Special Olympics; Barbara Capon, Alameda; Darin Lounds, Housing Consortium of the East Bay. Commissioner deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement 2 Commission and Housing Authority Board o Commissioners July 5, 2011 Commissioner Johnson seconded the notion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 6. 0 111!' a There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 7. 27 P. m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk Secretary, CI C The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community Improvement 3 Commission and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners July 5, 2011 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -JULY 5 2011- -7 :00 P.M. Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7 :28 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor Gilmore 5. Absent: None. AGENDA CHANGES 11 -348 Mayor Gilmore announced that Resolutions of Appointment (paragraph no. 11 -353 would be heard after Oral Communications [paragraph no. 11_3701. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS 11 -349 Proclamation Recognizing Deputy Fire Chief Mike Fisher Upon His Retirement. Mayor Gilmore read and presented the Proclamation to Mike Fisher. (11-350) Proclamation declaring July 5th as Alameda South Shore Center Day. Mayor Gilmore read and presented the Proclamation to Brad Wick, South Shore Center General Manager. Councilmember Johnson left the dais at 7:37 p.m. and returned at 7 :38 p.m. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON- AGENDA (11-351) Roderick Coleman, Alameda, thanked the Dousing Authority Executive Director and Councilmember delaan for help with issues he had at the former Naval Base. (1 1-352) Richard Neveln, Alameda, stated the lights shining on the flag are out and should be fixed. Councilmember Johnson stated someone should be in charge of checking the light bulb. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM Regular Meeting Alameda City Council July 5, 2011 (1 1-353 Resolution No. 14584 "Reappointing Peter Horikoshi as a Member of the Civil ,Service Board." Adopted; -353A Resolution No. 14585 "Reappointing Linda McHugh as a [Member of the Civil Service Board." Adopted; -353B Resolution No. 14586 "Reappointing Susan T. Deutsch as a Member of the Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted; -353C Resolution No. 14587 "Reappointing Stove R. Fort as a Member of the Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted; -353D Resolution No. 14588 "Reappointing Kelly Harp as a Member of the Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted; -353E Resolution No. 14889 "Reappointing Leslie A. Krongold as a Member of the Commission ors Disability Issues." Adopted; 11- 3531 Resolution No. 1 4590 "Reappointing Audrey Lord Hausman as a Member of the Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted; -353G Resolution No. 14591 "Reappointing Cullen L. Jones as a Member of the Housing Commission." Adopted; -353H Resolution No. 14592 "Reappointing Michael E. Hartigan as a Member of the Library Board." Adopted; -3531 Resolution No. 14593 "Reappointing Gail Wetzork as a Member of the Library Board." Adopted; -353J Resolution No. 14594 "Reappointing Authur Autorino as a Member of the Planning Board." Adopted; 11- 3531 Resolution No. 1 4595 "Reappointing Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft as a Member of the Planning Board." Adopted; -353L Resolution No. 14596 "Reappointing Gregory L. Hamra as a Member of the Public Utilities Board." Adopted; -3531 Resolution No. 14597 "Reappointing Lola Brown as a Member of the Recreation and Park Commission." Adopted; -353N Resolution No. 14598 "Reappointing Gina Mariam as a Member of the Recreation and Park Commission." Adopted; -3530 Resolution No. 14599 "Reappointing Cathy Nielsen as a Member of the Social Service Human Relations Board." Adopted; -353P Resolution No. 14600 "Reappointing Henry Villareal as a Member of the Social Service Human Relations Board." Adopted; and -353Q Resolution No. 14601 "Reappointing Jeanette Niel as a Member of the Youth Advisory Commission." Adopted. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 July 5, 2011 Councilmember Tam moved adoption of the resolutions. Vice Mayor Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. The City Clerk administered the oath of office and presented certificates of appointment to Mr. Horikoshi, Ms.. McHugh, Ms. Deutsch, Mr. Fork, Ms. Krongold, Mr. Jones, Mr. Wetzork, Mr. Hamm, and Ms. Mariani. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Gilmore announced that Bills [paragraph no. 11-355], the Agreement with Holland Knight [paragraph no. 11-3561, the Resolution Approving an Agreement with the California state Coastal Conservancy [paragraph no. 11 362 and the Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Close City Hall on Fridays [paragraph no. 11 -365 were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember deHaan moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] *11-354) Minutes of the special and Regular City Council Meetings and Special City Council Meeting held on June 21, 2011. Approved. (11-355) Bills for Ratification. Councilmemer deHaan stated the amount for consulting services is large; more information should be provided; questioned whether the $609,719 for PERS Health is for the quarter or year. Councilmember deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. (1 1-356) Recommendation to Approve an Agreement with Holland Knight in the Amount of $144,000 for Federal Legislative Advocacy Services. The Assistant City Manager gave a brief presentation. Speaker: Richard Bangert, Alameda. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the staff recommendation incorporating Mr. Bangert's suggestion [incorporating wetlands at Alameda Point to the list of priorities, specifically the northwest territories and 400 plus acres that the veterans Administration would take over and not use for facilities or grounds]; stated Holland Knight has done Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 July 5, 2011 an excellent job for the City; the City would not have received exposure to funding from p g the federal government without Tolland Knight's assistance. Councilmernber deHaan stated an additional $4,000 per month was added to the Contract in January 2011; inquired what type of activity has taken place. The Assistant City Manager responded staff is working on an office of Economic Adjustment grant for planning at Alameda Point; stated the Mayor had some very productive meetings in January and May; approximately a year and a half ago, Council supported Congresswoman Jackie Spear's bill on wetlands; unfortunately, the bill did not go anywhere; when an issue came up with the Federal Drug Administration regarding closing its office in Alameda approximately two or three years ago, Tolland Knight was able to prevent the closure; the scope of service changes as thins come up. ounce rnem er deHaan stated Alameda Paint was specifically considered when the additional amount was added to the Contract; seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. The City Manager stated three weeks ago, he had a conference call with Holland Knight regarding preparing for his lobby visit in September. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the Contract amount would not change by adding the wetlands to the scope, to which the Assistant City Manager responded in the affirmative. The City Manager stated needs cannot be predicted in the legislative process; adding the wetlands would not be a problem. Councilmember Johnson stated the list is not limited; Tolland Knight watches out for the City. Mayor Gilmore stated the City is getting a good value for the money. 11-357) Recommendation to Appropriate $21,484 in Transportation System Management/Transportation Demand Management Fund (Fund 225) and Award a Contract in the amount of $204,611, Including Contingencies, to transMetro, Inc. for the Estuary Crossing Shuttle Service. Accepted. *11-358) Recommendation to Accept the work of W. R. Forde Associates for the Cyclic Sewer Replacement Project, Phase 8, loo. P.W. 01- 10 -03. Accepted. (*11-359) Recommendation to Approve a Consultant Agreement with Pacific waste Services, Inc. for Professional Services to operate and Maintain the Alameda Doolittle Landfill. Accepted. *'11 -350 Recommendation to Approve a Consultant Agreement with AM EC for Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 July 5, 2011 Professional Services to Complete Semi- Annual Field Monitoring, Sampling, and Reporting for the Alameda Doolittle Landfill. Accepted. *'11 -361 Resolution No. 1 4602 "Authorizing the City Manager to Submit Two Grant Applications to Caltrans for the Cycle 3 Federal Safe Routes to School Program and Execute All Necessary Documents." Adopted. (1 1-362 Resolution No. 14603 "Approving an Agreement with the California State Coastal Conservancy for Funding to Implement Spartina Eradication and Mitigation Measures and Authorize the City Manager to Execute All Required Documents." Adopted. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether treatment would be ongoing. The City Engineer responded the City and conservancy have partnered to implement treatment measures for the past six years; the same Contract has been reneged every year; the Conservancy wants a new Contract instead of amending the Contract repeatedly; the Spartina population is down to less than 2 funds have been budged for two years. Councilmember deHaan stated the staff report notes that the City would provide up to $30,000 in staff support, which seems disproportionate to $60,000 in grants. The City Engineer stated the amount is higher than might be needed; however, public noticing and labor cross checks might be needed. Councilmember Johnson stated the program is very good; a large portion of the Bay has been reclaimed through the treatment; the City should continue with treatment and not stop too early. Councilmember Tam moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Tarn echoed Councilmember Johnson's comments; stated the Conservancy enables the City to leverage resources. Vice Mayor Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. *11-363 Resolution No. 14604 "Approving a Revised Executive Management Compensation Plan for the Period Commencing June 21, 2009 and Ending June 16, 2012." Adopted. *11-364 Resolution No. 14605 "Delegating Authority to the City Manager to Act on Behalf of the City Council for Employee Benefit Matters Relating to the California State Association of Counties Excess Insurance Authority." Adopted. *11-365 Resolution No. 1 4606 "Authorizing an open Market Purchase Pursuant to Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 July 5, 2011 Section 3 -15 of the Alameda City Charter for the Purchase of Three Parking Enforcement vehicles." Adopted. (1 1-3 Resolution No. 14607 "Authorizing the City Manager to Close City Hall and Other City Administrative offices on Fridays." Adopted. The Assistant City Manager gave a brief presentation. Speaker Robb Ratto, Park street Business Association. Councilmember Tara stated Friday closures could be in perpetuity; the City gent to a thirty -six hour, four day workweek for a lot of employees, which has never been reversed and may never be reversed. The' y Manager stated nothing would be permanent; the four day workweek has been the standard for twenty years; no one knows where the City will be in two or three years and whether the four day workweek will still exist; that he believes a real savings would exist by having everyone on the same four day workweek; having an organization fully staffed three days a week is foolish. Councilmember Tarn stated that she is more concerned with the thirty -six hour workweek; the City might not get back to a forty -hour workweek. The Assistant City Manager stated the issue could be raised during labor negotiations; staff decided to forego raises in favor of the shorter workweek [2o years ago]. Councilmember Johnson stated that she prefers a five day workweek; she would not support the Friday closure if better public service were not provided. Vice Mayor Bonta stated the proposed Friday closure seems practical and sensible; however, Friday closure would not be crystallized forever, and is the best approach under the current circumstances. Councilmember deHaan stated that he prefers a five day workweek; the Friday closure would provide a savings because of part -time staffing; the five day workweek option should not be taken away; six of the thirteen holidays fall on a Monday; service would be three days per week during a holiday week; that he recommends having the four day workweek be from Tuesday through Friday; that he would like to have further discussion on the matter. Councilmember Johnson stated the matter has been discussed a number of times over a long period of time; language could be added to the resolution stating that the intent would not be to further support the four day workweek. Councilmember deHaan inquired hoar many employees are already on a four day workweek. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 July 5, 2011 The Assistant City Manager responded that she does not have an exact number; stated the vast. majority of Management Confidential Employees Association members are on a four day workweek; some Alameda City Employees Association members are on a five day workweek schedule. Councilmember deHaan suggested having the matter come back to Council for review in six months. Councilmember Johnson stated the public hardly ever comes to City Hall on Fridays; closing City Hall on Mondays would seem like a three -day workweek. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the resolution with the caveat of adding a statement that the intent is not to re- affirm or strengthen the four day, thirty -six hour workweek concept. Councilmember Tam stated that she is comfortable with adding said language; staff intends to have significant public outreach before September 9 th Mayor Gilmore suggested checking on the matter in a year, not six months. The Assistant City Manager stated the matter could be reviewed as part of the budget next year. Councilmember Johnson's motion was amended to include Mayor Gilmore's suggestion that the matter cone back for review in six months. Vice Mayor Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. 11-367) Introduction of ordinance Amending Sections 2 -1.1 and 2-1.5.9f Article I (The City Council and Meetings of the City Council) of Chapter II (Administration to Modify y the Meeting Time and Deadline for Submission of Matters. Introduced. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM (1 1-368) Public Hearing to Consider Resolution No. 14808 "Approving Tentative Parcel Map 1 0008 (File No. PLN 11 -0077) at 2801 to 2901 Harbor Bay Parkway." Adopted. The Planning Services Manager gave a brief presentation. Councilmember deHaan inquired how much SRM Associates paid per acre, to which Joe Ernst, SRM Associates, responded that he would provide information. Councilmember Tam moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 July 5, 2011 5. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS �1 1 -3 operational Update on the Fire Department's water Rescue, Commercial Inspection, and Senior Safety Programs The Fire Division Chief gave a brief presentation. Councillmernber Tara inquired how long it would take to get the 14 -foot inflatable boat ready and deployable. The Fire Division Chief responded the boat is on a trailer and permanently attached to a tow vehicle; stated the boat would have a fifteen minute response time anywhere in Al ameda. Councilmernber Tarp stated past discussions have involved marinas providing the Fire Department with access to a berth; inquired whether future inflatable boats could be stationed near houseboat areas. The Fire Division Chief responded previously, the Fire Department had rigid hull inflatable boats in addition to the fire boat; having inflatable boats near houseboat areas would be a great idea as the budget allows. Councilmerrber deHaan inquired how much the 14-foot inflatable boat cost, to which the Fire Division Chief responded $13,000. Councilrnernber deHaan inquired whether the Fire Department mould consider purchasing additional boats, to which the Fire Division Chief responded in the affirmative, if resources allow. The City Manager stated the 14 -foot inflatable boat was purchased on his authority within existing budget allocations; purchasing additional boats would be difficult considering the budget that was just passed; Councilmember deHaan is workin g with the Interim Fire Chief on a donation of another boat. Vice Mayor Bonta thanked staff for moving the programs forward; stated the approach to the Senior Safety Program is a great; inquired whether the inflatable boat has wheels that would allow a firefighter to pull. the boat down to the shoreline, to which the Fire Division Chief responded in the affirmative. Mice Mayor Bonta inquired how many inflatable boats would be optimal and at what locations. The Fire Division Chief responded that he would have to defer to the water Rescue Program Committee. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 July 5, 2011 The city Manager stated staff could carne back with an answer in sixty days when the possible donation of a second boat would be known. Councilmernber Johnson stated the Coast. Guard and the East Bay Regional Park District are other resources; additional resources should be identified. Councilmember Tam stated the [Fire Department] General operations Bulletin, which addresses water rescue operations, requires periodic training exercises involving the Coast Guard, Police Department, and other agencies; that she is not concerned with buying a boat, but is concerned with maintenance; the last boat ended up dry docked. The Fire Division Chief noted the last boat was built in 1974 and was purchased for $1 from the coast Guard. Councilrrember del -laan inquired whether a zodiac type boat has been available to the Fire Department in the past. The Fire Division chief responded the Fire Department had a rigid hull inflatable boat; stated recently, a 24 =foot boat has been decommissioned; the boat was very time consuming. Speaker Jon Spangler, Alameda. The City Manager stated staff has retained .the services of retired State Fire .Marshall Ruben Grijalva to conduct a formal, independent review regarding facts and circumstances of the Crown Memorial Beach incident; the. crown Memorial .Beach issue implicates both Police and Fire service; Chief Grijalva is the only person in the history of California to hold the job...of state .Fire. Marshall and Director of California Department .of Forestry and Fire; Chief Mr. Grijalva's credentials are impeccable; some people believe that a citizen commission should be formed; such a commission is not a recipe for discovering the truth but is a recipe for grand standing, politics, and a series of facts that may be facts or may support .pre existing conclusions about direction the city should take; the city is taking the approach to hire. the most qualified person available; the marching orders.are to conduct a review of how Alameda got to Crown Memorial Beach that day and to look at. the history; having a set of common facts is important; .the report will include a minute by minute chronology of what took place on Memorial Day; a report will be prepared examining the .steps that have been. taken since Memorial Day and to advise about potential weaknesses; the.. investigation will not be a determination whether or not Alameda. needs to have its own water rescue capacity; a decision has already been made in the affirmative; the public will have at least twelve days to examine the public report; the report will be online. and. in the Council packet twelve days prior to the Council meeting; chief Grijalva will be in a position .to react to public comment; the selection process has involved speaking to people in various organizations, the Oakland fire service, online research, and a personal interview; Chief Grijalva will be paid $195 per hour; chief Grijalva estimates the report will take 100 Regular Meeting Alameda City council 9 July 5, 2011 hours; that he thinks the report will take longer in order to produce a detailed document; he is confident Chief Grijalva will do a great job. Mayor Gilmore thanked the City Manager for the chronology. Councilmember deHaan stated incident reports have been done in the past; that he is glad that everyone will be given the opportunity to review the matter; now is the time for reflection, which is called a stand down in the military; all safety and labor operations are reviewed in a stand down; a through review is needed to provide opportunities to improve all aspects of the Fire and Police Departments; Chief Crijalva would bring all information to the table, but action might be needed afterwards. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON- AGENDA None. COUNCIL REFERRALS None. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (1 1-370 Consideration of Mayor's Appointment to the Rent Review Advisory Committee. Mayor Gilmore appointed Natascha H. Fraser. (1 1-371) Councilmember deHaan stated that he attended the Associated Community Action program (ACAP) Board Meeting last Thursday; closure. has been. extended to September; Alameda County has audited the books; the. audit should be made public in three to four weeks; action was taken to obtain legal support for a lawsuit submitted by the Executive Director, any legal action would cost more money. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether County liability is still being investigated, to which Councilmember deHaan responded the audit would provide more clarification. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, M ayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 8:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 10 July 5, 2011 Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council July 5, 2011 11 CITY OF ALAM E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Fred Marsh Controller Date: July 14, 2011 Re: List of Warrants for Ratification This is to certify that the claims listed on the attached check register and shown below have been approved by the proper officials and, in my opinion, represent fair and just charges against the City in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon. Check Numbers Amount 239307 239698(Vendor Checks) $1 V22663 V22826(ACH Retiree Medical Benefit Reimbursements) $126,750.33 EFT1048 EFT1053(Vendor Wire Transfers) $579,238.73 Void Checks: 232300 ($1,125.00) 239455 ($500.00) GRAND TOTAL $2,302 Respectfully submitted, Controller BILLS #5 -B Council Warrants 07/19/11 7/19/2011 Qw W W w 0 U E-t W H U CJ H N 0 U w I U H 0 H r-1 ►--i CN o E-4 ct+ CF) w o a 2 t�ww H r W W C7 I 0 a ril I I I I I l l I I i i i t 1 1 1 U� I W I W I P4 I H I E I W I Ix A W w H w E� A U U CD CJ A L P C31 I a U U CN F14 0 H F x 0 a w a �a F 0 H r-I m a) ON M rn rn �-o �o �o %lo cq N CN A o rx w a I w �L74 r-1 H o w x t=4 A x H al CJ H A I U I H I Q I W Qw W W w 0 U E-t W H U CJ H N 0 U w I U H 0 H r-1 ►--i CN o E-4 ct+ CF) w o a 2 t�ww H r W W C7 I 0 a ril I I I I I l l I I i i i t 1 1 1 U� I W I W I P4 I H I E I W I Ix A W w H w E� A U U CD CJ A L P C31 I a U U CN F14 0 H F x 0 a w a �a F 0 H r N M (n m r-i Q O Ln O C) Ln Ln lfl N N Rl ri r-I r-i A I I H I a I H p w CJ) P4 �D III C7 0 H rzl H a w a A I 0 I I H Q I I I I W I I I I I I A W W F+ r H p� CD o 0 W I E� U H o I r I I u� w I I w I I H I I W p� z H N O U U U H D o a o o C'3 W W H .M W W C7 I C) 0 9 A W �D r-i H 00 w a F Q o N U 0 x U� O C.3 0 I Pi N CN I M U W N N r 0 p H x 0 a w x �a H 0 h N ra rl E �DNw 0 LnWH r• r mLn lqvCnm 0 Ln 0000 r 0 O wHMMM 000 0 0 R;1+MM 0 0 r-I r+ q N r7 lD o O C rn Ln cn d+ ❑0 r r t• OQ o C O N o �o In o Ln O Ln d' m m o 0 m 0 H o 000 000 r NLnr• r- w� Ln r- r NmN o O 0 gvHWON N0N NMNwo 1• Ln rn P o NP Nr O r• w m m w rn H N N Ln N Ln m r- Ln r r• o oo N Ln r o) di r o r d+ r-i r- N w m N N W N N N Ln di o o r-I r--1 I tv 0) M Ln Ln N N w w d' N oo N O N N Ln Ln N N p ft. 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Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln as a as as 44 HX 0 0 0 0 0 o EqH NH HH E-4P a F:vl H W U rn rr) rn rn rn 00 00 00 00 U) A H cn w U Ln Ln Ln Ln Lrn H H P H H H E-1 H 0 Z H N 0 U A w U Z H Z 0 H H E-( W a A 0 IrIv 0 H H N 0 W A 25 CITY OF.ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: John Russo Cit Mana Date: Jul 19, 2011 Re.- Award a Contract in the Amount of $432,000, Includin Contin to Galla Burk, Inc. for Parkin Rehabilitation of the Main Street and Harbor Ba Fer Terminals, No. P.W. 05-11-14 BACKGROUND On June 21, 2011, the Cit Council adopted plans and specifications and authorized .a call for bids for parkin rehabilitation of the Main Street and Harbor .Ba ferr terminals No. P.W. 05-11-14. Rehabilitation of the parkin lots consists of repairin failed pavement areas; repairin selected portions of curb, g utter, and sidewalk resurfacin the Harbor Ba parkin lot with parkin lot seal coat resurfacin deteriorated portions of the Main Street parkin lot with hot mix asphalt and restorin stripin DISCUSSION To solicit the maximum number of bids and most competitive price, pla.ns..and specifications were provided to 17 separate builders exchan thr ou the Ba Area and the eBidboard website. A notice of bid was also published.in the Alameda Journal. One contractor submitted a bid, and the bid was opened on Jul 5, 2011. The bid is as follows: Location Bid Amount Ga.l..I.a Burk, Inc. Oakland, CA $392,902 Staff proposes to award a contract to Galla Burk, Inc., for a total amount of $432,000, includin an approximate 10% contin A cop of the contract is on file in the Cit Clerk's office. FINANCIAL IMPACT Pursuant to Section 11.7 of the Ferr Service Operations Transfer A the Water Emer Transit A will pa directl for the cost of this approved capital pro The Cit will account for this project in Fund 621.2, Alameda/Oakland Ferr West, to reco these infrastructure improvements in accordance with Governmental Accountin Standards Board Statement 34. There is no .impact to the .General Fund. Cit Counc, A Item #5-1 07-19-11: Honorable Ma and Jul 19, 2011 Members of the Cit Council Pa 2 of 2 MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The Cit support of Ferr Services is consistent with the General Plan Transportation Element Guidin Polic 4.3.f. and the Transportation and Land Use Initiative of the Local Action Plan for Climate Protection. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In accordance with the California Environmental Qualit Act CEQA this pro is Cate Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c Existin Facilities. IN Award a contract in the amount of $432,000, includin contin to Galla Burk, Inc. for parkin rehabilitation of the Main Street and Harbor Ba ferr terminals, No. P.W. 05-11-14. Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibit: 1. Contract on file in the Cit Clerk's office cc*. Watchdo Committee (Ferry) CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: John A. Russo Cit Mana Date: Jul 19, 2011 Re Award Contract in the Amount of $79,474 Includin Contin to Republic Intelli Transportation Services to Remove/Replace LED Si for Traffic and Pedestrian Si Heads/Indicators in the Cit of Alameda, No. P.W. 04-11-08 BACKGROUND On Ma 17, 2001, the Cit Council adopted plans and specifications and authorized a call for bids to remove and replace Li Emittin Diode (LED) si for traffi and pedestrian si head sh nd icators. No. P.W. 04-11-08. The project consists of removin the.existin LED li from all traffic si and pedestrian indicators throu the cit replacin these fixtures with new LED li and reconnectin and adjustin the existin service s DISCUSSION To solicit the maximum number of bids and the most competitive price .specifications were provided to 20 separate builders exchan throu the Ba Area.. A notice of bid was published in the Alameda Joumal. Bids were opened on June 21, 2011. Six. contractors submitted bids. The list of bidders from lowest to hi for total project cost is as follows: Bidder Location did Amount Republic Intelli Transportation Services Fremont $697108-00 Cal-West Li S al Maintenance, Inc. San Jose $79,404.00 W. Bradle Electric, Inc. Novato $93)606.00 Econolite Traffic En Maintenance Santa Clara $1.697375-00 Tenn Electric, Inc. Livermore $1 761265.00 Vallejo $221, 95.00teiny and Compan Inc. Vall5 S I Staff contacted three references provided b the low bidder and received positive feedback about the q ualit y and timeliness of their work. Staff proposes to award a contract to Republic Intelli Transportation Services, for a total amount of $79,474, includin a 15% contin A cop of the contract is on file in the Cit Clerk's office. Cit Council A Item #50 07-19-11 Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council FINANCIAL IMPACT Jul 19, 2011 Pa 2 of 2 The funds for this project are bud in the Capital Improvement Pro Pro j ect Number 90450), with funds available from Measure B (Fund 215), Construction Improvement Fund (Fund 164), and Gas Tax (Fund 211). There is no impact to the Cit General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In accordance with the California Environmental Qualit Act (CEQA this project is Cate Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existin Facilities. Award a contract in the amount of $79,474, includin contin to Republic Intelli Transportation Services to remove/replace LED si for traffic and pedestrian si heads/indicators in the Cit of Alameda, No. P.W. 04-11-08. Respectf I ubmi ted, atthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director B fLAA 1A, VOL t VC Trun N A y en Assistant En Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibit: 1. Contract on file in the Cit Clerk's office CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: John A. Russo Cit Mana Date: Jul 19, 2011 Re: Award a Contract in the Amount of $146,912, Includin Contin to Robert C. Terr dba Comfort Air Mechanical S for the Annual Heatin Ventilatin and Air Conditionin S Maintenance in Various city Facilities, No. P.W. 06-20-28 The Public Works Department is responsible for the re preventive maintenance of the Heatin Ventilatin and Air Conditionin (HVAC S of the 23 Cit and maintained buildin Due to the complexit of man of the HVAC s components, the Cit utilizes a private contractor to perform the re maintenance of the HVAC s chan of air filters, and on-call services. DISCUSSION To solicit the maximum number of bids and most competitive price, specifications. were provided to 17 separate buildin exchan throu the Ba Area. A notice of bid was published in the Alameda Joumal. The bid was opened on Jul 30, 2011, and onl one bid was received. The bid result is as follows: Bidder Location Bid Amount Robert C. Terr dba Comfort Air Mechanical S Alameda $1227426.50 Staff recommends awardin a contract to Robert C. Terr dba Comfort Air Mechanical S for a total amount of $146,912, includin a 20% contin comfort .Air Mechanical S has been the Cit contractor since 2007, and it has p rovided satisfactor and reliable service. This contract ma be mutuall amended on a ye ar-b y y ear basis, for up to four additional y ears, based on satisfactor perfo'rmance of all aspects of the contract. If extended, the contract would be for the same terms and costs, plus an annual increase e to the construction price index increase for the San Francisco Ba Area appropriate to the trades associated with the work as reported in the En News Record for the previous calendar y ear. A cop of the contract is on file in the Cit Clerk's office. Cit Council A Item #5-E 07-19-11 Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council FINANCIAL IMPACT Jul 19, 2011 Pa 2 of 2 The maintenance project is bud under Facilit Maintenance, Fund 706 and Alameda Point Facilit Maintenance, Fund 858. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In accordance with the California Environmental Qualit Act CEQR this project is Cate Exempt under CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301 Existin Facilities. :4: _XN ffl Jyj I'& I a L l I f7A I Award a contract in the amount of $146,912, includin contin to Robert C. Terr dba Comfort Air Mechanical S for the annual heatin ventilatin and air conditionin s maintenance in various Cit facilities, No. P.W. 06-20-28. Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibit: 1. Contract on file in the Cit Clerk's office CITY OF ALAM EDA Memorandum To: honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: July 19, 2011 Re: Adopt Plans. and Specifications and Authorize a call for Bids for the Upgrade of the City of Alameda Seger Pump Stations, Phase 3: Bay Farm Island Pump Station Rehabilitation, Igo. P.W. 12- 10 -35, Including the Standardization of Major Equipment Components for all city of Alameda Sewer Pump Stations 1aMA GI Eelan'Te On February 1, 2011, the city Council awarded a contract in the amount of $185,831 to Waterworks Engineers to provide design services and construction support for the upgrade of the Bay Farm Island (BFI) sewer pump station. Improvements at BFI are needed to provide reliability, efficiency, and sufficient sewer capacity. Plans and specifications are complete and are ready for public bid. DISCUSSION In accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's Administrative order and the General waste Discharge Requirements of the Regional water Quality control Board and the State water Resource control Board, Alameda is required to upgrade all 42 sewer pump stations and implement ongoing operations and maintenance procedures to limit public health impacts associated with sanitary sewer overflows (SSO). The proposed project will provide electrical, mechanical, and structural improvements to the BFI sanitary sewer pump station located on Clubhouse Memorial Road at the Chuck Corica Golf course. The identified upgrades include pumps, emergency back -up power generators, wastewater storage facilities, remote monitoring and communication equipment, and back -up level controls. In addition, to allow for the construction, equipment placement, and maintenance access to the pump station and equipment, six small Myoporum trees will need to be removed. A new landscaping plan is included as part of the project to beautify the site and screen the equipment. The new landscaping includes Yellow Trumpet Mine, New Zealand Flak, and Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat. The Recreation Park Director has reviewed and approved the proposal to remove the small trees and provide new landscaping. Cit Council Agenda 07-19-11 Honorable Mayor and duly 19, 2011 Members of the city council Page 2 of 4 Proposal to Standardize Equipment: The operation and Maintenance Program of the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) requires the City to: include specific requirements for implementing proactive maintenance procedures; identify and fund rehabilitation and replacement of deficient assets; ensure staff training on all equipment; and keep adequate spare parts for critical components of the sanitary sewer system. To assist with meeting these requirements, the Public Works Department proposes to standardize the manufacturer and model for specific major components of the pump stations to provide more efficient and reliable operation of the equipment. In accordance with the California Public contract Code 3400, the specifications state that the city has decided to standardize specific equipment in order to match other products in use or on a particular public improvement that is either completed .or in the course of completion, and to field test that the equipment is suitable for future use. In addition, standardizing the specific major components of the pump stations would result in more efficient and reliable equipment operations, faster repair time on incidents that could cause an SSO through the use of common parts, reduce on -going training costs; and minimize spare and critical replacement parts inventory and costs. The following major components are identified as candidates for standardization: Sewage Pumps Emergency Power Generation Equipment (Back -up Generator) Pump Controllers Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA) components Electrical, Instrumentation, and controls The following key factors were considered during equipment selection: cost, efficiency, manufacturer Support, location of factory authorized service facility, manufacturer emergency and non emergency response time, prior use, and previous training of city staff Based on these criteria and others, the following standard equipment is recommended: 0 Flygt N- Series Submersible and Dry -Pit Submersible Pumps (>2 HP) Barnes Submersible Grinder Pumps (low flow low head 2 HP or less) 0 Cummins Power Generation (stationary standby emergency generators) 0 Eaton Insight motor monitor Dnitronics controller V350 controller with Pump vision and motor vision MOSCAD (Motorola SCADA) a PM C, VL2000 Series Submersible Hydrostatic (Pressure) Level Transmitter Honorable Mayor and July 19, 2011 Members of the city council Page 3 of 4 0 MJK 7030 Float Type Level Switches Floats The City shall maintain a list of the standard equipment in the SSMP and present this list, including any updates, to the city council for re- certification as part of the SSMP Audit Schedule. In addition, the city will solicit competitive bids on the standardized equipment and spare parts from approved distributors of the above manufacturer products to accommodate inventory procurement. A copy of the plans and specifications is on file in the City Clerk's office. FINANCIAL IMPACT The project is budgeted in the capital Improvement Program (Project Name Seger Pump Station Upgrades, Project Number 91008), with monies allocated from the Seger Enterprise Fund (Fund 002 This project will have no financial impact on the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFRENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this project is Categorically Exempt under CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301(b), Existing Facilities (Repair and Restoration of Existing Public Utilities to Provide Sewer, Water, Electricity, etc.). RECOMMENDATION Adopt plans and specifications and authorize a call for bids for the upgrade of the City of Alameda Sewer pump stations, Phase 3: Bay Farm Island pump station rehabilitation, No. P.W. 12- 10 --35, and standardize equipment for specific major components for all City of Alameda sewer pump stations. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council By, Paul Soo, J r. Assistant Civil Engineer Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller July 19, 201 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit: 1. Plans and specifications on file with the City Clerk's office CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: John A. Russo Cit Mana Date- Jul 19, 2011 Re: Authorize the Purchase of Holophane Streetli for the Park Street Streetscape Project, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10-09-30, f W.W. Grain Inc. in the Amount of $350,000, Includin Contin and Authorize the Cit Manager to Execute All Necessa Documents I Mom 21 10 1 Kell] I On March 15, 2011, the Cit Council authorized a call for bids. for the Park Street Streetscape Project, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10-09-30 and adopted Resolution 14555 authorizin the Cit to purchase the streetli for the project directl from a Holo .phane. distributor. Installation of Holophane li alon Park Street will maintain consistenc with the previous streetscape work in the business district. DISCUSSION The Public Works Department proposes to purchase Holophane streetli usin the Western States Contractin Alliance (WSCA) contract for public a This contract was competitivel bid in compliance with state law. The Alameda Municipal Code, Subsection 2-61-7, Joint Purchases with Public A provides authorit for the Cit to use another g overnment a competitive biddin process to purchase materials, supplies, e vehicles, and apparatus, "provided the purchase is the result of competitive. bid d i n g or prop and is made in compliance with the competitive bid or proposal of an participatin a or or in a manner that is consistent with law." In order to assure a cost-effective purchase, the Public Works Department proposes to piggy- back onto the WSCA existin competitivel bid contract. and to purchase the Holophane streetli for $350,000. This price includes taxes and d char Cit Councill A Item #5-G 07-19-11 Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council FINANCIAL IMPACT Jul 19, 2011 Pa 2 of 2 The funds for this project are bud in the Public Works Department's account for Capital Improvement Pro No. 90606 Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, with federal g rant funds (Fund 310 There is no impact to the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action is authorized pursuant to Alam Municipal Code Subsection 2-61.7. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In accordance with the California Environmental Qualit Act {CEQA this project is Cate Exempt under the CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c Existin Facilities. Authorize the purchase of Holophane streetli for the Park Street Streetscape pro Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San. Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10-09-30, from x'. 11. Grain Inc. in the amount of $350,000, includin contin and authorize the Cit Mana to execute all necessar documents. Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From.- John A. Russo Cit Mana Date: Jul 19, 2011 Re: Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize a Call for Bids for Rehabilitation of Tennis Courts (Various Locations), No. P.W. 05 -11 -10 In November 2008, 72% of the voters in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties approved Measure WK a $500 million bond extension for the East Ba Re Park District (BBRPD) that included fundin for local recreational facilities. The recreational facilities for the Cit of Alameda include 16 full-size and two half-size tennis courts at various parks throu the Cit In earl 2010, the Cit Council approved submission of an application to the EBRPD that identified the proposed uses for Measure WW funds, includin the resurfacin of the Cit tennis courts. Over time, the asphalt surface of the tennis courts crack due to expansion and contraction from chan in temperature, and the surface color fades as a result of repeated use. To provide well-maintained facilities, the surface of the tennis courts needs to be repaired and resurfaced re DISCUSSION Staff from the Public Works and the Recreation Park Departments has identified the followin tennis courts for repair: 1. Three tennis courts at Le Park 2. Seven tennis court at Lower Washin Park 3. Three tennis courts at Krusi Park The Le Park tennis courts will be resurfaced with a new floatin surface that will allow for g round movement without crackin and will include a 25- warrant a new cracks. The tennis courts at Lower Washin Park and Krusi Park will be repaired b placin a wide fiber tape over the existin surface cracks and appl a new color surface. Where tree roots have dama portions of the courts, asphalt will be removed and replaced prior to placin the finished surface. In addition, an extra set of pla lines will be painted on the Krusi Park courts to allow the Cit to provide y outh tennis pro Cit Counc A Item #5- 07-19-11 Honorable Ma and Jul 19, 2011 Members of the Cit Council Pa 2 of 3 To ensure there are sufficient funds to proceed with the project, staff has prioritized the three locations. The project specifications include Le decker and Washin Parks in the base bid, and Krusi Park is identified as an additive alternate. Therefore, the improvements at Krusi Park will onl be included in the construction if sufficient funds are available. A cop of the plans and specifications is on file in the Cit Clerk's Office. FINANCIAL IMPACT The project is bud in the Capital Improvement Pro (Pro No. 91021 with monies allocated from Measure WVV (Fund 315). There is no impact to the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In acc with the California Environmental Qualit Act (CEQA this pro is Cate Exempt under the CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Existin Facilities. Adopt plans and specifications and authorize a call for bids for rehabilitation of tennis courts (various locations No. P.W. 05- 11 -10. Dale Lillard Recreation and Park Director(4) Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Jul 19, 2011 Pa 3 of 3 Exhibit: 1. Plans and Specifications on file with the Cit Clerk's office CITY OF ALAM E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: July 19, 2011 Re: Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the city of Alameda Ambulance and Paramedic. Provider Agreement with Alameda County, and Receive an Update on Related Le islation BACKGROUND The Ambulance and Paramedic Provider Agreement between the city of Alameda and Alameda County expired on June 30, 2011. Council approved this one -year agreement earlier this year and the amount. of compensation of that agreement. The cod my has proposed extending that agreement while a new agreement is being negotiated. Execution of the extension is necessary in order .for the Fire Department to continue providing basic life support, advanced life support and ambulance transport services to the community while negotiations for a replacement agreement continue. DISCUSSION Amendment The amendment allows the Fire Department to continue providing emergency medical services under the terms of the agreement that expired. on June 30, 2011. The amendment expires October 31, 2011. The Department is working closely with the Alameda county Emergency Medical. Services Agency to unsure a new agreement is in place by October 31, 2011 and necessary elements are included. New Agreement The proposed new agreement. and a .bill being considered by.the California Legislature present several challenges that must be .addressed if the city is to protect its exclusive right to administer basic life support, advanced. life support, and ambulance transport services. Additionally, the city must maintain the broad anti -trust immunity granted through the California Health and Safety code. The enactment of the Emergency [Medical Services important language under the California health and (EMS) Act in 1980 included Safety code (CHSC) Section City Council Agenda. Item #54 07-19-11 Honorable Mayor and July 1 9, 2011 Members of the city Council Page 2 of 4 1797.201. This section of the CHSC granted fire agencies that provided or contracted for EMS services on or before June 1, 1980., the right to continue those services in perpetuity until such time as they voluntarily entered into an agreement with the Local Emergency Medical Services Agency (LEMSA The original Ambulance and Paramedic Provider Agreement. between the City and County executed on Dece nb.er 14, .1.999, contained im portant language regarding the retention of the City's Section 1797.201 rights. This language protected the City's exclusive right to continue to provide. basic..life support, advanced life support, and ambulance transport .services without a competitive bid process. It also provided. the City with state action immunity under federal.. anti -trust laws as described in CHSC Section 1797'.0 This language was continued in .th.e subsequent agreement that expired on October 31, 2005.. When this agreement expired, no replacement was executed until January 2011, for the fiscal year that commenced July. 1, 20.10. The current agreement contains language that .was..sign.ificantly altered from the previous versions and could present a challenge to. the City for exclusive rights. to deli basic life support, advanced life support, and ambulance transport services as discussed. The 1999 and 20.1a agreement contrasting terms are as follows: 1999 Agreement Recitals of Authority Whereas, CITY having provided or contracted. for emergency medical services within its boundaries in the same. scope and manner .and. without interruption .since January I, 98 in accordance with section 1791.201 of the Califomia I�ealth and Safety Coale; Section 2.4. A t the CITY's rearrest, the COUNTY shall establish an EOA for the CI to .exclusively perform non emergency ambulance transport within tire. incorporated limits of the City of Alameda after. the CITY has provided .and can demonstrate.: the CITY's. allowable expenses, as described in Exhibit .E exceed their revenue. ..Should the CITY decide to contract this service out, COUNTY must approve the subcontractor. 2010 Agreement Recita of A Whereas, CITY represents having provided or services within its boundaries in the sage scope since January 1, 1981, in accordance with section Safety Cove; contracted for emergency medical a0d manner and without .interruption 1 797.224 of the California Health and The 2010 agreement does not contain the section 2.4 language included in the 1999 agreement. The new agreement between the city and County must include language that specifically recognizes that the statutory rights conferred in the original 1999 agreement Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council July 19, 2011 Page 3 of 4 through section 1797.201 are continued. Additionally, it must. acknowledge that the County has granted the City an exclusive operating area (EOA} that establishes the City's right to provide or contract for the levels and types of pr.e- hospital emergency medical services now being furnished by the City. The Fire .Department is w.orking closely with the County to ensure these terms are included in the new agreement. Assembly Bill 210 The state Assembly passed Assembly Bill 210 (Solorio.) on June 3, 2011. The bill, which is currently pending before the senate Appropriations Committee, may have a significant impact on the City's ability to maintain its section 1797.201 rights. In its current. form, AB 210 would eliminate CHSC Section 1 797.201. and replace it. with language under proposed section 1797.225, which does not pro .vide clear. language that section 1797.201 rights are included. This could allow the County to dictate the level of pre hospital EMS service, forcing the City to allow third- party p roviders into the City's pre hospital care system or allow the County to dictate. the level of service provided in Alameda. Other interests at the state office of Emergency Medical Services .nay also impact .the City's future local rights. There have been. discussions. among members of the task force developing regulations for the. CHSC that would propose a ban on all CHSC 1797.201 rights for. fire service agencies absent protective legislation. The Alameda Fire Department, in conjunction with. other fire agencies throughout the state, has proposed amendments to Assembly Bill 21.0 that would .serve to protect these rights. Some of the major aspects of these amendments. would: Mandate that cities with 1797..201 rights maintain protection as Exclusive Operating Areas (EOA) Ensure that prospectively s.igned agreements. with the local EMS agencies (LEMSAs) do not null ify.existing rights as an E.OA' State that previously signed agre..ernents with the LEMSAs do not eliminate a city's 1797.201 rights unless specifically stated in that ag reenne nt Recognize. that.a 1797.201. city that contracted for or provided EMS as of June 1, 1980, has broad anti -trust immunity The progress of AB 210. is being monitored closely, and an amended version would provide the best protection for the existing EMS services in Alameda. The agreement, which will be negotiated with the County .in the conning months, will also prove crucial to maintenance of these service levels. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FINANCIAL IMPACT July 19, 2011 Page 4 of 4 The cost to continue the agreement while the successor agreement is negotiated is $239,943. This funding is budgeted in the Fire Department's operating budget in the Ambulance Transport program's contractual services account (001 3230 61060). RECOMME NDATION Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the City of Alameda Ambulance and Paramedic Provider Agreement with Alameda County, and receive an update on related legislation. Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibits: 1. City of Alameda Ambulance and Paramedic Provider Agreement, .duly 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 2. Amendment to Ambulance Provider Agreement Paramedics Plus has contracted with County to loan the following equipment to Contractor for use on FRALS units at no cost to Contractor: 1. Three (3) Rugged mobile personal computers and software for the PCR system: a. Panasonic CF -19 Toughbook b. one (1) spare battery c. one (1) AC charging cable d. IT support and updates when required e. Routine scheduled maintenance. 2. seven (7) LIFEPAK 15 System. a. LP 15 monitor- defibrillators capable of wireless transmission of 12 -lead ECUs for each unit and sufficient data plan to accommodate and support this process. b. Temporary replacement Lifepak 15s for units undergoing repairs c. velocitor charger d. Station charger e. one (1) spare battery 3. Four (4) Physlo- Cont.rbl chest compression system (LUCAS.device) a. Lucas CPR device b. one (1) spare battery c. one (1) station charger 1. Acceptance of Paramedics Plus equipment is optional. By accepting equipment under this agreement, Contractor commits to. utilizing equipment in the. delivery of all AL5 First Response services. If Contractor is not utilizing the equipmer t for the delivery of care (e.g.: closure of a station, reduction of FRALS units) all equipment must be immediately returned to Paramedics Plus. 2. Paramedics Plus shall maintain ownership of the equipment at all times. The terms of this exhibit and the responsibilities outlined herein are not transferable. By accepting Paramedics Plus equipment, the Contractor agrees to comply with all terms and conditions set forth herein associated with the loan of equipment. 3. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the proper use and deployment of the equipment. Paramedics Plus shall. be responsible. for training personnel using the equipment on the proper use of the equipment in accordance with any.equipment use procedures. The Contractor accepts sole responsibility for operating the.equipment at its sole risk, 4. Contractor agrees to give this equipment the same level of care as similar property purchased by Contractor. Equipment shall be returned .to Paramedics Plus in as good a condition as when received by the Contractor, reasonable wear and tear excepted. During the loan period Paramedics Plus agrees to assume all responsibility for maintenance and repair due to normal wear and tear. S. The Contractor is responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement of any or all of the equipment that is damaged by intentional misuse,.abuse, or neglect, last, or stolen from the time Contractor assumes custody. If the equipment is lost, stolen or damaged, Contractor must immediately notify the Paramedics Plus representative. 6. Paramedics Plus shall pay for all insurance, regularly scheduled maintenance and maintenance agreements for the equipment. 7. All maintenance and repair of equipment shall be performed by personnel authorized by Paramedics Plus. Any unauthorized maintenance voids all original equipment warranties. The Contractor shall be liable for the cost of purchasing a new warranty for the equipment if unauthorized maintenance is performed on the equipment by Contractor's personnel. 8. Contractor shall make the equipment available for inspection and maintenance during regular business hours with adequate advance notice and notify Paramedics Plus in writing of any necessary repairs or if the equipment malfunctions. inventory management and return notification. 9. Contractor shall maintain and provide annual inventory reports to Paramedics Plus when requested. These reports shall include the Paramedics Plus inventory control number and well as the Contractor unit where the equipment is assigned. 10. Failure to adhere to the conditions described above may result in withdrawal of use and possession of the equipment, through written notice by Paramedics Plus and endorsed by County. y 11. Contractor shall return the equipment to .Paramedics Plus upon termination of 9 -1 -1 Ambulance Agreement between Paramedics Plus and County. The current agreement is for the period beginning November 1, 2011, and ending October 31, 2016. County has an option to renew for five additional years, ending October 31, 2021. 12. In consideration for the equipment loan, the Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Paramedics Plus and County harmless from any and all damages, losses, claims, causes of actions, expenses and liability of any nature whatsoever associated with its use of the equipment. Marne: john A. Russo Signature. Title: City Manager Date: 07/11/2011 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: John A. Russo Cit Mana Date: Jul 19, 2011 Re: Reject the Sole Bid and Adopt a Resolution Authorizin Open Market Ne of a Contract Pursuant to Section 3-15 of the Alameda Cit Charter for Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10-09-30 Contin Upon Caltrans Approval of Cost Effectiveness/Public Interest Findin (Re Four Affirmative Votes) BACKGROUND On March 15, 2011, the Cit Council authorized a call for bids for the Park Street streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue project, No. P.W. 10-09-30. Bids were opened on June 13, 2011, and onl one contractor, Ghilotti Brothers, Inc., submitted a bid for $1,905,267, a 40% increase above the en estimate. Staff reviewed the bids and determined that several line items were well above industr avera cost, includin clearin and g rubbin g curb and g utter, traffic control, and trenchin On June 21, 2011, the Cit Council rejected the sole bid and adopted revised plans and specifications and authorized a new call for bids. The proposed improvements from Lincoln Avenue to Encinal Avenue include: the removal of 21 existin street trees and the plantin of 32 new street .trees with irri in accordance with the Cit Master Street Tree Plan; the removal of five existin streetli and the installation of 22 new streetli the installation of bus shelters, bic racks, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA accessible curb ramps; and the reconstruction of portions of curb, g utter, sidewalk, and street pavement, as needed, for the installation of the improvements. The add alternate from Encinal Avenue to San Jose Avenue would remove seven trees and plant 24 new trees with irri remove six streetli and install 16 new streetli and construct a curb extension on the east side of Park Street. at San Antonio .venue for ADA accessibilit at the existin crosswalk. In addition, the. project includes an option to replace the existin parkin meters with parkin meter kiosks, based on total project cost. DISCUSSION To solicit the maximum number of bids and most competitive price, plans and specifications were provided to 19 separate builders exchan throu the Ba Cit Council A Item #5-J 07-19-11 Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Jul 19, 2011 Pa 2 of 3 Area and posted on the Cit website. A notice of bid was also published in the Alameda Journal. A bid openin was held on Jul 7, 2011, and the bid information is as follows.. Contractor Locat'ion Base Bid/Add Alternates I Ghilotti Brothers, Inc. San Rafael, CA $1,917,348 Suarez Munoz Construction Inc. Ha CA TSubmitted Late/Returned While the Cit received two bids, Ghilotti Brothers, Inc. was the onl contractor to submit a bid b the deadline. The bid submitted b Suarez Munoz Construction Inc. was hand delivered six minutes after the scheduled bid openin time, and the bid could not be accepted. The Cit returned the bid to Suarez Munoz, unopened. r The latest bid exceeds the En estimate and is greater than the funds the Cit has available to complete the project. Public Works staff has reviewed the En estimate with the pro consultant, Bellecci Associates Inc. and determined it is reasonable and the bid prices are hi than expected. F urthermore, the current bid submitted b Ghilotti Brothers is $12,000 more than the previous bid, even thou s taff modified the scope of work to provide a more competitive price. Modifications to the scope included eliminatin the re to close the site at the. end of eachworkin da which would reduce construction time and trench work expense, and extendin the len of the contract to provide additional workin da and reduce the need and cost for extra crews. Public Works staff proposes that the Cit Council re the sole bid and, in accordance with Section 3-15 of the Alameda Cit Charter, authorize the open .market ne g otiation of a construction contract for the Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue pro Public Works staff will ne with Ghilotti Brothers, Inc. and Suarez Munoz Construction, Inc. to obtain the most competitive price for this work. Since this is a federall funded pro Caltrans will be re to make a findin that the open market ne is justified to ensure cost effectiveness and is in the public's interest. FINANCIAL IMPACT The funds for this project are bud in the Public Works Department's account for Capital Improvement Pro (90606 Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, with federal g rant funds (Fund 310 and Parkin Meter funds (Fund 224). As indicated above, the bid price from Ghilotti Brothers, Inc. exceeds the available funds bud for the project, and to award the contract at the bid price would re an additional appropriation from other fundin sources. The Cit does not have the additional funds available to award the Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Jul 19, 2011 Pa 3 of 3 contract as bid. Therefore, to ensure there is no impact to the General Fund, staff proposes to enter into open ne with the two bidders to the contract for a price within the pro bud MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action is authorized pursuant to Alameda Cit Charter Section 3-15. iii�lllli I qiii-�i It :1 Im In accordance with the California Environmental Qualit Act CEQA this pro is Cate Exempt under the CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (c), Existin Facilities. �41i` 1� 1 11 11, 1"!111 1 iillll 1 ii FT Re the sole bid and adopt a resolution authorizin open market ne of a contract pursuant to section 3-15 of the Alameda Cit Charter for Park Street streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10-09-30, contin upon Caltrans approval of a cost effectiveness/public interest findin (Re four affirmative votes.) Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. AUTHORIZING OPEN MARKET NEGOTIATIONS OF A. CONTRACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 3 -15 OF THE ALAMEDA CITY CHARTER FOR PARK STREET STREETSCAPE, LINCOLN AVENUE TO WEBB AVENUE, AND CENTRAL AVENUE TO SAN JOSE AVENUE, NO. P. W. 10- 09 -30 CONTINGENT UPON CALTRANS APPROVAL OF COST EFFECTIVENESS /PUBLIC INTEREST FINDING (REQUIRES FOUR AFFIRMATIVE MOTES) WHEREAS, on March 15, 2011, the City Council authorized a .call fof bids for the Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue .to San C Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10- 09 -30; and WHEREAS, on June 13, 2011, the sole bid received /submitted was opened and it exceeded the Engineer's Estimate; and Q WHEREAS, on June 21, 2011, the City Council rejected the. sale bid and. re- authorized a call for bids for the Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P.W... 09 -30; and WHEREAS, on July 7, 2011, the sole bid received /submitted was opened and it still exceeded the Engineer's Estimate; and WHEREAS, Section 3 -15 of the City Charter provides that the city council, by four affirmative votes, can authorize an open market negotiation if t .determines that, by doing so, the public work or improvements in question gill be performed more economically. NO111I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council. of the City of Alameda, pursuant to Section 3 -15 of the City Charter, and .by four affirmative votes, the City Manager, in cooperation with .the Public Works Department, is hereby authorized to enter into open negotiations of a construction. contract for the .Park. S.treet .Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central. Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10- 09 -30, contingent upon Caltrans approval of cost effectiveness /public interest finding. Resolution #5 -J CC 07-1 9-11 1, the undersi hereb certif that the fore Resolution was dul and re adopted and passed b the Council of the Cit of Alameda in re meetin assembled on the 1 9th da of Jul 2011, b the followin vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ,ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m hand and affixed the official seal of said Cit this 20th da of Jul 2011. Lara Weisi Cit Clerk Cit of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From:. John A. Russo Cit Mana Date: Jul 19, 2011 Re: Adopt a Resolution Approvin a Revised Memorandum of Understandin Between the Alameda Police Officers Association and the Cit of Alameda for the Period Be Januar 3, 2010 Throu June 29, 2013 BACKGROUND The proposed Memorandum of Understandin MOl1 between the Cit of Alameda and the Alameda Police Officers Association (APOA) is for the period of Januar 3, 2010 throu June 29, 2013. The MOU is on file in the Cit Clerk's office. DISCUSSION The Cit of Alameda labor relations representatives have met in closed session with the Cit Council to discuss ne with the APOA. The revised..MO.0 is a result of those ne and falls within the parameters authorized b the City Council. The membership of the APOA has approved this a which does..not include. an wa increases durin the term of the a As part of this IOU, the APOA has a to participate in the PERS Variable Emplo Cost Shari at a rate of -two percent until June 29, 2013. Therefore, this a raises th amount contributed b APOA members to their pension premium b 22% (front 9% of salar to 11% of salar for an estimated Cit savin of $285,900 over the life of the contract. The APOA has also a to modifications in the retiree health benefits of current emplo and future emplo Current emplo with at least five y ears of Cit service and eli to retire will receive retiree health benefits up to the Blue Shield or Kaiser rate for sin or two-part covera This chan could save the Cit an estimated $58,000 annuall Those hired. after ratification with at least t.en y ears of Cit service and eli to retire will receive retiree health benefits up to the Blue Shield or Kaiser rate for sin covera onl In addition those hired after ratification will be allowed to put up to 50% of their unused sick leave in a 401 (a) (h) plan. This chan could save the Cit an estimated $459,000 annuall These concessions are the result of a joint ne session with all public safet bar units and will brin si structural chan to the retiree health care pro in the future. Cit Council A Item #5-,K 07-19-11 Honorable Ma and Jul 19, 2011 Members of the Cit Council Pa 2 of 3 Other chan include the Cit contributin up to the Blue Shield or Kaiser rate on the health insurance premiums for emplo and a sli increase in uniform allowance for each y ear of the contract. FINANCIAL IMPACT The cost for implementation of the health, welfare, and other adju'stments to the General Fund for FY1 0-11 is approximatel $3,600, which is the cost of the increase in the uniform allowance. This cost is included in the FYI 0-11 bud for other emplo paid benefits. The cost for implementation of the health, welfare, and other adjustments to the General Fund for FYI 1-12 is approximatel $20,200. This amount reflects the estimated increase in the cost of current health benefits of $111,000 and the $4,500 increase in the uniform allowance and field officer trainin pa offset b the $95,300 estimated savin from the PERS cost sharin This cost will be reflected in the FY1 1-12 bud under emplo benefits. There is a cost savin for implementation of the health, welfare and other ad to the General Fund for FY12-13 of approximatel $21,100. This reflects the estimated increase in the cost of current health benefits of $165,000 and the $4,500 increase in the uniform allowance and field officer trainin pa more than offset b estimated $190,600 savin from the PERS cost sharin This savin will be reflected in the FYI 2-13 bud under emplo benefits. Adopt a Resolution approvin the revised. Memorandum of Understandin between the Alameda Police Officers Association and the Cit of Alameda, for the period of Januar 31 2010, throu June 29, 2013. Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Jul 19, 2011 Pa 3 of 3 Exhibit: 1. Memorandum of Understandin between the Cit of Alameda and the Alameda Police Officers Association on file in the Cit Clerk 7 s office CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING REMISED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE ALAMEDA POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE PERIOD. COMMENCING JANUARY 3, 2010, AND ENDING JUNE 29 WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a Memorandum of Understanding between the Alameda Police officers Association APOA and. the City of Alameda; and U w- WHEREAS the Council of the e City of Alameda has fully examined said proposed Memorandum of a Understanding, o of which is on file in g copy the Office of the City Clerk, and thereby finds and determines adoption tion of said documents to be in the best interest of the city, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the city of Alameda that said Council hereby approves and adopts said revised Yr Memorandum of Understanding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provision of this Resolution shall supersede any other resolution in conflict herewith. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the city of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1 9th day of July, 2011, by the followin g vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WH EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said city this 20th day of July, 2011. Lara Weisiger, city clerk City of Alameda Resolution #5-K CC 07 -1911 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: John A. Russo Cit Mana Date: Jul 19, 2011 Re: Adopt a Resolution Approvin a Revised Memorandum of Understandin Between the Alameda Police Mana Association and the Cit of Alameda for the Period Be Februar 28, 2010 Throu June 29, 2013 m The proposed Memorandum of Understandin (MOU) between the Cit of Alameda and the Alameda Police Mana Association APMA is for the period of Februar 28, 2010 throu June 29, 2013. The MOU is on file in the Cit Clerk's office. DISCUSSION The Cit of Alameda labor relations representatives have met in closed session with .the Cit Council to discuss ne with the APMA. The revised MOU is a result of those ne and falls within the parameters authorized b the Cit Council. The membership of the APMA has approved this a which..does not. include an wa increases durin the term of the a As part of this MO U,�the APMA has a to participate in the PERS Variable Emplo Cost at. -rate of two percent until June 29, 2013. Therefore, this a raises the am contributed b APMA members to their pension premium b 22% (from 9% of..salar to 11 of salar for an estimated Cit savin of $43,500 over the life of the contract. The APIVIA has also a to modifications in the retiree health benefits of current emplo and future emplo Current emplo with at lea .five y ears of C it y service and eli to retire will receive retiree health benefits up tothe Blue Shield or Kaiser rate for sin or two-part covera This chan could Save th Cit an estimated $9,500 annu Th hired after ratification with at least ten. of service and eli to re will receive retiree health benefits up to the e Blue Shield or Kaiser rate for sin covera onl In addition those hired after ratification will be allowed to put up to 50% of their unused sick leave in a 401 (a) (h plan. This chan could save the Cit an estimated $66,500 annuall These concessions are the result of a joint ne session with all public safet bar units and will brin si structural chan to the retiree health care pro in the future. Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Other chan include the Cit contributin health insurance premiums for emplo for each y ear of the contract. FINANCIAL IMPACT Jul 19, 2011 Pa 2 of 3 up to the Blue Shield or Kaiser rate on the and a sli increase in uniform allowance The cost for implementation of the health, welfare, and other adjustments to the General Fund for FY1 0-11 is approximatel $280, which is the cost of the increase in the uniform allowance. This cost is included in the FY10-11 bud for other emplo paid benefits. The cost for implementation of the health, welfare, and other adjustments to the General Fund for 1= Y'11 -12 is approximatel $12,280. This amount reflects the estimated increase in the cost of current health benefits of $26,500 and the $280. increase in the uniform allowance, offset b the $1x-,500 estimated savin from the PEES cost sharin This cost will be reflected in the 1 =Y11 -1 2 bud under emplo benefits. There is a cost savin for implementation of the health, welfare and other adjustments to the General Fund for FY12-13 of approximatel $10,520. This reflects the estimated increase in the cost of current health benefits of $15,00 and the $280 increase in the uniform allowance, more than offset b estimated $29,000 savin from the PERS. cost sharin This savin will be reflected in the FY12-13 bud under emplo benefits. Adopt a Resolution approvin the revised Alamed Police Mana Association Februar 28, 2010 throu June 29, 2013 Memorandum of Understandin between the and the Cit of Alameda, for the period of Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Jul 19, 2011 Pa 3 of 3 Exhibit: 1. Memorandum of Understandin between the Cit of Alameda and the Alameda Police Mana Association on file in the Cit Clerk's office CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING REVISED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE ALAMEDA POLICE MANAGERS ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE PERIOD COMMENCING FEBRUARY 28, 2010, AND ENDING JUNE 29 2013 WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a Memorandum of Understanding between the Alameda Police Managers Association (APMA) and the City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, REAS the Council of the Ci of Alameda has full examine d i y y e sa proposed Memorandum of Understanding, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and thereby finds and determines adoption of said documents to be in the best interest of the City Q y NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b the City Council of the City y y y of Alameda that said Council hereby approves and adopts said revised Memorandum of Understanding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provision of this Resolution shall supersede any other resolution in conflict herewith. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of July, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set nay hand and affixed the seal of said City this 20th day of July, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Resolution #5-L CC 07 -10 -11 CITY OF II; LAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From- John A. Russo Cit Mana Date: Jul 19, 2011 Re: Adopt A Resolution Affirmin the cit Support for the 34th America's Cup and the Cit Participation in the Activities Surroundin These Events At its June 21, 2011 meetin the Cit Council formall supported a new committee, comprised of Alameda's business and maritime experts to help identif effective strate to ensure Alameda I s participation in the America's Cup in 2013. DISCUSSION The new committee has been tasked with capitalizin on the maritime tourism surroundin the America's Cup to stren Alameda, improve Alameda's reputation as a vibrant maritime communit and improve Alameda's infrastructure and appeal as a tourist destination. The committee's scope of work includes coordinatin and c om m unicatin g with the various America's Cup stakeholders, decision-makers, and responsible parties, and recommendin action items to the Cit Council and staff. As a first step, the committee has drafted the attached resolution for the Cit Council's consideration and adoption. There is no financial impact from the adoption of this resolution. Adopt a resolution affirmin the Cit support for the 34th America's Cup and the Cit participation in the activities surroundin these events. Cit counc A Item #54V 07-19-11 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. AFFIRMING THE CITY'S SUPPORT FOR THE 34 AMERICA'S CUP AND THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES SURROUNDING THESE EVENTS WHEREAS, the 34 America's Cup, the 3 rd largest sporting event in g p g the world, will be held on San Francisco Bay in 2013, along with an America's Cup World Series event in 2012 and the Louis Vuitton Cup for Challengers in 2013• and WHEREAS, these events will bring over a million visitors to San Francisco Bay, both and off the water; and WHEREAS, these events will provide an estimated $1.4 billion economic boost to the region, and WHEREAS, Alameda is an island community in the San Francisco Bay with a history of supporting the maritime industry, one of our core economic sectors; and WHEREAS, Alameda is home to marinas, yacht clubs, shipyards, chandleries, and sailing schools, along with many other preeminent marine businesses; and WHEREAS, as a maritime community, Alameda is uniquely poised to participate in the activities surrounding these events, to benefit in both the short and long terra. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda affirms its support for public and private initiatives that capitalize on the maritime tourism surrounding the Cup to strengthen Alameda, improve Alameda's reputation as a vibrant maritime community, and improve Alameda's infrastructure and appeal as a tourist destination. Resolution #5 -M CC 07.19 -11 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing and regularly adopted and passed by the council of the regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of July, 2011 to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: Resolution was duly City of Alameda in a by the following vote IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ray hand and affixed the seal of said city this 20th day of July, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: July 19, 2011 Re: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Open Market Lease from Yamaha Corporation Pursuant to Section 3 -15 of the Alameda City Charter for 120 Golf Carts in an Amount not to Exceed $360 BACKGROUND The E -Z -Go Textron Financial Corporation currently provides a fleet of 120 electric rental golf carts for use at the Chuck Corica Golf Complex under the terms of a lease signed in 2007. That lease is set to expire on July 30, 2011. Given the significant wear and tear on the carts, the fleet needs to be replaced. DISCUSSION Staff has researched and obtained quotes from three vendors who provide cart rentals throughout the East Bay. Each of the companies requires a four -year terra. The results of this research are outlined below: Price Per Cart Total Cost/ Company /Monthly Cost/Month Annual Cost Four Year Yamaha $62.50 $7,500 $90 $360,000 Club Car $79.50 $9,540 $114,480 $4571 E -Z -Go $73.99 $8,878 $106,545 $425,816 In order to complete a comprehensive evaluation of the quotes, the conditions of the existing lease must be considered. The current agreement calls for an additional balloon payment of $800 per cart, or $90,000 total, in the event that the lease is not reneged. Upon review of the quotes received, Yamaha was the lowest at $02.50 per cart, resulting in a total expenditure over the four -year terra of $300,000. The quote from Yamaha does not include any balloon payment at the conclusion of the terra. In order to eliminate the requirement for the City to make the balloon payment, both City staff Agenda City Counci__ Item #5_K,111. Honorable Mayor and July 19, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 and the General Manager of the Golf Complex were able to negotiate with Yamaha to mare the $96,004 payment directly to F -Z -Go Textron Financial, thus relieving he City Y of this obligation. Staff has also done extensive research and has determined that the Yamaha product is comparable to the other options and is a reliable and durable product. The balloon payment required under the current agreement is due August 16, 2011. Given the uncertainty of the Golf Complex situation and the short timeline dictated by the current lease, staff is requesting City Council approval of resolution authorizing the open market lease from Yamaha Corporation pursuant to section 3 -16 of the Alameda City Charter. FINANCIAL IMPACT The funds to cover the costs of the cart rental lease are budgeted in the Golf Enterprise Fund (Fund 601). The balloon payment of $96,000 will be made directly from Yamaha Corporation to E -Z -Go Textron Financial; there is no additional financial impact to the Golf Enterprise Fund from the balloon payment. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution authorizing the open market lease from Yamaha Corporation pursuant to section 3 -15 of the Alameda City Charter for 120 golf carts in an amount not to exceed $360,000. Respectfully submitted, Dale Lillard Director Alameda Recreation, Parks Golf operations Approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION ISO. AUTHORIZING OPEN MARKET CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AND YAMAHA CORPORATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 3 -15 OF THE ALAMEDA CITY CHARTER TO LEASE 120 GOLF CARTS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $360,000 (REQUIRES FOUR AFFIRMATIVE VOTES) WHEREAS, the Chuck Corica Golf Complex's existing fleet of golf carts has experienced significant wear and tear and is nearing the end of their life expectancy in 2011; and WHEREAS, the lease with the current provider E -z -Go Textron Financial Corporation is set to expire on Jul 30 2011 and a new a reement is needed on p p y g ,Z� an urgent basis to ensure continued availability of golf carts to Golf Complex patrons; and WHEREAS, given the short time frame available to procure. new.golf carts, the uncertainty surrounding the long term operation of the Chuck :Corica Golf Complex, and a balloon payment under the existing 1ease that becomes due .o.n August 15, 2011, an open market contract is necessary in lieu of formal bidding; and WHEREAS, an open market contract would provide a. reliable comfortable and dependable golf cart fleet which is essential to. the overall golf quality experience; and WHEREAS, the golf cart fleet is a crucial factor. in the operation of the Chuck Corica Golf complex and is a significant source of revenue; and WH EREAS, section 3 -15 of the City Charter provides that. the City Council, by four affirmative votes, can authorize an open market contract if it determines that great necessity or emergency requires immediate action be taken; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds available in the FY .201 1 2012 budget to enter into such an agreement and the funding for future payments will be included in the annual operations budget of the Chuck Corica Golf Complex. VOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council .of the City of Alameda, pursuant to Section 3 -15 of the City charter, that the city is hereby authorized to enter into a lease for 120 golf carts from Yamaha corporation in an amount not to exceed $300,000. Resolution #5 -N CC 07 -19 -11 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1 9th day of July, 2011, by the following vote to merit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 29th day of July, 2011. L.ara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY of ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. New Series AMENDING SECTIONS 2 -1.1 AND 2 -1.5 OF ARTICLE I (THE CITY COUNCIL AND MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL) OF CHAPTER II (ADMINISTRATION) TO MODIFY THE MEETING TIME AND DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF MATTERS BE IT ORDAINED by the city Council of the city of Alameda that. Section 1: The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by modifying section 2 -1. 1 to read as follows: s. 2 -1.1 council Meetings. g The regular meetings of the City Council g g y shall be held in the designated o location of the City Hall at 7:00 p.m. in the calendar year as fixed by resolution CL in December of the preceding year. All meetings shall be open and public, except as otherwise provided by law. If it reasonably appears to the Clerk of.the F P Council that: (a) The Council Chamber is not large enough to accommodate the number of persons likely to attend any meeting, or (b) Special facilities other than the Chamber are required for a particular meeting, or (c) A meeting will constitute a joint session with another agency to be held at the latter's usual meeting place, or (d) Advantages exist in having an on -site meeting, the Clerk may, with consent of the Mayor, give appropriate written or oral notice at the commencement thereof that such meeting will be called to order in the council Chamber and thereupon continued to the time and place required by reason of the special circumstances hereinabove mentioned. Section 2: The Alameda Municipal code is hereby amended by modifying Section 2 -1.5 to read as follows: 2 -1.5 Submission of Matters. Before 5:00 p.m. on the Monday two weeks prior to each Council meeting any city official, board, commission or other municipal body having any reports, communications or other matters for submission to the council, shall hand the same to the city Clerk whereupon the Clerk shall arrange a list of Final Passage of Ordinance #5 -0 CC 07-19-11 such matters according to the order of business specified in subsection 2 -1.0 hereof, and furnish a typewritten copy of the list to each member of the Council. Section 3: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Attest: Presiding officer of the City Council Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the City Council of the City of Alameda in a Regular Meeting of the Alameda City Council on the I9 day of July, 2011 by the following Grote to wit: AYES: NOES. ABSENT= ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this loth day of July, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAM E 3A Memorandum To: Honorable [Mayor and Members of the city council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: ,July 19, 2011 Re: Public Hearing to consider Adoption of a Resolution Approving Tentative Map 8060 and Density Bonus Application PLN 10 -0262 for the Redevelopment of Property Located. at 2229 through 2241 clement Street, Commonly Referred to as the Boatworks Project The subject property is a severely blighted 9.4.8 acre ..site located on the northern waterfront at 2229 Clement Street at the intersection of Clement and oak streets, one block from the Park Street Bridge. The site is located in the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project Area (BWIP) and has been vacant for over .15 years. one of the vacant warehouse buildings on the property was mostly destroyed by fire in 2000, and a second building was the location of two recent fires. The property has. been on occasion used as a temporary homeless encampment, and the property is a significant blight on the surrounding community and waterfront. In 1991, the property was designated in the General Plan as. a site that. should be redeveloped for residential use with a public waterfront park. The General Plan called for the city to purchase approximately 4.5 acres..of the property. for a 10 -acre park. Despite several attempts since 1991, the city has been unable to raise the funds necessary to acquire the land for the proposed 10 -acre park. Since 1991, the property owner and applicant, Mr. Francis Collins, has made several unsuccessful attempts to gain city approvals to entitle the property, and Mr. Collins has filed a series of lawsuits over the city's denial of his proposals to redevelop his property. In 2008, Mr. Collins submitted a proposal to construct 242 housing units on the property. The proposal was designed to invoke. the protections. of two state lags regarding affordable housing and to maximize the potential. residential density on the property. To qualify for protections under California Government Code Section 55589.5, the state "Housing Accountability Act," the project included the necessary percentage of affordable housing (20 to qualify as an "affordable housing project" under 05589.5 and qualified for the benefits and protections of California oovemment Cove Section 65915, the state Density Bonus Law. Council Cit Agenda 07-19-11 c 0 .M1. ry :i M .rte Q. ri ri IM 0 t. vm 4 HN m i.4 Fa m-.. a. 0 Honorable Mayor and July 10, 2011 Members of the City council Page 6 of 3 The map is designed to create a pedestrian friendly, transit oriented urban neighborhood. The property is one block from Park. Street transit services and is conditioned to include transit passes and car sham membership for each home. The attached town homes and the multifamily building lots .are.lorcated. on Clement Street a designated transit corridor in the General Plan and. Oak. Street (a designated .bike. route in the General Plan), The duets and single family homes are. located in .the interior of the property. All the homes on oak .Street, Clement .Street, and Elm Street face the street. Homes on the interior of the project will face internal passes landsca ed p pedestrian -only rights of way). A rear alley provides access to the garage for every home. No curb cuts are needed on Clement Street or Oak Street.. flew ..sidewalks and trees will be provided on clement, oak, Blanding, and Elm. There will be no sound galls. Planning Board concerns and requirements from the 2010 public hearings have been included in the conditions of approval for the Tentative Map. For example, conditions of approval require that the 15 .homes that are oriented. with their sides facing Blandin g be designed with a front door and attractive "front facing Blanding. Conditions also require that the project provide optional. floor: plans ..availabe. for bu y ers. with disabilities (such.as floor plan with an elevator or a floor plan w ith th.e Master Bed room on a lower floor with the kitchen and living area). Additional conditions state treat th at building heights should vary. between two and fo stories, .and that the rnultifarnil y housing should not exceed. four stories or 50 in height and. sho include a rnirirnurn 0 f at least one parking space per unit. Single family. and town home buildi should be maximum of three stories or 33 feet in height, Affordable Housing Density Bonus Aoplication The. Tentative Map re uires approval of a q pp density bonus application pursuant to State of Caiife1nia Section 6591 5 and City of Alameda AMC Section 30 -17. Consistent with. the 2014 Settlement A g reen�ent the applicant is requesting. a density bonus for a "base" project of 40 units. The p ro'ect qualifies for a 30 density bonus (42 units for a total of 1 units because the applicant proposes to. provide 9% of the 140 un its to households that.qualif as ve Ion y income. In addition to. the .13 .very. low income units, the project is also providir g 8 units for moderate income households. All 21 of the affordable units will be rental .units provided within the multifamily building at the corner of the Clement and Oak Street. Pursuant to State and local regulations, the applicant is. eligible to request incentives, concessions, and /or waivers from .local development standards. Under state and 1ocal regulations, incentives and concessions are requests that are made pp b the applicant to reduce the costs of constructing the project. waivers are requests made by the developer that are necessary to allow the base project and the bonus units to h sicall py y fit on the property. Mr. Collins is not requesting any concessions or incentives; but he is requesting a number of waivers from certain development standards to enable the project to fit on the property. Specifically, Mr. Collins is requesting a waiver from Alameda Municipal code (AMC) Section 30- 63.2's prohibition on multifamily housing (to allow construction of the Honorable Mayor and July 19, 2011 Members of the City council Page 7 of 8 multifamily building and the attached town homes) and AMC Section 30 -4.2's 2,000 square foot minimum lot size. All of the torn homes and duets are on lots of less than 2,000 square feet. Both of these waivers were anticipated in the 2010 Settlement Agreement. In addition, Mr. Collins is requesting a third waiver from AMC Section 30 -7 Off-Street Parking (to allow up to 30 of the smallest market rate units to provide one -car garages instead of two -car garages). Staff has reviewed the Tentative Map and the request for the waivers and has determined that the waivers from the three AMC Sections are necessary to enable 182 units to fit on the property with the two acres of open space and the 1.3 acres of land needed to extend Elm Street and Blanding Avenue into the property. In regards to the parking waiver, the 30 torn home parcels are too narrow to allow a wo -car g ara e. To g widen the parcels would require a redesign of the. site plan to reduce the number of units, reconfigure the layout of the street system and possibly reduce the size of the park. Further reduction of the on- street parking requirement is not recommended. FINANCIAL IMPACT Redevelopment of the property will have a positive financial impact to the city as a result of increased property taxes and other revenues generated by the property. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The proposed actions are consistent with the city's General Plan policies to promote redevelopment of blighted and contaminated formerly. industrial .waterfront properties as open space and housing and zoning ordinance standards and requirements for the property. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A full environmental impact report has been prepared for this project in compliance with CEQA. Based on substantial evidence, no further environmental. review is required for the proposed project as provided by Section 15152 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines because neither the project, nor the circumstances surrounding the project, would result in any new or more severe significant impacts to the environment, there is no new information of substantial importance, and there are no substantial changes to the project. RECOMMENDATION Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving Tentative Map 8050 and Density Bonus Application PLN 10 -0252 for the redevelopment of the property located at 2229 through 2241 clement Street. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Andrew Thomas Planning Services Manager Exhibits: July '19, 2011 Page 8 of S 1. Developer Application for Density Bonus and Waivers 2. Tentative Map (on file with City Clerk) 6050 HOLLIS STREET, EMERYVILLE, CA 94608 EMAIL:pbanta@bantadesigr.com A Division of BETA, Inc. May 1020 City of Alameda, Planning Department, Attn: Andrew Thomas 2203 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501 RE: Planning Application 1 Density Bonus Application for Alameda Boatworks 2229 Clement Avenue -2235 Clement Ave, APN's 71 289 -5, 71 -290 -1 TEL: 51 0°654.3255 FAX: 51 0.654.3259 Submitted separately via e -mail: Project vicinity plan, 140 unit Base Project site plan, 242 original application site plan, 132 unit Density Bonus site plan, Floor plans for unit types: A2, B3 C, D1, E and for the multi family bldg. w affordable unit floor plans. Elevations for all units and affordable bldg. above. Dear Mr. Thomas, The Alameda Boatworks project celebrates the concept of "smart growth" planning by creating a walkable community of homes and by addressing the need for more urban infill projects to help satisfy the housing demand of the area. In order to achieve .the housing densities proposed by the project, the owner, Mr. Francis Collins, is invoking the provisions of the .Density Bonus ordinance as prescribed by California Government Code. Attached please find the project information and submittals requested by the City of Alameda for the project in regards to the Density Bonus Application including responses to requests for more information in your letter dated May 9, 2011. The site is also the subject of an earlier application for a residential planned community of 242 units, based on the Density Bonus Ordinance (see 242 site plan). This application reflects a reduced density alternative that is the result of a settlement agreement between the applicant and the City of Alameda. The City of Alameda's General Plan recognizes the need for housing on our site and our project uses the development policies set by the General Plan and the City's Municipal Code to establish the base density for this project. Mr. Collins, in this application, seeks and agrees to construct the development to contain thirteen (13) units for very low- income households and eight (8) units for moderate income households for a project of.City Council 140 units. The ect thus ro qualifies for a density bonus under California Governm=nf Exhibit 1 o p q y Agenda Item 07-1 ALAMEDA BOATWORKS March 28 201 Alameda, CA Code Section 65915. The project applicant requests that the bonus be awarded pursuant to Section 65915 (b) (1) (B), as calculated using the table in Section 65915 (g), granting a 30.0% density bonus to any development with 9% of the base number of units available to very -low- income households for a total. of 182 units. As described below, the total number of units shown in the plans has been calculated by adding 30.0% more units than those which could be built using the base density without density bonus. This project will provide twenty one affordable housing units in Alameda, on a site identified as suitable for very low, low- or moderate- income housing in the city's Housing Element. Twenty -one (21) dwelling units will be mate available for very low- and moderate income households. The project thus falls under the protections of Government Code section 65689.5, which mandates protections for applications to develop housing for very low, low- or moderate income households. The site for the project is within the city of Alameda's Business and waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP) area. The inclusion of twenty one units for very low- and moderate income families also meets the requirements for inclusionary housing set under the City's inclusionary housing policy for the BWIP. APPLICATION OF DENSITY BONUS PROVISIONS The project site area is approximately 415,568 square feet. Taking into account open space and public access requested by the City the proposed project is predicated upon a Base Project of 140 dwelling units (see 140 site plan). Alameda Boatworks proposes to provide 10% of the base number of units (13 out of 140 units) to very low income households. Per California Government Code Section 65915 (the Density Bonus Law), Alameda must grant the project a Density Bonus of 30.0 To this Base is applied the Density Bonus factor of a 30% increase in units (see following affordable housing chart which demonstrates conformity with a level of affordable housing that permits the 30% add on). The Density Bonus factor adds 42 more units bringing the total to 182 units (one hundred eighty two) for the Boatworks Project. PHILIP SANTA ASSOCIATES. Page 2 of 4 ALA IIIEDA BOATWORKS M arch 28 2011 Alameda, CA Base Units 1 140 Ve Lo 1I11 3 v /v v D Iv Mod r e ate S 5.7 Iv ffnrdable' Rental .U.n i is 21. 1 5% l a rket I�at� 'l S 5 BASE TOTAL 140 100% De nsit y E3onus e ns-i t Bo us e y 1f� UnNfs THREE WAIVERS Pursuant to the provisions of the Density Bonus Law Government Code 65915(e) the City of Alameda cannot apply any development standard that will have the effect of precluding the construction of the project at the densities proposed by Mr. Collins. Thus Mr. Collins is asking that the City of Alameda: 1) Waive or modify development standards, including Alameda Municipal Code Section 30 Prohibition of Multi family Housing, to allow for the construction of the housing project which includes a multi family building, as currently proposed. 2) Waive or modify parking standards to allow one car garages in the single family homes and a minimum of one parking space per unit in the multi family structure. 3) Waive or modify the 2,000 (two thousand) square foot minimum parcel size development standard. Justification: the project cannot physically accommodate the total number of units afforded by the density bonus law without the above wavers.The income -level breakdown of all affordable units is shown above. All affordable units shall be for rent. Incentive Concessions: In addition to granting the density bonus itself, under Section 65915 (d) (2) (B) the city must also grant this project two incentives or concessions, however no incentives or concessions are being applied for. PHILIP BANTA ASSOCIATES Page 3 of 4 ALAMEDA BOATWORKS March 28 2011 Alameda, CA AFFORDABLE HOUSING Size of units: are as described in the plans separately provided plans. Terms and restrictions: shall be as referenced in the Settlement Agreement. Phasing and development: shall be as referenced in the Settlement Agreement. Marketing Plan: shall be as referenced in the Settlement Agreement. PROJECT DESIGN The neighborhood surrounding Alameda Boatworks includes buildings of many different types and styles. A mixture of metal storage buildings, large manufacturing facilities, maritime operations, commercial businesses, and general industrial type buildings border the site to provide a wide variety of design character to the area. There is a medium- density residential neighborhood immediately to the south of the site vicinity. Alameda Boatworks proposes to add a new neighborhood to the area with a cohesive design style consistent with the City of Alameda's Residential Design Guidelines. The project also arms to create a medium density, energy conserving, solar ready, urban infill development as part of a regional "green" solution to minimizing time in automobiles by placing high quality housing close to the civic and commercial amenities of existing urban centers. The project also provides a new landscaped area and publicly accessible walk along the Tidal canal consistent with the policies of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commissions for waterfront housing projects. CONCLUSION The Alameda Boatworks solar community provides an opportunity for Alameda to add highly desirable housing to the Northern waterfront area consistent with the development policies of the city's General Plan and to move forward with the development of affordable housing in accordance with the city's Housing Element. Please review the attached documentation describing the proposed project and contact me should you have any questions. This application is submitted on behalf of the project landowner, Francis Collins. We look forward to working with you to help transform the existing industrial site into a 21 century urban infill community based on Alameda's tradition of refined residential scale within a coherent neighborhood identity. Sincerely, Philip Banta PHILIP BANTA ASSOCIATES AI CH E WWW. BAN TAD ES I O N. COM PHILIP BANTA ASSOCIATES Page 4 of 4 a e I I n 4 co 3M, 4:�5 JI Yi v 11 CL x 48 31 CL V. 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