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2011-09-06 Packet
CITY OF ALAMEDA •CALIFORNIA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 6:30 P.M. Location City Council Chambers Conference Room, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street A enda: 1. Roll Call City Council 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items Only Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items only, may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Adjournment to Closed Session to consider: 3 -A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (54957.6) Agency Negotiators Human Resources Director and Joe Wiley Employee Organizations Alameda Fire Management Association 4. Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any 5. Adjournment City Council Gilmore, Marie L. Mayor AGENDA SPECIAL. M.E .ETING of THE:BOARD of COMMISSIONERS DATE TIME Tuesday, S .eptem ber .6 20' 6:55. PM OCATION city Hall, council Chambers, Room 390 ��53 Santa Clara L Aire. Alameda CA Welcome to the. Board of Commissioners. of the lousi Authority. the City of Alameda y y meeting. Regular Board of Commissioners meetings are hold on the y first Tuesda of each quarter in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Board on agenda items or business. i ntroduced by Commissioners. may speak for a maximum of three minutes per: agenda. item 'Vhen the subject is before the Board. Please file a speaker' sl frith the l- lousin Authorit Eecutire g Y Director if you wish to. address the Board of. Co.' missioners. PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE 1. ROLL CALL Board of Commissioners 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 consent .Calendar. items are considered routine and will be ap or. accep ted pp p by one motion unless a request fer removal for disc dssifln or explanation is received from.the Board of Comm.issioners. a member of the.pbblic.. 2 -A. Minutes of the Regular Board of Commi ssioners. meeting held July 5, 2011. Acceptance is recommended. 2 -B. Approve the Housing .Commission's recommendation that the Board of Commissioners authorize (a) the formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC), and Special Meeting of the Board -of commissioners September 5, 2011 Page 2 (b) approve the LLC's role as an additional general partner in The Alameda Islander L. P. for the acquisition and renovation of the Islander Motel as p ermanent affordable housing, and authorize the chief Executive officer to la).. execute all documents required for the formation of the Housing Authority's LLC affiliate, (b ne g otiate otiate and e. execute the Partnership Agreement between the Housing .Authority's nvIy forrr�ed LLC, RCD Housing LLC, and 112. Alves .Lane, Inc.; and the :o p ton a between the Housing Authority and The Alameda Islander L.P.; and (c ne otiate and execute g the further amended Partnership Agreement .and all related. documents necessary to admit the investor limited partners 2 -CA Award the contract to Bay Area Contract Carp in the annual amount of X00 000 with an option to renew for two additional fiscal years not to exceed and authorize the Executive Director to. execute the contract. 2 -D. Award a contract to Ra company in the Amount of $198 50o including contingencies, for. replacement of parking lots and driveway at �speranza and authorize the Executive D irector to .Execute the contract. 3. AGENDA 3 -A. Provide direction on concept of Housing Authority autonomy. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, Non -A ends (Public Comment) 5. COMMISSIONER COMMUNICATIONS, (Communications from the Commissioners) 6. ADJOURNMENT Note Materials related to. an item on this agenda. submitted to. the .Board of Com issioners after distribution of.the agenda packet are. available for public in ection in the Housing g Authority of the City of Alameda, 7.01 Atlantic Avenue, Alameda, CA 9450 durin normal business hours. Sign language interpreters. will be. available on request. Please contact Denise connOrs, Secretary, -43 at 747 voice or. 522 -8407 TDD at least 72 hou rs before the meeting to request an. interpreter. Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those us �ivheelcl7airs is g available. Minutes .of the meeting are. av�a lab.le in large print. Audiotapes of the greeting are avail on request. Please contact Denise. Connors at 7 522 -8407 TD D at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to request :agenda rraterias in an alternative format, or. any other reasonable. accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting. CITY OF ALAMEDA •CALIFORNIA IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach the podium and state your name; speakers are limited to three (3) minutes per item 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during Council meetings AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 7:00 P.M. [Note: Regular Council Meeting convenes at 7:00 pm, City Hall, Council Chambers, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street] The Order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Changes 3. Proclamations, Special Orders of the Day and Announcements 4. Oral Communications, Non Agenda (Public Comment) 5. Consent Calendar 6. Regular Agenda Items 7. City Manager Communications 8. Oral Communications, Non Agenda (Public Comment) 9. Council Referrals 10. Council Communications (Communications from Council) 11. Adjournment Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmembers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before Council. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk if you wish to address the City Council. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 6:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM Separate Agenda (Closed Session) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF 6:59 P.M. COMMISSIONERS, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND 7:01 P.M. COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Separate Agenda 1. ROLL CALL City Council 2. AGENDA CHANGES 3. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 -A. Proclamation Declaring September 17 as Coastal Clean Up Day 2011. (Public Works) 3 -B. Proclamation Honoring Dr. Alice Challen. 3 -C. Board Referral Regarding Deferred Maintenance at the Historic Municipal Garage Behind City Hall. (Historical Advisory Board) 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON AGENDA (Public Comment) A limited number of speakers may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda; this section is limited to 15 minutes; additional public comment will be addressed under Section 8 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 5 -A. Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held on July 12, 2011, the Special and Regular City Council Meetings Held on July 19, 2011, and the Special City Council Meeting Held on July 30, 2011. (City Clerk) 5 -B. Bills for Ratification. (Finance) 5 -C. Recommendation to Accept the Work of Roto Rooter for Citywide Sewer Main Video Inspection, Phase 3, No. P.W. 02- 10 -08. (Public Works) 5 -D. Recommendation to Award Contract in the Amount of $3,442,755, Including Contingencies, to Ranger Pipelines, Inc. for the Cyclic Sewer Replacement Project, Phase 9, No. P.W. 03- 11 -05. (Public Works) 5 -E. Recommendation to Award Contract in the Amount of $270,014, Including Contingencies, to Sport Court Tennis for Rehabilitation of Tennis Courts (Various Locations), No. P.W. 05- 11 -10. (Public Works) 5 -F. Recommendation to Approve a Consultant Agreement for $23,830 with Thunderbird Communications, Inc. for the City of Alameda's Pump Stations System Control and Data Acquisition Equipment. (Public Works) 5 -G. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Submit a Grant Application for $328,092 to TransForm for the Cycle 4 Safe Routes to Transit Program and to Execute All Necessary Documents. (Public Works) 5 -H. Introduction of Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of Lease of Real Property between the City, as Lessor, and Alameda Swimming Pool Association, as Lessee, for Swimming Pool Facilities at Lincoln and Franklin Parks. [Requires Four Affirmative Votes] (Recreation and Parks) 6. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS None 7. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from City Manager) 7 -A. Update on Upcoming Public Workshops to Address: Labor Negotiations, the Independent Report on Crown Beach Incident and the Budget 7 -B. Introduction of New Community Development Director 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON AGENDA (Public Comment) Any person may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda; speakers not called under Item 4 may address the Council at this time 9. COUNCIL REFERRALS Matters placed on the agenda by a Councilmember may be acted upon or scheduled as a future agenda item 9 -A. Discussion of Confidentiality of Applicants During Recruitments. Councilmember deHaan) 10. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) Cou nci l me mbers can address any matter, including reporting on any Conferences or meetings attended 10 -A. Consideration of Mayor's Nomination for Appointment to the Civil Service Board. 11. ADJOURNMENT City Council Materials related to an item on the agenda are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Room 380, during normal business hours Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 72 hours prior to the Meeting to request an interpreter Equipment for the hearing impaired is available for public use. For assistance, please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meeting Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, is available Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting CITY OF ALAMEDA •CALIFORNIA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 7:01 P.M. Location: City Council Chambers, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Ave and Oak Street Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council /Commission on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmembers /Commissioners may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Council /Commission 1. ROLL CALL City Council, CIC 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON AGENDA (Public Comment) Speakers may address the Council /Board /Commission in regard to any matter over which the Council /Board /Commission has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda 3. MINUTES 3 -A. Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and CIC Meeting Held on June 28, 2011; and the Special Joint City Council and CIC Meeting Held on July 5, 2011. [CIC] (City Clerk) 4. AGENDA ITEM 4 -A. Recommendation to Appropriate $237,113 from Community Improvement Commission West End Community Improvement Project Bond Funds, $83,416 in Capital Project Fund, $47,000 from Paying In -Lieu Fees, and $130,000 from the Parking Meter Fund and Award a Contract in the Amount of $1,476,583, Including Contingencies, to Suarez Munoz Construction, Inc. for Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10- 09 -30. [City Council, CIC] (Public Works) 5. ADJOURNMENT City Council, CIC :n Marie L. Gilmore, Mayor Chair, CIC MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUN COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIQ, AND HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (HABOC MEETING TUESDAY- -JULY 5, 2011- -6:59 P.M. Ma Gilmore convened the meetin at 7:12 p.m. Commissioner Allen led. the Pled of Alle ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Allen, Councilmembers Commissioners Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Ma Gilmore —6. Absent: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA zne m CONSENT CALENDAR Ma Gilmore announced that the First Amendment to the Owner P A [para no. 11-033 CIC/HABOC was removed from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember/Commissioner Tam moved approval of the remainder of the. Consent Calendar. Vice Ma Bonta seconded the motion, which carried b unanimous voice vote 6. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated b an asterisk precedin the para number.] *HAB DC,Minutes of the Re Board of Commissioners Meetin held .on April 5, 2011. Acceptance is Recommended and (*11-031 CIC) Minutes of the Annual CIC Meetin held on June 21, 2011. App roved. (*11347 CC /11 -032 CIC /HAB Reco to Approvean Amendment to a $150,000 Ten-Year A with Resources. for Communit Develo p nt, the Communit Improvement Commission, and the Housin Authorit to.. Im ple the Housin Authorit Ob.li Pursu to the Declarat.iolrl. of Reciprocal basements, Covenants, and Restrictions. for the Breakers at. Ba T.ownh omes Modif the Consultant Compensation Schedule, and Assi the Communit Imp rovement Commission's Obli to Pa Pursuant to the A Cit of Alameda and to have the Cit Council Accept the Obli to Pa y Accepted. Special Joint Meetin Alameda Cit Council, Communit Improvement HAVOC Commission and Housin Authorit Board of ftei-n #2,-A (7(2 Commissioners Jul 5, 2011 (11-033 CIC/HAB Recommendation to Approve a First Amendment to the Owner Participation A (OPA) for 2428 Central Avenue, Redirectin the Communit Improvement Commission Housin Bond Proceeds to Resources for Development for Ac of the Propert at 2428 Central Avenue, and Amendin the Form of the Promissor Note to Increase the Principal Amount from $1 Million to $9 Million, and Authorize the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer. to Execute All Re Documents and (11 -033A CIC) Recommendation to Approve a Form of a Partnership A Between the Housin Authorit RCD Housin LLC, and 112 Alves Lane,. Inc. and Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute the initial Partnership A and the Amended A to Include Additional Limited Partners. The Actin Le Counsel stated that the CIC/HABOC action to amend 'the.OPA would not be addressed because of new redevelopment le passed last week. Commissioner Bonta moved approval of t-he staff recommendation re the Partnership A Commissioner Tam seconded the motion, which carried b unanimous .voice vote.— 6 (HABOC Resolution No. 833, "Amendin the Housin Authorit Bud to Increase the Fiscal Year 20.1.2 CIP GF3 Bud b $9.3,600 to $613,141. for the Expansion of.. the Housin Authorit Office Buildi and Additional Archit S (Bud Revision No. 4); Amendin and Increasin the Architectural Contract b 32,sfl0 to $65,800, Includin Contin Awardin the Contract to N.S... Construction and Painin in the Amount of $580,800, Includin Contin and. Authorizin the Executive Director to Execute the Contract and Amendment." Adopted. AGENDA ITEM (HABOQ Recommendation to Approve the Housin Commission's Recommendation to Name the Proposed Affordable Housin Project at 2216 Lincoln A venue Jack Capon Villa. The Housin Authorit Executive Director g ave a brief presentati Speakers: Arthur Kurrash, Housin Commis Bernie Fitz Alameda Special Ol Mathew Fitz Team of Alameda Special Ol Lana Eastman, Special Ol Barbara Capon, Alameda; Darin Lounds, Housin Consortium. of the East Ba Commissioner deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, which carried b unanimous voice vote Special Joint Meetin Alameda Cit Council, Communit Improvement 2 Commission and Housin Authorit Board of Commissioners Jul 5, 2011 N ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisige.r City Clerk Secretary, CIC The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda city Council, Community Improvement Commission and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners July 5, 2011 3 To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Board of Commissioners From: John A. Russo Chief Executive Officer Date: September 6, 2011 Re: Approve the .Housing Commission's Recommendation that the. -Board of Commissioners Authorize (a) the Formation. a Limited Liability Company. (LLC), and (b) Approve the LLC's Role as an Additional General_ Partner in The Alameda Islander L. P.: for the Acquisition and Renovation of the Islander. Motel as Permanent Affordable Housing, and Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to (a). Execute all Documents Required for the Formation of the Housing Authority's LLG Affiliate, (b) Negotiate and Execute the Partnership Agreement between the Housing Authority's Newly Formed LLC, RCD Housing LLC, and 112 Alves Lane, Inc., and the Option Agreement between the Housing Authority and The Alameda Islander. L.P., and (c) Negotiate and Execute the Further Amended Partnership Agreement and all Related Documents Necessary to Admit the Investor Limited Partner(s). BACKGROUND On March 2, 2011 the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners (BOC) and Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda (C,l Cyapproved an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA).with Resources for Community Development (RCD), a non profit affordable housing developer, for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the property at 2428 Central Avenue (Islander Motel) for permanent affordable housing.___ To meet the requirements of outside funding sources, RCD has created The Alameda Islander, L.P. _(Partnership) to develop the affordable housing project: The Housing Authority plans to partially assign its interest in the purchase and sale agreement for acquisition of the property to the P the ownership:of the. property by the Partnership. On July. 5, 201 the BOC approved a form of a Partnership Agreement between the Housing ,Authority, RCD Housing LLC, and 112 Alves Lane, Inc. (Partnership Agreement) and authorized the Chief Executive Officer to execute the Partnership Agreement. Honorable Chair and September 6, 2011 Members of the Board of Commissioners Pa 2 of 5 A provide that the Housin Authorit or its affiliate, would be a special limited partner. Further anal has determined that the Housin Authorit g oals to ac experience points for tax credit fundin and participate in certain ma decisions for the project, such as propert mana and operatin reserves, will be .better served if it is an additional g eneral partner. It is recommended that the BOC approve formation of a Limited Liabilit Compan (LLC) and approve the LLC's participation in The Alameda Islander L.P. as an additional g eneral partner. DISCUSSION Since the March 2, 2011, approval of the OPA and resolution to issue CIC Affordable Housin Fund bonds to finance the project, RCD and the Housin Authorit have made substantial pro on the pro On June 21, 2011, the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee TCAC approved an award of tax credits for the Islander pro that will provide over $7.6 million in outside funds. As the primar source of outside project fundin the award of tax credits sets the re of the deal structure. For example, the private e ra re the formation of a partnership to implement the project where the tax credit.investors are limited partners and the developers are the g eneral partner(s). For tax credit purposes, the Partnership, The Alameda Islander L.P., has been formed to ac and rehabilitate the project and to own the improvements. The OPA anticipates that the Housin Authorit or its affiliate, will become a special limited partner. Therefore, on Jul 5, 2011, the BOC approved a form of the Partnership A to include the Housin Authorit or its affiliate as a special limited partner and authorized .the Chief Executive Officer to execute the A Since that time, staff has.w.orked with specialized le counsel to decide the appropriate affiliate entit to.form and determine if a special limited partner role will achieve the Housin Authorit g oals. The Housin Authorit would like to accomplish several g oals as part of the Islander Motel project. In consideration of the substantial investment b the CIC, the Housin Authorit has ne the ri to assume ownership of the project durin the last three y ears of the tax credit compliance period the 15- time period durin which tax credits are earned. The Housin Authorit would also like to g ain experience in tax credit projects and to g arner the resultant experience points in order to become competitive in appl directl for tax credit financin In addition, the Housin Authorit would like to participate in certain major operatin decisions such as those re operatin reserves, major capital expenditures, and selectin propert mana companies. The details of this participation would be ne as part of finalizin the Partnership Agreement. Honorable chair and September 6, 2011 Members of the Board of Commissioners Page 3 of 5 Formation of a LLC It is recommended that the Housing Authority form a single member LLC to become a partner in The Alameda Islander L.P. The primary purpose of forming a LLC is to protect the Housing Authority from general liability to any third parties in connection with activities undertaken by the Partnership. Maintaining a separate corporate identity is critical to protect the Housing Authority from incurring liability. Formation documents include an Operating Agreement and Articles of Organization (Exhibit 1). A single member LLC in which the Housing Authority is the sole member would be controlled by the Housing Authority and would require the BOC to take action on behalf of the LLC for major decisions. Day -to -day decisions would be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer who would serve as manager of the LLC. Formation of an LLC is common way Housing Authorities participate in tax credit limited partnerships, and such single member LLCs are typically formed on aproject -by- project basis. Additional General Partner The form of Partnership Agreement approved on July 5, 2011, anticipated that the Housing Authority or its affiliate would be a special limited partner. However, that role would not alloy the Housing Authority to achieve one of its primary goals of acquiring experience points to directly apply for and be competitive for TCAC funding. As an additional general partner, the Housing Authority LLC would be expected to build experience points, gain development skill, and if necessary, have the ability step in quickly and resolve financial and management issues. As an additional general partner, the Housing Authority LLC would technically have joint and several liability for the obligations of the partnership. The level of liability is limited to the LLC, and will not pass through to the members of the LLC even if the LLC has a sole member e.g., the Housing Authority), and in most cases, can be limited to the LLC's interest in the Partnership. This will protect the Housing Authority and its assets. There will be some form of liability, even if it is limited in scope and restricted to the LLC. Assumption of liability is the main difference between a general and limited partner. Staff believes that a limited amount of liability, restricted to the affiliate LLC, does not put the Housing Authority, or its assets, at risk for third party claims and is necessary to achieve its other long -term affordable housing development goals. The Housing Commission and staff are requesting that the BOC approve formation of an LLC, and approve the LLC's participation in The Alameda Islander L.P. as an additional general partner. Formal approval of the change in status from a special limited partner to an additional general partner is requested due to the requirement that an additional general partner assume liability for the obligations of the Partnership, even if that liability is substantially reduced through the formation of a LLC. If the BOC approves formation of a single member LLC and participation of the LLC in The Alameda Islander L.P. as an additional general partner, the form of Partnership Honorable Chair and September 6, 2011 Members of the Board of Commissioners Pa 4 of 5 A approved on Jul 5, 2011 will be revised to reflect formation of the affiliate and the chan in status from a special limited partner to an additional g eneral partner. The Partnership A will be further amended when the tax credits are sold and one or more private investors are added as a limited partner(s). Therefore, it is re that the Chief Executive Officer be authorized (1) to execute all documents re for the formation of the Housin Authorit LLC affiliate, (2) to execute the Partnership A between the Housin Authorit newl formed LLC, RCID Housin LLC, and 112 Alves Lane, Inc., as revised to incorporate the Housin Authorit LLC as an additional g eneral partner, and (3) to ne and. execute the further amended Partnership A and all related documents necessar to admit the investor limited partner(s), includin but not limited to the final Housin Authorit option a to ac the pro FINANCIAL IMPACT The newl formed LLC will have to pa the State of California an annual minimum franchise tax of $800 and a fee based on its annual total income. There will be minimal LLC formation costs for activities such as printin separate stationar le fees associated with filin the articles of or etc. These costs are bud as part of the CIC's Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP) affordable housin fund (204). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review for this project has been concluded and the Notice of Exemption was filed with the Count Recorder's Office on March 22, 2011. Approve the Housin Commission's recommendation that the Board of Commissioners .authorize (a) the formation of a Limited Liabilit Compan LLC and (b) approve the LLC's role as an additional g eneral partner in The Alameda Islander L.P. for the ac and renovation of the Islander Motel as permanent affordable housin and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to (a) execute all documents re for the formation of the Housin Authorit LLC affiliate, (b) ne and execute the Partnership A between the Housin Authorit newl formed LLC, RCID Housin LLC, and 112 Alves L Inc., and the option a between the Hou Authorit and The Alameda Islander L.P., and (c) ne and execute the further amended Partnership A and all related documents necessar to admit the investor limited partner(s). Honorable Chair and Members of the Board of Commissioners Respectfull submitted, Exhibit: 1. LLC Formation Documents September 6, 2011 Pa 5 of 5 y4;kI;.;C7F =I; �.9 Secretary of State B usiness P rograms Divi sion 1 509 11 th Street, 3 r Floor Business Entities Sacramento, CA 95814 (9 6) 657 -5448 EXHIBIT LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES California Tax Information Registration of a limited liability company (LLC) with the California, Secretary of State (SOS) will obligate an LLC that is not taxed as a corporation to pay to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) an annual minimum tax of $800.00 and a fee based on the annual total income of the entity. The tax and fee are required to be paid for the taxable year of registration and each taxable year, or part thereof, until a Certificate of Cancellation is filed with the SOS. (California Revenue and Taxation Code sections 17941 and, 17942.) An LLC is not subject to the taxes and fees imposed by Revenue and Taxation Code sections 17941 and 17942 if the LLC did no business in California during the taxable year and the taxable year was 15 days or less. (California Revenue and Taxation Code section 17946.) An LLC that is taxed as a corporation generally determines its.California income under the Corporation Tax Law commencing with California Revenue and Taxation Code section 23901. PLEASE NOTE: A domestic nonprofit LLC is a taxable entity and subject to the tax requirements stated above unless the LLC has applied for tax exempt status and the FTB determines the LLC. qualifies for tax-exempt status. Therefore, until such a determination is made, a nonprofit LLC must file a return and pay the associated tax (and, if applicable, the fee) every year until the LLC is formally cancelled. If the LLC intends to seek tax exempt status: At the time of filing its Articles of organization with the SOS, the LLC must include, in an attachment to that document, additional. statements. as required by the law under which the LLC is seeking exemption. Please refer to the FTB's Exemption Application Booklet (FTB 3500 Booklet) for information regarding the required statements and for suggested language. After filing its Articles of organization with the SOS, the LLC may apply for tax -.exempt status by mailing an Exemption Application (Form FTB 3500 along with an endorsed copy. of .the .Articles .of organization and all other required supporting documentation, to the FTB, P.O. Box 942857, Sacramento, California 94257- 4041 The FTB 3500 Booklet and Form FTB .3500 can .be .accessed.f.rom the FTB's website at www.ftb.ca.gov or can be requested by calling the FTB at 80.0 338 -0505. For further. information regarding franchise tax exemption, refer to the FTB's website or call the FTB at (9 6) 845-4171. For further information regarding franchise tax requirements, please contact the FTB at: From within the United States (toll free) ...............(800) 852 -5711 From outside the United States (not toll free) ..........................(916) 845 -6500 Automated Service -From within the United States (toll free) ..........................(800) 338 -0505 Automated Service -From outside the United States (not toll free) ..........................(916) 845 -6600 Professional Services Information A domestic or foreign LAC may not render professional services. (Corp. Code 17375.) "Professional services" are defined in California Corporations Code sections 13401(x) and 13401.3 as: Any type of professional services that may be lawfully rendered only pursuant to a license, certification, or registration authorized by the Business and Professions Code, the Chiropractic Act, the osteopathic Act or the Yacht and Ship Brokers Act. If your business is required to be licensed, registered or certified, it is recommended that you contact the appropriate licensing authority before filing with the SOS's office in order to determine whether your services are considered professional. LLC Info (REV 0412007) Instructions for Completing the Articles of organization (Form LLC- Where to File. For easier completion, this form is available on the Secretary of State's website at www. sos .ca.gov /business /be /forms.htm and Can be viewed, filled in and printed from your computer. The completed form along with the applicable fees can be mailed to Secretary of State, Document Filing Support Unit, P.C. Box 944228, Sacramento, CA 94244 -2280 or delivered in person (drop off) to the Sacramento office, 1500 1 1th Street, 3rd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814. If you are not completing this fora online,. please type or legibly print in black or blue ink. This form is filed only in the Sacramento office. Legal Authority: Statutory filing requirements are found in California Corporations Code sections 7051 and 17052. All statutory references are to the California Corporations Code, unless otherwise stated. Fees: The fee for filing Form LLC -1 is $70.00. A $1 5.00.special handling fee. is applicable for processing documents delivered in person (drop off) to the Sacramento office. The special handling fee is in addition to the filing fee, should be included in a separate check, and will be retained whether the doc .urnent is filed. or rejected. The preclearance and /or expedited filing of a document within a guaranteed time frame can be requested for an additional.fee in lieu of the special handling fee. Please refer to the Secretary of State's website. at www. sos. ca. govl busines .s /be /serv for detailed information regarding preclearance and expedited filing services. The special handling fee or preclearance and expedited filings services are not applicable to documents submitted by mail. Check(s should be made payable to the Secretary of State. Copies; The Secretary of State will certify two copies of the .filed document without charge, provided that the complete copies with any attachments are submitted to the Secretary of State with the document to be filed. Any additional copies submitted will be certified with payment of $8.00 per copy. Professional Services: Pursuant to Section 17375, a California limited liability .company may. not render professional services, as defined in Sections 1 3401 (a) and 13401.3. Professional. services are .defined as any type of professional services that may be lawfully rendered only pursuant to a license, certification, or registration authorized by the California Business and Professions Code, the Chiropractic Act, the osteopathic Act or the Yacht and Ship. Brokers Act. If .your business is required to be licensed, certified or registered, it is. recommended that you contact the appropriate licensing authority before filing with the Secretary of States office in order to determine whether your. services are considered professional. For licensing requirements in the state of California, please refer to the CalGold website at www.calgold.ca.gov or the California Department of Consumer Affairs website at iw.dca.ca.gov. Minimum Tax Requirement. Filing this document shall obligate most limited liability companies to pay an annual minimum tax of $800.00 to the Franchise Tax Board pursuant to California Revenue.and Taxation Code section 17941. Complete the Articles of organization (Form LLC -1) as follows: Item 1. Enter the name of the limited liability company. The name must end with the words "Limited Liability Company," or the abbreviations "LLC" or "L.L.C." The words "Limited and "Company" may be abbreviated to "Ltd." and "Co.," respectively. The name of the limited liability company may not contain the words "bank," "trust," "trustee," "incorporated," "inc.," "corporation," or "carp., and must not contain the .words "insurer" or "insurance company" or any other words suggesting that it is in the business of issuing policies of insurance and assuming insurance risks. Note: Name restrictions apply to most business entities. Please refer to our Marne Availability webpage at www.sos.ca.gov/ business /be /name- availability.htm for business entity name regulations and the most common statutory requirements and restrictions relating to the adoption of a business entity name in California. Item 2. This statement is required by statute and should not be altered. Provisions limiting or restricting the business of the limited liability company may be included as an attachment. Items Enter the name of the agent for service of process in California. An agent is an individual, whether or not 3 4. affiliated with the limited liability company, who resides in California or a corporation designated to accept service of process if the company is sued. The agent should agree to accept service of process on behalf of the limited liability company prior to designation. If a corporation is designated as agent, that corporation must have previously filed with the Secretary of State, a certificate pursuant to Corporations Code section 1505. Mote, a limited liability company cannot act as its own agent and no domestic or foreign corporation may file pursuant to Section 1 505 unless the corporation is currently authorized to engage in business in California and is in good standing on the records of the Secretary of State. If an individual is designated as agent, complete Items 3 and 4. If a corporation is designated as agent, complete Item 3 and proceed to Item 5 (do not complete Item 4). LLC..1 INSTRUCTIONS (REV 04/2010) PAGE 1 OF 2 LLC -1 Instructions Page 2 of 2 Item 5. Check the appropriate provision indicating whether the limited liability company is to be managed by one manager, more than one manager or all limited liability company members, only one box may be checked. Item 6. Attach any other information to be included in Form LLC -1, provided that the information is not inconsistent with law. Item 7. Form LLC -1 must be signed by the organizer. The person signing Form LLC_1 need not be a member or manager of the limited liability company. If Form LLC -1 is signed by an attorney -in -fact, the signature should be followed by the words "Attorney -in- fact for (name of person)." If Form LLC -1 is signed by an entity, the person who signs on behalf of the entity should note their name and position /title and the entity name. Example: if a limited liability company "Smith LLC is the organizer, the signature of the person signing on behalf of the Smith LLC should be reflected as Joe Smith, Manager of Smith LLC, organizer. If Form LLC-1 is signed by a trust, the trustee should sign as follows: trustee for trust (including the date of the trust, if applicable). Example: Mary Todd, trustee of the Lincoln Family Trust (UIT 5-1-94). Any attachments to Form LLC -1 are incorporated by reference and made part of Fora LLC All attachments should be 8 Y x IV, one -sided and legible. Note: A Statement of Information (Form LLC-12) is required to be filed with the Secretary of State within 90 days after filing Form LLC-- and biennially thereafter during the applicable filing. period. The applicable filing period is the calendar month during which the initial Form LLC -1 was filed and the immediately preceding five calendar months. (California Corporations Code section 1 7080.) Form LLC -12 is available on the Secretary of State's website at www.sos.ca.gov /business /be /statements.htm and can be viewed,, filled in and printed from your computer for mail or drop off submission. LLC -1 INSTRUCTIONS (REV 04/2010) PAGE 2 OF 2 LLC -1 File Limited Liability Compan A rt i c l es of Organizat A.$70.00 filing fee must accompany this form. Important Read instructions before .completin this form. This Space For Filing Use Only Entity Name (End the name with the words "Limited Liability Company, or the abbreviations' LLC" or "L.L.C," Th words "Limited" and "Company" may be abbreviated to "Ltd." and "Co.," respectively. 1. NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ASIA Islander GP, L.LC Purpose (The following statement is required by statute and should not be altered.) 2. THE PURPOSE OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY. COMPANY IS TO ENGAGE IN ANY. LAWFUL .ACT. OR ACTIVITY FOR 'WHICH A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MAY BE ORGANIZED UNDER THE BEVERLY- KILLEA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACT. Initial Agent for Service of Process (If th agent is. an individual, the .agent must reside in California and both Items .3 and 4 must be co mpleted. If the agent is a corporation, the agent must have on file.with the California Secretary of.State a certificate pursuant to California Corporations Code section 1505 and Item 3 must be completed (leave Item 4 blank 3. NAME OF INITIAL AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS Mi ch ael PuCCI 4. IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ADDRESS OF INITIAL AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS IN CALIFORNIA CITY STATE ZIP CODE 701 Atlantic Avenue Alameda CA .94501 Management (Check only one) 5. THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY WILL BE MANAGED BY. ONE MANAGER MORE THAN ONE MANAGER ALL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MEMBER(S) Additional Information 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED PAGES, IF ANY, IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE AND MADE A PART OF THIS CERTIFICATE. Execution .7. 1 DECLARE I AM THE PERSON WHO EXECUTED THIS INSTRUMENT, WHICH EXECUTION IS MY ACT AND DEED. EXHTBTT 1 OPERATING. AGREEMENT i AHA ISLANDER GP, LLC This operating Agreement is made as of 2011, by the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda, a public body, corporate and politic (referred to as the Sole Member) with reference to the following facts: A. The Sole Member desires to form a. limited liability company (Company) under the Beverly- Killea Limited Liability Company Act (the Act) (California Corporations Code sections 17100- 17655). B. The Sole Member desires to execute this operating Agreement in order to form and provide for the governance of the Company and the conduct of its business. NOW, THEREFORE, the Sole Member hereby declares the following to be the operating Agreement of the Company: ARTICLE 1. ARTICL OF ORGANIZA 1.1 On or about the time of execution of this Agreement, the Articles of Organization, in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A, shall have been filed with the California Secretary of State, 1.2 The name of the Company shall be AI HA Islander GP, LLC, a California limited liability company. 1.3 The principal executive office .of the .Company shall be at 701 Atlantic .Avenue, Alameda, California 94501, or such other place or places as may be determined by the Sole Member from time to tinge. 1.4 The initial agent for service of process on the Company shall be .Michael Pucci. The Sole Member may from time to time change the Company's agent for service of process. 1. j The Company is formed for the purposes of providing affordable housing for low income persons and to serve as a general partner in a limited partnership. which owns and operates housing for the benefit of low income persons who are in need of affordable, decent, safe and sanitary housing and related services. 1.6 The term. of existence of the Company. shall commence on the effective date .of filing of Articles of organization with the California Secretary of State and shall continue until terminated by the provisions of this Agreement or as provided by law. 1.7 The manager of the Company shall be Michael Pucci, Executive Director of the Sole Member. 1 1705,02110243' 72.2 ARTICLE II. CAPI`I`ALIZA.TION 2.1 The Sole Member shall contribute to the capital. of the Company the money and property specified in Exhibit B to this Agreement. The Sole Member may from ti to time and at any time contribute cash or property to the Company as the .Sole Member may determine. 2.2 The Sole Member shall not be bound by, or be personally liable for the p e eases, liabilities, or obligations of the Company except as otherwise provided in the. Act. or in this Agreement. The failure by the Company to observe any formalities. or requirements relating to the exercise of its power or the management of its business or affairs under this Agreement.or the Act shall not be grounds for imposing personal liability on the Sole ALLOCATIONS ARTICLE 111. 3.1 If any membership interest, or part thereof, is assigned during any fiscal year in compliance with the provisions of this Article III, profits, losses, each item thereof and all other items attributable to such membership interest for such fiscal year shall be divided and allocated between the transferor and the transferee by taking into. account. their -varying membership interests during the period in accordance with Internal Revenue Code section 706(d), .using any convention permitted by law selected by the Sole Member. All distributions on or before the. date of such assignment. shall be made to the transferor, and all distributions .thereafter shall be made to the transferee. Solely for purposes of making such allocations. and distributions, the Company p y shall recognize such assignment not later than the end of the calendar month during which the assignment occurs. Neither the .Company nor .the Sole Member shall incur any liability for making allocations and distributions in accordance with the provisions of this .Section 3. I. 3.2 All cash resulting from the operations .of the .Company shall be distributed to the Sole Member at .such times as the Sole Member deems appropriate. ARTICLE Iv.MANAGE IENT 4.1 The business of the Company shall be managed .by the Manager named in Section 1.7 or successor Manager selected in the planner provided. Section 4.2. except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, all decisions concerning the management of the Company's business shall be made by the Manager. 4.2 The Manager named in Section 1.7 shall serve until the .earlier of (a).the Manager's resignation, retirement, death or disability; or (b) the Manager's removal or replacement by the Member. The Manager may be removed or .replaced with or without cause at any time by the Member. Each successor Manager shall be appointed b the Member. 4.3 All assets of the Company, whether real or personal, shall be held in the name of the Company. 4.4 All funds of the Company shall be deposited in one or more accounts with one or more recognized financial institutions in the name of the Company, at such locations as shall be 2 170510211024372.2 determined by the Manager. withdrawal from such accounts shall require the signature of such person or persons as the Sole Member may designate. 4.5 Any contract, agreement or other document to be entered into by the Company shall be executed by the Manager or the Member.. 4.6 The Manager shall not take any of the following actions on behalf of the Company unless the Member has consented to the taking of such action: (a) Any amendment to the Articles of organization; (b) Any act that would make it impossible to carry out the ordinary business of the Company; [c Any confession of a judgment against the Company, (d) The dissolution of the Company; (e) The disposition of all or a substantial. part of the Company's assets not in the ordinary course of business; �f} The incurring of any debt not in the ordinary course of business; (g) A change in the nature of the principal business of the Company, including; but not limited to, a material change in the .Project's affordability levels, tenant selection criteria, resident hiring policies or public housing requirements; (h) The incurring of any contractual obligation or the making of any capital expenditure, other than entering into the. Partnership or in the ordinary course .of business; (i) The filing of a petition in bankruptcy or the entering into of an arrangement among creditors; and [j The entering into, on behalf of the Company, of any transaction constituting a "merger" within the meaning of California Corporations Code Section 1755. et. seq. ARTICL V. ACCOUNTS AND. RECORDS 5.1 Complete books of account of the Company's business, in which each Company transaction shall be fully and accurately entered, shall be kept at the. Company's principal executive office. 5.2 Financial boobs and records of the Company shall be kept on the accrual. method of accounting. A balance sheet and income statement of the Company shall he prepared promptly following the close of each fiscal year in a manner appropriate to and adequate. for the Company's business and .for carrying out .the provisions of this Agreement. The fiscal year of the Company shall be January 1 through December 31. 3 1705\02\1024372.2 5.3 At all tunes during the term of existence of the Company, and beyond that term if the Manager deems it necessary, the Manager shall keep or cause to be kept the books of account referred to in Section 5.2, and the following: (a) The full name and last known business .or residence address of the Sole .Member. together with the capital contribution and the share in profits and losses of the Sole.Mernber; (b) A copy of the Articles of organization, as amended; [c) Copies of the Company's federal, state, and local income tax or information returns and reports. if any, for the six most recent taxable years; (d) Executed counterparts of this Agreement, as amended; (e) Any powers of attorney under which the Articles of Organization or any amendments thereto were executed; (f) Financial statements of the Company for the six most recent fiscal years; and (g) The books and records of the Company as they relate to the Company's internal affairs for the current and past four fiscal years. ARTICLE VI. RESTRICTIONS ON OF. MEMBERSHIP INTEREST 6.1 The Sole Member may sell, hypothecate, pledge, assign or otherwise voluntarily transfer any part or all of its membership interest or membership. rights in the. Company to any other person subj ect to the restrictions in any agreement signed by the Company or. the Sole Member. In the event the Sole Member transfers its entire. membership interest, the .transferee shall become a member without any further action, unless the Sole Member and the transferee agree otherwise. ARTICLE VII. D ISSOLUTION AND WINDING UP. 7.1 The Company shall be dissolved on the .first to occur of the following events: (a) The decision of the Sole Member to dissolve the Company. (b) The sale or other disposition of substantially all of the Company's assets. (c) Entry of a decree of judicial dissolution under California Corporations Code section 17351. 7.2 on the. dissolution of the Company, the Company shall engage in no .further business other than that necessary to wind up the business and affairs of the Company. The Manager shall wind up the affairs. of the Company and give written nonce of the commencement of winding up by mail to all known creditors and claimants against the Company whose 4 170510211 0243 72.2 addresses appear in the records of the Company. After paying or adequately providing for the payment of all known debts of the Company (except.debts owing to the Sole Member), the remaining assets of the Company shall be distributed or applied in the following order of priority; (a) To pay the expenses of liquidation. (b) To repay outstanding loans to the Sole Member. (c) To the Sole Member. ARTICLE VIII. GENERAL. PROVISIONS 8.1 This Agreement constitutes the whole and entire agreement, with respect to. the sub j ect matter of this Agreement. 8.2 This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of California. If any provision of this Agreement is determined b any court of competent jurisdiction or arbitrator to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable to any extent, that provision shall, if possible, be construed. as though more narrowly drawn, if a narrower construction would avoid such invalidity, illegaiity, or unenforceability or, if that is not possible, such provision shall, to the extent of. such invalidity, illegality, or une7forceability, be severed, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect. 8.3 T he article., section, and paragraph titles and headings in..this Agreement are inserted as a matter of. convenience .and for ease of reference oily and shall. be disregarded for all other purposes, including the construction or enforcement f this Agreement or any of its provisions. 8.4 This Agreement may be altered, amended, or repealed. only by a writing signed by the Sole Member. 8.5 Time is of the essence of every provision of this Agreement that specifies a time for performance, 8.6 This Agreement is made .solely for the benefit of the. Sole .Member. and .the .Sole Member's permitted successors and assigns, and no other person or entity shall have .or acquire any right by virtue of this Agreement. 8.7 The Sole Member intends the Company to be a limited liability company under the Act. 5 1705\02\1024372.2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Sole Member has executed or caused to be executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. SOLE MEMBER..: Housing Authority of the City of Alameda a public body, corporate and politic By: Name: Its: 6 1 705102 \1 024372.2 -v 7 TT T" yrIr A 1705\02\1024372.2 Articles of Organization A-1 EXHIBIT B ARTICLE IX.MEMBER' S CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION Member Name Capital Contribution "Membership Interest Percentage Ownership Housing Authority of $1 00.00 100% 1.00% the City of Alameda B -1 1705\02\1024372.2 l AHA ISLANDER GP, LLC 12011 705 \02 \1024372.2 -W _W rious..int! Authorit of the Cit of Alameda 701 Atlantic, Avenue Alameda, Califo 94501-2161 Tel: (510) 747-4300 Fax: (510)522-7848 TDD: (510) 522-8467 To: Honorable. Chair and Members of the Board of Commissioners From: John A. Russo Chief Executive Officer Date: September 6, 201 Re: Award. a. Contract to Ba Area. Contract. Carpets in. the. Annual Amount of $200,000., with .an Caption to Renew for TwO .Additional Fiscal Years Not to Exceed $200,000 Annuall and Authorize the Executive Director.to Execute the Contract The Fiscal Year 2012-14 bud include the replacement of floorin in lousin Authorit units. The majorit of floor.in replacement work commences when a:unit is vacated and on a c basis with vacated units takin pre DISCUSSION On Jul 15, .2011, the Hou A issu .a. Request for. Proposal RF. for floorin replacement. A publi noti wa s placed in the.. local.: newspaper and on the Housin Authorit .In. addition all.companies, that have r on the Housin Authorit list of potential. contractors for. this type pe o work and all,. Alameda contractors with. a relevant business licensemere contacted. about �the. RFP, Bidders were re to provide a unit cost to re la ce e o u .�floorin each t nit p owned b the Housi Authorit A pre-proposal conferen was h on -Ju.1 20, .20.1.1 to provide. interested. contractors the opportunity to inspect the site. Two contractin firms 'attended this pre -pro p osal conference. On Au 3, 201 two proposals were received.and ublicl o pened. The results are p y as follows: PROPOSER I STUDIO ONE BEDROOM TWO BEDROOM THREE. BEDROOM FOUR BEDROOM FIVE BEDROOM 3 YEAR WEIGHTED AVERGAGE Ba Area Contract $1,535.00 $1,717.00 $2,195-00 $35060.00. $3,430.00. $3;793.00 $6,692.00 Carpets Eastba Floor $1,352.00 $1,520.00 $2,354.00 $3,172.00 $3,828-00 $4,213.00 $6;777.00 Coverin L� I HAB.O.C.. item #1 12. C C C �9-.6. .11 Honorable Chair and ..September 6, Members of the Board of Commissioners Pa 2 of 2 Proposers were re to provide an inflation.fa.ctor for second and third y ear work. A 3% annual increase was submitted b .Bay Area.Contract Carpets, and .5% annual increase was submitted b Eastba Floorin Staff has. an a l zed the ricin of each y p proposal b g roupin g the costs of all units, inflation factors, and determined a cumulative wei avera over a three- period and has determined that Ba Area Contract Carpets has provided the lowest responsibl priced proposal. This will provide the Housin Authorit the abilit to replace floorin in 264 units over a three- y ear period. The Housin Authorit has successfull worked with Ba Area Contract Car pets since s. 2007. The contractor has a g ood record of completin units on time and within budg et. This contractor. alread has an Alameda.busin.ess ficense and the appropriate. insurance on file with the Housin Authorit FINANCIAL IMPACT The bud provides ..$200, 000 for floorin replacement for. Fiscal..Year .2012 with forecasted bud of $200,000 in Fiscal Year 2013 and $20D,000.. in Fiscal Year 2014. It is. recommended that this .contract be for a period. of. one y ear, with Housin Authorit option to renew for. two additional fi y ears based.on satisfactor contractor performance. RECOMMENDATION Award a contract to Ba Area Contract Carpets in the annual amount .of $200,000, with an option to renew. for two additional. fiscal. not .to exceed $200,000 annuall and authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract. Exhibit: Contract with Ba Area Contract Carpets on fil in the Cit Clerk's.Office To. Honorable Chair and Members of the Board of Commissioners From: John A. Russo Chief Executive officer Date: September 6, 2011 Re: Award a Contract to Ransome Company in the Amount of $198,500, Including Contingencies, for Replacement of Parking Lots and Driveway at Esperanza and Authorize the Executive Director to Execu t he Contract BACKGROUND The Fiscal Year's 2012 Extraordinary Maintenance Project (EMP) budget includes the replacement of the Maple Way parking lots and driveway at Esperanza. DISCUSSION On July 15, 2011, the Housing Authority issued an Invitation for Bids (1FB) for the replacement of the Brush Street parking lots at Esperanza. A public notice was laced in the local newspaper and on the Housing Authority's website, p In addition, all companies that have requested placement on the Housing Authority's list of p otential contractors for this type of work and all Alameda contractors ith a relevant business license were contacted about the IFB. A pre -bid conference was held on July 10; 2011 which provided interested contractors the opportunity to inspect the site. Three contracting firms attended this p re -bid conference. On August 2, 2011, two bids were received and publicly opened, and the results are as follows: CONTRACTOR LOCATION BID AMOUNT Ransome Company San Leandro, CA $165 DRYCO Construction, Inc Fremont, CA $168 The apparent love bidder, Ransome Company, has worked on mu Housing Authority projects. The contractor has a .good record of completing projects on time and within budget. This contractor already has an Alameda business license and the appropriate insurance on file with the Housing Authority. HAB O Item 42--D 0 -6 -11 Honorable chair and September 0, 201 Members of the Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 2 FINANCIAL I M PACT The Fiscal Year 2012 budget provides $225,000 for parking lot replacement at Esperanza, including contingencies. A twenty percent contingency ($33,000) is recommended for potential Change Orders which will increase the contract to a not to exceed amount of $198,500. RECOMMENDATION Award a contract to Ransome Company in the amount of $198,500 including contingencies and authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract. Respectfully submitte Michael Td Pucci Executive Director Exhibit: Contract with Ransorne Company on file in the city clerk's office A_ A n inR Authorit of the Cit of Alameda 701 Atlantic Avenue Alameda, California 94501-2161 Tel: (510) 747-4300 Fax: (510)522-7848 TOD: (510) 522-8467 To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Board of Commissioners From: John A. Russo Chief Executive Officer Date: September 6, 2011 Re: Provide Direction on Concept of Housin Authorit Autonom I OWYMAT41 20,101 NJ An or stud conducted in earl 2010 provided options for Housin Authorit restructurin One option was for the Housin Authorit to re its inde pendent status. Last Jul under the Interim Cit Mana direction, the Executive Director. made a presentation to the Cit Council re the reor of th Housin Authorit Options for the relationship between the Cit and Housin A were pr Council directed staff to stud the options and to present a recommendation at a future meetin Prior to April 7, 1981, the Housin Authorit was. autonomous... It. had a seven-member Board of Commissioners. appointed b the..Ma a nd Cit Council.. The B.oa.rd:was responsible for the bud and all other decisions re o f a. g overnin g body.... On April 7, 1981, the Cit Council declared. the Board of.'.C.ommissioners and .created a Housin Commission. Over the y ears, the.Board has dele g ated more and more responsibilit to the Housin Commission, retainin responsibilit for onl a few actions, includin adoptin the bud real estate transactions, approval of contracts in excess of $75,000, etc, On Jul 1, 2000, at the direction .of then Cit Mana Jim Flint, Hou Authori emplo became Cit of Alameda emplo The were .a to the Cit PERS contract, added to the Cit bar units (MCEA and ACEA), and.were provided Cit benefits e. g health insurance, life insurance, etc. As Ho Authorit emplo the were under the Housin Authorit PERS contract, were represented b Operatin En Local 3 (mana and confidential emplo were unrepresented and had benefits nearl identical to Cit emplo HABOCI -A A g enda Item _3 9-6-11 Honorable chair and Members September 0, 2011 of the Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 2 DISCUSSION The Executive Director has met with the City Manager, Deputy city Manager, Interim City Attorney, and Human Resources Director to discuss the concept of Housing Authority autonomy. Their insight has been valuable. As a result, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet was developed and improved upon to address any questions that the Board of Commissioners and city council may have. At their June and July meetings, the Housing Commission reviewed and discussed the proposal for Housing Authority autonomy. The Commission voted unanimously to forward a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners and city council to take the steps necessary to make this happen. RECOMMENDATION Provide direction to staff on the concept of Housing Authority autonomy. Exhibit. 1. Housing Authority Autonomy FAQ u:lCommission Reportst4HA_Autonorrmy Ex 1 HOUSING AUTHORITY AUTONOMY FAQ What benefits would the Cit realize? The Cit Council would be relieved of the responsibilit for Ho u sin g Authorit emplo approvin contracts, the bud and other tasks. Currentl the Cit is experiencin financial difficulties, havin to do. the- same q uantit y .of work with fewer emplo Over time,.the Cit realize the benefits from: ..y to do less on behalf of the Housin Authorit There :would:b e .50 fewer em therefore, there would be fewer performance reviews ..disciplinar actions and benefits to administer there wou Id. b 50.. fer .wepa check to. pro 1.1 feer...ve.h.ici.es to maintaino and at least four fewer Board meetings o o t ho in the C..ouncil.Cham.b If the blousin Authorit were to experience a loss of income as a.res It u of federal bud cuts, the Cit would not bear the-burden of these cuts. City y e es-w o uld not be bumped b more .lon -term Housin Authorit staff if a reduction i force is needed. The Cit Council also has asked staff to evaluate opportunities to reduce staff workload related to its boards.and c B app the. members of the 1- lousin Commission to the. Board of Commi the-Cit Council would be able to eliminate Items Housin Commission. Ites that g oto the. Board of. Commissioners. are �fi t taken rs to the Housin Commission for review and recommendation. This: two.step. pr creates work. for staff that co be eliminated with an. autonomous Board of Commissioners. wh beco a utonomo u s?... What benefits.would the Housin Authorit from a utonom y The Housin Authorit wo be able to rea more. q uickl y to opportunities that arise to ac affordable housin sites. as well as to apply f r additional cousin g fr om g overnment ag encies. Contr fo.r. landscapin paintin floor.coverin and other necessar servi .could. be. handl q u ickly and m effi with. the..pro.cess g oin g to the new Board o f Commissioners just once rather than th two -ste p p rocess now re Emplo train in Housin Authorit operations would not be subject to bumpin b others in the Cit or w hich has hap in th e.]ast few -years. Th ere: is a si cost in and. morale when.th.is.occurs. Of course, the. re.verse.als.o is true. If the Housin Authorit were to ex perience a reduction in fo rce Cit emplo also would not be -subject to.. b What action would be need to become. autonomous?. To become autonomous, two previous actions would have to be reversed. The most recent action taken was in Jul 20.00, when Hou Authorit emplo became Cit Pa 1 of 5 employees. The other action was taken in 1981 when the City council .a.ppointed itself the Board of Commissioners and appointed the previous Board as members of .a newly created Housing commission. No other changes would .be required of the city Council because. the Housing Authority is an independent entity created by the City Council under rules set. down. in the California Health and Safety Code. It owns its assets (i.e., office building, housing properties, land, vehicles, office equipment, etc. The Housing Authority is .a member of two risk pools, separate from the city, for workers' compensation cov erage and for property and liability coverage. The Housing Authority's. budget Is adopted y b its Board of Commissioners, separate from the City's budget process. The Housing Authority has an independent auditor. What would the city Council's role be with the Housing Authority The city council has the pourer to .appoint the Board bf Commissioners. It also would continue to control the budget for city programs funded by City funds e.g.; CDBG, Daum Payment Assistance Program, etc.). The Community lm proven�ent Corr�rr fission (CIC) would continue to control the budget for the. Affordable Housing Set -Aside funds. The Housing Authority currently administers the CP B.G. Program and Affordable Housing Programs, as well as affordable housing development for the City. Who would snake up the Board of Commissioners Staff recommends that the city Council.. appoint the sevren current me of the Housing Commission as the Board of Corr missioners... Terms would..be staggered so that no more than two commissioners' terms would .end Jn the same ..year. Upon completion. of terms or a resignation of a Board member, the. city Council would appoint a new Board member. The Housing Commission is made up .of an able. group of. men and women capable of providing oversight :and making necessary .policy decisions. They. have a wide .range of experience in real estate, social services, business, government, etc. Requirerents for the make up of the Board of Commissioners under the California Health and Safety Code 34245, including four- year.terrns for the regular m.embers.and.two -year terms for the tenant members (o a senior are met by the current composition and structure of the Housing Commission. For many years, the Board has accepted .the Ho Commission's recommendations on a variety of actions; therefore, the Council /Board appears to be satisfied with the Housing Commission's ability. to.govern effectively. What are the duties of the Board. of Commissioners? The current Board has delegated authority to the Housing commission for all actions other than the budget, contracts exceeding $75,000, real property transactions, and employee w ages and benefits. These. duties. would transfe to the n ew Board. The neiil Board also would continue the work .of the Housing commission, adopting housing policies (e.g., occupancy standards, procedures for terminating assistance), opening Page 2 of 5 and closing the waiting lists, holding public hearings for the Five -Year and Annual .Plan, as well as making many other decisions that have an impact on the operations of the Housing Authority. 'what implications would there be on the.City's budget? The Housing Authority's budget is separate from the. City's budget with. the exception. of the Housing Development and Programs Division which. is wholly funded by City ./CIC funds. The City council and CIC would retain contra( over this portion of the Housing Authority's budget. Currently, the Housing Authority contracts with the city for a variety of services, including policing, staffing, payroll, vehicle maintenance, etc.. The. Housing Authority would continue to contract for policing services. A contract has been in place for. these services for many years, and the Housing Authority has been pleased Frith the result. Of the $299,000 that the Housing Authority provided to the city .over the FY2o10 -2011 fiscal year, $210,000 was for policing services. The Housing Authority's income is primarily from federal funding. Thisfunding spay only be used for the section 8 Program. The.l- lousing A from tenant rents and miscellaneous .(e.g., maintenance charges). Though.there is discretion over the use of these funds, they are needed to operate the .housing corr plexes; this income pays for such things as utilities and maintenance. if there is a surplus, it is placed in a reserve fund for capital improvements, such as new roofs, furnaces; etc. A more detailed -analysis of the Housing Authority's. budget and i.rnpact on .the. City's cost allocation is attached. What would happen to the contracts in place for G ity.p rovi .se.rv.icps.. The Housing Authority paid $299,050 to the city for. direct services for 1ast fiscal year. Of this, $210.,000 was for. Police services. As mentioned ..above, the Mousing Authority would continue to contract .with the City .for Police services and, at. least Initially, for services from the city Attorney's office, Human Resources Departments Inforimation Technology Division, etc. This would ease. the transition. over .time, the. Housing Authority would consider outside contractors for some.services..if it believedthe services could be provided at a lower .cost. For. instance, payroll. services used. to be .provided by ADP, an outside contractor, prior to the 2000 transition to City employment. It is likely that the Housing Authority would consider contracting for this service again. In addition, with the reorganization and consolidation of. all affordable housing .programs and development within the Housing Authority, the City and Housing Authority entered. into an agreement to have the Housing Authority Administer those programs on the City's behalf. Are there options on what to do with lousing Devpiopment and Programs Division staff? Page 3 of 5 As mentioned previously, in .February 20 all housing programs and .develo p rent activities were transferred to the dousing Authority. T are fully funded. ith City and CIC funds. The City Manager has the option to return these employees. 'to the City or to allow the Housing Authority to tale them on as employees along with all other employees currently assigned to the Housing Authority. 'what would happen with the employees assigned .to the .Housi.ng Authority? Employees would no longer be City of Alameda. employees.. All existing employees could be offered Housing .Authority. employment with the same. seniority that the.y. have now as City employees. This would reverse the action taken in July 2000: Th pity did not acquire the liability for accrued sick leave, vacation, balances, etc. when Housing Authority employees became. City employees. Under an existing .agreement between the Housing Authority and .City of .Alameda, the Housing Authority. reimburses the City. for all costs associated with employees assigned here; with the exception of employees in the Housing Development and.. Programs Division. In the instance. of. Housing Development and Programs, the Housing Authority is providing services on behalf of. the City and the CIC. Employees would .have.the opportunity to organize as they were prior to July 1, 2000, if they desire. Prior to their transition to City employment, blousing Authority emp[oyees who are now. mere b.ers of ACA were members of Operating. Engineers. Lo. oa.l .3. Current IVICEA employees were unrepresented prior to July .1, 2004; ho veyer, salary and benefit comparability with City management and confidential employees was maintained. After the transition, the Housing Authority would provide. salaries and benefits comparable to City emplo yees. T e Housing Authority's PARS contractrould be reactivated or .a. near .contract started, if necessary. Life, health, and other forms. of insurance would continue Frith .the same,, coverage amounts as.are currently provided. ed (8/24/2011) U:tprocess\AHA independence FAQ Page 4 of 5 HOUSING AUTHORITY BUDGET Most of the Housing Authority's budget is .restricted As you. can see from the attached chart, nearly 90 percent ($28.9 million) of .the Housing Authority's funding comes .from the federal government. These funds are restricted for use in operating the. Section 8 programs. Many of these expenses would continue after transition to an autonomous Housing Authority, if this. action were approved. Other services are. likely. to. continue during a transition phase, such as payroll services. The City would notice very little difference from the transition, yet the amount of work from this change would be reduced, thus reducing .City costs. Page 5of5 WYEREAS, Coastal Cleanup Day provides an opportunity to recognize the need to protect the ecological health and beauty of Alameda; and WHEIREAS, Alamedans take great ride in their citv's natural beauty and s a clean p Pp and safe environment in which to live and raise their children; and 1 litter S� ch as food wrap �r5 tj� Pra P rnr a nPrc, c� µraf AC and s�no related materials co mprise approximate 80% of the debris fo in p ast C oastal eanup:. a Y. ev er is repr t e rya ority o trash.. found in the watershed and aloee s ore me :an re percussions ercussions on coastal p economic activi ar�d ���1 �x�S, I debris.. st e and e arette fern thr eaten ova er ual public safet p q t. p and .a uat c e cos seer a `trays ort rc for to�.e s ubstances in the q r, are p rriarrte nvronrr erlt and estion o crater ai b anirn a can cause g v. mar t ion. u star�ration a nd even deat�� d W -9 E asta can Da 1 be obse b other �amn�unit es and p or atlizati throe bout tlZe nation and rov i aes '..an.. p ppo r t for the C fa ork t` a ether r i b�s��ss, rtdustr e ro lrnental groups y...... g p co un t or amzat �ons; and residents f car a cos Brats and sustainable p p e aid r �1 �E' E S, a f l n 7 a s a eau Da 1s a W a for a .1 lam eda residents to rotect the p beauti ft 1 Ca�farna coastline b re�ovng Infer from beaches, shorelines, s, p a s, and neigh -h 6b reducig the harmful. im acts street p ark,. caused by both litter any urban nmoff, and restoring the natural. beat of the waterways; and WYE the C ity f Alameda Public W D i ll s onsor a Coastal p p Cle anup Day event in partnership with the Alameda Rec reation and P arks Department, Alameda Count y Industries and the East Bay Regional Park District, between 8:30 a.m. and noon on September 17th. NOW TWEREF07RE BE Ir 'IRESOLVED, that I, Marie L. G 1m.ore, Mayor of the Citv of Alameda, do hereby proclaim September as C OASrAL.CLEANUP DAB' 20 and invite all Alameda residents, businesses, civic groups, go vernment agencies, and other organizations to participate. City Council A Item 3 Marie L. Gilmore Mayor WHEREAS, the residents of Alameda come together to honor Dr. Alice Challen on the occasion of her 100 birthday; and W7'L( Dr. Al ice Challen w as born July 2', 1911 in Buffalo, New York; and W�HEIZEAS, other o that she supports are the Humane Society, Meals on "Theels, the Alameda Welfare Council, Boys and Girls Club, and the Alameda Republican Women's Club; and W FIR EAS Dr. Ch is been an inspiration to all residents of .Alameda w ho care about the qua of life in Alameda, both its institutions and the people who live here. NOW, TWEREFOIZE, BF IT "RESOLVED,, that 1, Marie L. Gilmore, Mayor of the City of Alameda, do her congra tulate Dr. Challen for her contributions to the community and. its residents in her unwavering effort to preserve the health of the residents, the history of the island., and the preservation.. of the Victorian buildings and Alameda High School.. City Council A g enda Its Marie L. Gilmore Mayor CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: Dennis Owens Chair of the Historical Advisor Boa d Date: September 6, 2011 Re: Recommendation to Cit Council to Include a Bud Line Item to Address Deferred Maintenance at the Historic Muni a I Gar Behind Cit Hall In 2010, the Cit secured a $25,000 g rant from the State Historic Preservation Office and a $3,000 g rant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation to evaluate the existin condition of the historic municipal g ara g e located behind Cit Ha 11 and to facilitate the reuse of this buildin The evaluation was conducted b Garava Architecture Inc, an architecture firm specializin in historic preservation. The Historic Structures Report (HSR purpose is to document the historic si and character-definin features of the Gara determine the work re to complete necessar seismic and other up for occupanc and to determine the work necessar to preserve and rehabilitate the structure for use as a flexible retail/office/public use venue that is consistent with the Civic Center Vision. Currentl used as stora and parkin for select Cit vehicles, its rehabilitation has been identified as a ke component to the Cit proposed Civic Center Vision. Currentl this vision includes the adaptive reuse of the structure and its inte into a new public plaza as a part of a second entrance to Cit Hall. Pursuant to the Cit Charter, the Historical Advisor Board's purpose is to 'preserve and protect structures, sites and areas of historical si in the Cit On June 2, 2011 the Historical Advisor Board reviewed the draft HSR, provided comments to the consultant and determined that it should brin the condition of the historic structure to Cit Council's attention. DISCUSSION The HSR determined that the structure is g enerall y in g ood condition. However, deferred maintenance has resulted in a number of issues that will be more difficult to address as time passes. The report states that some buildin maintenance efforts should be undertaken immediatel to stem deterioration. Cit Council A Item #3-C 09-06-11 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City council September 0, 2011 Page 2 of 8 The Historical Advisory Board finds that the following are of critical importance: Trim back the coast Live oak tree to eliminate leaves and other debris from falling on the roof and clogging the gutters. Sweep roof and clear clogged drains. Clear internal downspouts and install new gutters and external downspouts where needed to properly lead rainwater away from the foundation and brick walls. Furthermore, the report highlighted the following maintenance issues, which the Historical Advisory Board deems important: Localized renewing of mortar joints (repointing) after proper testing to re- establish asound and weather resistant building envelope Basic maintenance of windows (sanding, painting, and reputtying) Seismic upgrades would include tying the roof trusses to the top of the walls. Repair of the damaged and deteriorating cornice, rrodillions, and soffit City Hall was designated as a city of Alameda Historic Monument in 1976 and placed on the National register of Historic Places in 1980. While the Alameda Municipal Garage was unfortunately not listed as a contributor to the city Hall Historic Monument, it nevertheless is a contributor to the setting of the city Hall. specifically, it is locally significant for its role in the transition of Alameda's city government from its 19th century roots to its loth century forma and for its relationship with the National register listed city Hall. This period was one of marked growth within the city as well as a period of extraordinary technological change. The construction of the garage symbolized the City's commitment to using technology to improve its services, and reduced vehicular maintenance cost, thus providing financially responsible services for the city. Its design is harmonious with city Hall and the two buildings have a clear aesthetic connection, evidence of their historical relationship. The Historical Advisory Board respectf=ully requests that city council direct staff to address the deferred maintenance on rain gutters and rain leaders. With relatively little effort the drains could be declogged and missing rain leaders could be replaced. The HAB realizes that the city council is faced with tough budget choices in this time of economic downturn. However, simple maintenance will extend the life of t -he building and make it easier to convert it so that it can be put into a viable economic use other than storage. Respectfully submitted, 01 Dennis Owens A I h l Chair of the Historical Advisory Board Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council Exh i b it: September 6, 2011 Page 3 of 3 1. Historic structure Report UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -JULY 12 2011- -7.00 P.M. Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7;03 p.m. Councilmember Tam led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present. Councilrnembers Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor Gilmore 5. Absent: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (11 -372) Corinne Lambden, Alameda Citizens Task Force, discussed campaign contributions to Councilmerrbers from the Firefighters Union. (11 -373) Joe Ian Winkle, Alameda, discussed the Alameda Junior Golf proposal to operate the Mif Albright Course. (11 -374) Gwen Austin, El Realto Horne Owners Association, stated a stop sign is needed at the intersection of Chestnut Street and Central Avenue; submitted a letter and a petition. Councilmember deHaan stated the City has a traffic advisory group to address said matters, to which the City Manager could refer the matter. (11 -375) Mike Swartz, El Realto Home Owners Association, discussed accidents at the intersection of Chestnut Street and Central Avenue. (11-376) Gretchen Lipow, Alameda, discussed campaign contributions from the Firefighters Union. (11 -377) Adam Gillitt, Alameda, submitted a document and discussed campaign contributions from the Firefighters Union; questioned why the City Manager rode on a fire truck at the 4th of July Parade. Following the Public Comment, dice Mayor Bonta requested staff communicate with Council on the stop sign request follow up; stated that he would like to follow the matter. Councilmember Johnson stated Council discussed an overall management plan for stop signs, which Public works is completing; requested the status also be check. The City Manager stated staff would check on the issue and bring it back in September; with respect to the specific stop sign request, staff would inform Council via e -mail; commented on riding on the 1920 fire truck. Special Meeting Alameda City Council 1 July 12, 2011 AGENDA ITEM (11 -378) Discuss Harbor Bay Isle Associate's Proposal for Land Exchange and Funding for the Chuck Corica Golf Complex Course Improvements and New Sports Fields and Direct Staff to Negotiate with Harbor Bay and KemperSports Management. There was a discussion of Councilmember deHaan's request for Councilmembers to disclose any relevant campaign contributions and recuse themselves. The City Attorney stated that she would provide a memo to Council on the matter. The Assistant City Manager and City Manager gave a brief presentation. Tire Hoppen, Harbor Bay Isle Association, and Gary Linn, Knott Linn, gave a brief overview of the proposal. In response to mayor Gilmore's request to address the golfing community's concern that reconfiguration would result in less than 2 championship golf courses, Mr. Linn stated the length with the shorter par 70s offers great variety, several par 5s, and dramatically enhances the quality of the features. Councilmember Johnson stated play on the north course is heavier than the south Course for many reasons; Inquired whether the proposed design changes would help equalize the play between the courses. Mr. Linn responded the south Course is not up to the quality standard of other Bay Area courses; stated conditions are a factor in use patterns; there is an opportunity to greatly enhance the quality [of the south Course]. Councilmember deHaan provided a copy of the current configuration; inquired about the current and proposed acreage of the south Course, to which Mr. Linn responded that he does not have the information, but could provide the information on the proposed acreage. In response to Councilmember deHaan's inquiry regarding the acreage of the Mif, Mr. Linn stated the new Mif would be 19 /2 acres and the old Mif is about 14 1 /2 acres. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the new Mif would be moved to the back nine holes of the current South Course, Mr. Linn responded the new Mif would be in a portion of the front nine and part of the back nine; a little bit of both nines would be impacted. Councilmember deHaan stated Mr. Linn Indicated the Mif would be opened up; inquired whether the new south Course would be opened up, to which Mr. Linn responded the Special Meeting Alameda City Council 2 July 12, 2011 new South Course would be shorter. In response to Councilmember del lawn's inquiry whether the South Course would be tighter, Mr. Linn stated not necessarily. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether a full [South] Course would be consolidated with the Mif, to which Mr. Linn responded in the affirmative. In response to Councilmember deHaan's inquiry about probably close to 30% of the acreage is being taken away, Mr. Linn stated the [South Course] end product is a course equal to the Forth Course, which is more popular. Councilmember deHaan stated the North Course is wide open with many amenities and a different configuration; that he is concerned about acres being taken from the South Course. Mr. Linn stated the course would be consolidated, but is within design standards. Councilmember Tara inquired whether the putting green and chipping area next to the new Norma Arnerich Teaching Center which was included in the Wadsworth Architectural Plan would be part of the [Harbor Bay] proposal. Mr. Hoppe.n responded the idea would be studied to see if the [putting and chipping] area can be incorporated into the west or north side of the Norma Arnerich Academy; stated the Mif property is roughly 14 acres; the deal calls for a swap of 12.2 acres; there is excess property; more information is needed about the practice area; if it does not work, the [putting and chipping] area could be incorporated in 19 acre redesigned Mif, which would shorten the course a little; there is also more space in the Maitland road and Harbor Bay Parkway area. Councilmember deHaan noted said area is 3 acres at best. Vice Mayor Bonta Inquired whether golf has an Industry standard that all courses with more acreage are better than those with lesser acreage, to which Mr. Linn responded great golf courses are usually on great pieces of real estate; great settings rake for great golf. In response to vice Mayor Bonta's inquiry whether design matters for the golfer's experience, Mr. Linn responded absolutely. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the newly designed South Course would provide for a better golf experience than the current course. Mr. Linn responded in the affirmative; stated there is an opportunity to take what is not high quality due to wear and tear and create different strategies and build new golf holes that would do so. Special Meeting Alameda City Council 3 July 12, 2011 Vice Mayor Bonta requested specifics of why the design would be better. Mr. Linn stated the course would not feel as wide open; character and quality would be added to make play an interesting experience. Councilmember Johnson Inquired about the difference In play on the South Course and North Course. John Nest, KemperSports On -Site Manager, responded the South Course is down; KemperSports has been running promotions, which Increased play; most tournaments want to play the North Course. In response -to Councilmember Johnson's inquiry about the price of the two courses, Mr. Vest responded the price is the same. Councilmember Johnson requested the numbers of rounds for each course, to which Mr. Vest responded currently through June, the North Course rounds are 19,180; the Clark [South] Course is 18,106. In response to Councilmember Johnson's request for the same information for last fiscal year, Mr. Hest stated for the South Course there were 40,280 rounds for FY 2009 -10 and 38,376 rounds for FY 2010 -11; for the North Course for FY 2009 -10, there were 55,175 rounds and 47,583 rounds for FY 2010 -11. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Mr. Linn's firm designs driving ranges, to which Mr. Linn responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired how close are driving ranges to residential; to which Mr. Linn responded ranges are unique in that fencing usually deals with distance issues; stated higher fences are built to deal with distance. Councilmember deHaan inquired hove high the fence would have to be, to which Mr. Linn responded the fence at the Metropolitan Is more standard, with heights up to 120 to 150 feet. Councilmember deHaan inquired about lighting for the driving range, to which Mr. Linn responded the matter depends on the operator. In response to Councilmember deHaan's inquiry about the impacts of lights on homes, Mr. Linn stated lights can be an issue with residences so designers work to steer lights away from residences. f Councilmember deHaan inquired whether there would be issues with adjacent residential, to which Mr. Linn responded the range is currently lit; for the new homes, the use would be existing and known. Special Meeting Alameda City Council 4 July 12, 2011 Jane Sullwold, Golf Commission chair, gave a brief presentation. Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the physical design of the proposal would fit the needs of the golfing community, to which Ms. Sullwold responded at the Golf commission meeting, there was not a consensus and people had a lot of questions; personally, she would not object to a slightly shorter Clark [South] course; the trend in the golf industry these days is to build longer courses because the equipment has improved and people are hitting the ball farther; that she is concerned about a practice facility not being incorporated like the Wadsworth plan, which she understands is being reviewed; that she did not hear substantial objections to making the Clark [South] course shorter. In response to dice Mayor Bonta's inquiry about the redesign of the Mif, Ms. Sullwold stated the proposed course sounds better; the current Mif was designed by the Golf Commission and is not great; that she is relying on experts to address safety concerns; further stated that she has a question about the process for the approximately 116 houses on the current Mif site. Mayor Gilmore stated the regular planning process would be followed. Ms. Sullwold stated the biggest complaint that she heard was about the traffic impact of building the houses. The City Manager stated the council would be authorizing staff to negotiate an MOU, which would permit Harbor Bay to submit an application to the Planning Board; the application would go through the normal planning process includin g California Environmental Quality Act review; traffic studies would need to be updated; the land swap would not take place until after the process is complete, including an y appeals; eals; tonight, staff is requesting direction from Council, which is a critical .first step on a stalled process that has been spinning for years; there are many more steps, which all include public input, that have to be completed prior to the land swap. Ms. Sullwold stated money in the Enterprise Fund has been burned through; at the current rate, funds might not be left to sustain operations through the end of the long planning process. The city Manager stated planning staff has already reached out to the environmental consultant to ask for an expedited study; staff intends to move very quickly precisely because there is not a lot of time from the purely financial perspective. Ben Blake, KemperSports, gave a brief presentation. 'dice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the project budget includes irrigation fixes on the South course back nine, to which Mr. Blake responded in the affirmative; stated there is $1 million for the North Course and $1 million for the South Course and the Mif. Special Meeting Alameda city council July 12, 2011 Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the amount for the South course includes the back nine. l'lllr. Blake responded in the affirmative; stated the south course is the unknown; the irrigation pipes have asbestos, which has to be addressed. Councilmember Johnson stated it sounds like there was confusion about how much money would be invested in the project at the Golf commission meeting; inquired whether the amount given at the meeting was $9 million or $3.5 million. Mr. Floppen stated that harbor Bay addressed the proposal and he shared the new Mif estimates ranged from $950,000 to $1.2 million; the amount for reconfiguration of the South course was from $'1.g to $2.5;. [adding the amounts] is how the $3.5 million was reached; the Kemper plan, phasing and budgets are above said amount. Councilmember Johnson stated everyone should understand the total contribution to the golf course would be $9 million. Mr. Blake stated KemperSports has completed a project budget which bras close to $3.5 million; Mr. Linn obtained a proposal from Wadsworth construction and the budget was nearly identical to the one prepared by KemperSports on the reconfiguration of the Mif. The city Manager stated if the two harbor Bay and Kemper proposals are put together, $3.5 million from harbor Bay would go towards constructing the new Mif, moving the holes and performing critical, urgent work on the forth course; the rest of the $9 million would carne on a $500,000 per year basis from Kemper; the total commitment comes close to matching the Motional Golf Foundation's $9 million suggestion. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the city is counting on the money from the Wadsworth Foundation for the Mif, to which Mr. Blake responded the amount is contemplated in the budget; Wadsworth has not committed to it; Kemper is committed to providing Wadsworth's three key points revolving around access, affordabilit y and programming for juniors. Councilmember Johnson noted Wadsworth would not give the $250,000 in one lump sure. Councilmember del -laan stated the FY 201 2 -1 3 budget includes a north drainage project of close to $2.5 million and driving range of $500,000, which is close to the $3.5 million; inquired how $1 million would be put together for the Mif and whether $1 million would result in a full, operational Mif. Mr. Blake responded $1 million is for a full, operational Mif. Councilmember deHaan inquired ;whether the extra $100,000 could be used to renovate the old Mif if the Wadsworth funding came in over the next 3 years. Special Meeting Alameda City council 0 July 12, 2011 Mr. Blake responded that he does not have said numbers; Kemper did not look into said project. Councilmember deHaan Inquired whether new tees, new fairways and 6 new greens would be done for $1 million, to which Mr. Blake responded in the affirmative and stated two different groups came up with the same number. In response to Councilmember deHaan's inquiry about how long it would take to get the South Course functioning, Mr. Blake responded the plan is to always have 27 holes open at all times; Kemper believes it can get each of the 0 holes done in a 12 month period; the driving range and Mif will be done at the same time because having the whole area under construction at the same time is more efficient. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether 2010 is when the south Course would be done, to which Mr. Blake responded there has been a request that the project not start until after the commuters [tournament]; although each will take 12 months, there is overlap in future years. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Mif and south Course would not be complete until 2016. Mr. Blake responded in the negative; stated completing contracts would take one year; the new Mif as well as the reconfiguration of nine holes of the south Course would be finished going into 2014; the plan would be to start construction right after' the commuters [tournament] in 2013 and open a new Mif and nine on the south Course in April 2014. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Kemper has estimated the revenue loss that would occur from the closures. Mr. Blake responded the projections have been completed and can be shared; there will also be a reduction in expense because holes will be out of play; Kemper believes the 27 hole option will be manageable from a profit standpoint. The City Manager stated said issues would be dealt with in the negotiations. Councilmember Tam stated Kemper will put $600,000 into the facility over the 0 year period on top of the $3.5 million from Harbor Bay; Kemper will recapture costs over time; inquired whether less of the Harbor Bay contribution could be used up front. Mr. Blake stated his understanding is the amount of money going in up front is to get the major improvements done quickly. The City Manager stated the concept is the City would be paid $5 million for the land swap once entitlements are in place; staff thought the money should be used to pay for Special Meeting Alameda City Council 7 July 12, 2011 the new Miif and other really pressing issues at the golf course, leaving $1.5 million; looming at a use for the land swapped and after discussions with the sporting community, staff is suggesting committing to two fields at said location. Councilmember Tarp stated the City can use the money however it chooses; spending 70% in the first year all on the golf course does not leave flexibility to address other pressing recreational needs in the City, such as the pool and Thomson fields. The City Manager stated if the Council wants to allocate the $5 million in a different way, he would not suggest taking the $3.5 million from golf because Council would be defeating its own policy of maintaining affordable junior golf; however, if Council does not want to use the money to construct fields on the swapped land, it could be put towards another issue. Councilmember deHaan inquired when the revenue would be generated, to which the City Manager responded the $5 million is encumbered on the entitlement and would not come to the City until the process is complete; the MQU provides Harbor Bay the legal standing to pursue the entitlements and go through the regular process; if Harbor Bay were not successful in receiving the entitlements after a certain amount of time, the deal would go away; at the time Harbor Bay transfers to a homebuilder the City transfers to Harbor Bay in the same escrow; the City only gives up the Mif when Harbor Bay pays the City $5 million. Councilmember del -laan inquired whether the City has made a determination that soccer fields are needed in the Harbor Bay area. Mayor Gilmore stated Council would discuss what to do with the land in September; the matter tonight is about the framework. Councilmember deHaan stated that he is concerned about the City swapping for land it does not need; there is plenty of land at Alameda Point. Speak Barbara Price, North Loop Business Croup; David Bratzler, Alameda; Ron Matthews, Alameda Little League; Jim Strehlow, Alameda; Griff Peal, Alameda Youth Sports Coalition; Joe flan Winkle, Alameda; Honora Murphy, Alameda; Barbara Kahn, Alameda; Beverly Blatt, Alameda; Robert wood, Alameda (submittal); Ron. Salsig, Alameda; Jon Spangler, Alameda; Mark Ames, Alameda Soccer Club; Bill Schmitz, Golf Commission; Tony Corica, Alameda; Karen Bey, Alameda; and Bert Morgan, Alameda. During Mr. Staylow's comments, Councilmember Tangy left the dais at 8:58 p.m. and returned at 8:58 p.m. Mayor Gilmore requested the City Manager to comment on the appraisals Special Meeting Alameda City Council July 12, 2011 The City Manager stated both appraisals were commissioned by the City; there was no consultation with any of the other parties about selection of the appraiser; the appraiser was asked to review ghat the Mif value would be as fully entitled residential and the other land as entitled for residential or commercial, since residential had not been successful. The Recreation and Parks Director reviewed the appraisal numbers. The City Manager stated the differential between the two properties is $1,321,000 and the City is being offered for $5 million; the additional value for the City is profit sharin g of nearly $3.7 million. Vice Mayor Bonta the fundamentals of the proposal are very strong and provide many benefits to the community, such as. continuing 35 holes rather than 27, as desired by the golfing community; honoring Council's commitment to continue to provide junior golf and doing so on a superior course; the proposal also includes numerous upgrades, renovations and improved peer reviewed designs and a capital reinvestment plan; the swap of an equal size of land has an over $3.5 million differential in the City's favor; the creative solutions allow the public to enjoy benefits; the land would provide the opportunity for an all weather facility for football, soccer and lacrosse; the proposal provides a long -term plan for a sustainable golf course; the MOU is the first proposal; that he has faith in staff to protect the City's interest. Councilmember Johnson concurred with 'dice Mayor Bonta; stated for years, the City has been searching for a sustainable plan to save the golf course; there has been a significant downturn in golf; there are not a lot of golf courses where $9 million is being invested; the proposal is an opportunity for making significant improvements to both golf courses and creating a nine hole; Council would be directing staff to negotiate. Councilmember deHaan stated the vast majority of the hales intersect; the current South Course only has four holes in the area and the proposal has five and a half holes; that he is concerned about safety; Kemper previously came back with a proposal for renovating 35 holes in 10 years; the Mif was being taken care of with a funding stream in place; reviewed various development plans and sports field issues; stated the City is prostituting a good [golf] complex that it should have made successful; stated that he would like to have discussions with Kemper about its other 30 hole proposal. Councilmelmber Tam stated the Council wants the golf course to stay open and sustainable; the City is going through hard times and has to be creative in dealing with a deteriorating facility with a lot of deferred maintenance; the concept being proposed. is worth exploring; the City should look at moving forward with negotiations; that she would like certain items addressed during negotiations: the timing of the City getting the $5 million; the prospective homebuilder should be included; funds should be available simultaneously upon approval of entitlements; that she would like to see plans for the sports fields, the South Course and Mif be completed as soon as possible; that she would like more information on Kemper's contribution based on information Kemper Special Meeting Alameda City Council 9 July 12. 2011 provided on January 25 th in terms of cost recovery and rate of returns. Mayor Gilmore stated the only reason the proposal is being considered is because the City would be getting cash for renovating the golf course, constructing fields .or or doin g g something else; the cash is driving the discussion; that she is concerned and does not have confidence about the money; that she understands there is no transfer until the City gets the money; working out a deal will take a certain amount of .time; them, it will take another period of time to go through the entitlement process; questioned how the City would have money to do [golf operations in the meantime; cash is. contingent. on getting a homebuilder to buy the property; she wants assurances that the homebuilder can pay, such as a balance sheet; the escrow should have milestones for g releasin the funds; that she does not want to end up in a dispute with Harbor p Bay.or the otential homebuilder; section 4.2 of the MOU proposed by Harbor Bay gives Harbor Bay entirely too much discretion; the proposed MOU attempts to bind th City while. harbor Bay gets rights to walk away; there is no unconditional obligation .to. pay the. Cit y; the City gets paid if harbor Bay sells the land to a homebuilder and if Harbor Bay is. happy with the entitlements; for her, everything is conditional on the amount of. money the. City gets; questioned what rights the City gets under the MOU, which is more. like a letter of intent; stated the details are not going to be hammered out until the settlement purchase agreement referenced [in the MOU]. Councilmember Johnson stated Council has given consistent direction to maintain affordable golf for juniors; a monthly pass should be kept for residents; there should be a greater differential between residents and nonresidents [fees, which cannot be done under current conditions; further stated if the proposal works out and .the. golf course is in better condition, more people will be willing to pay non- rresident fees; that she ho p es play is increased overall and leveled out between the North Course and south Course. Mayor Gilmore stated the City should be very clear about what it is getting out -of the deal; someone brought up profit sharing as part of the deal, which could be a very attractive mechanism for replacing the fields down the road and building a fund for golf course future capital improvements. Councilmember deHaan stated Kemper previously included profit sharing. Mayor Gilmore clarified that she meant profit sharing with the homebuilder. Councilmember deHaan stated a decision tonight is telling the community the Council believes the Mif could be developed into residential; the Planning Board is going to think the Council is willing to have the area become residential; that he does. not want to give said impression; the normal planning process is to come to Council after the Plannin Board. Mayor Gilmore questioned what the Plan B would be if the entitlements are not forthcoming. Special Meeting Alameda City Council 10 July 12, 2011 Mice Mayor Bonta stated the regulatory process would be followed; noted no other artificial fields would be carping on line anytime soon; artificial fields are the top priority of the youth sports community. Mayor Gilmore inquired what staff is looking for tonight. The city Manager responded the conversation has been very helpful and has provided open, public direction about what staff should incorporate [in negotiations]; staff. is looking for a motion directing staff to pursue the basic concept of sale of the Mif Albright Course for sufficient revenue to generate the new Mif Albright course as well as enough funds to begin the process of addressing capital for other youth sports needs; .staff would come back in September with a proposal about how to handle. North Loop Road; staff will negotiate a MOU; staff mould like direction to pursue negotiations and the matter will come back for another public hearing and a vote on the a a reed. upon MOU g p separate item will come back about the on going relationship with Kemper; and the third item would be how to handle the youth sports element. Mayor Gilmore inquired whether council is being asked to make a decision about the land swap tonight. The city Manager responded in the negative; stated a decision cannot be made .on the swap tonight; staff is looking for direction to go negotiate. Mayor Gilmore stated that she is not sure the MOU will give her the level of detail that will make her comfortable. The city Manager stated more detail will be in the MOU [when it returns]; Harbor Bay cannot go to the Manning Board without the MOU; the Mold will .not commit the city to anything other than a good faith attempt to move forward with the process; a final purchase agreement will have to be reached after going through the process. Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the golf course would continue to operate as. is .during the process, to which the city Manager responded in the affirmative; stated the land trade and the $5 million is at least a year off. Mayor Gilmore stated that she is concerned about how golf operations will be funded during said time; inquired whether there could be a funding mechanism while the money is escrow. The city Manager stated the city would have discussions with Kemper between now and the property sale about how to proceed. councilmember Tam stated Kemper is relying on the Harbor Bay piece; inquired' how the city can get the financial guarantees it needs. The city Manager responded if the Harbor Bay proposal does not go through, there Special Meeting Alameda city council July 12, 2011 would not be $3.5 million to move the Mif, reconfigure the course and fix irrigation; how long improvements mould take in said event would depend on the deal with Kemper; the needs of the golf course exceed the funds from the Harbor Bay deal; stability has. to be created for the next 20 years to prevent the matter [golf course o p erations from returning in several years; changes have to be made in order to keep the excellent 45 hole facility; Councilmember deHaan stated 60 days ago there was a proposal for Kemper and Junior Golf to go forward; the only thing the City gets out of the pro p. oral is $1..5.million for an artificial turf field; the money might not be there; if the proposal does. not go forward within a year, the Wadsworth funds will be gone. The City Manager noted $250,000 [from Wadsworth] would not solve the [golf capital needs] problem. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Ron Cowan [Harbor Bay] :has to sell assets to get the $5 million, to which the City Manager responded that his :focus is .not on Ron Cowan's background. Vice Mayor Bonta moved approval of providing direction to .staff to move in the direction outlined by the City Manager. In response to Mayor Gilmore's request for clarification, `dice Mayor Banta stated. the direction is to negotiate and come back in September with a proposed I OU with Harbor Bay with more detailed concepts, a proposed lease agreement with KemperS p orts and a concept to pursue sports fields on North Loop load; the ll QUI the sports. field concept and lease agreement should have the key concepts in the staff report. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. Linder discussion, Councilmember Johnson inquired when the details would address ensuring affordable junior golf. The City Manager responded that he would ask the Council to give' staff policy direction right now that the negotiations with both .parities should ensure the preservation of affordable and assessable golf for juniors and senior citizens* Vice (Mayor Bonta accepted the suggestion as an amendment to the motion. Councilmember Johnson stated that she would like to add residents to the list. Vice (Mayor Bonta agree to accept said amendment, too, Councilmember Johnson seconded the amended motion. Mayor Gilmore stated three things are corning back in September; inquired whether Special [Meeting Alameda City Council 12 July 12, 201 there would be a Kemper agreement that would be independent of the other pieces, to which the City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated the items are related but not bound. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the City would continue to have an operational golf course with 45 holes while the [Harbor Bay] project goes through the. regulator g Y process, to which the City Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired how many votes are required under the Charter since the proposal involves a land transfer. The City Attorney responded a written memorandum on the matter would be provided. Councilrnember deHaan inquired whether the clarification would be provided prior to September, to which the City Attorney responded in the affirmative. The City Manager noted the direction tonight only requires three votes; it may be that the land transfer may require four votes depending on the reading of the Charter. Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the vote tonight does not bind the City to anything other than directing staff to go forward and negotiate, to which the City Manager responded in the affirmative. On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote. Ayes: Councilmembers Bonta, Johnson, Tarn and Mayor Gilmore 4. Noes: Councilmen ber deHaan 1. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 10:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Alameda City Council 13 July 12, 2011 UNAPPROVED MINUTES of THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -JULY 19 -5:00 P.M. Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 0:09 p.m. Roll Call Present; Councilmembers Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor Gilmore 5. Absent: None. The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: (11 -379) Public Employment (54957); Title: City Attorney (11 -380) Conference with Labor Negotiators (54957.6); Agency negotiators: Human Resources Director; Employee organizations: All bargaining units. (11 -381) Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Liti ation; Case Name. Petition for Local Tax Reallocation of the City of Livermore; Account Number: 099-600375, California State Board of Equalization. Following the Closed Session, the meeting was reconvened and Mayor Gilmore announced that regarding Public Empl oyment, direction _was provided to the Human Resources Director regarding City Attorney selection process; regarding Labor, the Human Resources Director brief the City council on negotiations with Alameda Police Officers Association, Alameda Police Management Association, and Alameda Fire Managers Association; regarding Existing Litigation, the Acting City Attorney brief the Council and was given direction. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 6. p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Alameda City Council July 19, 201 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -JULY 19 -7:00 P.M. Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7.05 p.m. Councilmember Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present; Councilmembers Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tangy and Mayor Gilmore 5. Absent. None. AGENDA CHANGES None. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS (11 -382) Presentation by the Park Street Business Association on the 27 Annual Art and Wine Faire. Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association (PSBA), presented glasses to the Council. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON- AGENDA (11 -383) Dennis Carol, Alameda, expressed his concern with the Crown Memorial Beach incident and the political organization of the Fire Department. (11 -384) Jeannie D'Arnato, Alameda; Leslie Gomez, Alameda; and former Councilmelmber Tony Daysog discussed District 31 undergrounding. Mayor Gilmore requested the Assistant City Manager to follow up with the Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) General Manager regarding the undergrounding issue; stated another public meeting is in order. The Assistant City Manager stated that she spoke to the AMP General Manager earlier this evening; a Public Utilities Board meeting was held last night; another meeting is scheduled for August 15 th (11 -385) Kathy Moeh ring, Alameda, stated Angela's Restaurant provided Christmas meals to the public last year; Angela's is having a fund raiser this Saturday; invited Council to the event. (11 -380) Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated a ribbon cutting and inauguration for the Estuary Crossing shuttle from Alameda to Oakland will be held on August 15 th Regular Meeting Alameda City Council July 19, 2011 CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Gilmore announced that the Plans and Specifications for Bids for Rehabilitation of Tennis Courts [paragraph no. 11.394], the Amendment to the Ambulance and Paramedic Provider Agreement [paragraph no. 11 -395], the Resolution Approving a Revised Memorandum of Understanding with the Alameda Police Officers Association [paragraph no. 11.397], the Resolution Affirming Support for the 34 America's Cup [paragraph no. 11 -399], and the Resolution Authorizing Open Market Contract with Yamaha Corporation [paragraph no. 11 -4001 were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Cou ncil member Tarn moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] *'11 -387 Minutes of the Special City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and Community Improvement Commission Meeting held on June 28, 2011; and the Special Joint City Council, Community Improvement Commission and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Meeting and Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on July 6, 2011. Approved. *11 -388) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,302,430.39. *11 -389) Recommendation to Award Contract in the Amount of $432,200, Including Contingencies, to Gallagher Burk, Inc. for Parking Rehabilitation of the Main Street and Harbor Bay Ferry Terminals, No. P.W. 05-11-14. Accepted. *11 -390) Recommendation to Award Contract in the Amount of $79,474, Including Contingencies, to Republic Intelligent Transportation Services to Remove 1 Replace LED Signals for Traffic and Pedestrian Signal Heads /Indicators in the City of Alameda, No. P .W 04-11-08. Accepted. *11 -391) Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of $146,912, Including Contingencies, to Robert C. Terry, DBA Comfort Air Mechanical Systems, for the Annual Heating, ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems Maintenance in various City Facilities, No. P.W. 06- 20 -28. Accepted. *11 -392) Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize a Call for Bids for the Upgrade of the City of Alameda Sewer Pump Stations, Phase 3: Ba y Farm Island Pump Station Rehabilitation, No. P.W. 12- 10 -35, and Standardize Equipment for Specific Major Components for All City of Alameda Sewer Pump Stations. Accepted. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 July 19, 2011 *11 -393 Recommendation to Authorize the Purchase of Holophane Streetli 9 hts for the Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 10 -09 -30 Project from W.W. Grainger, Inc. in the Amount of $350,000, Including Contingencies, and Authorize the City Manager to Execute All Necessary Documents. Accepted. (11 -394) Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize a Call for Bids for Rehabilitation of Tennis Courts (Various Locations), No. P.W. 05- 11 -10. The City Engineer gave a brief presentation. Councilmernber deHaan inquired ghat is the estimate for the project. The City Engineer responded $350,000 has been allocated; stated Leydecker Park would be resurfaced with a new floating surface, Lower Washington Park and Krusi Park would be repaired by placing wide fiber tape over the surface. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired why Leydecker Park would receive different treatment and why Krusi Park improvements would be included if sufficient funds are available, The City Engineer responded the Recreation and Parks Department selected Leydecker Park for the premium court installation; stated that Krusi Park needs less repair. The Assistant City Manager stated the Recreation Commission and staff went through a prioritization process. Councilmember Tarn stated Measure WW bond criteria requires that an improvement lasts 25 years. Council deHaan left the dais at 7:25 p.m. and returned at 7:26 p.m. Councilrnernber Johnson moved approval of the staff recommendation. Mice Mayor Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. (11 -395) Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the City of Alameda Ambulance and Paramedic Provider Agreement with Alameda County, and Receive an Update on Related Legislation. Councilrnember Tam inquired why Section 2.4 of the 1999 Agreement is not in the 2010 Agreement. The Interim Fire Chief responded Section 2.4 dealt with non emergency transports between nursing homes and hospitals; stated the language was put in the 1999 Regular Meeting Alameda City Council July 19, 2011 Agreement because the County offered the City the opportunity to help off set operating costs once the system was built out; that he does not know why the language has been left out of the 2010 Agreement; the former Acting Fire Chief was advised by the former Interim City Manager that the County did not have the authority to grant the City the Exclusive operating Areas (EOA) for non emergency transports; getting the EOA back into the 2010 Agreement would depend on negotiations with the County. The Acting City Attorney stated the City would discuss adding the language back with the County; the County's Deputy Counsel has advised her that the language was not appropriate for the Agreement. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the City received anything of value in return when Section 2.4 was removed, to which the Interim Fire Chief responded nothing that he can find. Councilmember Johnson inquired what would be the practical impact if all non emergency transports were provided by the City. The Interim Fire Chief responded the City would have the opportunity to review several options for providing inter facility, non emergency transport; stated the Fire Department could be used as part of the transport system; others could be hired to provide the service or a contract could be provided to an ambulance provider that is already in business for a portion of the fees. Councilmember Johnson questioned whether having Alameda Hospital pay an ambulance fee to the City would be reasonable. Councilmember deHaan stated when fee schedules were discussed about ten months ago, the former Acting Fire Chief did not feel that the Fire Department should transport patients from one hospital to another. Councilmember Tara stated the December 7, 2010 minutes note that the former Acting Fire Chief discussed the importance of having the EOA in order to be a provider of emergency ambulance and advanced life support services; read what Section 2.4 stated; stated an EOA is something the County can clearly do; the City has not requested an EOA in the past; the City does not have the EOA option because the section is not in the 2010 Agreement. The Assistant City Manager stated the December 7th staff report discussed advanced life support and emergency services; Section 2.4 addressed non-emergency ambulance transport; people could be picked up from a convalescent hospital and delivered to a doctor's appointment or rehabilitation facility using City. personnel or subcontracting out to a private entity and taking a cut as the exclusive provider. Councilmember Johnson stated the County subcontracts the services, which is a revenue generator. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 .duly 19, 2011 The Interim Fire Chief stated a former Ells Director developed a report detailing 9 revenues; that he requested the report and would provide it to Council. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the Alameda Hospital ambulance is licensed, to which the Interim Fire Chief responded that he does now know. In response to Councilmember Johnson's inquiry, the Interim Fire Chief stated the County has the right to award contracts and EOA's throughout the Count y for non emergency ambulance transports. Mayor Gilmore stated Council is very interested in adding Section 2.4 language to the Agreement. Councilmember Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. *11 -396 Reject the Sole Bid and Resolution No.1 4609 "Authorizing 'Open Market Negotiations of a Contract Pursuant to Section 3-15 of the Alameda City Charter for Park Street Streetscape, Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue, and central Avenue to San Jose Avenue, No. P. W. 10- 09 -30, Contingent Upon Caltrans Approval of Cost Effectiveness /Public Interest Finding." Adopted. 11-397 Resolution No. 14610 "Approving a Revised Memorandum of U.nderstandin 9 (MOU) Between the Alameda Police officers Association and the City of Alameda for the Period Beginning January 3, 2010 and Ending June 29, 2013." Adopted. The Human Resources Director gave a brief presentation. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the MOU is the same as the one approved for the Fire Fighters, to which the Human Resources Director responded in the affirmative. Mayor Gilmore inquired whether staff had been in negotiations for eighteen months to two years, to which the Human Resources Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Tarn Stated public safety already pays the entire [employee] PERS contribution; inquired whether public safety would be paying the City's portion. The Human Resources Director responded public safety would be paying the 2% portion of the City's contribution; Stated currently, public safety pays 9% towards pension; the revised MOU would result in public safety paying 11 Councilmember Tam inquired whether other cities have public safety pay the full Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 .duly 19, 2911 employee and part of the city contribution. The Human Resources Director responded most public agencies public safety pay some portion of the employee's contribution; a 9% employee contribution is required by State law; however, employers can pay a portion of the employee contribution; many have and continue to do so; years ago, the City opted to have employees pay the 9% employee contribution; under the revised MOU, public safety would still pay the 9% and would pick up 2% of the City's contribution. Mayor Gilmore stated the City would be breaking new ground in a good way. In response to Councilmember deHaan's inquiry, the Human Resources Director stated the estimated $459,000 savings [for future retiree healthcare] would not be immediate. Councilmember deHaan inquired what would be the savings in the first year, to which the Human Resources Director responded $3,000 in 2011 and $20,200 for 2012. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the Fire MOU has similar savings, to which the Human Resources Director responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the combined savings would be approximately $1 million per year, to which the Human Resources Director responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the City would be cutting its future public safety healthcare liability in half, to which the Human Resources Director responded almost half by elimination of the City paying spousal coverage. Councilmember Johnson stated the proposed change would be a very significant structural change; Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) have been in place since the early 1990's; this is the first time a significant change would be made. Mayor Gilmore inquired whether Police officers have not received a raise in the last six ye a rs The Human Resources Director responded Police Officers would not receive a raise for six years [going back and] through the term of the MOU. Councilmember deHaan stated savings would be gradual. The Human Resources Director stated savings would be realized fairly soon because current public safety employees would be reducing the amount of the current entitled benefit. Mayor Gilmore stated the negotiating process was not easy for either side; a lot of people think that the City has the power to impose its will on bargaining units, which is not true; once negotiations start, a contract is confidential; going forward, there will be a Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 July 19, 2011 thirty -day comment period before negotiations start; at a certain point, all proposals are put on the table; new proposals cannot be put on the table after a certain date. The Human Resources Director stated both parties have to agree to put new proposals on the table past a certain date; the city Manager would schedule a meeting in September about the open process. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether all CMOU's would be reviewed in September, to which the Human Resources Director responded all 1MOU's corning up for negotiations. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the [Police] MOU would have binding arbitration, to which the Human Resources Director responded the MOU does not have binding interest arbitration. Councilmember deHaan stated ghat is done for one union should be done for all. Councilmember Johnson stated Ac Transit has provision for imposing an agreement,; Ac Transit did so, which went to court; the court required AC Transit to settle at the bargaining table. Councilmember deHaan discussed his concerns with the impacts on the General Fund budget. Mayor Gil -more stated pushing for more advantageous terms mould have taken a lot longer and long -term structural concessions might not have been realized. Councilmember Johnson stated gages have not increased since June 200' and would not be given for two more years; wage erosion has occurred over the last four years; approving the Fire MOU did not end the process; the process is ongoing. Councilmember Tam stated cooperation between the City and unions results in good faith negotiations, unlike what happened with AC Transit [unilaterally imposing an agreement]. Speakers Red Wetherill, Alameda; and Jon Spangler, Alameda. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Tam seconded the notion. Under discussion, Vice Mayor Bonta thanked the Police officers Association for engaging in a good faith bargaining process, making a commitment to be part of the solution, and helping the city achieve near and long term savings; stated man y cities provided wage increases to public safety units within the last six years and then had to roll wages back; public safety would be sustaining a six -year commitment to the city's Regular [Meeting Alameda City council 7 July 19, 2911 financial health by not taking any wage increases and decreasing overall compensation through additional pension contributions. Councilmember deHaan stated that he strongly supports the Police officers; sixty -four percent of the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 budget would be one time savings; future obligations have not been addressed. Mayor Gilmore stated the OPEB liability has almost been cut in half; significant structural changes have been made to take care of future liabilities, Councilmember Johnson requested that the Human Resources Director explain OPEB changes. The Human Resources Director stated the OPEB liability would be reduced by approximately $1 million through the Fire MOU and proposed Police MOU. Councilmember Johnson stated there are two long -terra issues: one is the additional 2% contribution towards the PERS benefit; the other is that the city would be reducing the future cost of OPEB; the $70 million liability would be brought down and would not accumulate to the extent it has; instead of accumulating a liability for a retired employee and their spouse, the city would be accumulating a liability for the retiree only, which would be significant. Councilmember deHaan stated the $75 million liability increased to $82 million in the last year; in September, everything should be put on the table to understand what needs to be done to weather the storm. Mayor Gilmore stated council has acknowledged that the economy will not get better in the next four or five years and that the city is heavily dependant on property tax revenues; council has opted to discuss issues in September rather than January and has given direction to the city Manager to initiate talks with all bargaining units. On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Bonta, Johnson, Tam and Mayor Gilmore 4. Noes. Councilmember deHaan 1. *11 -398 Resolution No. 4011 "Approving a Revised Memorandum of Understanding Between the Alameda Police Managers Association and the city of Alameda for the Period Beginning February 28, 2010 and Ending June 29, 2013." Adopted. -399 Resolution No. 14012 "Affirming the City's support for. the 34 America's cup and the City's Participation in the Activities Surrounding These Events." Adopted. The Business Retention and Attraction Development Manager gave a brief presentation. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 July 19, 2011 Speakers Leslie Cameron, Bay Ship &'Yacht Company; Jack Boeger, AC 34 Committee; and Jinn oddie, AC 34 Committee. Mayor Gilmore stated the City takes the lead and usually does the planning; the City has no expertise in the America's Cup or maritime industry and would be looking to the speakers for Contacts and expertise. Councilrnember deHaan thanked the speakers for all the hard work and interest; stated now is the time to move forward. Councilrnember Johnson stated the old berths near the hornet should be considered for use. Councilrnember del -lawn stated the dredging should be pretty well completed by the time they would be needed. Ms. Cameron stated clean up has started; expediting the clean up would help. Councilmember Johnson stated the City should consider renting out berths, which would help pay to make the berths useable. Mayor Gilmore suggested that the Acting Community Development Director work with the speakers to prioritize the areas that are more important. The Acting Community Development Director stated that she would be happy to coordinate the effort and talk to the Navy. Councilmernber Johnson stated berthing space would be at a premium; the City should repair the berths as long as the numbers work out. Mayor Gilmore stated that staff should start moving now in order to project the idea that Alameda is in the game. Councilmernber Tarn stated that she was told that Alameda has approximately 1,200 berths; suggested working on marketing and reviewing other items that might require capital. Councilmernber deHaan stated some of the berths would be for visitors; teams do not like to be adjacent to competitors; vacant hanger space is available; the Restoration Advisory Board is addressing the [sea plane] lagoon, which could be a resource. Vice Mayor Banta thanked everyone for all of the time and commitment; stated opportunities are available to generate revenue for the City; third parties will want to have a clear statement regarding the City's intentions with respect to the American's Cup, which is provided by the proposed resolution that the America's Cup Committee can use while pursuing opportunities; adoption of the resolution is important to move Regular Meeting Alameda City Council July 19, 2011 forward. Mice Mayor Bonta moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote -400 Resolution No. 14013 "Authorizing the open Market Contract Between the City of Alameda and Yamaha Corporation Pursuant to Section 3 -15 of the Alameda City Charter to Lease 120 Golf Carts in the Amount Not to Exceed $360,000." Adopted. Dino Lazaro, Kemper Sports Golf Shop Manager, gave a brief presentation. Councilmember deHaan stated golf carts periodically, Carts need to be leased on commended staff for pursuing the matter. are the number one concern for golfers, weekends when there is a lot of activity; Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Tara seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Tarn echoed commendations, especially in negotiating to have Yamaha Corporation pick up the $08,000 in balloon payments from the old lease. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote 5. *11 -401 ordinance No. 3033 "Amending Sections 2 -1.1 and 2 -1.5 of Article I (The City Council and Meetings of the City council) of Chapter II (Administration) to Modify the Meeting Time and Deadline for Submission of Matters." Finally passed. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS -402 Public Hearing to Consider Resolution No. 14014 "Approving Tentative Map 8000 and. Density Bonus Application PLN 10- 0202." Adopted. Vice Mayor Bonta left the dais at 8:41 p.m. and returned at 8.43 p.m. and Councilmember Tam left the dais at 8:42 p.m. and returned at 8:44 p m. The Planning Services Manager gave a Poorer Point presentation. Mayor Gilmore inquired when the Bay Conservation Development Commission (BCDC) would become involved. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 10 July 19, 2011 The Planning Services Manager responded very quickly, stated the many conditions of approval need to be met; the final reap would come back to Council for approval and lots would be recorded once conditions are met; the two acres of open space include a certain amount of land on the northern side which is owned by the Army Corps of Engineers and would require BCDC approval; the proposed resolution requires completion of the park final design and Array Corps of Engineers and BCDC approval before the final reap will be approved. Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the property would be entitled once the final ma p is approved. The Planning Services Manager responded the property would be entitled but building permits would not be granted until design review for the architectural and landscape is complete. Mayor Gilmore stated staff and the community have gone through a lot of work; inquired what would happen if the property owners sell off the property, ghat type of assurances the City would have that the property would be built the way the City says it should be built, and whether the City would have any rights on hove the property could be transferred and to whom; stated that she would not want the property to be transferred and have someone sit on it for five or ten years. The Acting City Attorney responded Council approved a Settlement Agreement last October; a number of the exhibits are model documents to be used for the project; the property owner would be bound to adhere to Settlement Agreement requirements; assignment provisions would provide protection. The Planning Services Manager stated 90 plus conditions are art of the ma and p p entitlement which runs with the land; Settlement Agreement commitments and an Environmental Impact Report have been baked into the comprehensive list of conditions; any buyer would know ghat the expectations would be for the next steps. Mayor Gilmore requested clarification on the timing. The Planning Services Manager stated the economy is working against the City; having a Settlement Agreement is advantageous; commitments have been made to financially assist. the project with revenue generated by the project, which has a clock; the sale of the land would start the clock; the City's commitment to help financially may expire at a certain point if the land sells and nothing happens; the site has significant blight; there are some significant concerns with building conditions; at a certain point, the City may need to proceed with some type of enforcement action. The Acting Community Development Director stated the Settlement Agreement has a two -year timeframe for meeting a number of obligations. Councilmember Tarn inquired .ghat would be the assessed value of the transfer tax, to Regular Meeting Alameda City Council July 19, 291 which the Planning services Manager responded that he is not prepared to answer. In response to Councilmember Tam's inquiry, the Planning services Manager responded 21 to 28 of the 182 units would be in a single rental building; stated multi- family units would be affordable and market rate rentals; townhouses and single family homes would be on individual fee, simple lots; Elm Street and Blanding Avenue would be dedicated to the City; the park and open space would remain part of the project and would be built, owned, and maintained by the project; the entire two acres would have a public access easement. The Acting Community Development Director stated that staff is in real property negotiations with the owner for an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) to implement financial provisions of the Settlement Agreement; estimated revenues could be provided when staff comes back to Council for the OPA approval. Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the streets would be dedicated to the City but maintained by the project, to which the Planning Services Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Johnson requested clarification on obligations that would need to be met in the first two years to trigger the City's financial obligation. 4 The Acting Community Development Director stated objectives would include tentative reap consideration, the OPA, design approvals, and affordable housing agreements; a lot of the obligations would be transferred into the OPA and would have to be met to receive financial assistance. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether the clock would start running when the property transfers, to which the Planning services Manager responded in the affirmative; stated or when major improvements start. Councilmember Johnson inquired what would be the incentive for construction to start. The Planning services Manager responded everyone wants to develop a project that could start as soon as possible; stated under the current agreement, less financial help would be available the longer the project sits. Councilmember Johnson stated stronger incentives should be provided to ensure that the project moves forward. The Acting Community Development Director stated. an outside date could be provided in the OPA in which financial assistance would go away if performance measures have not been met. Councilmember Johnson requested that staff explore different options; inquired whether remediating the blight has a timeline. Regular fleeting Alameda City Council 12 July 19, 2011 The Planning Services [Manager responded not currently; stated the environmental cleanup has started on two thirds of the property. Councilmember Johnson stated a phasing schedule should be set for remediating the blight; inquired about the width of Elm street. The Planning Services [Manager responded there are two lanes in either direction as well as a parking lane. Councilmember Johnson stated the final design needs to clearly show that the public street leads to a public park, and the street does not look like a driveway, inquired about parking. The Planning Services Manager responded internal streets would have 42 public parking spaces. Councilmember Johnson inquired whether houses would have garages, to which the Planning services Manager responded all but 30 of the 182 units would have a two -car garage. Councilmember Johnson inquired how public parking would be ensured for park visitors; stated streets surrounding her house are jammed with overflow parking; that she is concerned the same thing would happen. Mayor Gilmore stated having an elevator or master bedroom on the first floor would be a great alternative for disabled access. The Planning Services Manager stated alternative floor plans have been integrated into the project design for disabled homebuyers. In response to Councilmember Johnson's concern about street width, the Public Works Director provided street width information; stated the left side of the intersection has an 8 foot. planting area which could be used to reach 28 feet; a condition would have to be added to the resolution. Mayor Gilmore inquired what is normal street width, to which the Public Works Director responded 30 feet, which includes two parking lanes. Councilmember Tam inquired whether having streets narrow at the beginning or end of a street would be advantageous to calm traffic. The Public Works Director responded intersection bulb outs are done for pedestrian safety; middle of the block bulb outs calm traffic. Phil Banta, Phil Banta Associates representing Applicant, stated space would be Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 July 19, 2011 needed for signage announcing the park; bulb outs would hide trash bins; requested consideration of allowing said items. In response to Councilmember deHaan's inquiry about the adjacent property road widening, Mr. Banta stated the adjacent property has an easement; widening the road could be done if the self storage area was ever developed into residential; having two driveways right next to each other creates a pedestrian sidewalk situation that is not easy to resolve; bulb outs are used is to get the center aligned as closely as possible. The Public Works Director suggested a condition be that the Applicant and City will work together to ensure that the entrance to Eire Street at Clement Avenue looks and appears like a public street and that trash enclosures will be re- examined. In response to Councilmember deHaan's inquiry, the Planning Services Manager stated the Applicant anticipates 30 of the 182 units having one -car garages. Councilmember deHaan stated that public parking will be a premium; inquired whether the City would have redevelopment money. The Planning Services Manager responded a lot depends upon what happens at the State level; stated money would be generated by the project; a small portion would be refunded back to the development for eligible expenses. The Acting Community Development Director stated the obligation was created with the October 2010 Settlement Agreement before the Governor's proposed budget cuts; the OPA would implement the obligation that the Community Improvement Commission (CIC) already committed to in October. Councilmember del -laan inquired whether staff foresees any more density bonus projects. The Planning Services Manager responded north of Park Street has a few sites that might be big enough to qualify; stated Alameda Point and the South shore Post office have been discussed. Speakers Robb Ratto, PSBA; Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, Planning Board; and Karen Bey, Alameda. Vice Mayor Bonta stated the waterfront access, blight removal, transit oriented design, and'the universal design for buyers with disabilities are all exciting_ components of the project; inquired ghat would be the plan for the property owner to sell the propert y and move the project forward. The Planning Services Manager responded the City's role is to facilitate redevelopment of a private piece of property, get a project approved, and provide some type of financial assistance incentive down the road; the city has no authority to screen or reject Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 July 19, 201 homebuilders. The Acting Community Development Director stated the Settlement Agreement has provisions regarding assignment or transfer of the rights; the settlement Agreement states that transferring or assigning rights has to be done with a person or entity who is qualified to build the reduced density alternative; similar provisions would be in the OPA. Councilmember Johnson stated that she would like to explore ways for puttin g in a phasing schedule; the City can say that the financial incentives are triggered by the approved reap, not when the property is sold or major construction starts; staff should be given direction to ensure the street appears public, not like a private driveway, and to determine how to provide parking for the park; inquired whether a phasing schedule should be established for park improvements. The Acting City Attorney responded the conditions of approval have a requirement for a phasing schedule at a certain point of time. The Planning services Manager stated the conditions of approval also establish specific phasing for the completion of open space and affordable housing. The Acting City Attorney stated the property owners are already aware that the City has the ability to do some self help in terms of the hazards on the site if postponement occurs. Councilmember Johnson moved adoption of the resolution with amendments to: 1) explore a phasing schedule, 2) provide financial incentives being triggered by approval of the [final] map, 3) ensure the street has the appearance of a public street, and 4) provide public parking for the park. Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the existing facility would be deconstructed or demolished. The Planning Services Manager responded current conditions require photo documentation of the demolition recycling requirement; there is no requirement for a particular deconstruction. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote 5. (11 -403) Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Alameda, California, Determining It Will Comply with the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program Pursuant to Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code in Order to Permit the Continued Existence and .Operation of the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 July 10, 2011 The Housing Department Development Manager and the Acting City Attorney gave a brief presentation. Mayor Gilmore stated the State passed a budget based upon incredibly rosy income projections; that she is concerned the State will advise cities that payments will not go down but will stay the same or increase when rosy projections do not carne true. The Housing Department Development Manager stated the legislature establishes the formula determining how much cities pay; the formula can be changed in the future, Speaker: Robb Ratto, PSBA. Councilmember deHaan inquired what other cities are doing. The Housing Department Development Manager responded 80% are opting into the program; stated cities that cannot afford to pay are opting out of the program. Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the ordinance. Councilmember Tangy seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Tam stated the State previously took $2 million and is now pitting cities against the counties and school districts for no apparent reason other than not being able to meet budgetary goals and obligations. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether Council is being asked to make a one -year commitment tonight. The Development Services Division Manager responded the commitment would be open -ended and would be an obligation for the City to pay the initial remittance and then annual remittances thereafter as long as the CIC exists. In response to dice Mayor Bonta's inquiry, the Housing Department Development Manager stated the agency would be dissolved if the payment is not made due to funds not being available. Vice Mayor Bonta requested clarification on what the City would receive for $5.2 million. The Development services Division Manager responded the City would be able to acquire and rehabilitate the Islander Hotel, move forward with Alameda Point redevelopment, the Boatworks project, and projects currently in the works could proceed. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote 5. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 16 .duly 19, 2011 Mayor Gilmore stated the check should be accompanied by a strongly worded letter outlining the City's displeasure and listing projects that could have been done within the community. Councilmernber Johnson stated a photocopy of the check should be put in a p ress release to the media. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON AGENDA None. COUNCIL REFERRALS None. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (11-404) Mayor Gilmore stated a regional Joint Policy Committee (JPC) is working on strategies for addressing climate change resilience and economic vitality; the JPC is composed of the Association of Bay Area Governments, Bay rea Air Quality Y Management District, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and BCDC; the JPC serves as the forum for coordinating policy initiatives among the four agency partners; the JPC's goals in relationship to climate change are reducing regional green house gas emissions and adapting to climate change. (11 -405) Mayor Gilmore thanked the community for participating in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) event; stated that she is proud of the community; the community put its best foot forward and showed enthusiasm and willingness to embrace LBNL; thanked staff and community volunteers who made the event possible. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 10: 18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk This agenda was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 July 19, 2011 UNAPPROVED MINUTES of THE SPECIAL C ITY COUNCIL MEETING SATURDAY -JULY 30 -8:15 A.M. Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 8:24 a.m. Roll Call Present: Councilmembers Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tarn and Mayor Gilmore 5. [Note: Councilmember Johnson arrived at 8:25 a.m.] Absent: hone. The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: (11 -406) Public Employment (54957); Title: City Attorney Speakers: Corrine Lambden, Alameda; Nancy bird, Alameda; Carol Gottshtein, Alameda. Mayor Gilmore called a recess at 11:42 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 1:20 p.m. Following the Closed Session, the meeting reconvened and Mayor Gilmore announced that Council gave direction to the Human Resources Director regarding the City Attorney selection process. Ad iou rn ment There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:06 p. M. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Alameda City Council July 30, 2011 CITY OF ALAM E DA Mem To: Honorable Mayor and )Members of the City Council From: Fred harsh Controller Date: August 25, 2011 Re: List of Warrants for Ratification This is to certify that the claims listed on the attached check register and shown below have been approved by the proper officials and, in my opinion, represent fair and just charges against the City in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon. Check Numbers Amount 239699 240897 (Vendor Checks) $9,386,328.25 V22827 V22989(ACH Retiree Medical Benefit Reimburserner ts) .$1253730-49 EFT1 054 EFT1 057(Vendor W ire Transfers) $21139,511.34 Vold Checks: 239432 239027 240104 240127 240145 233263 240313 240238 237500 239952 240419 240500 240450 219721 GRAND TOTAL Respectfully submitted, Vol �.p Controller 45r Council Warrants 09105111 ($2os.00) ($609.00) ($688.00) ($122.35) ($189.89) ($20.00) ($752.51) ($168.34) ($523:12) ($7,500.00) ($1,065.51) ($553.04) ($13.95) ($179.52) $11,638 BILLS #5 B 91512011 H Q N O CD Ln %t c� 'd dt 0) (3) 00 N CC) (3) rn O D t- m 0 0:. 0 di H �0 0 kD I 'D 1;1 CO o N o Lfl 0 m rn k9 H Lr) Ln N cc ,o Ln r-i N m a i�.D v r- N o ca M as o s o C) e �D N kD Tit N r-- Ln M rq Cal r-1 r s s 0 d+ 0 0 0 dt rn (Y) r rn H fl 0 Ln C7 H t- Q rn t o Ln w k-o N N a1 Ln�-p Ln Ln o Ln !D o N H 00H m No I'll N r- i• M dt rn ti 0) Ln 01 di m a) (11 of dt 0 Tit. 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