2011-10-11 3-A CorrespondenceRosemary McNally
City Council Meeting
October 11, 2011
I have read this 67 page review three tunes.
This is a "review" of the death of Raymond Zack, but his name is nowhere in the 67
I believe that a democracy can work effectively only when the people have accurate,
valid information that can help them make decisions.
I will male seven points.
First the Gower of this review says it was "Prepared by FireChiefs.corn, LLU
Nowhere in the report roes any individual take responsibility or doing the research,
compiling it, or writing the report.
Second on p. 6, it says, "Observations and conclusions were also drawn from my oven
experience, knowledge, and training.'
Nowhere sloes it say who wrote that sentence.
Whose observations? Whose conclusions? dose "experience, knowledge, and training"
were used in the 'process of this review.
Third: on p. 21, it notes 54* water
Fourth on p. 2 1, it notes that
"The water temperature near Crown Beach was approximately 54 degrees Fahrenheit at
the time of the incident. The tide was approximately 4.75 to 5 feet with swells of
approximately I to 3 feet high. The wind speed was approximately 6 MPH from a west
to northwest direction. The air temperature was 61 degrees Fahrenheit."
Pte: and. most importantly, the rational oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of
the US Federal Government. (NOAA) has buoys placed in strategic spots to record
water and air conditions.
Their buoy called Station AAMC1, Alameda, records data that includes the Crown
Beach water temperature and air temperature.
Their data states that on May '30, 2011 between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.,
AIR TEMP was between 10.8 and 11.0* Celsius, which equals 51.8* Fahrenheit
WATER TEMP was 16.6* Celsius, which equals 61.8* Fahrenheit
Therefore, I would lire to hear tonight, from Mr. Gri, alva, what led him to report
that the
air temp was 61x P
water temp was 54*F
When talking about water temperatures, the difference between 54* and 61 can be
Sixth: This review states there were "swells of approximately 1 to.' feet."
In act, photos of the water at that time show the water was calm. The little waves may
have been ankle deep. And, in fact, witnesses that clay have stated the water was calm.
The review itself says "conditions of the water and weather" played. "a significant factor'
But these conditions should not have affected a rescue operation.
Seventh: In conclusion, I would lire to hear tonight from Mr. Grijalva where he
obtained. his "data" about water temp, air temp, and "swells" that day.
Then, I would lire to see the data from NOAA put into the report so that future
historians and citizens will have accurate, valid information.
If you, the city council, accept this "review as written and put it into the city's
history, why should anyone believe anvthing that comes out of city hall?
Storm Sneci View the latest observations near Atlantic HUIRMCANE PHILIPPE as of
ADVISORYNI BER54-@,1100 AM AST FM OCT 07 20il Fast Pacific HURRICANE IRWIN cas
of ADVISOI:rf NUMBER 6 7 2011 and East Pacific TP.,.O PIS AL STORM
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2 0 _1 11 05 30 -1 1 06 2-117 2.0 2.6 99.00 919.00 99 00 999 101.5 3 11 -1. -6 -1 ..999.0 _919.0
2011 05 30 11 12 288 2�0 2.5 99.00 99.00 _919.00 999 -1015 3 10. 8 16.4 -999.0 99.0
Z 0 11 05 30 11 18 278 1.8 2�6 99.010 99-00 99-00 99 "015.3 10.9 F 4 9999.0 -99. 0
2 05 30 1, 1 24 229 2.0 3.0 90.00 99-00 99.00 999 111115.2 11.0 16. .999.0 99.0
201 05 30 1'_L 30 °251 1.3 3.1 99-00 99.00 99.00 999 10 15 _3 10.8 1
..99 9.0 99. 0
0. 8
2011 015 30 11 36 241 1,8 2.8 99.00 99.00 99.00 999 1015.3 10.8. 16.6.999.0 99.0
J 2011 05 30 11 42 240 1.5 3.2 99 00 99 00 99�00 999 1015.3 10.9 16.61 999.0 919. 0
9011 05 30 11 48 2256 1.5 3.0 99.00 99.00 99.00 999 1015.3 11.0 1 b.b 999.0 99.0
2011 05 30 11 154 2�9 1.9 2.8 99.00 99.00 99.00 999 101 A 10.8 16.E 999.0 99.0
2 01 1 0 5 30 12 00 275 1_8 2.06 99�00 99-00 99-00 9-99 1015.4 1 1
_0 16.6 .999.0 99.0
2 01 -1 05 30 12 06 22 7 2.1 2 9 99 00 99 00 99.00 999 1.015 4 10.8 1 6 6, .999.0 99.0
2011 05 30 12 12 284- 2.3 3.3 99.00 99.00 99.00 _999 1. 015 5 10.8 16./ .99-01.0 990
2011 05 30 12 18 285 2.7 3.6 99-00 99.00 99.00 999 10.1-5 .4 10.9 166 999.0 99.0
X?011 05 _'3 0 1-2 24 278 0 _31.5 99.00 99.00 99s00 999 -1. 5 -1-1 0 -6.6 9 9 S'7 0 -019.0
2011 05 30 _1 2 3 284 2.6 _3.2 99.00 99.00 99.00 99✓ 11 0 15 6 P -1 0 9 1 6 99 0
2 011 05 30 1 2 36 28 2.77 3.B 9900 99.00 99.00 999 1015.7 10-8 16.6 999.0 99.0
2011 05 30 1.2 42 286 2 99.00 99.00 99.00 999 1015 6 11.0 16.6 999.0 99.0
10-9 16.6 999.0 99.0
H '2 48 284 2.5 3 99.00 99.00 999 1015.7 -.2 99-0'
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f4ir/Water Tempel -ate re Plot
9414750 Alameda, CA
From 2011/05/30 2011/05/31
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