2011-12-20 PacketCITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY DECEMBER 20, 2011 P.M. Location: City Council Chambers Conference Room, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street Agenda: 1. Roll Call City Council 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items Only Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items only, may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Adjournment to Closed Session to consider: 3-A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (54957) Title: City Attorney 4. Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any 5. Adjournment City Council Marie L. Gilmore, Mayor CITE' OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) TUESDAY DECEMBER 20 2011 6:59 P.M. Location City Council Chambers, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Ave and Oak Street Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council /Commission on agenda items or business introduced by the Council /Commission may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Council /Commission. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk if you wish to speak. 1. ROLL CALL City Council, CIC 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON AGENDA (Public Comment) A limited number of speakers may address the Council /Commission in regard to any matter over which the Council /Commission has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council /Commission or a member of the public 3 -A. Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA), and Community Improvement Commission (CIC) Meeting held on November 15, 2011. (City Clerk) [CIC] 3 -13. Recommendation to Authorize Transmittal of the CIC's Annual Report to the State Controller's Office and the City Council; Authorize Transmittal of the Redevelopment Agency Annual Housing Activity Report and the CIC Annual Audit to the State Department of Housing and Community Development and the State Controller's Office; Accept the Annual Report; and Adoption of CIC Resolution Determining That the Planning and Administrative Expenses in Fiscal Year 2010 -11 by the Commission's Low /Moderate Income Housing Fund Were Necessary for the Production, Improvement and /or Preservation of Affordable Housing for Low and Moderate Income Households. (Community Development) [City Council, CIC] 3 -C. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing a Reduction in the CIC Fiscal Year 2011- 2012 Allocation to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund and Making Certain Findings Related Thereto. (Housing Department) [CIC] 4. AGENDA ITEMS None. 5. ADJOURNMENT City Council, CIC Marie L. Gilmore, Mayor Chair, CIC 7? fi CITY OF CALIFORNIs, IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach the podium and state your name; speakers are limited to three (3) minutes per item 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during Council meetings AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY DECEMBER 20 2011 7 :00 P.M. [Note: Regular Council Meeting convenes at 7:00 pm, City Hall, Council Chambers, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street] The Order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Changes 3. Proclamations, Special Orders of the Day and Announcements 4. Oral Communications, Non- Agenda (Public Comment) 5. Consent Calendar 6. Regular Agenda Items 7. City Manager Communications 8. Oral Communications, Non- Agenda (Public Comment) 9. Council Referrals 10. Council Communications (Communications from Council) 11. Adjournment Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmembers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before Council Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk if you wish to address the City Council. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM Separate Agenda (Closed Session) SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY 6:59 P.M. IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. ROLL CALL City Council 2. AGENDA CHANGES 3. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 -A. Presentation of Certificate of Service to Social Service Human Relations Board Member Reginald James. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON AGENDA (Public Comment) A limited number of speakers may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda; this section is limited to 15 minutes; additional public comment will be addressed under Section 8 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 5 -A. Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission and Regular City Council Meetings held on November 15, 2011. (City Clerk) 5 -B. Bills for Ratification. (Finance) 5 -C. Recommendation to Accept the Special Tax and Local Bond Measure Annual Report. (Finance) 5 -D. Recommendation to Accept the Citywide Development Fee and Fleet Industrial Supply Center /Catellus Traffic Fee Report. (Finance) 5 -E. Recommendation to Accept the Police and Fire Services Fee Report. (Finance) 5 -F. Recommendation to Accept the Annual Report for the Public Art Fund as Required by the Public Art Ordinance and Accept a Status Update on the Public Art Program. (Community Development) 5 -G. Recommendation to Conduct the Affordable Housing Ordinance Annual Review Consistent with Section 27 -1 of the Alameda Municipal Code and California Government Code Section 66001 and Accept the Annual Report. (Housing Department) 5-H. Adoption of Resolution Setting the 2012 Regular City Council Meeting Dates. (City Clerk) 5-1. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Grant Funding Agreement with the Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program Manager Fund for $230,900 for the Local Match for the Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant for the Park Street Safety Improvement Project and to Execute all Necessary Documents. (Public Works) 5-J. Adoption of Resolution Approving the Northern California Power Agency Market Purchase Agreement. (Alameda Municipal Power) 5-K. Adoption of Resolution Ceasing the Transfer of the Surcharge From the Golf Enterprise Fund to the General Fund.; and Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 3-28.9 (Payment In-Lieu of Taxes) of Section 3-28 (Payment of Taxes) of Chapter III (Finance and Taxation) to Exempt the Golf Fund from the Payment In-Lieu of Taxes. (City Manager) 5-L. Final Passage of Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Lease Agreement with the Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter for the Operation of the Alameda Animal Shelter. (City Manager/Police) [Requires four affirmative votes] 6. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 6-A. Recommendation to Approve Modifications to the Tree Removal Policy Contained in the Master Street Tree Plan. (Public Works) 6-B. Introduction of Ordinance Amending Sections 6-27.4, 6.52.1, and 22-8.1 of the Alameda Municipal Code to Allow Sale of Goods from a Rolling Store with Approval of a Special Event Permit, Conditional Use Permit, or Encroachment Permit; and Adoption of Food Truck Program Guidelines, including Standard Conditions or Approval for Conditional Use Permit or Encroachment Permit for Rolling Stores. (Community Development) 6-C. Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Revising Section 2-1.2(a) (Agendas) and 2-1.3 (Special Meeting) of Article I (The City Council); Adding Section 2-5 (Applicability of Sunshine Ordinance) and Section 2-22 (Open Government Commission) to Article 11 (Boards and Commissions); and Amending Section 2-93.1 (Primary Regulatory and Enforcement Body) of Article Vill (Sunshine Ordinance) of Chapter 11 (Administration), Making Sections Compatible with the Sunshine Ordinance and Moving the Establishment, Membership and Duties of the Open Government Commission. (City Clerk) 7. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from City Manager) 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (Public Comment) Any person may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda; speakers not called under Item 4 may address the Council at this time 9. COUNCIL REFERRALS Matters placed on the agenda by a Councilmember may be acted upon or scheduled as a future agenda item 10. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) Councilmembers can address any matter, including reporting on any Conferences or meetings attended 10 -A. Consideration of Mayor's Nomination for Appointment to the Recreation and Park Commission. 11. ADJOURNMENT City Council Materials related to an item on the agenda are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Room 380, during normal business hours Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 72 hours prior to the Meeting to request an interpreter Equipment for the hearing impaired is available for public use. For assistance, please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meeting Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, is available Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA) AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) MEETING TUESDAY- NOVEMBER 15 2011- -6:59 P.M. Mayor /Chair Gilmore convened the meeting at 10:44 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Board Members Commissioners Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor /Chair Gilmore 5. Absent: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] *11 -039 CIC Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and CIC Meeting, and the Special CIC Meeting Held on September 6, 2011 and September 20, 2011. Approved. [Note: Chair Gilmore abstained from voting on the September 20, 2011 minutes.] *11 -549 CC /11 -078 ARRA /11 -040 CIC Recommendation to Accept the First Quarter Financial Report for the Period Ending September 30, 2011. Accepted. AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 10:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger, City Clerk Secretary, CIC The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission November 15. 2011 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission From: John A. Russo City Manager /Executive Director Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Authorize Transmittal of the Community Improvement Commission's Annual Report to the State Controller's Office and the City Council; Authorize Transmittal of the Redevelopment Agency Annual Housing Activity Report and the Community Improvement Commission Annual Audit to the State Department of Housing and Community Development and the State Controller's Office; Accept the Annual Report, and Adopt a Resolution Making Certain Findings Regarding Administrative Expenses from Tax Increment Housing Funds BACKGROUND State law requires the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda (CIC) to submit an Annual Report to the City Council and file a copy of this report with the State Controller by December 31" of each year. State law also requires that the CIC submit the Redevelopment Agency Annual Housing Activity Report to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and State Controller by December 31st of each year. DISCUSSION The CIC's Annual Report is available for review in the City Clerk's Office. The CIC's annual report for FY10 -11 includes the following: Independent Auditor's Report on financial statements; Independent Auditor's Report on legal compliance; Annual Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies (Fiscal Statement); Redevelopment Agency Annual Housing Activity Report; Housing Activities Report Summary; Blight Progress Report; Loan Report; and Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 3 Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission Property Report The independent financial audit for FY10 -11 has been prepared by Caporicci Larson, Inc. The audit examines the CIC's compliance with State laws, regulations, and administrative requirements including CIC policies and procedures related to record keeping, public hearings, contracting for services, use of tax increment funds and indebtedness. According to the audit, the CIC was found to be in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and administrative requirements. The fiscal statement within the Annual Report contains the information required by Health Safety Code §33080.5, including the Housing Activities Report, describing CIC activities affecting housing and displacement; the Blight Progress Report, describing the CIC's progress to alleviate blight; the Loan Report, describing CIC loans in default or not in compliance; and the Property Report, describing CIC owned and acquired property. These reports are on file in the City Clerk's Office. The goals of the CIC's three redevelopment project areas and the 5 -Year Implementation Plans are also on file in the City Clerk's Office. As an additional action, State law requires the CIC to annually adopt a resolution stating that the incurred planning and administration expenditures from tax increment housing funds for the prior year are reasonable and necessary for the production, improvement or preservation of low- and moderate income housing. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund or the CIC's annual budget as a result of this action. RECOMMENDATION Authorize transmittal of the Community Improvement Commission's Annual Report to the State Controller's Office and the City Council; authorize transmittal of the Redevelopment Agency Annual Housing Activity Report to the State Department of Housing and Community Development and the State Controller's Office; accept the Annual Report; and adopt a resolution making certain findings regarding administrative expenses from tax increment housing funds. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission Respectfully submitted, Lori Taylor Community Development Director LT:rr Exhibits: December 20, 2011 Page 3of3 1. Community Improvement Commission Annual Report for FY10 -11 (on file in the City Clerk's Office) 2. Goals of CIC project areas (on file in the City Clerk's Office) 3. 5 -Year Implementation Plans (on file in the City Clerk's Office) cc: Economic Development Commission COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 11- DETERMINING THAT THE PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES IN FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 BY THE COMMISSION'S LOW /MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND WERE NECESSARY FOR THE PRODUCTION, IMPROVEMENT AND /OR PRESERVATION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSEHOLDS WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Plan for the West End Community Improvement Project was adopted on June 28, 1983, by Ordinance No. 2141, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 2222, 2682, 2889, 2897, 2910 and 2970; and WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Plan for the Alameda Point Improvement Project was adopted on June 18, 1991, by Ordinance No. 2559, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 2681, 2835, 2844, 2857, 2896, 2910, 2956, 2963 and 2999; and WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Plan for the West End Community Improvement Project was adopted on March 3, 1998, by Ordinance No. 2754, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 2985 and 2910; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33334.2 (a) of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.) CRL not less than 20% of all taxes which are allocated to the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda "Commission shall be set aside by the Commission in a Low /Moderate Housing Fund and used by the Commission for the purpose of increasing, improving and preserving the community's supply of low and moderate income housing available at affordable housing costs to people and families of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33334.3(d) of the CRL, it is the intent of the California State Legislature that the amount of money spent for planning and general administration from the Low /Moderate Housing Fund not be disproportionate to the amount actually spent for the cost of production; and WHEREAS, Section 33334.3(e) of the CRL further provides that an agency shall determine annually that the planning and administrative expenses are necessary for the production, improvement, or preservation of low- and moderate income housing. Resolution #3 -13 CC /CIC 12 -20 -11 NOW THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DOES RESOLVE that it was necessary to spend $423,497 of the total $4,115,865 Low /Moderate Housing Fund expenditures for the planning and administrative expenses associated with the production, improvement and /or preservation of low and moderate housing during the 2010 -11 fiscal year, and that the foregoing amount of planning and administrative expenses was not disproportionate to the amount actually spent for the costs of production, improvement or preservation of that housing. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting of the Community Improvement Commission on the day of December, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: Lara Weisiger, Secretary Community Improvement Commission Marie Gilmore, Chair Community Improvement Commission N CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission From: John A. Russo Executive Director Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Adopt a Resolution of the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda Authorizing a Reduction in the Community Improvement Commission's Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Allocation to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund and Making Ce rtain Findings R Th BACKGROUND On June 29, 2011, as part of adopting the State of California Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 -12 budget, the Governor signed two trailer bills, ABX1 26 and ABX1 27, into law. The legislation became effective on June 29, 2011. ABX1 26 eliminates redevelopment agencies as of October 1, 2011. ABX1 27 provides an opportunity for redevelopment agencies to "opt -in" and continue to operate and function if the sponsoring jurisdiction (the City of Alameda) adopts an ordinance by October 1, 2011. On July 19, 2011, the City Council adopted an urgency ordinance to permit the continued existence and operation of the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda (CIC). The primary obligation incurred by sponsoring communities enacting an opt -in ordinance is the obligation to make annual payments ("remittances") to the County Auditor Controller beginning in FY11 -12, -and in all succeeding years the agency is in existence. By opting in, the City has agreed to make the remittances on behalf of the CIC. Remittances may be made from any available funds, including CIC funds. On August 11, 2011, the California Supreme Court issued an order in CRA v. Matosantos which stays parts of ABX1 26 and almost all of ABX1 27. The provisions of ABX1 26 that remain in effect after the Court's order require the CIC to preserve its assets and prevent the CIC from entering into new contracts or taking on new obligations. The still- active provisions of ABX1 26 allow and require agencies to continue to meet their existing obligations and make any payments necessary for ongoing agency administration. On September 20, 2011, the City Council and CIC approved a Remittance Agreement. On October 15, 2011, the State Department of Finance (DOF) upheld the CIC's appeal Honorable Chair and December 20, 2011 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 2 of 3 of its FY11 -12 remittance payment, reducing the initial payment of $5,170,697 to $4,327,384. Notwithstanding a remittance payment that is $843,313 less than originally forecast, it will be necessary to reduce the FY11 -12 allocation to the Affordable Housing Set -Aside Fund (Set -Aside Fund) by $1 million to make the required payment. Approval of the attached resolution is necessary to reduce the FY11 -12 payment to the Set -Aside Fund, in anticipation of a Supreme Court ruling on the legislation and the potential requirement to make a remittance payment on January 15, 2012. DISCUSSION As discussed above, ABX1 27 requires cities to make annual remittance payments if they opt into the Voluntary Redevelopment Program. The Remittance Agreement approved by the City and the CIC obligates the CIC to make the remittance payments on the City's behalf. Funds to make the required annual payment must come from the CIC's 80% (non- housing) fund. However, ABX1 27 provides that agencies are exempt from making their full deposit into the Set -Aside Fund in FY11 -12, only to the extent the agency adopts a resolution finding that there are insufficient other funds (e.g., 80 funds), and using Set -Aside Funds is necessary to make all or a portion of the FY11 -12 remittance. Pending the Supreme Court ruling, the CIC proposes to allocate $1 million in Set -Aside Funds to pay a portion of the $4,327,384 FY11 -12 remittance. The CIC is projecting $7.8 million in FY11 -12 80% funds, net of pass- through obligations. Outstanding FY11- 12 80% obligations total $9.1 million, including nearly $1 million in administrative expenses, including personnel, general office costs, and cost allocation charges. Obligations range from $4.9 million in bond debt service payments, a $2.2 million payment pursuant to the Bayport Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA), an $800,000 payment to the Marina Village project, and a $200,000 payment to the Bridgeside Shopping Center. Fund balance and FY11 -12 tax increment will be needed to meet these obligations and to make the FY11 -12 remittance payment. There are insufficient 80% funds to make the full remittance payment given the outstanding obligations, therefore, it is necessary to allocate $1 million in Set -Aside Funds to pay a portion of the remittance. FINANCIAL IMPACT DOF has identified the City's FY11 -12 Remittance Payment as $4,327,384. Pursuant to the Remittance Agreement approved on September 20, 2011, CIC housing ($1 million) and non housing ($3,327,384 million) funds will be remitted to the County Auditor Controller for FY11 -12, pending the outcome of the Supreme Court's ruling, as a requirement to continue to operate the CIC. The necessary budget adjustments and appropriations will be presented to the CIC for its review and approval following the Court ruling. In addition, analysis is underway to estimate future years' required remittances, and that information will be provided to the CIC. Honorable Chair and December 20, 2011 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 3 of 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action does not constitute a project for CEQA purposes because it involves creation of a governmental funding mechanism and does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment. (CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4)). Adopt a Resolution of the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda authorizing a reduction in the Community Improvement Commission's Fiscal Year 2011- 12 allocation to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund and making certain findings related thereto. Approved as to funds and account, L 2— Fred Marsh Controller COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. AUTHORIZING A REDUCTION IN THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION'S FISCAL YEAR 2011 -12 ALLOCATION TO THE LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, as part of the 2011 -12 State budget bill, the California Legislature enacted, and the Governor signed: (i) ABX1 26, which prohibits agencies from taking numerous actions, effective immediately and purportedly retroactively, and additionally provides that agencies are deemed to be dissolved as of October 1, 2011; and (ii) ABX1 27, which provides that agencies do not have to cease activities and do not have to dissolve, if the community creating the redevelopment agency enacts an ordinance agreeing to comply with the alternative voluntary redevelopment program described in Section 2 of ABX1 27 adding Part 1.9 (commencing with section 34192) of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code "Alternative Redevelopment Program"); and WHEREAS, the Alternative Redevelopment Program requires the City to remit specific, annual payments to the Alameda County Auditor Controller "City Remittance and WHEREAS, the City has been notified that its payment to the Alameda County Auditor Controller for the 2011 -12 fiscal year will be $4,327,384, which payment is required to be made in two installments on January 15, 2012, and May 15, 2012; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Alameda "City') adopted Ordinance No. 3034 "Ordinance on July 19, 2011, determining that the City would comply with the Alternative Redevelopment Program, subject to certain terms and conditions, and has notified the State Department of Finance, the State Controller and the Alameda County Auditor Controller of such determination; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 34194.2 of the Health and Safety Code, the City and the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda °CIC have entered into a Remittance Agreement "Remittance Agreement which provides, among other things, for CIC's annual transfer of tax increment funds to the City in an amount not to exceed the annual City Remittance required to be paid under the Alternative Redevelopment Program; and WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 34194.3 provides that if an agency finds there are insufficient funds to meet its debt and other obligations, current priority program needs, or its obligations under Section 34194.2, it shall Resolution #3 -C CC /CIC 12 -20 -11 be exempt from making the full allocation required to be made to the agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for the 2011-12 fiscal year only; and WHEREAS, CIC desires to reduce the fiscal year 2011-12 allocation to the CIC's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund so that CIC can pay its debt service and existing obligations, and current priority program needs, including administrative costs of such programs, as well as make the payments authorized by Health and Safety Code Section 34194.2; and WHEREAS, although the City intends to make the City Remittance payments as set forth in the Ordinance and the Remittance Agreement, the Ordinance and Remittance Agreement each provides that it shall be deemed null and void if ABX1 26 and ABX1 27 are determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable or inapplicable, for any reason. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The CIC hereby finds that it does not have sufficient funds to meet its fiscal year 2011-12 obligations under the Remittance Agreement as authorized by Health and Safety Code Section 34194.2. The other monies available to and to be received by the Agency in fiscal year 2011-12 are required for the payment of CIC debt service and existing obligations, and current priority program needs, including administrative costs of such programs, and are insufficient to make the payments authorized by Health and Safety Code Section 34194.2. This finding is supported by the information and documents provided by CIC staff to the CIC Board of Commissioners at the meeting approving this resolution. Section 2. The CIC hereby authorizes a reduction of the fiscal year 2011-12 allocation to the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund required to be made pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.2 in the amount of $1,000,000 for the sole purpose of making its fiscal year 2011-12 payment obligation under the Remittance Agreement. Section 3. If ABX1 26 and ABX1 27 are determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable or inapplicable, for any reason and, therefore, the Remittance Agreement is deemed null and void, this resolution shall also be deemed null and void, and, if CIC has already transferred the annual amount of tax increment to City for fiscal year 2011-12 and City has paid the annual City Remittance, CIC shall pursue with City recovery of those funds for purposes of refunding the CIC such amounts, including refunding the CIC's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund the amount by which said fund was reduced to make the City Remittance payments. Section 4. The CIC Executive Director is hereby authorized to take such actions as are necessary and appropriate to carry out this resolution. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda in a Special Community Improvement Commission meeting assembled on the 20 day of December, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said Commission this 21 st day of December, 2011. Lara Weisiger, Secretary Community Improvement Commission Marie Gilmore, Chair Community Improvement Commission UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA) MEETING TUESDAY- NOVEMBER 15 2011- -6:00 P.M. Mayor /Chair Gilmore convened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: Councilmembers /Board Members Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor /Chair Gilmore 5. Absent: None. The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: -547 CC Public Employment (54957); Title: City Attorney -548 CC Conference with Legal Counsel Anticipated Litigation Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9; Number of cases: Two -077 ARRA Conference with Real Property Negotiator (54956.8); Property: Alameda Point, Agency Negotiator: Jennifer Ott, Alameda Point COO; Negotiating parties: ARRA and US Navy; Under Negotiations: Price and Terms of Payment Following the closed session, the meeting was reconvened and Mayor /Chair Gilmore announced that regarding the two cases of Anticipated Litigation Legal Counsel explained the basis for litigation or adjudicatory proceeding and Council provided direction; and regarding Real Property the matter would not be heard. Mayor Gilmore called a recess to convene the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. and reconvened the closed session at 10:53 p.m. Following the reconvened closed session, Mayor Gilmore announced that regarding Public Employment no action was taken. Adiournment There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority November 15, 2011 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Y (ARRA AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) MEETING TUESDAY- NOVEMBER 15,2011- -6:59 P.M. Mayor /Chair Gilmore convened the meeting at 10:44 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Board Members Commissioners Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor /Chair Gilmore 5. Absent: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] *11 -039 CIC Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and CIC Meeting, and the Special CIC Meeting Held on September 6, 2011 and September 20, 2011. Approved. [Note: Chair Gilmore abstained from voting on the September 20, 2011 minutes.] *11 -549 CC /11 -078 ARRA /11 -040 CIC Recommendation to Accept the First Quarter Financial Report for the Period Ending September 30, 2011. Accepted. AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 10:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger, City Clerk Secretary, CIC The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission November 15, 2011 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- NOVEMBER 15 2011- -7:00 P.M. Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:18 p.m. Councilmember deHaan led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor Gilmore 5. Absent: None AGENDA CHANGES None. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS -550 Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to the Mayor's Fourth of July Parade Committee Members. Mayor Gilmore thanked the committee members and presented them with certificates ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON AGENDA -551 Harriette Saunders, Paratransit Advisory Committee, encouraged people to direct paratransit issues to her. -552 Al Wright, Alameda, requested that Council stop tree construction on Park Street during the holiday season and resume the work in January. -553 Red Wetherill, Alameda, suggested adding a half cent to the sales tax as an alternative to [golf] land swap options. -554 Ken Peterson, Alameda, discussed trees on Park Street. -555 Gretchen Lipow, Alameda, stated that last week's tree meeting should have been structured like a Council meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Tam moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5, with the exception of Vice Mayor Bonta recusing himself from voting on final passage of the Ordinance [paragraph no. 11 -5631 [Items so enacted or adopted are Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 November 15, 2011 indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] *11 -556 Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings Held on October 18, 2011; the Special City Council Meetings Held on October 25, 2011; and the Special City Council Meeting Held on October 27, 2011. Approved. *11 -557 Ratified bills in the amount of $3,420,996.46. *11 -558 Recommendation to Accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2011. Accepted. *11 -559 Recommendation to Accept the Treasury Report for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2011. Accepted. *11 -560 Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Consulting Services Agreement with Public Financial Management Inc. (PFM). Accepted. *11 -561 Recommendation to Appoint Deborah Wright to Existing Membership of America's Cup Ad Hoc Committee. Accepted. *11 -562 Recommendation to Approve Reinstatement for Michael D'Orazi in Order to Recognize Prior Service with the City of Alameda. Accepted. *11 -563 Ordinance No. 3037 "Authorizing the Execution of Lease of Real Property Located at 1525 Bay Street Between City, as Lessor, and Karen Zimmerman and Kenneth Edgerly, as Lessee, for Operation of ABC Preschool." Finally passed. [Note: Vice Mayor Bonta recused himself from voting on the ordinance.] REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS -564 Recommendation to Approve Moving Forward with Surveys as the Next Step in the Boards and Commissions Evaluation Process. The Senior Management Analyst gave a brief presentation. Suggested changes to the surveys John Knox White, Alameda. Councilmember deHaan requested clarification of Survey Monkey. The Senior Management Analyst stated Survey Monkey is an on -line survey tool; a paper version would be made available to Boards and Commissions through staff secretaries as an alternative. Vice Mayor Bonta stated that Mr. Knox White's question [where work would go if a Board or Commission disbanded] should be added to the survey; the public input Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 November 15, 2011 process should be expanded; holding subcommittee meetings should be added; open ended questions are best. Mayor Gilmore stated that she agrees with the idea of holding a public meeting; she is concerned with requesting public input via a computer; not everyone has computer access or is comfortable with using computers. The Senior Management Analyst stated staff would continue to work with the subcommittee to refine approaches for obtaining information. Councilmember Tam inquired what has been the response rate to past surveys. The Deputy City Manager responded the website survey has been up for four weeks and has received approximately 175 responses; the tree survey went up this morning and has received 85 responses. Councilmember Tam stated focus should be on outreach as well. The Assistant City Manager stated Council has requested staff to work on a public participation policy; the policy would be brought back to Council by March. Mayor Gilmore stated that she is in favor of doing the public survey but not with most of the questions; concurred with Vice Mayor Bonta regarding open ended questions. Councilmember Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation, with amendment to survey questions and addition of holding a meeting to gain public input. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote —5. -565 Resolution No. 14635 "Approving the Update to the City of Alameda's Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Annex, and Authorizing Its Inclusion in the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Report on Taming Natural Disasters." Adopted. Fire Captain Oliver gave a brief presentation. Mayor Gilmore stated that a lot of time, energy, and thought went into the Plan. Fire Captain Oliver stated that many departments provided input; the Plan would allow the City to be eligible for grant funding, particularly for Public Works and would offer eligibility for waiver of the 6.25% local match for public assistance money after a disaster. Councilmember Tam stated the Soft Story Program is mentioned in the assessment and would provide a means for the City to be more proactive. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 November 15, 2011 Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the resolution. Vice Mayor Bonta seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. -566 Ordinance No. 3038 "Amending the City of Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing Section 24 -5 (Smoking Control) of Section XXIV (Public Health) and By Adding Section 24 -11, (Smoking Prohibitions in Places of Employment and Public Unenclosed Places), and Section 24 -12 (Smoking Prohibitions in Multi -Use Housing)." Finally passed. The Senior Management Analyst and City Attorney gave a brief presentation. Vice Mayor Bonta moved approval of limiting speaker time to two minutes. Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. In favor of the ordinance Luisa Vallejos, Alameda; Nancy Issel- Mayes, Alameda; Adrian Blakey, Alameda; Judith Fruge, Alameda (submittal); Serena Chen, American Lung Association and Alameda resident; Beth Hoch, Alameda; Janice Louie, Alameda Public Health Department and Alameda resident (submittal); Amy Raffle, Alameda. Not in favor of the ordinance Alan Teague, Alameda. Expressed concern regarding tenant rights Jake Thompson, Alameda. Urged postponement Linda Cazares, Woodstock Homes Corporation; Robb Ratto read comments on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce. Urged revision to prohibit e- cigarettes Suzaynn Schick, U.C. San Francisco; and Jonathan Krueger, Alameda (also urged prohibiting smoking at bar patios). Urged revision to prohibit smoking in bar patios Al Wright, Alameda (also urged amendment to permit smoking in residences with second units); Liz Williams, Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights. Urged revision to permit smoking in condominiums Bryan Wilson, Alameda, (submittal); Phyllis Klein, Alameda; Lynne Burpee, Alameda; Li Volin, Alameda; and Margaret DosSantos, Alameda. Urged revision to permit smoking in front of bars Jon Michael Freese, Alameda. The Senior Management Analyst noted the ordinance still needd to be modified to remove reference to electronic cigarettes. Mayor Gilmore requested clarification on the phasing of the ordinance. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 November 15, 2011 The Senior Management Analyst stated most of the provisions would go into effect 30 days after adoption; property provisions would not go into effect until January, 2013. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired how phasing has been determined. The Assistant City Manager responded ordinances normally go into effect 30 days after final passage; staff wants to delay the housing provisions to provide transition time. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether property owners have provided any input regarding phasing, to which the Senior Management Analyst responded in the negative. Councilmember Johnson stated that she would prefer that the ordinance become effective sooner than 2013; she suspects that many tenants are on a month -to -month tenancy. The Senior Management Analyst stated nine months has been the soonest other model ordinances have gone into effect. Councilmember Johnson stated having the ordinance go into effect in 2013 is a long time for people to tolerate smoke in a building. The Assistant City Manager stated people have not had an issue with the [efffective] date. Councilmember Tam stated other ordinances, such as the Styrofoam ordinance, have been phased in; inquired what could be done in terms of message market penetration if more time was given. The Assistant City Manager responded public meetings were held for the Styrofoam ordinance; stated the ordinance did not go into effect until six months after final passage; an education process would be needed. Councilmember deHaan stated electronic cigarettes and property owners with an additional unit need to be addressed. The Assistant City Manager stated a property owner with an in -law unit would not be affected by the ordinance. In response to Vice Mayor Bonta's inquiry, the Senior Management Analyst responded a multi -unit residence refers to both rental and common interest complexes, which are typically owner occupied. Councilmember deHaan stated smoking is a way of life for many people coming from other countries; employees would be impacted by the ordinance. Mayor Gilmore stated Council gave direction to research electronic cigarettes and how Regular Meeting Alameda City Council c November 15, 2011 to regulate bar patios; Council could amend the ordinance to include the two items'; smoking residue collects on tables and chairs; inquired who would clean the tables and chairs; further inquired whether the City would be running afoul of its own law by allowing smoking because of workplace protection. The Assistant City Manager responded many times, owners bus tables in order to protect employees; stated staff if trying to establish a strong ordinance, but the ordinance would not be perfect. Mayor Gilmore inquired when staff would be coming back with research on electronic cigarettes and bar patios, to which the Assistant City Manager responded as soon as possible. Mayor Gilmore inquired when staff would come back with outreach results for rental and condominium owners. The Assistant City Manager responded a series of meetings would be held; stated staff would work with ECHO Housing; the Alameda Realtors Association provided a mailing list of property management companies. Councilmember Tam inquired what has been Union City's enforcement experience. The Senior Management Analyst responded enforcement has been complaint driven; stated Union City's ordinance is relatively new; Hayward's downtown area has been actively ticketed. Vice Mayor Bonta requested clarification on the nuisance issue. The Acting City Attorney stated the Municipal Code already has language that states that any violation of the Municipal Code is a nuisance; the ordinance would have a component for private enforcement. Vice Mayor Bonta stated that he likes the idea of providing clauses in lease agreements at a future time; providing some model forms would be good so that a landlord would know that they would be complying with requirements of the ordinance. The Acting City Attorney stated Richmond points to the California Apartments Association Form 34. The Senior Management Analyst stated that she is aware of the form; the City does not have authorization to have the form in the ordinance; the form could be included in outreach material and posted on the website. Vice Mayor Bonta inquired whether the City would not be able to replicate Richmond, to which the Senior Management Analyst responded a license is needed to use the form. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 November 15, 2011 Vice Mayor Bonta stated that he likes the idea of providing certainty to landlords or apartment owners; staff should seek permission or authorization [to reference the form] if possible; that he would like to make said amendment to the ordinance. The Acting City Attorney stated that she does not see a problem with referencing the form. Mayor Gilmore stated that she is concerned with the ordinance going into effect during the holidays; she would be in favor of the first of the year. In response to Vice Mayor Bonta's inquiry, the City Manager stated there are many examples of federal statues that provide for statutory damages because showing how the damage applies to a particular individual is difficult; the concept of the private attorney general is often included in consumer and other environmental type statues and regulations when there is an acknowledgement that the government agency may not have the resources available to do the enforcement at legislature's desired level; the ordinance would be a low priority enforcement given all of the other issues on the table for the Police Department; applying a private attorney general method would encourage enforcement of the law; further stated showing personal damage is not necessary for some tortes. The Acting City Attorney summarizes the suggested amendments: removing the clause: "WHEREAS, California law declares that anything which is injurious to health or obstructs the free use of property, as to interfere with comfortable enjoyment of life or property, is a nuisance" would be replaced with: "WHEREAS, Alameda Municipal Code Section 1- 5.43(a) provides that any condition existing in violation of this Code is deemed a public nuisance the last sentence of Section 24- 11.1(v) [Smoking also includes the use of an e- cigarette which creates a vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Section] would be removed; Section 24.12.2 [For the purpose within the City, nonconsensual exposure to secondhand smoke occurring on or drifting into any multi -unit residence is a nuisance] would be removed; Section 24- 12.8(g) [Any violation of this Section 24 -12 is hereby declared to be a nuisance] would be struck; a provision would be added regarding the California Apartment Association Form 34, which would read the same as the City of Richmond; and the enforcement date would be changed to January 2, 2012. Vice Mayor Bonta stated electronic cigarettes, bar patios, and beaches would be brought back for further discussion; inquired whether electronic cigarettes and bar patio smoking would not be prohibited now, to which the Acting City Attorney responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Johnson suggested beaches be included in the ordinance; beaches could be removed if it becomes clear that the City does not have jurisdiction. The Acting City Attorney stated staff took a precursory look into the matter and does not Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 November 15, 2011 see anything that would prevent enforcement [at beaches]; the matter could be reviewed after additional research; suggested beaches be added to Section 24- 11.1(s) [Recreational Areas]. Vice Mayor Bonta moved final passage of the ordinance with the amendments. Councilmember Tam seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Tam noted speakers addressing the harm and public health concerns regarding electronic cigarettes is compelling. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote 5. Mayor Gilmore called a recess at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:31 p.m. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS -567 The City Manager encouraged everyone to take the website and tree surveys; discussed public noticing andoutreach; announced a November 17th Town Hall meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON AGENDA -568 Former Councilmember Lil Arnerich, Alameda, announced two Alameda representatives would serve on the Alameda County Fair Board. -569 Janet Gibson, Alameda, requested clarification on whether the Brown Act allows Councilmembers to attend non noticed meetings [such as the Town Hall upcoming meeting]. The Acting City Attorney stated Council can attend any ceremonial event; however, if Councilmembers talk to each other regarding business within the subject matter jurisdiction, a notice would be needed. Mayor Gilmore noted sometimes Councilmembers cannot attend meetings because of scheduling conflicts. COUNCIL REFERRALS -570 Direct Staff to Seek Alternative Options to the Golf Land Swap Mayor Gilmore gave a brief presentation; stated the two minute rule would apply to speakers except for Mr. Van Winkle. The City Manager clarified Mayor Gilmore's referral is to direct staff to seek alternative Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 November 15, 2011 options to the property exchange that would still provide for the long -term financial sustainability of the Chuck Corica Golf Complex. Opposed to land swap Joe Van Winkle, Alameda; Michael Robles Wong, Alameda; Mary Anderson, Alameda; Lee Paulsen, Alameda; Ann Moxley, Alameda; Marie Kane, Bay Isle Point Homeowners Association; James Manning, Alameda; Norma Arnerich, Alameda; former Councilmember Lil Arnerich, Alameda; Ken Peterson, Alameda; Jane Sullwold, Alameda; Robert Sullwold, Alameda; Sean Todaro, Alameda; Nadine Levine, Alameda; and Nancy Hird, Alameda. Urged any alternative consider youth sports Pat Bail, Alameda Youth Sports Coalition. Mayor Gilmore stated that her intent was to ask Council whether they would be willing to direct staff to look at alternatives to the land swap, to which Councilmember Tam and Councilmember Johnson replied in the affirmative. The City Manager stated the swap options include: 1) have the City develop the North Loop property for sports; or 2) have staff talk with Ms. Bail and Sports Coalition members regarding the option of having the City do the swap and having the Sports Coalition develop North Loop Road as part of a broader agreement; the non- swap options are: 1) have the City continue to run the Course and come up with a different financing option to fund necessary improvements; 2) have a non profit run the Course altogether; or 3) have the City continue to be in charge while using an operator; the City would continue to operate the 36 -holes and a non profit would operate the Mif Albright Course; requested that Council give staff until January 24 to review alternatives. Councilmember Johnson moved approval of directing staff to look at alternatives and return back to Council on January 24 Vice Mayor Bonta seconded the motion. Councilmemer deHaan inquired whether the Acting City Attorney is ready to provide some feed back on Article 22 [of the City Charter] and supermajority vote. Mayor Gilmore responded said discussion might be more appropriate when alternatives come back. Councilmember deHaan stated on April 5, 2011, Ron Cowan wrote that the City of Alameda is legally obligated to honor the Harbor Bay Development Agreement for 3,200 homes; that he believes the statement is contrary to the settlement agreement; a legal settlement provided for an opportunity to build 227 homes; when the Request for Proposals (RFP) went out, KemperSports was not the leader; KemperSports defaulted back in April when they said they were going to provide $5 million of their own funding; the City subsequently found out that KemperSports was banking on the City to bond it [$5 million]; at that point, KemperSports was in default of the negotiating agreement; the City should be going out with another modified RFP; the proposal should' be for two 18- Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 9 November 15, 2011 holes and a 9 -hole short course; accurate facts should be provided on the website. The City Manager stated information on the website addresses operating theories; people can have different options; facts on the website are not incorrect. On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Bonita, Johnson, Tam, and Mayor Gilmore 4. Abstentions: Councilmember deHaan 1. Vice Mayor Bonta stated looking at all options is a good idea; options should not be limited. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS -571 Councilmember Tam announced that she attended a Waste Management Authority and East Bay League of California Cities meeting last week. -572 Vice Mayor Bonta invited everyone to attend a Town Hall Meeting this Thursday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 10:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 10 November 15, 2011 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Fred Marsh Controller Date: December 8, 2011 Re: List of Warrants for Ratification This is to certify that the claims listed on the attached check register and shown below have been approved by the proper officials and, in my opinion, represent fair and just charges against the City in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon. Check Numbers 243073 243468 (Vendor Checks) V23480 V23645 (ACH Retiree Medical Benefit Reimbursements) EFT1112 EFT1117 (Vendor Wire Transfers) 240375 GRAND TOTAL Respectfully submitted, Controller Council Warrants 12/20/11 Amount $2,386,827.00 $124,295.11 $787,915.28 ($1,700.00) $3,297,337.39 BILLS #5 -B 12/20/2011 N H L(1 H Q O H W a a W C7 Pa z H H x WUO c�zU a �a QW W FL; w P: 0U HU U C7 z F O U U FC Q w U z H z O F H 1p H dl El W M N a\ H d' Q H H C7 W W F(; H LnQF P 00 l0 �v HLn iMO O N l- O Ol Ln ri I- 00 Ln N O H 00 kO ONmM wO dl O OLn Ln Ln LnO v O O W Ol Ol L�-1 d l0 M M I� III M I� W M 1� 1O N ML�LO In 1l N O ONNNNO L� O O O O H I` w I` M N O Ln L- O M I` Cl N Lfl Ln Ol r-I I` Lf) H I` N N M dl w Ol L(I O O Ol Ol Ol Ol I` w O 00 H Ol w NL- M w0 M O N Ln0 Ha)LfIN 0 W hN cow dIr- a) Ln N o Lo vd' v-w VI N m LP N N m LLIH d' NN w N H 'al L LLI'r M M HH ri H lO OD dl H N H r- N k M H N d' N H H 1 Ei 1 H I Q I Q1 I W z U] z z a H U U P; F F:4 1-1 >i >H >H >4 �i 'i �i z F I O F U F aaaaa aaaa H a W 5 a F U w U WP, P, P, P, 04134124 124 mcnu)Lnm a H\ P: H a s U w z W P4 LaWaaaa a HFFFF P; x CO W 9 aaaa z a z a LxwpppWpQpQ 9 Elzzzz w �4 U a CO a a a a a P; a O a 0 Ln Cl) Cl) Hcl)UIU)U) 1iS 5 y' LxwWWW F P; Ln m�:) W �D �D �D F O U O aF a FFFFF w WzzzX O W w Ln U a Lxwm Cl) U) cn U U wzWWWaWWWW HHHHH F >wwww 3 3 ca Q z z HUUU04 UUUU UUUUU V) ca co co co 1 0 H FFFZE-I FFF HHHHH W F� 1 z a Q 4 F< W z Q zzzcl)£zX2: Pi P: P; P: P: H a \FFFF w pp; a 1 H U H UUUU CO F H H FFFFF F PS OP: P:134 04 a U 1 yi yH Cl) HHHH W Q a' C00000MC7O00 UUUUU x W WWWWW F a U a o �x�� U x a� owww wwwww a s a�a�a�aa o w a U O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o 0 0 o o 00000 O H 00000 ri o o F N �,o N mmmm Ol l0 O O NNNN d'0 d'M d'N HHHHH lfl M hL- L L L ri Ol w U O O O 0000 Ol O ri H o 0000M0000 0000 O O Ln 00 000 I 'D Ol O U M H k.0 ri ri H H H o d' l0 Lfl Lfl Lfl Lfl Lfl Lfl Lfl Lfl Lfl Cl) MMMM H N HHri H H H H LLI w w mm Ln Ln 10 l0 �,o M l0 Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln wwww10 w N WWWW LLI w w 1 a' H H H H H H H H H H H I a P: P: P: P: P; P$ P: PS P: P: P: P: F U I x W W FFFFFFFFFF P: P4 (34 P:C4 P: 9 z I O P: .a mUlm Cl) wW Cl) ulv]Cl) WWWWW W H I U U]U]UIUI Q Q HHHHHHHHHH ,'c5 c'"c,c:'3: ,'3 9 WWWW Cl) co AAAAAAAAAA 00000 O c I F CO Cnm FC F4 aaaaa a 1 z Fr <F 55 w w aaaaaaa a as W H U] I w C7C�c7C7 x x 4 4 F< 4 4 9 l< l< FI aaaaa a P; cn U F F UUUUUUUUUU 44449 4 8 w O I a z ,hi'Jly -1'J -1 w HHHHHHHHHH aaaaa a x 1 H H FFFF y 5 yi W. 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Cl) W EA w �A act x as u Cl) N �D a E �j� E�j� w w Ez j y E H �o a O a o O O Pi P4 pwq FC z Q Uo UU WW I O HG1 W g ri 94 A�D U 114 (Y HN Ei fx AFC u d H W W W E-F�.• 04 P, 1 as AA HEi zooN u w ww Cx 0 co 00 a rorn U Ww 0H m aQ PS FC I A HE1 u 0 as as as uww WO A P: o 9 9g E� 2: a U m Ei P Ei P F P 4 00 00 00 QE, w 4 W U m z H Ei O U U A W U z H 0 H Ei H z W a A P: C7 0 Cl) N N N W E1 W O N H W A i .r, �IT111=22MIRVMZ; I 4 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, 2011 Re Accept the Special Tax and Local Bond Measure Annual Report The California Government Code requires the reporting of special tax and local bond measure accountability for those special taxes or local bonds approved after January 1, 2001. The specific purpose, the amount of funds collected and expended, and the status of the project being funded by the proceeds of the special tax or local bond measure are to be reported to the governing body. The City of Alameda has two issues that require compliance: the Bayport Special Assessment District and the Measure 0 Library Bonds. DISCUSSION The Bayport Community Facilities District (CFD03-1, Fund 278) was formed by Resolution No. 13644 dated November 5, 2003, for the purpose of funding the ongoing operation and maintenance of public facilities and public safety services within the district, which are accounted for in Fund 278. FY1 0-11 annual levies produced revenues of $551,333 and interest income of $37,925. The expenditures during the fiscal year totaled $87,507. As construction nears completion, expenditures in support of operation and maintenance of the public facilities will grow incrementally. The Measure 0 Library Bonds are general obligation bonds approved by the voters and issued in March 2003 to finance the acquisition and construction of a new main library and improvements to two branch libraries; these monies are accounted for in Fund 421. FY1 0- 11 annual levies produced tax revenues of $694,485 and interest income of $2,308. The expenditures during the fiscal year related to the use of these funds totaled $684,964, which represent debt service on the cost of the improvements made at the three libraries. City Council Agenda Item #5-C 12-20-11 Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no budget or financial impact as a result of this report. Accept the Special Tax and Local Bond Measure Annual Report as presented. Respectfully submitted and approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller 'k IA [giggl i To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, X011 Re: Accept the Citywide Development Fee and FISC /Catellus Traffic Fee Report CZ i The California Government Code requires local agencies with development impact fees to submit the fees for public review within days after the end of each fiscal year. The annual review must include the following information: A brief description of the fee; The amount of the fee; The beginning and ending balance of the account or fund; The amount of the fees collected and the interest earned; An identification of each public improvement on which fees were expended and the amount of the expenditures on each improvement, including the total percentage of the cost of the public improvement that was funded with fees; An identification of an approximate date by which the construction of the public improvement will commence, if the local agency determines that sufficient funds have been collected to complete financing on an incomplete public improvement; A description of each interfund transfer or loan made from the account or fund, including the public improvement on which the transferred or loaned fees will be expended, and, in the case of an interfund loan, the date on which the loan will be repaid, and the rate of interest that the account or fund will receive on the loan; and; The amount of unexpended revenues refunded. City Coun Agenda �5 Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 4 DISCUSSION The Public Works Department oversees the administration of two development impact fees: the Citywide Development Fee (CDF) and the FISC/Catellus Traffic Fee (TF). Citywide Development Fee (CDF Fund 340) Description The CDF, which became effective in February 2001, is charged to all new construction or intensification of use. The CDF is increased annually according to the San Francisco Bay Area Construction Cost Index. Amount of the Fee The CDF was adopted as part of Resolution 13314, passed by the City Council on February 6, 2001, and is charged based on the types, size and location of development. The fees were based upon related studies that were conducted prior to the adoption of the fees. The studies and supporting documentation, presented as part of the resolution noted above, identify the public improvements that those fees will be used to finance. These studies also show that there is a reasonable relationship a) between the fees' use and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed, and b) between the need for the public facility and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed. Financial Information For FY1 0-11, the beginning balance of the CDF account was $2,852,059. During the fiscal year, $195,241 of fees were collected, $74,106 was earned in interest, $303,730 was received as transfers from other funds and $16,390 of expenses were incurred for administration of the fee program and for other eligible projects. The ending balance in the CDF account for FY1 0-11 is $3,408,746. Expenditure of Fees The CDF Program includes 54 separate capital improvement projects distributed among five categories for a total cost of $99 million, in year 2000 dollars. The categories of capital improvements covered by the CDF are public safety, transportation and traffic safety, parks and recreation, public facilities, and administration. The projects are identified in the Alameda CDF Nexus Study dated January 2001, on file with the City Clerk. Based upon the approved cost allocations, new development is responsible for 28% of the total costs. Existing development is responsible for the remaining 72%. When a project is initiated, the City is required to fund the share of the improvement costs attributed to existing development. Until sufficient funds are available to cover the cost of these large capital projects, fund balances will continue to increase. These projects are included in the deferred Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget until such Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 3 of 4 time as sufficient funds have accrued to cover the costs. For FY10 -11, $72,000 in CDF monies were budgeted to fund the Mariner Square Drive Drainage project. Interfund Transfer or Loan There were no interfund transfers or loans made during FY10 -11. Refunded Unexpended Revenues No unexpended revenues were refunded during FY10 -11. FISC /Catellus Traffic Fee (TF —Fund 310.1) Description The FISC /Catellus Development was approved prior to the adoption of the CDF and, therefore, not required to pay CDF. As part of the development's traffic mitigation measures, however, payment of a Traffic Fee (TF) is required. The TF mitigates the transportation impacts identified in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Catellus project. Amount of the Fee A fee of $2,674 is charged per residential unit. The amount is based upon the percentage share of Phase 1 residential 2020 trips as determined in the EIR. Financial Information For FY10 -11, the beginning balance of the TF account was $169,977. During the fiscal year, $3,492 was earned in interest. The ending balance in the TF account is $173,469. Expenditure of fees The FISC /Catellus EIR identified 18 separate traffic mitigation measures included in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for a total of $18 million, of which $1,296,804 is due to impacts from Phase 1 residential development. Phase 2 mitigations are under construction at this time. Remaining projects include funding a pro rata share of improvements to the Jackson /5 Street and Harrison /7 Street intersections in Oakland. Until sufficient funds are available from the forthcoming FISC /Catellus development and from existing West End developments to cover the cost of these large capital projects, these mitigation fund balances will continue to increase. These projects are included in the deferred CIP budget until such time as sufficient funds become available. Construction Commencement Date In accordance with state law, the local agency must first determine that sufficient funds have been received to complete the public improvement before a construction commencement date is provided. Interfund Transfer or Loan There were no interfund transfers or loans made during FY10 -11. Refunded Unexpended Revenues No unexpended revenues were refunded during FY10 -11. Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 4 of 4 FINANCIAL IMPACT The CDF and TF provide funds to the City for the construction of specific capital improvements within the city, based on new development's proportionate share of impacts to the required improvement. The City is required to provide funding to cover the existing development's share of the improvements. These funds may be obtained from Redevelopment Funds, grants, or other City funding sources. The CDF and TF monies received from developers are deposited into special accounts, which can only be used for eligible purposes as specified when the fee was created. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This annual review is consistent with the requirements of Section 27 Citywide Development Fee of the Alameda Municipal Code and California Government Code Section 66006. RECOMMENDATION Accept the annual review of the Citywide Development Fee and the FISC/Catellus Traffic Fee. Respectfully submitted and approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibit: 1. Public Works Impact Fee Fund Analysis Public Works Impact Fee Fund Balance Analysis FY10 -11 City Wide Development Fee (Fund 340) Beginning Balance Plus Revenues Plus Interest Earnings Plus Transfer from Other Funds Less Expenses 2,852,059 195,241 74,106 303,730 16,390 Ending Balance 3,408,746 FISC /Catellus Traffic Fee (Fund 310.1) Beginning Balance Plus Revenues Plus Interest Earnings Less Expenses 169,977 3,492 Ending Balance 173,469 City Council Exhibit to Agenda Item 5 -D 12 -20 -11 To Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Accept the Police and Fire Services Fee Report On March 21, 1990, the City Council adopted the Police and Fire Fee Ordinance, which established the City's Police and Fire Services Fee requirements as Section 27-2 of the Alameda Municipal Code and requires that this fee be imposed on all new construction. This ordinance serves to mitigate the impacts caused by new construction on Police and Fire facility demands. The original fee was 12 cents per square foot. In 1991, the fee was increased to 14 cents per square foot in February 1995 it was increased to 15.5 cents per square foot. DISCUSSION At the time of final inspection or date of the Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first, the developer/builder must pay the Police and Fire Services Fee as required by ordinance. The ordinance permits an appeal process whereby the developer/builder may apply for an adjustment or waiver of the Police and Fire Services Fee. Award of appeals is based on the absence of any reasonable relationship or nexus between the police and fire service impacts of the new construction and the payment of the fee itself. The appeal process includes an administrative public hearing and an ultimate decision by the City Council. FINANCIAL IMPACT The Police and Fire Services Fee Ordinance has no impact on the General Fund. By ordinance, funds from this fee are segregated in a special account that can only be used for eligible purposes specified in the ordinance. For FY1 0-11, a total of $23,151 in fees was credited to this fund. Transfers from the General Fund totaled $49,319. Expenditures from the account supported the debt service payments for the Police Building Remodel/Construction. Exhibit 1 describes the beginning and ending fund balances and fund activity for FY1 0-11. City CouncE Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This Annual Review is consistent with the requirements of Section 27-2 (Police and Fire Fee Requirements) of the Alameda Municipal Code and California Government Code Section 66006. RECOMMENDATION Accept the Police and Fire Services fee report. Respectfully submitted and approved as to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller Exhibit: 1. Police Fire Construction Impact Fee Fund Balance Analysis Police Fire Construction Impact Fee (Fund 161) Fund Balance Analysis FY10-11 FY1 0-11 as of 6/3012011 Fund balance forward 6/30/2010 Revenue: Police/Fire Construction Impact Fee 23,151 Transfer from General Fund 33,549 Total Revenue and Transfer in 56,700 Expenditures: Transfer to Police Building Debt Service 56,700 Total Expense and Transfer out 56,700 Fund Balance end of 6/30/2011 Police Fire Construct Impact fee City Council Exhibit to Agenda Item #5-E 12-20-11 0 9 i To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Accept the Annual Report for the Public Art Fund as Required by the Public Art Ordinance and Accept a Status Update on the Public Art Program Update On March 12, 2003, the City Council adopted Ordinance 2892, which created the Alameda Public Art Program. The intent of the program is to promote a diverse and stimulating cultural environment to enrich the lives of the City's residents and visitors and contribute to the vitality of the City's economic development. The ordinance provides that private and municipal building projects with an assessed value of $250,000 and over contribute one percent of the building development costs, up to a maximum of $150,000, toward on -site public artwork, cultural programs, or cultural activities. The Alameda Municipal Code requires the establishment of a separate fund for fees, such as public art fees, paid in connection with the approval of a development project. The Code also requires the preparation of an annual report that provides information regarding the amount of fees collected and expended in the fund balance at both the beginning and end of the fiscal year. This report is intended to satisfy the annual review requirement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. On December 7, 2010, the City Council authorized an update to the Public Art policy be implemented through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process (see Exhibit 2). An RFP was released in January 2011 for a qualified art consultant to review, assess and update the City art policy. Four applications were received; all four were capable applicants and were invited to interview. Three interviews took place in April 2011. A consultant, Gail Goldman Associates LLC, was unanimously selected and is currently working on an update to be presented in early 2012. This fiscal year there have not been any meetings of the Public Art Commission due to lack of agendized items and also due to the lack of a quorum. On May 3, 2011, the City Council temporarily assigned the Planning Board to serve as the City's Public Art Commission until further notice. City Council imm" Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council DISCUSSION December 20, 2011 Page 2 of 3 The Public Art Fund is primarily composed of contributions collected from developers who choose to not install on -site public art or whose onsite art costs fall below the required allocation amount. These funds may be used for eligible public art and associated costs as specified by the City art ordinance (AMC 30- 65.5); this includes cultural arts programs as well as traditional art pieces. As of July 1, 2010, the Public Art Fund had a balance of $73,476. In FY10 -11, there was one development project subject to the payment of public art fees totaling $7,500. Interest (including year -end market value adjustments) in the amount of $2,219 was credited to the fund. No expenditures were charged to this fund during FY10 -11, bringing the ending fund balance as of June 30, 2010 to $83,195. However, it is important to note that accruals for FY11 -12 will consist of costs associated with the public art update currently underway. Expenses will include fees of $35,030 to be paid to Gail Goldman Associates. In addition, administrative costs incurred by Community Development Department staff in overseeing the update to the public art policy will also be included. Gail Goldman conducted a number of personal interviews and one public scoping session on September 21, 2011 to engage public opinion on public art. City staff and Ms. Goldman attended a meeting held by the art community on November 9, 2011. Ms. Goldman is formulating recommendations that will be discussed and reviewed further at an upcoming Planning Board meeting. Upon evaluation and endorsement by the Planning Board, these recommendations will be brought to the City Council for review and discussion. FINANCIAL IMPACT By ordinance, funds from public art fees are held in a special fund (Fund 285) that can only be used for eligible public art purposes specified in the ordinance. There is no impact on the General Fund. Expenditures from the fund cover staffing of the Public Art Program, and miscellaneous expenses such as materials and postage for mailings. Exhibit 1 provides the beginning and ending fund balances and reflects fund activity for FY10 -11. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This Annual Review is consistent with the requirements of Section 30 -65 of the Alameda Municipal Code. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECOMMENDATION December 20, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Accept the annual report for the Public Art Fund as required by the Public Art Ordinance. Respectfully submitted, It Lori Taylor Community Development Director 0 6XI Laura Ajello Planner 11 Approved as to funds and account, nk j Fred Marsh Controller Exhibit: 1. Fund Activity for FY10-1 1 Exhibit 1 Public Art Fund Analysis (Fund 285) Fiscal Year 2010 -11 (as of June 30, 2011) Beginning Ending Balance FY10 -11 FY10 -11 Balance Item as of 7/1/2010 Revenue Expense as of 6/30/2011 Interest Income Administrative Cost Project Revenue 285019 Summerhouse 285010 South Shore Center 285011 Bayship Yacht 285012 Work Live Project 285013 Bridgeside Shopping Center 285014 Perforce 285015 2411 Webb 285016 Safeway 285017 KFC Fund Totals 10,974 2,219 (14,728) 28,363 4,481 4,721 5,750 21,156 3,250 5,627 3,882 7,500 73,476 9,719 13,193 (14 7., 500 28,363 4.481 4.721 5.750 21,156 3,250 5,627 3,882 83,195 City Council Exhibit to Agenda Item 5 -F 12 -20 -11 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, 201 Re: Conduct the Affordable Housing Ordinance Annual Review Consistent with Section 27-1 of the Alameda Municipal Code and California Government Code Section 66001 and Accept the Annual Report On December 19, 1989, the City Council adopted the Affordable Housing Ordinance, which was created to mitigate the housing impacts caused by new or expanded non- residential construction. The fees apply to office/research and development, retail, warehouse/industrial, manufacturing, and hotel/motel construction. The Ordinance established the City's Affordable Housing Unit/Fee (AHUF) requirements as Section 27- 1 of the Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) and stated that these requirements can be satisfied either by the provision of housing units affordable to low- and moderate-income households or by the payment of an in-lieu fee. The AMC mandates that the City Council review the AHUF requirements on an annual basis to determine whether they are reasonably related to the impacts of development and whether the affordable housing units, programs, and activities are still needed. In addition to the requirements of the AMC, the AHUF is also required to meet the provisions of Section 66001 of the State of California Government Code. The Government Code requires an Annual Report be prepared containing specific information regarding the amount of fees collected, the beginning and ending fund balance, and how the fees were expended during the fiscal year (Annual Report). This staff report and the attached Annual Report (Exhibit 1) are intended to satisfy the annual review requirements pursuant to Section 27-1 of the AMC and Section 66001 of the Government Code for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. DISCUSSION The Affordable Housing Ordinance requires that, at the time of building permit application, a developer of a non-residential project (new construction or, expansion) must satisfy the affordable housing requirement either by providing affordable units or by paying an in-lieu fee. Since adoption of the Ordinance, two developers have provided City Council Agenda Item #5-G 12-20-11 Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 3 one unit each. The City monitors both units to ensure that long -term affordability is maintained. All other developers have paid a fee in -lieu of providing housing units. The Ordinance provides developers with a process to apply for an adjustment or waiver of the affordable housing requirement if there is no reasonable relationship between a particular project and the need for affordable housing. The application for an adjustment or waiver is reviewed by the Housing Director and can be appealed to the City Council for a final decision. The original study utilized to establish affordable housing requirements found that construction or expansion of non- residential development was a major factor in attracting new employees to the city, which in turn created a need and demand for additional housing in the city, and specifically for additional affordable housing. This study was reviewed in November 2006, with the conclusion that the demand for affordable housing and associated subsidies is comparable to or greater than the demand calculated at the time of the original study in 1989, and the City's fees are well within the limits of the maximum fees that could be supported on a nexus basis. In addition, the City's affordable housing units, programs, and activities are still needed. The City is working on satisfying the goals of the Housing Element for affordable housing, and the average market price of housing is beyond the reach of households at very low low and moderate income levels. High land costs and scarcity of land available for development hinder the provision of affordable housing units solely through private action. Affordable housing rents and purchase prices remain below the level necessary to stimulate new construction, and federal and state housing finance and subsidy programs remain insufficient by themselves to satisfy affordable housing needs. The Ordinance establishes a method for increasing the fee annually. The fee increase is based on the increase in local cost of construction, as reported by the Engineering News Report Construction Price Index for San Francisco. In the last several years, the City and country have seen an economic decline. This decline has resulted in fewer construction projects in the Bay Area, with construction costs no longer escalating by double digits as has been seen in prior years. The declining economy has led to a slowing in growth, with fewer companies making decisions to relocate. The goal of keeping the City's cost of doing business attractive to new business is as critical an issue as providing affordable housing, and balance is required. Based on the economic climate, the fees were not increased for FY10 -11. In addition, the master fee schedule adopted in July 2011, for FY 11 -12, held the AHUF constant for a fourth year. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no financial impact from conducting an annual review of the Affordable Housing Ordinance. Consistent with the Ordinance and Government Code, funds collected from the City's AHUF are sequestered in a special fund (Fund 266) that can only be used for eligible housing purposes specified in the Ordinance. Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 3 of 3 MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This Annual Review and the attached Annual Report are consistent with the requirements of Section 27-1 (Affordable Housing Unit/Fee Requirements) of the AMC and State of California Government Code Section 66001. RECOMMENDATION Conduct the Affordable Housing Ordinance Annual Review consistent with Section 27-1 of the Alameda Municipal Code and California Government Code Section 66001 and accept the attached Annual Report. Respectfully submitted--", i J Michael T. Pucci Housing Authority Executive Director MTP/DP:sb Exhibit: 1. Affordable Housing Unit/Fee Annual Report AFFORDABLE ANNUALREPORT December 21 2011 The City of Alameda has an Affordable Housing Ordinance which was created to mitigate the housing impacts caused by new or expanded non- residential construction. The fees apply to office /research and development, retail, warehouse /industrial, manufacturing, and hotel /motel construction. The ordinance established the City's Affordable Housing Unit/Fee (AHUF) requirements as Section 27 -1 of the Alameda Municipal Code and stated that these requirements can be satisfied either by the provision of housing units affordable to low- and moderate income households or by the payment of an in- lieu fee. Pursuant to State law, these types of "impact fees" require the preparation of an annual report containing specific information addressing the amount of fees collected, the beginning and ending fund balance, and how the fees were expended during the fiscal year. This annual report covers the 2010 -11 fiscal year. Description and Amount of the Fee The AHUF is assessed on new and expanded non residential construction. The fee is assessed based on the type of non residential construction. Construction activity is categorized in one of five development types contained in the table below. The fee is set, by development type, on an annual basis as part of the City's Master Fee Resolution. The Affordable Housing Ordinance establishes a method for increasing the fee. The fee increase is based on the increase in local cost of construction, as reported by the Engineering News Report Construction Price Index for San Francisco. Given the very small increase in the cost of construction (less than 2 the AHUF amount for FY10 -11 was not increased from the FY 2009 -10 amount. The master fee schedule adopted in July 2011, for the 2011 -12 fiscal year, continues to hold the AHUF amount at FY10 -11 levels. The AHUF amount has remained unchanged since the 2007 -08 fiscal year. City Council Exhibit to Agenda Item 5-G 12 -20 -11 Type of Development FY10 -11 Fee (per sq ft) Office /R &D $4.21 Retail $2.14 Warehouse /Industrial $0.73 Manufacturing $0.73 Hotel /Motel $1,081/room Beginning and Ending Account Balance/Total Amount of Fees Collected and Interest Earned Attachment A to this Report shows the beginning and ending fund balances. The beginning fund balance was $327,897 and the ending fund balance was $181,149. New revenues included affordable housing fees in the amount of $15,680, $3,600 in principal and interest payments on loans and $3,106 in interest on the fund balance. No new fees were collected in FY09 -10. Public Improvements Funded Attachment A provides a list of public improvements funded. Funding for public improvements include: first time homebuyer loans ($150,000) and maintenance of the City's housing website ($450). Three first time homebuyer loans were made through the City's Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Program. The DPA program provides loans up to a maximum of $80,000 for low- and moderate income first time homebuyers. $150,000 is 100% of the cost of the three loans. The $450 paid to maintain the City's housing website is 100% of the cost of administering the website. Financing on Incomplete Public Improvements All public improvements that received funding from the AHUF were completed during the 2010 -11 fiscal year. Therefore, there are no incomplete public improvements to report for FY10 -11. Interfund Transfers or Loans The loan payments, including interest, noted in Attachment A, were for payments on a Down Payment Assistance loan (5% interest) and an in -fill construction project loan (1.5% interest). Amount of Refunds Mad No refunds were made from the AHUF pursuant to Section 66001 of the State of California Government Code. ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ALAMEDA FUND 266 AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNIT /FEE FUND BEGINNING AND ENDING FUND BALANCES FUND ACTIVITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 Beginning Fund Balance 327,897 Revenues Affordable Housing Fees 15,680 Interest Allocation 3,106 Interest Payments from loans 925 Principal Payments from loans 2,675 Total Revenues 22,385 Expenditures Operating Expenses Administration 18,683 Projects Down Payment Assistance Loans 150,000 Housing Website 450 Total Expenditures 169,133 Ending Fund Balance 181,149 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Lara Weisiger City Clerk Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Adopt Resolution Setting the 2012 Regular City Council Meeting Dates BACKGROUND Section 3 -7 (B) of the Charter requires that the City Council adopt a resolution setting the dates of its regular meetings in December of the preceding year. DISCUSSION The proposed schedule has the City Council continuing to meet at 7:00 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of every month with no meetings in August. In addition, the first meeting in the month of November has been moved to Wednesday due to the November 6th election. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the resolution setting the 2012 regular City Council meetings dates. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk City Council Agenda Item 5 -H 12 -20 -11 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. SETTING THE 2012 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATES WE WHEREAS, Section 3-7 (B) of the City Charter of the City of Alameda requires that the City Council hold regular meetings in the calendar year as fixed by resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA THAT: Section 1. 2012 regular City Council meetings shall be held on: January 3, January 17, February 7, February 21, March 6, March 20, April 3, April 17, May 1, May 15, June 5, June 19, July 3, July 17, September 4, September 18, October 2, October 16, November 7, November 20, December 4, and December 18. Section 2. 2012 Regular Meetings shall convene at 7:00 p.m. Section 3. Notice of the date and time of the 2012 regular City Council meetings is hereby given, and the City Clerk is authorized, instructed and directed to give further or additional notice of the meetings, in the time, form and manner as required bylaw. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 20th day of December, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the said City this 21 st day of December, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Resolution #5-H CC 12-20-11 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Managerto Execute a Grant Funding Agreement with the Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program Manager Fund for $230,900 for the Local Match for the Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant for the Park Street Safety Improvement Project and to Execute all Necessary Documents BACKGROUND The Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) is generated by a four dollar vehicle registration fee and collected by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. As the TFCA Program Manager for Alameda County, the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) is responsible for programming 40% of the four-dollar fee that is collected in Alameda County for this program. TFCA Program Manager Funds are allocated to local jurisdictions on the basis of population to support projects that result in a reduction of emissions. Alameda CTC is allocating approximately $1.8 million during FY11 -12. DISCUSSION The City's General Plan recommends developing Transportation System Management (TSM) strategies that include traffic signal improvements to enhance traffic safety and operations, and to reduce greenhouse gases. Park Street is one of several major north south arterials connecting Alameda to Oakland. The signals along this corridor are not fully upgraded to provide adequate vehicle detection that causes congestion during the morning and afternoon peak periods. This also impacts service times for transit, and emergency response by Alameda Fire and Police. The funding received under the TFCA Program Manager Funds will provide the local match for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) federal grant received by the City to upgrade traffic signals between Encinal Avenue and the Park Street Bridge. The proposed project will install left -turn phases at signals, change pre -timed signals to fully actuated, implement signal coordination, and install flashing beacons as advance warning for traffic to address train operations on the rail road crossing along Glascock Avenue in Oakland. Traffic signal coordination and automated signal actuation reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving traffic flow, minimizing traffic congestion, and decreasing fuel City Council Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 20, 2011 Page 2 of 2 consumption. The improved traffic flow also improves transit operations thus making transit more attractive to commuters by minimizing delays experienced by buses at signalized intersections. FINANCIAL IMPACT The total project cost is estimated to be $964,300 and will be funded by the previously received HSIP federal grant in the amount of $733,400 and the proposed TFCA Program Manager funds for the local match of $230,900. This is anew Capital Improvement Project (CIP) and it will be budgeted in the Public Works Department's account for CIP (91170) Park Street Arterial Improvements. There is no impact to the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. The projects directly support General Plan Objective 4.1.1, "Provide for the safe and efficient movement of people, goods and services and General Plan Objective 4.1.6, "Increase the efficiency of the existing transportation system by emphasizing TSM strategies and Transportation Demand Management techniques." In accordance with the California Environmental Act (CEQA), this funding request is a local match for the HSIP federal grant which will undergo environmental review for the project. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a grant funding agreement with the TFCA Program Manager fund for $230,900 for the local match for the HSIP grant for the Park Street safety improvement project and to execute all necessary documents. Respe ua s b itte Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director BY, Obaid Khan Supervising Civil Engineer Approve �s,to funds and account, Fred Marsh Controller CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A GRANT FUNDING AGREEMENT WITH THE TRANSPORTATION FUND FOR CLEAN AIR PROGRAM MANAGER FUND FOR $230,900 FOR THE LOCAL MATCH FOR THE HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT FOR THE PARK STREET SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS WHEREAS, the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) has allocated Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) Program Manager funds for FY1 1-12; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda wishes to request the TFCA Program Manager funds for the Park Street safety improvement project to reduce congestion and improve traffic circulation; and A:! 0 WHEREAS, the City will request $230,900 for the local match for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) federal grant funding for the implementation of Park Street Corridor Operations Improvement Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda authorize the City Manger to execute of all required agreements and documents with the Alameda CTC for allocation of TFCA Program Manager funds for the Park Street Safety Improvement Project in an amount not to exceed $230,900 as described above. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 20th day of December, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 21 st day of December, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Resolution #5-1 CC 12-20-11 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Adopt a Resolution Ratifying the Public Utility Board's Approval of the Northern California Power Agency Market Purchase Program Agreement BACKGROUND At its November 21, 2011 meeting, the Public Utilities Board approved Alameda Municipal Power's (AMP) participation in the Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) Market Purchase Program Agreement (MPPA) and authorized the General Manager to execute the agreement contingent upon the City Council's ratification of its action. Since the term of this agreement is open ended and could possibly exceed 15 years, the agreement must be ratified by the City Council as required by City Charter Article XII, Sec. 12 -2(A). DISCUSSION AMP anticipates the need to acquire additional amounts of power to meet the load requirements of the City of Alameda, especially beginning in 2015 after a 10 -year contract expires. AMP will be exposed to the short -term market if anticipated shortfalls are not filled by the acquisition of firm resources. Excess exposure to the short -term market can result in unanticipated cost fluctuations and potential rate impacts due to the volatility of wholesale power market prices. AMP is a member of NCPA. NCPA has developed a Market Purchase Program (MPP) that allows NCPA to purchase power on behalf of participating members for terms up to five years. AMP has evaluated membership in the MPP as a means for procuring, in a cost effective and timely manner, additional resources to satisfy future supply deficiencies so that it can be less dependent on spot- market purchases. Market Purchase Program Effective participation in the power markets requires timely action as forward price curves change daily. The underlying power purchase agreements (PPAs) must already be in place with multiple parties prior to conducting a Request for Proposals (RFP) process to take advantage of pricing opportunities. The PPAs are complicated, technical, and require expert legal review to ensure the terms and provisions are current City Council Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 20, 2011 Page 2 of 4 and provide appropriate mitigation of counterparty risk. The MPP program instituted by NCPA employs skilled personnel, has developed appropriate underlying contracts which undergo regular legal review, and includes a risk management plan with the capability of performing risk evaluations in a timely manner to facilitate transactions. The cost of legal support as well as staff time needed to accomplish a similar effort in -house would be substantially higher than the cost of the NCPA MPP, which is shared by a number of participants. AMP staff recommends participation in the NCPA MPP to enable AMP to purchase power as needed, monitor the status of contract counterparties, and pool purchases with other NCPA MPP members to achieve lower overall costs for purchased power and to do so in a timely manner. Summary of Key Revisions The program covers a term of five years that can be automatically extended by one year on an annual basis. Transactions are limited to five years in duration. Procurement of power will use an RFP process with a pre qualified pool of marketers. For purchases of three months or less the Western States Power Pool (WSPP) agreement is used, and for purchases greater than three months the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) agreement is used. The underlying or base agreements with marketers are already in place. Procurement is through subscription. Each MPP member has the opportunity to participate in each solicitation, and to the extent the participant subscribes to a given transaction, they are assigned their pro -rata costs for the energy procured. Purchases must be undertaken in accordance with NCPA's energy risk management policy. Each participant pays a fixed cost of $900 per month and is allocated other additional internal program costs, if any, on a variable basis. Excess collections during the budget settlements are refunded after the end of the year. To allow NCPA to respond to requests for credit assurance, funds equal to the highest three months of estimated commodity costs to be procured over the coming year must be deposited on behalf of each participant into an operating or security account. Any such posting by AMP is expected to be small. New participants must reimburse existing participants for a proportionate share of any MPP costs incurred to establish and administer the MPP program. Program participants are required to establish a revenue covenant, whereby they agree to establish and collect rates and charges for the services and commodities produced by its electric system sufficient to provide revenues adequate to meet its obligations under the MPPA. Default provisions have been established to protect non defaulting members from the liability of the defaulting member. Termination provisions include the ability for NCPA or the participants to terminate or suspend the program, and cover the details for settling any outstanding program costs or liabilities. Withdrawal from the MPP requires two years advance notice and does not relieve the withdrawing party of any outstanding liabilities. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 20, 2011 Page 3 of 4 The agreement provides for indemnification and hold harmless clauses between the program participants and NCPA and its members. Trade Authorization AMP staff intends to provide the Public Utilities Board a comprehensive report in the coming months and request authorization to allow the General Manager to enter into transactions with appropriate dollar amount limitations and other safeguards. In the interim, transactions under the MPP agreement must be approved by the Public Utilities Board. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no financial impact on the General Fund. The financial impact on AMP includes the initial payment to NCPA for the security reserve and the program start-up cost reimbursement. These up-front costs are estimated by NCPA to total $8,500. The $900 monthly charge totals $10,800 per year. These costs are covered under AMP's power cost budget. Financial risks associated with open power supply positions should be reduced by utilizing the MPP and its associated risk management procedures. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Since the subject electric power purchases are in-lieu of similar spot-market purchases, this activity would not result in either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect change in the environment, and is therefore not a "project" for purposes of Section 21065 of the California Environmental Quality Act. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution ratifying the Public Utilities Board's approval of the Northern California Power Agency Market Purchase Program agreement. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council By Don Rushton Operations Manager December 20, 2011 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit: 1. NCPA Market Purchase Program Agreement on file in the City Clerk's Office cc: Public Utilities Board CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. RATIFYING THE PUBLIC UTILITY BOARD'S APPROVAL OF THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POWER AGENCY MARKET PURCHASE PROGRAM WHEREAS, Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) on occasion has the need to purchase additional electric energy and capacity to meet the electric power requirements of the City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, maintenance of an adequate, cost effective supply of electric power is a matter of critical importance, directly affecting the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, requests for proposal for the purchase of electric energy or capacity often require response within a very short time frame; and WHEREAS, AMP is a member of the Northern California Power Agency (NCPA), and WHEREAS, NCPA is willing to undertake the purchase of electric energy and capacity for its members for terms of up to 5 years pursuant to its Market Purchase Program Agreement (MPPA); and WHEREAS, utilizing the MPPA, NCPA may enter into power purchase agreements for its participating members, which agreements are in the form of the Western Systems Power Pool Agreement or the Edison Electric Institute Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement (as incorporated in the MPPA), with such modifications as have been made by the NCPA Commission or may be reasonably required to consummate a power purchase agreement; and WHEREAS, the MPPA provides that, following the issuance of a request for proposals for power, the execution of a Participant Purchase Confirmation by the Designated Representative of a participating NCPA member will be deemed the subscription by that NCPA member for the purchase of power upon the terms negotiated; and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Board has reviewed and approved the MPPA at its November 21, 2011 meeting and recommends that the City Council ratify its action as required by City Charter Section 12-2(A). NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda, that the Council ratifies the action of the Public Utilities Board, as follows: Resolution #5-J CC 12-20-11 1. The Market Purchase Program Agreement with NCPA is hereby approved, and the General Manager of Alameda Municipal Power is hereby authorized to execute it on behalf of Alameda Municipal Power. 2. The General Manager or designee is hereby designated as the Designated Representative for Alameda Municipal Power pursuant to the MPPA. Such Designated Representative is hereby authorized to execute Participant Purchase Confirmations for either or both electric energy and capacity, and to accede to or agree to amendments to either the Western States Power Purchase Agreement or the Edison Electric Institute Master Agreement with the advice of counsel, provided that such Participant Purchase Confirmations are entered into in conformance with the MPPA. The obligations entered into by such officers on behalf of Alameda Municipal Power shall be valid and binding, and the Public Utilities Board agrees to approve the payment of such obligations in accordance with the MPPA as fully and as if each such Participant Purchase Confirmation and transaction were directly presented to and individually approved by it.` 3. The monetary limits associated with transactions under the MPPA and delegated to the General Manager are to be established via a separate resolution of the Public Utilities Board. Until such time authority to transact is delegated by the Public Utilities Board to the General Manager, no transactions may be undertaken under the MPPA without express consent of the Public Utilities Board. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 20th day of December, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 21st day of "December, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Introduce an Ordinance to Amend the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 3 -28.9 (Payment In -Lieu of Taxes, PILOT) of Section 3 -28 (Payment of Taxes) of Chapter III (Finance and Taxation) to Exempt the Golf Fund from the Payment In -Lieu of Taxes and Adopt a Resolution to Cease the Transfer of the Surcharge from the Golf Enterprise Fund to the General Fund BACKGROUND Payments in -lieu of taxes (PILOT) are intended to compensate a local government for some or all of the tax revenue that it loses because of the nature of the ownership or use of a particular piece of real property. In 1993, the City Council established the PILOT to compensate the General Fund for foregone property tax revenues from the City's various Enterprise Funds. In FY10 -11, the Golf Enterprise Fund contributed $202,224 to the City's General Fund through the PILOT. The golf surcharge, which is an additional payment on certain golf greens fee, was established in 1991 and subsequently raised several times. In FY10 -11, the Golf Enterprise Fund contributed $95,889 to the City's General Fund through the transfer of the surcharge. Cost allocation is the City's method for cost recovery of services provided by departments, but not directly billed, such as finance, legal services, and general government services. For FY10 -11, the Golf Enterprise Fund contributed $276,804 to the City's General Fund and $42,840 to its Internal Service Funds through the application of cost allocation. DISCUSSION The City's FY11 -12 operating budget, which the City Council adopted in June 2011, included six months' worth of transfers from the Golf Enterprise Fund to the City's General Fund, at a cost to the Golf Enterprise Fund of approximately $290,000. Those transfers include the PILOT, the surcharge, and cost allocation. As described at the June and October 2011 budget workshops, the City will cease transferring the PILOT, golf surcharge, and cost allocation monies from the Golf Enterprise Fund to the City's City Council t Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 General Fund, effective January 1, 2011. Together, these three transfers accounted for $290,000 in General Fund revenues in FY11 -12. Because the PILOT transfer is codified in the Alameda Municipal Code, the City Council must adopt an ordinance in order to cease this transfer. The golf surcharge was originally implemented via City Council motion, so a Resolution is sufficient to stop this transfer. The General Fund cost allocation transfer can be eliminated administratively. The City will continue to transfer funds for the Maintenance Assessment District ($13,120 in FY11 -12), Capital Improvement Project Administration ($15,000 in FY11 -12) and debt service on certificates of participation for golf course improvements 129 in FY11 -12). FINANCIAL IMPACT The City's adopted budget for FY11 -12 includes only six months' worth of transfers, so there will be no additional impact to the General Fund from stopping the transfer of the PILOT, golf surcharge, and cost allocation. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The Alameda Municipal Code is modified by amending Subsection 3 -28.9 (Payment In- Lieu of Taxes, PILOT) of Section 3 -28 (Payment of Taxes) of Chapter III (Finance and Taxation) Introduce an Ordinance to amend the Alameda Municipal Code by amending Subsection 3 -28.9 (Payment In -Lieu of Taxes, PILOT) of Section 3 -28 (Payment of Taxes) of Chapter III (Finance and Taxation) to exempt the Golf Enterprise Fund from the payment in -lieu of taxes and adopt a Resolution to cease the transfer of the surcharge from the Golf Enterprise Fund to the General Fund. Approved s to funds and account, ;4 Fred Marsh Controller CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. CEASING THE TRANSFER OF THE SURCHARGE FROM THE GOLF ENTERPRISE FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND WHEREAS, the golf surcharge is an additional payment on certain golf greens fees; and WHEREAS, the golf surcharge was first established in 1991 and was subsequently raised several times; and WHEREAS, the golf surcharge is currently transferred from the Golf Enterprise Fund to the City's General Fund to be used for general City purposes; and I NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Alameda directs City staff to cease transferring the golf surcharge monies from the Golf Enterprise Fund to the City's General Fund, effective January 1, 2012. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 20th day of December, 2011, by the following vote to wit: WHEREAS, the City's adopted Fiscal Year 2011-2012 budget includes no transfers of the golf surcharge from the Golf Enterprise Fund to the General Fund after December 31 2011: and AYES NOES: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 21st day of December, 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Resolution #5-K CC 12-20-11 CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE No. New Series AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 3-28.9 (PAYMENT IN-LIEU OF TAXES) OF SECTION 3-28 (PAYMENT OF TAXES) OF CHAPTER III (FINANCE AND TAXATION) TO EXEMPT THE GOLF ENTERPRISE FUND FROM THE PAYMENT IN-LIEU OF TAXES 4 A BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Alameda that: Section 1. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by amending Subsection 3-28.9 (Payment In-Lieu of Taxes) of Section 3-28 (Payment of Taxes) of Chapter I I I (Finance and Taxation) to read as follows: City Enterprise Funds shall annually pay one (1%) percent of fixed assets in lieu of taxes. The basis for the tax shall be the value of fixed assets at June 30th of the preceding year for the sewer fund and, for all other enterprise funds, the value of fixed assets as of June 30, 1993 adjusted annually for inflation since that date in the amount of the lesser of two (2%) percent or the increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the San Francisco Bay Area published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor or any successor to that index. Effective January 1, 2012, the Golf Fund shall be entirely exempt from the Payment In-Lieu of Taxes. Section 2. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of Alameda hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections sentences, clauses or phrases hereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3. To the extent the provisions of the Alameda Municipal Code as amended by this ordinance are substantially the same as the provisions of that Code in effect prior to the adoption of this ordinance, those provisions shall be construed as continuations of those prior provisions and not as new enactments. Introduction of Ordinance #5-K CC 12-20-11 Section 4 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage as provided in Section 3 -12 of the Charter of the City of Alameda. Attest: Presiding Officer of the City Council Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. New Series APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN CITY, AS LESSOR, AND FRIENDS OF THE ALAMEDA ANIMAL SHELTER, AS LESSEE, FOR THE ALAMEDA ANIMAL SHELTER FACILITY (REQUIRES FOUR AFFIRMATIVE VOTES) WHEREAS, the Lease term commences on January 1, 2012, at which point the Alameda Animal Shelter will be operated solely by Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter; and WHEREAS, City Charter Article 111, Sec. 12 allows an Ordinance to become effective less than 30 days from the date of final passage in the event of great urgency or necessity; and WHEREAS, without a lease effective January 1, 2012, the City of Alameda will be forced to close the Shelter for lack of funding; and WHEREAS, the proposed lease does not have a significant effect on the environment, and therefore, is exempt under Section 15301 (e) (1) of the CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a form of lease containing the covenants, terms and conditions to be entered into is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, pursuant to City Charter Article III Sec. 10, no real property of the City shall be leased for a period in excess of one year except on the affirmative vote of four members of the Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Alameda, and upon the affirmative vote of four members of the City Council that: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Alameda hereby approves and authorizes the City Manager to execute the Agreement between the City of Final Passage of Ordinance #5 -L CC 12 -20 -11 Alameda, as Lessor, and Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter, as Lessee, for the Alameda Animal Shelter facility. Section 2. The City Council hereby declares, on the basis of the findings set forth above, that an emergency exists and that this Ordinance is necessary to preserve the public peace, health and safety. Accordingly, this Ordinance is adopted as an urgency ordinance and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon final adoption. Attest: Presiding Officer of the Council Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda 1 0 1 W �s i kyj Iv I I Lej r. 1 a No To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Approve Modifications to the Tree Removal Policy Contained in the Master Street Tree Plan The 2010 Master Street Tree Plan (MSTP) is an overarching policy document that specifies polices for street trees in Alameda. This two-volume document specifically relates to street trees and includes a Tree Removal Policy, Table of Required Distances between City Infrastructure and Trees, Guidelines for the Protection of Important Nesting Habitat, and a Special Planting Zone Map. The MSTP also recommends tree species based on site performance, visual aesthetics, and long-term maintenance. On September 28, 2009, the Planning Board (PB) heard public comment on and provided input and suggested changes to the draft MSTP. The PB continued the item to allow staff an opportunity to consider and address the PB's comments. After meeting with residents, staff presented revisions to the MSTP to the PB on November 9, 2009, and the PB recommended approval of the MSTP to the City Council. On February 16, 2010, the City Council adopted the MSTP. On September 6, 201 the City Council awarded a contract to Suarez and Munoz Construction, Inc. for the Park Street Streetscape Project (Phase 2), which covers Lincoln Avenue to Webb Avenue and Central Avenue to San Jose Avenue. The first phase of the Park Street Streetscape project, from Webb Avenue to Central Avenue (including portions of Santa Clara Avenue) was completed in 2006. As part of the Phase 2 project, 31 existing street trees were removed from October 19 through October 21, 201 The public was angered by the removal of the trees and the lack of noticing. Several speakers attended the October 24, 2011 PB meeting to voice their concerns. As a result, the PB requested that a review of the MSTP be placed on its next available agenda so that policy changes could be recommended to the City Council to address the Park Street tree removal incident and ensure that appropriate public notification is provided for future tree removals. The PB meeting was held on November 28, 201 City Coun Agenda Item 46 1 1 12-20-1, Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council DISCUSSION December 20, 2011 Page 2 of 5 The MSTP is a community based master plan document related to street trees in Alameda. The adoption process included seven public meetings throughout the city to elicit input from the community. The MSTP includes a Tree Removal Policy (Exhibit 1) that identifies when it is appropriate to remove a tree, when posting of the removal is and is not required, and when a removal is and is not appealable. According to the MSTP, public posting for tree removals is not required or appealable for the following: The tree is dead or presents an imminent threat to public safety as determined by a certified Arborist. The tree is determined by a certified Arborist to be infected with a rapidly spreading pathogen, such as Dutch Elm disease, that poses an immediate hazard to other trees. In addition, the following is currently exempt from the tree removal policy and is non- appealable: Streetscape and other projects that have already received public input and City Council approval for tree removal. At the November 28 PB meeting, staff recommended modifying the Tree Removal Policy contained in the MSTP to require that the PB review any capital improvement project (CIP) that will remove more than 5% of the street trees in any given block face (one side of a city street block) prior to approval by the City Council. The title of the agenda item for both the PB and City Council meetings shall specifically state the number and size of trees to be removed and the proposed number and size of the replacement trees. In addition, the MSTP has been revised to explicitly state that during the design phase of a project, all practical and reasonable alternatives are to be considered before identifying a tree for removal. The PB agreed with these revisions and requested that the City Council agenda item seeking approval for the tree removal(s) be a regular agenda item and that the report state specifically what percentage of trees are being removed within the project. The proposed policy has been revised to require that both the PB and City Council consider tree removals as a regular agenda items. Also, to ensure the public is informed throughout the process, staff proposed revisions requiring CIP's to post a public notice on all trees and on the City's website for both the PB and City Council meetings and three weeks prior to any removal. The City Council's vote to remove any tree(s) is final, provided the project commences within two years of Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 3 of 5 the City Council's action. This is the standard effective approval period for planning projects. Furthermore, should construction of the project occur one year after the City Council's vote, an informational community meeting is to be held prior to commencement of the project. Projects which remove less than 5% of the street trees on any given block face will follow the existing notification and appeal process (Section E of Exhibit 1). The PB agreed with these revisions and requested that the informational community meeting be held at least three weeks prior to the removal of any trees and that, if possible, there be at least one City Council meeting within the three-week window to allow the public to present concerns to the City Council. The proposed policy has been revised to address this request. Additional staff-recommended modifications include the following minimum posting requirements. One day for trees that are dead and present an imminent threat to public safety, as determined by a certified Arborist (currently no posting is required). Three days for trees that are dead but do not pose an imminent threat to public safety, as determined by a certified Arborist (currently no posting is required). Three days for trees that are diseased with a rapidly spreading pathogen that poses a hazard to other trees, as determined by a certified Arborist (currently no posting is required). The PB agreed with these revisions and, at the suggestion of a member of the public, requested that an additional category of dying trees be included in the proposed revisions. The following additional category for minimum posting requirements is recommended: Three days for trees that are dying and have significant decay (typically at least 70% for most trees), as determined by a certified Arborist. This is consistent with recommendations from the International Society of Arboriculture. The only time a tree will not be subject to the posting requirement is when it is significantly damaged, and its immediate removal is required for the safety of the general public or to protect significant damage to property. The PB also requested the following additional changes, which have been incorporated into the revised policy: If the CIP has been modified to significantly change the project after the PB and/or the City Council has reviewed and commented on it, a new public meeting shall be held before the project may continue. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 20, 2011 Page 4 of 5 Provide a time frame for replanting trees. The existing policy requires trees to be replanted within 60 to 90 days. There were several additional comments from the PB that are not directly related to the MSTP: The PB suggested that park trees and other trees on public property should be subject to the tree removal and noticing requirements contained in the MSTP. Staff recommends that the Tree Removal Policy be presented to the Park and Recreation Commission for its review and recommendation to City Council prior to requiring the policy to be applicable to trees within City parks. With regards to trees on other City properties, since there may be implications for other City Departments (for example the Economic Development Department and Housing Authority), the City Manager's Office will work with all affected departments to determine if modifications are required to the policy to meet the specific needs of a particular department and will provide a recommendation to the City Council in the near future. The PB also recommended that the City require the Park Street Business Association to provide the additional funds required to maintain the trees, The City prunes street trees on a five-year cycle using General Fund monies. Young trees especially should be pruned more regularly to develop a strong structure and desirable form. Staff will encourage the Park Street Business Association to provide for the additional pruning requirements and general tree maintenance. 0 Provide additional bike parking to the streetscape project. Public Works staff is actively working with BikeAlameda to provide additional bicycle racks along Park Street. The current project does not have sufficient funds to pay for the purchase and installation of additional bicycle racks as part of the streetscape project; however, there are sufficient Measure B reserve funds available to install bicycle racks as a separate project. The Transportation Commission will be discussing this item at its December 14, 2011 meeting. Once the bicycle rack locations have been identified, staff will proceed with a separate project to install the racks on an expedited basis. Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 5 of 5 FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no financial impact associated with approving the modifications to the Tree Removal Policy contained in the Master Street Tree Plan. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15308, Action by Regulatory Agencies for protection of the Environment, approving the modifications to the Tree Removal Policy contained in the MSTP is categorically exempt. The policy assures the maintenance, restoration, and enhancement of a natural resource. RECOMMENDATION Approve modifications to the Tree Removal Policy contained in the Master Street Tree Plan. Respectfully submitted, Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director Approved as to funds and account, Z i6' Marsh Controller Exhibits: 1. MSTP, Exhibit 1/Tree Removal Policy: pages 108-111 2. Proposed Revisions to Tree Removal Policy EXHIBIT 1 TREE REMOVAL POLICY r 1i A. GENERAL TREE REMOVAL POLICY 1. Site modifications to be evaluated to resolve conflicts before tree removal is considered. A. Modify private construction B. Roof pruning /shaving C. Curb modification that provides for adequate drainage for entire block D. Reduce sidewalk width near trees yet maintain ADA requirements City Council Exhibit 1 to Agenda Item #6 -A 12 -20 -11 Although tree removal is a last resort alternative, there are circumstances when it is necessary. An arborist can help decide whether or not a tree should be removed. The City will remove street trees that are: dead; diseased with a rapidly spreading pathogen that poses an hazard to other trees; or presents an imminent threat to public safety or a declared public nuisance. In other cases, where application is made to remove a healthy tree, consid- eration will be based on the guidelines included in this policy. Tree removal within the public Right -of -Way for private projects will be included in the planning design review process forthe project. Tree removal is permissible only after ail practical and reasonable alternatives have been considered. There are three types of tree removal; those that do not require public posting as listed above, exempt tree removal and those that require public notice. B. IMMEDIATE TREE REMOVAL -NOT POSTED Trees that will not receive public noticing or posting include the following: 1. The tree is dead or presents an imminent threat to public safety as determined by a certified arborist. 2. The tree is determined by a certified Arborist to be infected with a rapidly spreading pathogen, such as Dutch Elm disease, that poses an immediate hazard to other trees. Ar my iii .7 d Streetscope and other projects that have already received public input and City Council approval for tree removal will be exempt from posting. D. POSTED TREE REMOVAL Prior to the removal of any tree, except as listed in sections B and C, the City will post a public notice, allowing anyone to protest the removal of the tree. In addi- tion, the city will notify adjacent property owners and post a notice on the city's web page. if a protest is filed, a public meeting will be held as discussed in section E2. Any person aggrieved by the final decision of the Public Works Director may pay the applicable appeal fee and appeal to the City Clerk within two weeks of the Director's decision. No more than 5% of the street trees in any given block face will be removed per year unless a greater percentage is approved by the City Council. Removal is proposed when the Public Works Director determines any of the conflicts listed below cannot be remedied. F. Meander sidewalk F. Ramp sidewalk G. Reduce curb width F. Curb breaks 1. New technology to be evaluated as it develops 2. Types of conflicts A. The tree is causing damage to private or public infrastructure that cannot be mitigated by practical and reasonable options as determined by anarborist. B. The tree is causing persistent sidewalk and ADA safety concerns and cannot be mitigated by practical and reasonable options as determined by an arborist. C. The tree has a disease other than in B2 above, or is in poor health. D. The implementation of a tree phasing plan;is needed to replace existing trees, with more suitable species,' Phased tree removal will occur only after a good faith effort is made to adhere to the maximum yearly tree removal percentage noted above. A comprehensive tree removal and proactive replanting plan shall be pre- pared and approved by City Council for phased removal. Example of conditions that would justify a phased removal plan include a cluster of dead or dying trees as a result of a pathogen, or segments of excessive and or frequent tree related infrastructure damage that would require a whole row of trees to be removed. E. The tree is in conflict with a private improvement plan. If a planning permit is required for the improvement, a street tree removal request must be identified on the planning permit application, which will require notification and removal approval as detailed in this policy prior to the planning permit being processed. All applications to the Planning Department for private improvements that impact the public Right -of -Way must include existing conditions within the public Right- of-Way on the submitted drawings. This includes trees, utility boxes, streetlight and other structures in the public Right -of -Way. F. The removal is required to allow for the construction of public improvements when in consultation with an arborist, it is determined that there is no practical and or reasonable alternative avoilable.to retain the trees 3. Tools that may be used to evaluate trees posted for removal. A. Variables to be evaluated as part of tree removal decision. 1. Biological impacts of tree removal (see Volume 1, Appendix 4 "Protection of Important Nesting Habitat 2. Tree Species characteristic a. Climate adaptability b. Growth characteristic C. Soil adaptability d. Resistance ortolerance to insects, diseases and other environmental conditions e. Tree is a rare or unusual species in Alameda f. Tree is an especially good example of its type in Alameda 3. Condition of target tree's roots, branches, trunk, foliage a. Structural Integrity b. Tree general health 109 4. The tree's potential to reach mature height a Trees rec! --h an econon-ic and aesthetic height at maturity, Each tree species `ia a ij erent op i'na ,ree height and age. Site condition can nr nce a _6....:ce t ,girt potential. 5. The target tree is one of a limited numberof large trees (i.e. trees over40' tall) within the impact area. An impact area is defined as a distance equal to double the height of mature species.' 6. The tree species is uniquely suited to the site or alternatively the optimal value is decreased at specific site. a. Urban Habitat /Urban forest b. Environmental tolerance c. Property value 7. Value of tree as compared to cost to repair private and public damage by tree 8. Liability associated with tree. 9. Compliance with regulatory requirements, such as ADA 10. Value of tree as compared to future maintenance cost. A value analysis may be provided by an arborist on trees where the site cannot be modified and further analysis of the tree's impact is needed. B. The model upon which the value analysis was developed is "A Guide for Plant Appraisals published by the International Society of Arboriculture. A similar document may be used as the basis forvalue analysis. The variables listed above are to be considered when conducting the value analysis. E. NOTIFICATION, PROTEST, APPEAL, REMOVAL, AND REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES 1. Notification Procedure The Public Works Department shall not remove any street tree listed above in Section D, without first; a. Posting said tree with a conspicuous notice, and b. Notifying in writing the adjacent property owner and c, Posting on the City's web page The notice and letter must be dated three weeks before any action is taken. The notice and letter must contain the reason for the removal. A copy of this policy, which describes the protest and appeal procedure, will be available upon request and on the City's web page. 2. Protest Procedure Any resident or property owner can protest the removal of a street tree by writing to the Public Works Director no later than three weeks. from the date of posting. In the event of a protest: a. The Public Works Director shall stop any removal action and reconsider the 110 removal decision. b. If the Public Works Director and the citizen lodging the protest cannot reach an agreement, a public hearing date will be identifiledwi-,hin two weeks, All concerned park es can attend this hearing and present 1 or tesit' C Afier the rneeti-ig, the Director shall, notify all concernf rrliesof his dedsion, in writing, within approximately two weeks after the hearing, 3. Appeal Procedure Any resident or property owner can appeal the decision of the Public Works Director by writing to the Public Works Director or City Clerk, c/o City Hall. All appeals go before the City Council. There is an appeal fee, which is listed in the Master Fee Schedule. A. Removal Procedure a. If there is an appeal, the tree shall not be removed until the City Council has made the final decision. All Council decisions are final and not open to further appeal. b. Any tree that is removed shall be replanted with a suitable replacement, provided the new site is in accordance with MSTP spacing criteria. If the tree site is not suit- able, the nearest suitable site that complies with Appendix 3 "Preferred Distances Between City Infrastructure and Replacement trees" will be used. F. PROTECTED TREE REMOVAL POLICY No protected tree within the Public Right of Way shall be removed without a certifi- cate of approval from the Historical Advisory Board, Protected trees shall include: the Palm trees in the public right of way on Burbank Street and Portola Avenue; any street tree on Thompson and Central Avenues; and any Coastal Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) with a ten inch or greater diameter measured 4.5 feet above the ground. Applicants shall submit an arborist's report in a case where the health of the tree is the reason for the requested removal of the tree, or a contractor's report in a case where damage to foundation or other structure is the reason for the requested removal. Any protected street tree shall be replaced, at the applicant's expense, except those shown to be unhealthy or causing damage to private structures, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, Any Oak tree shall be replaced with a minimum of two Oak trees at sites in accordance with MSTP spocing criteria, 15 gallons or larger and to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Director. (Alameda Municipal Code Sections 13 21.7) G. REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE a. In general, trees removed for cause shall be replaced within 60 to 90 days with the same or approved species, in containers no smaller than 15 gallons. b. Tree species will be selected so that curb or sidewalk damage will be minimized. c. The property owner will be notified that a new tree will be planted and that they will be responsible to water the tree. d. The standard procedure is to install a special perforated pipe next to the new plantings, where soil conditions warrant, in accordance with tree planting guidelines. rri tJ 0 rn (A M (A A. GENERAL TREE REMOVAL POLICY Although tree removal is a last resort alternative, there are circumstances when it is necessary. An arborist can help decide whether or not a tree should be removed. The City will remove street trees that are: dead; diseased with a rapidly spreading pathogen that poses an hazard to other trees; or presents an imminent threat to public safety or a declared public nuisance. In other cases, where application is made to remove a healthy tree, consideration will be based on the guidelines included in this policy. Tree removal within the public Right-of-Way for private projects will be included in the planning design review process for the project. Tree removal is permissible only after all practical and reasonable alternatives have been considered. There is only one type a-r,-- thFee typ4a-,, of tree removal: these that does not require public posting as listed abeve below, exempt tree rem enrl these tha all other tree removals require some form of public notice. B.1 IMMEDIATE TREE REMOVAL NOT POSTED (Non-appealable) Trees that will not receive public noticing or posting include the following: 1. Trees that are significantly damaged during a storm or from other occurrences that requires its immediate removal for the safety of the general public or to protect significant damage to Property. The tree is dead GF presents an immirior,t threat to P61bliG safety as determiRed by a Gertified arbeFist. �2. Thp- trp-ta i-r- by a GePtified apbeFist te 198 i48Gt8d with a Papidly SpFeadiRg pathE)@l8R, SUGh aS QWtGh Film disease, that peses an immediate hazaFd te ether tFees. B.2 IMMEDIATE TREE REMOVAL POSTED AT LEAST ONE DAY PRIOR TO REMOVAL (Non appealable) Trees that will be posted at least one day prior to removal include the following: City Council Exhibit 2 to Agenda Item #6-A 12-20-11 1. The tree is dead and presents an imminent threat to public safety as determined by a certified arborist, whose report shall be on file in the Public Works Department. B.3 IMMEDIATE TREE REMOVAL POSTED AT LEAST THREE DAYS PRIOR TO REMOVAL (Non appealable) Trees that will be posted at least three days prior to removal include the following: 1. The tree is dead, but does not present an imminent threat to public safety as determined by a certified arborist, whose report shall be on file in the Public Works Department. 2. The tree is determined by a certified arborist to be infected with a rapidly spreading pathogen, such as Dutch Elm disease, that poses an- immediate hazard to other trees. The arborist's report shall be on file in the Public Works'Department. 3. The tree is dying and has significant decay (typically at least 70% for most trees), as determined by a certified Arborist. The arborist's report shall be on file in the Public Works Department. C. TREE REMOVAL ASSOCIATED WITH A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 1. Capital Improv Projects that will remove more than 5% of the street trees in any given block face and have been reviewed by the Planning Board and approved by the City Council will be posted at least three weeks prior to removal. Tree removal is permissible only after all practical and reasonable alternatives have been considered. During the planning review period for the Capital Improvement Project, the title of the agenda item for both the Planning Board and City Council meetings shall specifically state the number and size of trees to be removed and the proposed number and size of the replacement trees. The project shall be placed on the regular agenda and the report shall state the percentage of trees being removed within the project. All input received on the project, including suggested modifications, shall be included in the City Council report recommending approval of the project and describing the modifications made to the proiect to address the comments received from the public and the Planning Board. Notification of the potential tree removal(s) and public discussion by the Planning Board and City Council shall also be attached to each tree and posted on the City's web site at least one week prior to the date of the meeting and at least three weeks prior to any tree removal(s). The City Council's decision is final, provided the project commences within two years of the City Council approval. Should construction of the project occur after one year of the City Council approval, an informational community meeting shall be held at least three weeks prior to commencement of the project. There shall be at least one City Council meeting within this three week window to allow the public to present its concerns with the project to the City Council Should the capital improvement project be modified to significantly change the project after the Planning Board has reviewed and commented on it, a new public meeting shall be held before the Planning Board prior to the City Council's approval of the r p oiect. D. ALL OTHER °nom;) TREE REMOVALS Prior to the removal of any tree, except as listed in sections B and C, the City will post a public notice, allowing anyone to protest the removal of the tree. In addition, the GCity will notify adjacent property owners and post a notice on the eCity's web page. If a protest is filed, a public meeting will be held as discussed in section E2. Any person aggrieved by the final decision of the Public Works Director may pay the applicable appeal fee in accordance with the Master Fee Resolution and appeal to the City QIGFk Council within two weeks of the Director's decision. No more than 5% of the street trees in any given block face will be removed per year unless a greater percentage is reviewed by the Planning Board and approved by the City Council. Removal is proposed when the Public Works Director determines any of the conflicts listed below cannot be remedied. 1 ILION NI INV =1 M RAI I I I N1 LOW$] A 041 z %K#1 01: 1 ffill:gLel ffl� CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John A. Russo City Manager Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Introduce an Ordinance Amending Alameda Municipal Code Sections 6- 27.4, 6-52.1 and 22-8.1 to Allow Sale of Goods from a Rolling Store with Approval of a Special Event Permit, Conditional Use Permit, or Encroachment Permit; and Adopt Food Truck Program Guidelines, Including Standard Conditions of Approval for a Conditional Use Permit or Encroachment Permit for Rolling Stores BACKGROUND Cities like Portland, Oregon; Austin, Texas; and San Francisco, California have successfully used attractive and eclectic food trucks and carts to provide interim uses for vacant parcels and to attract people to under-used or under-serviced commercial neighborhoods. Portland found that food trucks can complement existing businesses by attracting pedestrian traffic with a non-traditional, communal eating experience, where customers may intermingle and interact directly with chefs. A City of Alameda Food Truck Program (Program) also has the potential of revitalizing vacant properties and blighted areas by attracting patrons drawn to new and innovative culinary entrepreneurs in stylized food trucks. Additionally, a new generation of entrepreneurs is using food trucks and new social and mobile media marketing tools as an inexpensive way to start a restaurant business. These popular roving kitchens allow up-and-coming chefs to enter the marketplace with multiple points of access and a broad range of innovative menus. The result is a thriving food truck business sector, which is part of a larger, long-term trend in high quality, convenient dining. Other examples include Whole Foods Markets offering hot, ready-made meals and restaurants like P.F. Chang's providing curbside take-out service. A City Program could encourage local residents to start new businesses or create an incentive for existing restaurants to expand their operations using food trucks as a mobile annex. The cities of Berkeley and Oakland have created special weekly, off-street events in revitalizing areas with a regular group of street food vendors congregating at one location. (Berkeley's "Off the Grid" is Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Shattuck Ave at Rose Street and Oakland's "Bits off Broadway," is Fridays 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at 365 45 Street.) The Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) prohibits "rolling stores" such A-VA City Counca Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 5 as food trucks, except for those selling fruits, vegetables, ice cream, candy, and popcorn. In 2009, the City issued a conditional use permit for one rolling store, Jon's Street Eats, to promote economic use of a private, underutilized parcel at 2301 Santa Clara Avenue, across from City Hall. This was considered a trial effort and has spurred steady activity during its regularly scheduled hours of operations. This permit would not be approved under the guidelines described below, since it is not in one of the five restricted locations for rolling stores conducting business on private property. Jon's Street Eats will be the only approved conditional use permit for food trucks outside of the five restricted locations. DISCUSSION City staff is proposing changes to the AMC and creating Program Guidelines in order to help the City revitalize vacant and blighted private and public properties, encourage creation and expansion of new businesses, and address the lack of food establishments in certain commercial areas of the city, such as Alameda Point and Harbor Bay Business Park. Providing on- the -spot amenities may also complement and stimulate other economic development initiatives. For example, the City suggested creating a "food trailer court" on vacant and paved areas at Alameda Point in its proposal to attract the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Second Campus (LBNL Second Campus). The food trailer court would increase the number of eating options within a short walking distance of the LBNL Second Campus for employees at lunchtime and contribute to the general appeal of the site. The following are staff recommendations for the City Council to consider in encouraging a City Food Truck Program: 1. Update the AMC regulations regarding the prohibition of food truck vendors to be consistent with State law; 2. Create Program Guidelines to encourage and support a vibrant business climate in appropriate areas and to regulate food trucks by creating standard conditions of approval to protect the community from noise and litter; and 3. Develop an outreach and implementation strategy for the Program. The following provides a more detailed discussion of staff's recommendations. 9. Update AMC to Allow Food Trucks In addition to appropriate licenses_ (e.g., Alameda business license, County health permit), staff recommends that a food truck operator or organizer be required to obtain one of three permits to operate a food truck in the City, depending on the location and duration of the proposed use. At the request of the West Alameda Business Association (WABA) and Park Street Business Association (PSBR), permanent or reoccurring food truck uses on private property will be restricted to specific underserved Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council commercial areas in Alameda process: December 20, 2011 Page 3of5 The following describes this three pronged permitting A Special Event Permit (SEP) for one -time events or up to three individual events (such as block parties or street festivals occurring on consecutive days) on private property or in the public Right -of -Way; A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for permanent or recurring food truck uses on private property; or an Encroachment Permit (EP) for permanent or recurring food truck uses in the public Right -of -Way. A CUP for permanent or recurring food truck use would be restricted to the following locations the former Naval Air Station at Alameda Point, the College of Alameda property, the South Shore Shopping Center, and the Marina Village and Harbor Bay Business Parks. Staff proposes revising the following Sections of the AMC to be consistent with the California Vehicle Code, to encourage food trucks in appropriate locations, and to be consistent with the City's existing practice: 6 -27 Storage, Sale, and Preparation of Food and Beverages regulates the sale of any meat, meat food products, seafood, or dressed poultry exclusively to a fixed place of business. Staff recommends changing the Section to allow the sale from rolling stores (e.g., food trucks) with approval of a Special Event Permit, Conditional Use Permit, or Encroachment Permit. 6 -52 Use of Streets and Sidewalks —bans the use of public streets and sidewalks for the sale of anything other than fresh fruits and vegetables. Staff recommends 'changing this Section to allow the City to grant a Special Event Permit, Conditional Use Permit or Encroachment Permit for the temporary sale from a rolling store (e.g., food trucks). 22 -8 Rolling Store prohibits the use of public streets for the sale of goods, wares, food stuff, or any other type of merchandise from a "rolling store or store on wheels with the exception of traditional ice cream trucks. Staff recommends allowing the use of public streets for the sale of goods from a rolling store (e.g., food trucks) with the approval of a Special Event Permit, Conditional Use Permit, or an Encroachment Permit. 2. Create Food Truck Program Guidelines While the AMC changes discussed above allow food trucks at designated locations pursuant to a permitting process, the Program Guidelines summarized below describe in greater detail how that process will be implemented. The proposed Program Guidelines, if adopted, will apply to the CUP and EP process for permanent or recurring food truck uses (Exhibit 1). Staff is not recommending any modifications to the Special Event Permit inter departmental review and approval Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council Page 4 of 5 process. The Program Guidelines also include standard conditions of approval for a CUP and EP related to food truck uses. The food truck CUP and EP permit applications will require detailed information, such as the location at which the vendor(s) intend to operate; hours of operation; and description of the vehicle(s) with photos, if available, among other standard required information. The CUP and the EP would be valid for one year, with annual renewals subject to administrative review, modification (if necessary), and approval. Applicants will also be required to obtain a City Business License, based on the same classification as restaurants, and must provide proof of insurance, a valid County health permit, and other relevant permits and licenses. Staff will monitor the Program Guidelines and report back to the Planning Board after the initial year of operation. Staff may recommend future adjustments, as necessary, for Planning Board consideration and approval. All actions of the Planning Board may be appealed to the City Council 3. Develop an Outreach and Implementation Strategy The City has presented the Program Guidelines to the South Shore Shopping Center, the PSBA Board of Directors, WABA Executive Board, the Greater Alameda Business Association (GABA) Board of Directors, and the Economic Development Commission. The City has also reviewed the Program with Legacy Partners (the owners of Marina Village Business Park), GS Management Company (the property managers for the Harbor Bay Business Park), and the Alameda Chamber of Commerce. Their comments are consolidated into the Program Guidelines. The Planning Board, at its November 28 meeting, voted unanimously to recommend the adoption of an ordinance amending the AMC and of the Program Guidelines. If the City Council approves the AMC changes and Program Guidelines, then approach local property owners and venues about hosting pilot food at locations such as Alameda Point and Harbor Bay Business Park. coordinate these events with local business organizations and encourag e by Alameda restaurants. City staff will truck events The City will participation The City may also consider working with a consulting company like Off the Grid, a San Francisco -based company that specializes in working with existing Alameda restaurants and organizing regular and special food truck events. Off the Grid sponsors weekly food truck "markets" at UN Plaza, Upper Haight, and Fort Mason in San Francisco, Golden Gate Fields in Berkeley, and other locations. In addition to helping organize food truck market events, Off the Grid offers a licensed food truck that may be rented by local restaurant chefs to prepare their own street food. This may be an excellent avenue for local restaurants to test new markets. The rental is available for Off the Grid events and private catering for $325 for four -hour shifts. This covers gas for the truck and generator, propane, cooking oil for the fryer, and permits. The local restaurant would be responsible for their own food, consumables (plates, napkins, utensils, etc.) and removal of garbage. Honorable Mayor and December 20, 2011 Members of the City Council I Page 5 of 5 Lastly, the City may consider working with the Alameda Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to offer training workshops for starting and operating a food truck. In preliminary discussions with the SBDC the workshops would be customized for Alameda restaurants that may be interested in expanding their businesses using food trucks as a mobile annex. FINANCIAL IMPACT The Food Truck Program Guidelines will complement and stimulate economic development initiatives. Fees from the food truck applications and permits will cover administrative costs. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE Economic Development Strategic Plan (revised in 2008): Strategy #1 Create Industrial and Office Jobs, contains the initiative to "attract more restaurants and other employee amenities closer to business parks." RECOMMENDATION 1. Introduce an Ordinance amending Alameda Municipal Code Sections 6 -27.4, 6- 52.1 and 22 -8.1 to allow sale of goods from a rolling store with approval of a Special Event Permit, Conditional Use Permit, or Encroachment Permit; and 2. Adopt Food Truck Program Guidelines, including Standard Conditions of Approval, for a Conditional Use Permit and Encroachment Permit for rolling stores. Respectfully submitted, Lori Taylor Community Development Director Exhibit: 1. City of Alameda Food Truck Program Guidelines City of Alameda Food Truck Program Guidelines Community Development Department City of Alameda December 20, 2011 City of Alameda Food Truck Program Guidelines Introduction City of Alameda staff is proposing changes to the Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) and creating Food Truck Program Guidelines in order to help the City revitalize vacant and blighted private properties in commercial areas, encourage new business creation and expansion, and address the lack of food establishments in certain areas of the City, such as Alameda Point and Harbor Bay Business Park. Providing on- the -spot amenities may also compliment and stimulate other economic development initiatives. For example, the City suggested creating a "food trailer court" on vacant and paved areas at Alameda Point in its proposal to attract the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Second Campus (LBNL Second Campus). The food trailer court would increase the amount of eating options within a short walking distance of the LBNL Second Campus for employees at lunchtime and contribute to the general appeal of the site. A. Special Event Permit, Conditional Use Permit, Encroachment Permit The AMC changes discussed above will allow food trucks in the City pursuant to a permitting process and consistent with State law. The Program Guidelines outlined in this document describe in detail how that process will be implemented. In addition to appropriate licenses (e.g., Alameda business license, County health permit), a food truck operator or organizer will need to obtain one of three permits to operate a food truck in the City, depending on the location and duration of the proposed use. The following describes this three -prong permitting process: A Special Event Permit (SEP) is for one -time events or up to three individual events (such as street festivals occurring on consecutive days) on private property or in the public Right -of -Way; A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is for permanent or recurring food truck uses on private property; or An Encroachment Permit (EP) is for permanent or recurring food truck uses in the public Right -of -Way. While the proposed changes to the AMC would allow food trucks to operate at Special Events, staff is not recommending any modifications to the Special Event Permit inter- departmental review and approval process. This document provides guidelines for the CUP and EP process. An EP for any activities and /or access occurring in the public Right -of -Way will be approved by the Public Works Director. No notice or hearing is required for a SEP or EP. The CUP requires public notice and hearing. The CUP and the EP would be valid for one (1) year with annual renewals subject to administrative review, modification (if necessary), and approval. A denial of the CUP permit application or revocation of a permit may be appealed to the Planning Board. Page 2 B. Standard Conditions for Conditional Use Permit and Encroachment Permit for Food Trucks The Conditional Use Permit and Encroachment Permit applications for food truck uses will include the following information: a description of the food to be sold; the location at which the vendor(s) intends to operate; hours of operation; and description of the vehicle(s) with photos, if available. While each application will be evaluated based on its specific circumstances and specific conditions of approval may be required, food truck CUP and EP standard conditions and restrictions will include: 1) Location and hours of operation Applicant may only conduct business between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and midnight. Applicant will operated exclusively from the location and for the time periods designated on the permit. Applicant may not conduct business within one block of any public or private elementary or middle school grounds on days that the school is open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 2) Amplified sound. Generally, amplified sound is not allowed, except pursuant to a special permit issued by the Community Development Department. The Applicant must be compliant with the City's noise ordinances. 3) Lighting. Adequate lighting will be provided to ensure customer safety. Lighting will be directed downwards and away from public streets and adjacent properties. 4) Packaging and solid waste. Applicant must ensure that no pollutants, including food waste /grease, liquid wastes, garbage /debris, and other materials are discharged to the City's storm drain system (including gutters, curbs, and storm drains). Applicant will be required to pick up, remove, and dispose of all garbage, refuse or litter consisting of foodstuffs, wrappers, and /or materials dispensed from the vending vehicle and any residue deposited on the street from the operation thereof, and otherwise maintain in a clean and Page 3 debris -free condition the entire area within a 25 -foot radius of the location where mobile food vending is occurring. Applicant will use best management practices and dry methods of cleaning to prevent accumulation or discharge of any materials to the City's storm drain system (including gutters, curbs, and storm drains). Applicant shall ensure that any wash water from surface cleaning activities shall be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer system and shall implement surface cleaning best management practices described in the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA) "Pollution From Surface Cleaning" guidance document. Applicant shall provide sufficient garbage, recycling and organic collection receptacles during its operation. All receptacles shall be removed prior to leaving the site. Use of City waste receptacles is prohibited. Applicant shall not provide prepared food to customers in disposable food service ware that uses polystyrene foam. 5) Allowable days. There may be particular days or special events during which food trucks are prohibited to operate. Applications must be for specific days of the week. 6) Proof of permits and fees. Applicant must obtain a City Business License, based on same classification as restaurants. Applicant must provide proof of insurance and valid CA drivers license. Applicant must provide proof of a valid health permit from the County enforcement agency. Applicant is required to obtain a hazardous materials permit when quantities of propane are equal to or exceed ten (10) gallons. 7) Site requirements for off street locations. Application must specify and be limited to a specific address at which vending of food will occur. Applicant must be stationary for a minimum of two (2) hours. No trolling allowed. Page 4 Applicants will be required to provide proof of agreement from the property owner. The City will consider site specific conditions in the granting of a permit for off street food truck vending, which may include the following: number of trucks and patron capacity, signage, noise, parking, provision of bike parking and other amenities where appropriate, lighting, security, and frequency of the event. 8) Site requirements for on- street location. If a Certified Farmers Market, certificate holder or event organizer is responsible for obtaining a business license and one permit for all food vendors, the application will identify the number and types of vendors operating within the market. Applicant may only conduct business from a licensed vehicle or licensed trailer on a public street while parked in a legal parking space. Applicant will at all times operate in compliance with the California Vehicle Code, the AMC, and with all posted parking, stopping, and standing restrictions. Applicant will not encroach on a public sidewalk or curb with any part of a vehicle, wagon, trailer or truck or any other equipment related to the operation of the business. Applicant may only conduct business on a street with a curb -to -curb width no less than 32 -feet. Applicant may only conduct business at least 50 feet from a crosswalk and at least 25 feet from a driveway. Applicant may only conduct business when parked next to an unobstructed sidewalk of five feet or more in width. 9) Condition and appearance of site. City will have the discretion to require tables, chairs, or other site furniture if sufficient space is available to accommodate diners and pedestrian access. No portable A -frame signs will be permitted on the site. Page 5 10) Revocation. The CUP may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator, pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code Section 30 -21.3d should the Zoning Administrator determine that: 1) the use or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity; 2) the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance; or 3) the use is operated in violation of the conditions of the CUP. The EP may be modified or revoked by the Director of Public Works. 11) Renewal process. The CUP and the EP would be valid for one (1) year with annual renewals subject to administrative review, modification (if necessary), and approval. The Applicant may apply for a renewal, not to exceed one (1) year, and must be filed prior to the date of expiration. Renewal of the permit may depend upon additional restrictions to address public safety, traffic circulation, or other relevant issues reviewed at the time of renewal. 12) Indemnification The Applicant shall defend (with counsel reasonably acceptable to the City), indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Alameda, its Redevelopment Agency, the Alameda City Planning Board and their respective agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding (including legal costs and attorney's fees) against the City of Alameda, Alameda Redevelopment Agency, Alameda City Planning Board, and their respective agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul, an approval by the City of Alameda, the Community Development Department, Alameda City Planning Board, the City of Alameda Redevelopment Agency, or City Council related to this project. The City shall promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City shall cooperate in such defense. The City may elect, in its sole discretion, to participate in the defense of said claim, action, or proceeding. Page 6 CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. AMENDING SECTIONS 6-27.4,6-52.1, AND 22-8.1 OF THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW SALE OF GOODS FROM A ROLLING STORE WITH APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, OR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT WHEREAS, Cities around the country including Portland, Oregon, Austin, Texas, and San Francisco, California have successfully used attractive and eclectic food trucks and carts to provide interim uses for vacant parcels and to attract people to underutilized commercial neighborhoods; and 0 F 0 WHEREAS, the City of Portland's experience has demonstrated that food trucks can attract pedestrian traffic with a non-traditional, communal eating experience where customers may intermingle and interact with chefs directly; and WHEREAS, food trucks may help create amenities for underserved commercial areas, such as Alameda Point and Harbor Bay Business Park; and WHEREAS, having a food truck program in Alameda has the potential of revitalizing vacant properties and blighted areas by attracting patrons; and WHEREAS, a new generation of entrepreneurs is using food trucks and new social and mobile media marketing tools as an inexpensive way to start restaurants; and WHEREAS, food trucks allow up-and-coming chefs to enter the marketplace with multiple points of access and a broad range of innovative menus; and WHEREAS, the thriving food truck business sector is part of a larger, long-term trend in providing high quality, convenient dining; and WHEREAS, there are certain barriers in Alameda's Municipal Code that need to be removed to encourage food trucks in appropriate locations and to be consistent with the City's existing practices. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Alameda: Section 1. SECTION 6-27.4 of the Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Introduction of Ordinance #6-13 CC 12-20-11 6 -27.4 Fixed Place of Business Required. It shall be unlawful to peddle by hand or from a vehicle, or sell from other than a fixed place of business, any meat, meat food products, seafood or dressed poultry except that such activities may be allowed from a rolling store with approval of a Conditional Use Permit at the following locations: the former Naval Air Station at Alameda Point, the College of Alameda property, the South Shore Shopping Center, and the Marina Village and Harbor Bay Business Parks; or with the approval of a Special Event Permit or Encroachment Permit. Section 6 -52.1 of the Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2 Section 6 -52.1 Sale or Display of Merchandise on Streets or Sidewalks Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, company or association to use any portion of any of the public streets or sidewalks in the City for selling or dispensing any kind of goods, wares or merchandise, and it shall be unlawful to use the public streets for any purpose other than the passage or repassage of people or vehicles, except the peddling of fresh fruit and vegetables mentioned in subsection 22 -8.2, providing the peddlers thereof keep moving from place to place and do not confine their peddling to one (1) particular locality. The use or occupation of the public streets or sidewalks for exhibiting or displaying vehicles or other property for rent or sale, or for assembling, constructing or repairing vehicles or other property, shall constitute a' violation of this section; provided any person may make emergency repairs to a vehicle on streets in case of accident or a breakdown to such a vehicle while traveling thereon. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the City from allowing, through approval of a conditional use permit or encroachment permit, the temporary closing of a portion of any street or sidewalk during building construction, or allowing the temporary permission to storekeepers to use a portion of the sidewalk in front of their premises for the exhibition or sale of goods, wares, or other classes of merchandise, or prevent the City from granting an encroachment permit, special event permit, or conditional use permit for the temporary sale of food from a rolling store. A license to do peddling in the City shall not entitle the holder therefore to occupy any particular place on any street or sidewalk of the City for any definite period, but such licensee must keep moving along the street from place to place, unless the license is accompanied by a Special Event 'Permit, Conditional Use Permit, or Encroachment Permit fora rolling store. Section 3 SECTION 22 -8.1 of the Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 22-8.1 Use of Street for Sale of Goods from Rolling Store. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any of the public streets of the City for the purposes of vending goods, wares, food stuffs or any other class of merchandise form a rolling store or store on wheels, unless the activity has been approved by a Conditional Use Permit at the following locations: the former Naval Air Station at Alameda Point, the College of Alameda property, the South Shore Shopping Center, and the Marina Village and Harbor Bay Business Parks; or has been approved by a Special Event Permit or Encroachment Permit. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Section 5. Severability Clause: It is the declared intent of the City Council that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not be so construed as to render invalid or unconstitutional the remaining provisions of this ordinance. Presiding Officer of the Council Attest: Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of 2011. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Lara Weisiger City Clerk Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Introduce an Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Revising Section 2- 1.2(a) (Agendas) and 2 -1.3 (Special Meeting) of Article I (The City Council); Adding Section 2 -5 (Applicability of Sunshine Ordinance) and Section 2 -22 (Open Government Commission) to Article II (Boards and Commissions); and Amending Section 2 -93.1 (Primary Regulatory and Enforcement Body) of Article VIII (Sunshine Ordinance) of Chapter II (Administration), Making Sections Compatible with the Sunshine Ordinance and Moving the Establishment, Membership and Duties of the Open Government Commission ACKGROUND On April 5, 2011, the City Council passed an ordinance replacing Article 11 (Boards and Commissions) of Chapter 11 (Administration) of the Municipal Code in order to address inconsistencies in the organizing language pertaining to boards and commissions. The City Council passed the Sunshine Ordinance on November 1, 2011. The Sunshine Ordinance established an Open Government Commission in Section 2 -93.1. DISCUSSION The provisions of Section 2 -93.1 of the Sunshine Ordinance are being moved to Section 2 -22 to have the Open Government Commission be included with, and match the format of, other boards and commissions. In addition, provisions regarding meetings under Article I (The City Council) contradicted the timeline in the Sunshine Ordinance. The proposed revisions to Sections 2- 1.2(a) and 2 -1.3 eliminate the timelines and instead reference the Sunshine Ordinance. Lastly, a provision is being added at the beginning of Article II (Boards and Commissions) to create a reference to the Sunshine Ordinance since it applies to boards and commissions. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 20, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Introduce an Ordinance amending the Alameda Municipal Code by revising Section 2- 1.2(x) (Agendas) and 2 -1.3 (Special Meeting) of Article I (The City Council); adding Section 2 -5 (Applicability of Sunshine Ordinance) and Section 2 -22 (Open Government Commission) to Article II (Boards and Commissions); and amending Section 2 -93.1 (Primary Regulatory and Enforcement Body) of Article VIII (Sunshine Ordinance) of Chapter II (Administration), making sections compatible with the Sunshine Ordinance and moving the establishment, membership and duties of the Open Government Commission. Respectfully submitted, t/\ Lara Weisiger City Clerk II II LIN r I 1 2 r i I i 'i r'� II "S.I 'i, I,_�I I II' 1 1 ,l J i,' .f' II I� I ,.II L 129 i.,u, 1 11 ?:1i i`.' 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Young Council Communication #10-A 12-20-11