Russo 700o. if filing for multiple positions. list below or on ar, attachment. A gency: Position: 2. Jurisdiction of OtfiCe (Check at least one box) Mate Mudge or Court Commissioner (Statewide Jurisdiction L M UN- County County of City of Alameda Other 3. Type of Statement. (Check at least one box) Annual: he period covered is January 1, 2011, through Leaving office: Date Lett December 31, 2011. (Checll One) The period covered is The period covered is January 1, 2011 through the date of thr ©ugh p g December 31. 2011. leaving office. El Assuming Office: to sumed F ti_ The Period �.o eied is 'hrough the date of leaving office. Candidate: Election Year Office sought, if different than Part 1: 4 Sc hedule S umm a r y Check applicable schedules or "None," Total r umber .o.f .ages includi ng this corer page: Schedule A -1 h Westments schedule attached schedule C Income, Loans, Business Pos�tions schedule attached Schedule A -2 In vestments schedule attached L schedule D Income Gifts schedule attached LJ Schedule B Peal Property schedule attached schedule B h3come Gifts T ravel Pavments scheduie attached X lone No reportable interests oil, any schedule 5. Verificat MA LING ADDRESS bS TREET CITY STATE ZIP (CODE Cf g ?i r �t 7 CiC!I r iC Cfl f �r1ii3 {'i�'? �?ii� t� DCiG?if epl Alameda CA 94501 A,YTIME TELEP}I ;PEE NUI%j? Er E' MAIL ADDRESS) (OPTIONAL 5 747 -4700 jrusso@ci.alameda.ca.us I have Used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. l have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete. 1 ac this is a public docUrnent. I certify under penalty of penury under the lags of the state of California that the foregoing is true a d correct. Date Signed signature f qt'r l C r y, yka ,F' 1h Of yjflally Signed SI tuft g ywr f linCr offi cla). FFPC Form 700 (2011/2012) FPPC Toll -Free He pfine: 8661275 -3772 www.tppc.ca.gov