Autorino 7001. Office, A or Court A Name D'.vision, Board, Ifepartment, District. if applicable Your Position ip. If filin for multiple positions, list below or on an attachment. A Position: 2. Jurisdiction of Office Check at least.one box .,k State El Jud or Court Commissioner (Statewide Jurisdiction) 7 Multi-Count Count of T t_Y_ a of Cit F-1 Other 3. T of Statement (Check one box Annual: The period covered is Januar 1, 201 throu g h Lea 3 431 L eav i n O ce ffi Date d ef t December 31 2011, Check Check ono -or- The period covered is period iod covered is Januar 1 201 throu the date of December 31, 201 1. avin office... El Assumin Office: Date assumed 0 The. period covered is:.: throu leavin offi ce,� Candidate: Election Year Office sou if different than. Part .1:: 4, Schedule Summar Check applicable schedules or "None." o- Total number of pa includin this cover pa s chedule A-11 Investments -.schedule F-1 attached Schedule C Income. Loans, Business Positions schedule attached e A i F-1 Schedule A-2 Investments schedule attached Schedule D Income Gifts schedule :attached El Schedule B Real Propert —schedule attached Schedule E I Gifts Trave)'Pa schedule attached -or- lone.: No reportable interests on: an schedule 5. Verification NAME P E N T ITY.......... GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF. BUSINESS :ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET VALUE 2,000 $10,000 S10,001 $100,000 100,001 Over $1,000,000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT S tock Ot.he.r:. Describe F' Partnership 0 Income Received -of.$O.:-. $499....... 0 Income. Received. of $500..ol,, More (Report on.Schedule C,' IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE:... ACQUIRED DISPOSED P,- NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION. OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY FAIR MARKET VALUE $2,000.. $10,000 F1 s14.001 S100,000 $1001001 $1,000,000 Over $1,.000,000. NATURE OF INVESTMENT Stock F .other Describe) F Partnership 0 Income Received of 7,$499 0 Income Received of $500 or More on Schedufe C IF APPLICABLE- LIST DATE. ACQUIRED DISPOSED 0,- NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY... FAI MARKET VALUE $2,000 $10,000 El $1.0,001 w $11WOOO. 100.00 s1;0001000 F 7 Over $1,0001000 NATURE OF INVESTMENT... F Stock Other Describe Partn .0 Income Received of $0 499. 0 Income Received of $500 or More (Report on Scheduie Q IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE.- ACQUIRED DISPOSED Comments: Oo- NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY FPPC Form 700 (2011/2012) Sch. A-1 FPPC Toll-Free Helpline, 8661275-3772 wvme.fppc,ca.gov