2012-06-12 Special CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -JUNE 12. 2012- -7:00 P.M. Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:07 p.m. Councilmember Tam led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL — Present: Councilmembers Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam, and Mayor Gilmore — 5. Absent: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (12 -297) Carol Gottstein, Alameda, made an announcement regarding an upcoming Restoration Advisory Board Tour; encouraged anyone interested to register by the deadline. (12 -298) Kurt Peterson, Alameda, addressed the budget [paragraph no. 12 -299]; urged the Council to address public safety pensions. AGENDA ITEM (12 -299) Council Discussion of the Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 Budget in the Event Measure C Fails. [City Council, and City Acting as Successor to the CIC] The City Council discussed pension, fire equipment and staffing. Councilmember Tam left the dais at 8:16 p.m. and returned at 8:18 p.m. In response to Mayor Gilmore's inquiry regarding cuts since Measure C did not pass, Councilmembers deHaan addressed potential ideas for cuts, including wage reductions. Councilmember Tam suggested looking into selling assets. Councilmember Johnson left the dais at 8:27 p.m. and returned at 8:28 p.m. Speakers: Ken Peterson, Alameda, urged a day -long session be held to obtain public input; James Tham, Alameda, expressed opposition to creating a business license fee, paying for library books out of Measure C, and recreation charges; encouraged pursing contracting, pay cuts and reorganization; Irene Dieter, Alameda, discussed the broadcast and encouraged salary cuts; former Councilmember Tony Daysog, Alameda, suggested dedicating a part of the sales tax generated from Alameda Landing be to public safety equipment; Robbie Dileo, Alameda Museum, discussed the Meyers Special Meeting Alameda City Council 1 June 12, 2012 House; Carol Gottstein, Alameda, discussed the broadcast, website, comments regarding fire staffing and Alameda Hospital; Gretchen Lipow, Alameda, urged a day- long session be held to allow public input; Jon Spangler, Alameda, spoke in support of increasing revenue; and Karen Bey, Alameda, addressed the broadcast and spoke in support of increasing revenue. Following Council and City Manager discussion, Mayor Gilmore encouraged creative solutions for vehicles, pools and an all weather sports field. The City Manager summarized that staff would bring an equipment fund proposal back in the fall, and post Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the website mid -July. Fire Station 3, the Emergency Operations Center, the pension task force minutes and the Carnegie were discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS None. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 9:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance. Special Meeting Alameda City Council 2 June 12, 2012