Resolution 14063CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 14063 APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP, TM05 -0002, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN GRAND STREET, FORTMANN WAY, AND THE OAKLAND ESTUARY WHEREAS, an application was made on November 22, 2005 by Warmington Homes California requesting a Tentative Map, TM05 -002, for a proposed development consisting of 40 detached residential units plus two mini -park sites, associated streets and alleys, visitor parking, and open space on 4.72 acres at the northwest corner of Grand Street and Fortmann Way; and WHEREAS, the potential environmental effects of the proposed subdivision have been evaluated and mitigations adopted to mitigate all potentially significant impacts of the subdivision on the environment; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision as conditioned is consistent with the MX, Mixed Use Planned Development District and would implement the Master Plan project site; and WHEREAS, the medium density residential development and accompanying open space and improvements included within the proposal are consistent with the Specified Mix Use General Plan designation and the requirements of the MX, Mixed Use Planned Development District; and WHEREAS, on October 23, 2006, the Planning Board of the City of Alameda recommended that the City Council approve Tentative Map TM05- 0002 with conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following finding: 1. The City Council has been advised that subject to meeting City standards and requirements, the proposed General Plan Amendment would substantially conform to the adopted Community Improvement Plans (CIP) for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (BWIP), as proposed to be amended, and the General Plan policies incorporated by reference within the CIPs; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on this application on November 14, 2006, and examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents; and WHEREAS, the City Council made the following findings: 1. The design of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan and the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project of the Community Improvement Plan which specify medium density residential and public open space use for this site as part of a Specified Mixed Use designation. 2. The Tentative Map is in substantial conformance with the land uses, street sections, development regulations, parking standards, and park and open space guidelines established in the Master Plan. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed residential and open space project. All existing structures relating to the former use will be removed. The site will be graded to accommodate the proposal, and is located adjacent to existing infrastructure that has the capacity to accommodate the proposal. 4. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. The residential density is consistent with the density range established by the General Plan and the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project of the Community Improvement Plan and less than the maximum density of one dwelling unit per 2,000 square feet of parcel area. 5. The design of the subdivision and proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared which evaluated the environmental impacts of the Project and the Master Plan, and which found that all potentially significant impacts could be mitigated to a less than significant level by implementing the mitigation measures established in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. 6. The design of the subdivision or improvement will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The project would include public right -of -way that would enhance public access through the subject property, and all existing easements would be preserved or relocated. 7. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not cause serious public health problems. The proposal is for residential and open space uses at the site. 8. The proposed and existing land uses are suitable in relationship to each other. 9. By complying with the Master Plan, the design of improvements on the land subject to the Tentative Map will be of high quality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda hereby recommends that the City Council approve Tentative Map, TM- 05 -02, subject to the following conditions. GENERAL 1. The Tentative Map shall not be in force and effect unless and until the following have been approved by the City Council and are in effect: a) Grand Marina Mitigated Negative Declaration, b) General Plan Amendment GPA 05 -02; c) Rezoning R05 -04; and d) Master Plan MP05 -01. 2. All maps filed pursuant to this approval shall be in substantial compliance with the map titled, "Tentative Map Tract 7723, Grand Marina Village" prepared by CBG dated September 27, 2006, consisting of 3 pages, marked Exhibit A, and on file in the office of the Alameda City Planning and Building Department. 3. The Tentative Map shall comply with the Public Works Department general development standards contained in the Alameda Municipal Code, as well as those general standards described in this Resolution. Where the conditions do not specify, the applicable Alameda Municipal Code standards shall apply. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for maintaining and periodically filing a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program to demonstrate compliance with all project mitigations. 5. The Applicant shall comply with the approved Project Master Plan, MP 05- 01, as approved by City Council Resolution. 6. The Applicant shall pay for and construct all improvements to private land and implement any condition /mitigation applicable to private land. 7. The Applicant shall pay for street lighting installation along the west side of Grand Street frontage as necessary to conform with AP &T street illumination levels and any lighting on the east side of Grand Street if the lighting is staggered. TENTATIVE & FINAL MAPS 8. The Final Map shall be in substantial compliance with the Tentative Map and shall incorporate Alameda Datum. 9. Prior to the recordation of the Final Map, all applicable conditions of approval of the approved Tentative Map, as revised or amended, and Development Plan pertaining to subdivision improvements, shall be satisfied. HOLD HARMLESS 10. In the event of any legal action instituted by a third party challenging the validity of any provision of this Tentative Map, the procedures leading to its adoption, or the issuance of Project Approvals (including the Subsequent Approvals) for the Project, Applicant and City each shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to elect whether or not to defend such action, to select its own counsel (and pay for such counsel at its own expense), and to control its participation and conduct in the litigation in all respects permitted by law. If both Parties elect to defend, the Parties hereby agree to affirmatively cooperate in defending said action and to execute a joint defense and confidentiality agreement in order to share and protect information, under the joint defense privilege recognized under applicable law. As part of the cooperation in defending an action, City and Applicant shall coordinate their defense in order to make the most efficient use of legal counsel and to share and protect information. Applicant and city shall each have sole discretion to terminate its defense at any time. City retains the option to select and employ independent defense counsel at its own expense. It, in the exercise of its sole discretion, Applicant agrees to pay for defense counsel for City, Applicant shall jointly participate in the selection of such counsel. Notwithstanding the provisions of California Government Code Section 66474.9, City shall not require, as a condition for a Tentative Map application or approval, or any other applications for Project approvals, that Applicant defend, indemnify or hold harmless the City from any claim, action or proceeding against the City to attack, set aside, void or annul a City approval concerning a subdivision. MAINTENANCE 11. Prior to approval of the Final Map by City Council, the Applicant shall establish a funding mechanism acceptable to the Public Works Director, such as a Homeowners Association, to provide on -going funding for the maintenance of all private streets and utilities, alleys and Alaska Packer Place, including but not limited to sewers, storm drainage, NPDES requirements, sidewalk, lighting, curb and gutter and landscaping; curb and gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and landscaping along the north side of Fortmann Way and the west side of Grand Street; all improvements in the common areas including but not limited to landscaping, lighting and walkways; all parking lots improvements; all BCDC required amenities along the shoreline; and the two new triangular parks. Site improvements and demolition may commence prior to the approval of the funding mechanism. SOILS REPORT 12. Prior to submission of the Final Map, the Applicant shall submit site specific geotechnical soil and foundation studies, reports, and recommendations from a licensed geotechnical engineer addressing the underlying soils, future subsidence, consolidation, liquefaction, seismic safety, water table, marsh crust, salt water backflow, bank stabilization and erosion protection throughout the tract and perimeter lands, and foundations of structures. The improvement plans shall incorporate the recommendations of the geotechnical engineer and the engineer will be required to review and approve the plans to verify that all appropriate recommendations have been included in the plans. The reports shall be filed with the City Engineer, in conjunction with the Improvement Plans. The Applicant shall submit supplemental soils reports, as necessary, to clarify localized soil conditions and requirements for each phase of construction. The soils engineer will review and certify that all field work including, but not limited to, excavation, shoring and trenching meet the approved plans. Prior to submission of the Final Map, the Applicant shall submit site assessment reports for hazardous materials, site soils and, if required by a third party regulatory agency, site ground water. The reports shall be prepared by a licensed professional in the applicable field of the analysis. The improvements plans shall incorporate the recommendations of the licensed professional and the professional will be required to review and approve the plans to verify that all appropriate recommendations have been included in the plans. In addition, the licensed professional shall review and certify that all field work meet the approved plans. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 13. Prior to the approval of the Final Map by City Council the Applicant shall submit engineered Improvement Plans including, but not limited to, the proposed streets, curbs, gutters, lighting, parking, BCDC amenities, signing and striping, erosion control measures, traffic control devices and improvements, driveway approach at the entrance to Alaska Packer Place, soil improvements, surface drainage, utilities, retaining walls and other structures, sanitary sewers and storm drains, common area landscaping and irrigation and other subdivision improvements consistent with the requirements and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Planning and Building Director. GRADING /DRAINAGE 14. Prior to the approval of the Final Map by City Council a detailed grading plan with appropriate erosion control measures shall be required for the subdivision. The grading plan shall show all adjacent properties sufficient to assure that the proposed grading does not impact adjacent lands and shall incorporate drainage features necessary to assure continued drainage from adjacent properties. The grading plan shall meet all Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. The grading plan shall minimize the need for off haul from the Project site. The grading plan shall incorporate all elements of the soils report. The grading plan shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, meet RWQCB requirements and shall address all drainage issues raised by the Storm Drain Analysis, including but not limited to issues identified for Drainage Area D and Drainage Area A as identified in the C.3 Storm Water Analysis Report. STORM DRAINS AND SANITARY SEWERS 15. The storm drain system shall be designed to meet the City of Alameda design standards. Since the project is tying into existing storm drainage facilities, calculations must be provided to conclude that the existing facilities have adequate capacity and sufficient slope to handle the increase flows resulting from the project to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 16. Project shall maintain all on -site sewers including those in private streets. 17. The sanitary sewer system shall be designed to meet the City of Alameda design standards. Since the project is tying into existing sewer facilities, calculations must be provided to conclude that the existing facilities have adequate capacity and sufficient slope to handle the increase flows resulting from the project to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Final lot plot grading plans shall be submitted and approved for each individual lot prior to issuance of a building permit for that lot. 18. Final lot drainage shall be designed to provide a minimum of one percent (1 %) slope after settlement if future settlement/consolidation is predicted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 19. No drainage across any lot line other than onto streets or common areas shall be permitted unless allowed by easement or CC &R's and approved by the City Engineer. 20. Minimum gutter grades shall be 0.4 percent and 0.6 percent around curb returns at intersections. URBAN RUNOFF 21. The improvement plans shall include and meet all requirements of the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program and be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 22. The improvement plans shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer to reduce to the Maximum Extent Practical (MEP) runoff pollutants from entering the storm drain system from all streets, alleys, open spaces and parking areas as required by the RWQCB. Where required by RWQCB, catch basins shall include cartridge type filter inserts or mechanism to minimize run -off pollution to the satisfaction of the RWQCB. Specific lot designs approved by development plans and design review shall also incorporate these provisions. (See item 98 below for O &M requirements) 23. Costs for obtaining C3 certification shall be borne by the Applicant. 24. In conjunction with submittal of grading plans, the Applicant shall file a Notice of Intent for storm water discharge with the Regional Water Quality Control Board. A copy of the filing shall be submitted to the City Engineer as part of the required improvement plan for the site. 25. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, approval of the improvement plans or the recordation of the Final Map, the Applicant shall be responsible for the preparation of a Storm Water Pollution and Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and approval by the City of Alameda, ACFCWCD and RWQCB. The drainage plan for the project must also meet the City's Urban Runoff Guidelines. The SWPPP shall provide controls on the storage and handling of toxic and hazardous materials, detention basins, and similar measures to be employed during construction. 26. Prior to the granting of a certificate of occupancy, an operation and maintenance (O &M) agreement for the plan and financial security shall be prepared and submitted to the City for approval. The O &M plan shall include: treatment type, location(s), of treatment measures, maintenance requirements, maintenance schedule, assurances of party responsible for O &M, and assurances of access to inspect and verify treatment system O &M for the life of the project. The maintenance agreement shall be recorded by the Property Owner among the deed records of the Alameda County Recorder's Office. Additionally, and as terms of the above - mentioned agreement, an O &M Plan and an annual inspection report for storm water treatment measures shall be provided for review and approval . by the City of Alameda Public Works Department Environmental Services Division in compliance with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order R2- 2003 -0021 NPDES Permit No. CAS00298313, Section C3e. A bond, cashiers check, letter of credit or other approved instrument shall be deposited with the City in the amount of twice the estimated annual operations and maintenance cost. TRAFFIC /STREET DESIGN /JOINT UTILITIES 27. The improvement plans shall include a signing and striping plan for all improvements proposed by the development to be approved by the City Engineer. All curbs, gutters, and sidewalks along Forman Way and Grand Street shall be installed in accordance with City of Alameda standards, except as provided in the approved Project Master Plan MP05 -01. Alley curb cuts on Fortmann and Grand Street shall be shown on Improvement Plans and designed to maximize space for on- street parking, street trees and landscaping. 28. All sidewalks on Grand Street, Fortmann Way, Hibbard, and within the BCDC public waterfront open space areas shall have a minimum of 5' width. 29. All street structural sections shall be designed per recommendations in the soils report and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 30. At a minimum, stop signs and markings shall be installed at each privately maintained roadway entrance onto a publicly maintained street and at the beginning of Alaska Packer Place and at the end of Hibbard Street. 31. The improvement plan shall show residential driveways with a minimum thickness of four (4) inches of concrete. 32. The improvement plan shall show joint trenches under sidewalks to include telephone, electrical, communication, television, and gas lines. The trench width and depth shall meet the standards of the utility companies and the City Engineer. 33. Water lines shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the East Bay Municipal Utility District and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 34. All existing overhead utilities along the frontage of the property and all new utilities shall be placed and installed underground, except as required by appropriate utility providers. Clearances between utility mains, sewers, structures or other objects shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 35. Wheelchair ramps and truncated domes shall be required on sidewalks where curb corners meet streets. 36. Wheel chair accessible parking stalls shall have a minimum width of 9'. 37. The number of handicap parking stalls shall comply with the parking ratio requirements of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). 38. Traffic control, regulatory, warning, guide signs and markings (including fire hydrant pavement markers) shall be installed in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as approved by the City Engineer. 39. Prior to the approval of the Final Map by City Council, street names shall be submitted and approved by the Planning and Building Director. Street names shall generally be chosen from the Official Naming List for City facilities and streets, in accordance with the City's adopted naming policy. 40. The Applicant shall be responsible for installation of all street signs within the development and at major street intersections. Signs shall be in accordance with the approved "Signing Plan" and the City Standards and locations shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 41. On -site street and mini -park light spacing and illumination requirements, design and installation, shall be provided by the Applicant and shall be to the satisfaction of AP &T and the City Engineer and Planning and Building Director. 42. Applicant shall provide at Applicant's expense, additional lighting at the tract entrances. Ongoing costs for operations and maintenance shall be the responsibility of the Homeowners Association (HOA). Design and installation shall be reviewed and approved by City Engineer and Planning and Building Director. LANDSCAPING 43. Design of street and walkway tree plantings shall be in compliance with the Project Master Plan MP 05 -01. The Applicant shall be responsible for the design of all landscaped areas including common areas located along Grand Street and Fortmann Way. A detailed tree planting and landscaping plan shall be required for all privately maintained and public street areas, common areas and planting strips along streets adjacent to the Project site. These plans shall be prepared by a registered landscape architect to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Planning and Building Director, and shall be submitted in conjunction with the improvement plan. Clearances of trees from street improvements and furnishings shall be as follows unless otherwise approved by City Engineer: a) Fire hydrants — 6 feet. b) Driveways (top of wing) — 3 feet. c) Stop signs or curb returns —15 feet. d) Electroliers — 25 feet on near side as a vehicle approaches, and 25 feet desirable on far side, but the far side distance may be reduced to 20 feet, if needed. e) Sewer mains or laterals, gas lines (main and service), water, telephone, communication and electrical mains — 5 feet. f) Storm drains — 2 feet. g) Street trees shall have curbed protection from street pavement. 44. Deep root barriers shall be required for all trees planted adjacent to curbs, sidewalks and other pavements, to City standards and the satisfaction of the City Engineer- 45. The curb planter strip along Grand Street shall not include trees, as the strip lies above an existing 48" storm drain line. 46. Landscaping and irrigation shall be in accordance with Alameda Municipal Code Section 30 -58 (Water Conservation /Landscaping). 47. All fencing barriers, street tree curb protection, and header boards shall be designed and installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 48. The Applicant shall post a subdivision improvement bond for landscape improvements within the Project and a two year maintenance bond to commerce when the landscaping has been installed and • accepted by the City as substantially in compliance with approved landscape and improvement plans. PRIVATELY MAINTAINED OPEN SPACE, MINI -PARKS & STREETS 49. Prior to approval of the Final Map by City Council, the applicant shall provide an agreement, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney, between the Homeowners Association (HOA) and the City, whereby the HOA assumes all responsibility for maintenance and liability of all private open space, private mini -parks and private street improvements, alleys and Alaska Packer Place, including but not limited to on site utilities, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, sidewalk, lighting, curb and gutter and landscaping; curb and gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and landscaping along the north side of Forman Way and the west side of Grand Street; all improvements in the common areas including but not limited to landscaping, lighting and walkways; all parking lot improvements; and all BCDC required amenities along the shoreline. The agreement shall include a management plan and a weed abatement and maintenance plan for approval by the City Engineer and implementation by the HOA. 50. The Applicant shall submit a separate agreement and financing such as CC &Rs, bonds, landscape & lighting district or equivalent which will provide for the perpetual operation and maintenance of all private improvements including but not limited to private open space, private mini - parks, BCDC requirements, and private street improvements, common area facilities including entryways and private infrastructure not accepted for maintenance by a public agency. The agreement shall be approved by the City Engineer. 51. In conjunction with recordation of the Final Map, the Applicant shall simultaneously record public access, parking, and utility easements for all streets, alleys, sidewalks, including Fortmann Way, Alaska Packer Place and Hibbard Street and parking along the shoreline and the two triangular mini parks as public access to the City of Alameda. 52. The improvement plan shall include appropriate landscaping and irrigation for the two triangular mini -parks to the satisfaction of the Recreation and Parks Department. The two parks shall be developed for recreation use and include appropriate paths and seating areas, as generally depicted on the Landscape Site Plan of the Master Plan approval (MP 05 -01). 53. The Applicant shall substantially complete the construction of the mini -parks to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy of the first house adjacent to the mini -park within the residential development. SANITARY SEWERS AND STORM DRAINS 54. Prior to approval of the Final Map by City Council, the Applicant shall complete the design and acquire other agency permits, if required, for all on -site sanitary sewer and storm drain systems required for construction to City standards and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 55. Curved sewer alignments shall not be permitted. Sewer mains shall be on a straight run not to exceed 350 feet between manholes for 8" and 10" pipes, and 450 feet for 12" pipes and larger. 56. Main sanitary sewer lines shall be a minimum 8" in diameter. 57. Public storm drain lines shall be a minimum of 12" in diameter. 58. The distance between storm drain manholes shall not exceed 350 feet. 59. Manholes shall be required at tract boundaries to differentiate public /private facilities. 60. Two -way property clean -outs shall be installed at all house laterals. 61. Storm drains shall be designed to handle 10 -year storm flows at Mean High Water and 100 -year flows at Mean Sea Level. 62. The Applicant shall be responsible for the cost of all City reviews and inspections required for infrastructure. 63. Prior to recordation of any Final Map, the Applicant shall provide, at no cost to the City, easements on all private properties necessary for the operation and maintenance of the sanitary and storm drain systems. The Final Map and /or the CC &Rs shall show all public and private easements and their purpose. 64. Prior to approval of Improvement Plans, the Applicant shall obtain EBMUD approval for connections to EBMUD facilities. ALAMEDA POWER & TELECOMMUNICATION (AP &T) 65. Concurrent with submittal of Improvement Plans, the Applicant shall coordinate with the AP &T regarding power requirements. 66. The Applicant shall provide all necessary on -site underground substructures, including conduits, pull boxes, transformer pads, etc. per the AP &T specifications. AP &T will require easements for all transformers, primary and secondary boxes, and conduits. AP &T will furnish and install all required transformers, high voltage distribution cables, and secondary cables. The Applicant shall be reimbursed for improvements pursuant to the standard AP &T agreement. 67. The Applicant shall furnish and install code -sized service cables in code - sized conduit from each house to the nearest secondary pullbox. AP &T will connect the service to the secondary distribution system. 68. The Final Map shall show all necessary easements and access to all electrical utility facilities that are in the private properties, at no charge to AP &T. 69. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall furnish and install service equipment for each house. The service equipment shall meet Electric Utility Service Equipment Requirement Committee standards. 70. Concurrent with acceptance of work by City Council, the shall dedicate and AP &T shall take over ownership and will be responsible for maintaining all new substructures for undergrounding primary and secondary circuits, and distribution transformers once the improvements have been inspected and found to have been properly installed. The Applicant or successor property owners shall be responsible for the service cables and service equipment. 71. The Applicant shall be responsible for all expenses involved in the on -site duct/joint trench system including engineering design, plan check, and electrical construction inspection. The Applicant shall be responsible for the cost of AP &T's assigned inspector during construction 72. The Applicant shall submit, with the on -site improvement plans, detailed drawings showing the required on -site electric utility facilities. EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITES DISTRICT (EBMUD) 73. Prior to approval of improvement plans, the Applicant shall obtain EBMUD approval of the proposed design and location of on -site water service lines and meters. 74. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall pay for all on- site service connection fees and provide proof of payment to City. 75. In the event that EBMUD has provided Recycled Water to the project area prior to submittal of the Development Plan, the Applicant —shall provide service connections and meters for recycled water usage and shall provide for future on -site extensions at locations to be determined by EBMUD and the City Engineer. 76. All on -site facilities, backflow devices, and connections shall be designed and constructed by the Applicant in accordance with standards specified by EBMUD and the City Engineer. ALAMEDA FIRE DEPARTMENT 77. Prior to approval of the Final Map by City Council, the Applicant shall submit improvement plans for the project site Fire Water System. The system shall be designed to the satisfaction of EBMUD. The Applicant shall be responsible for the placement of on -site hydrants. The location and number of hydrants shall be established in improvements plans. The fire flow for the development shall be 3000 G.P.M. from any two hydrants with a minimum flow of 1250 G.P.M. from any one hydrant flowing simultaneously for a duration of 30 minutes. Placement shall be shown on the improvement plans and shall be to the satisfaction EBMUD, the City Fire Chief and the City Engineer. 78. The improvement plans and building permit plans shall include fire sprinkler systems within each residential unit including the garage and attic spaces. 79. The Applicant shall provide adequate turn around space or through access for any street greater than 150 feet in length to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief and the City Engineer. so. All roads shall have an adequate turning radius for fire apparatus (inside turning radius of 28 feet). 81. The Applicant shall provide a grass paver or other vehicular surface acceptable to the fire department and an emergency vehicle access (EVA) easement from Fortmann Way through the western mini -park to allow fire access to the alley between Lots 33 -36 and 37 -40. 82. All streets and courts within the development shall be marked as fire access roads to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. All roads shall be designed to handle fire apparatus weight of up to 35,000 pounds per axle. Parking shall be prohibited within the streets and alleys dedicated as fire lanes. CC &R's shall include an enforcement mechanism. EASEMENTS 83. The .Final Maps shall show all existing and proposed easements for street and public use area and all utility corridors. 84. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the Applicant shall be required to grant all utility easements required for orderly development. The easements shall be in accordance with the request by each of the various utility companies and by the City Engineer. 85. Open space parcels within the subdivision shall be restricted by non - development, open space easements. The Applicant shall show these easements on the Final Map. 86. The Applicant shall grant easements for all utilities on private Tots, prior to approval of the Final Map. An easement shall be shown on the Final Map where the service passes through one lot to serve the adjacent lot. 87. No encroachments into any public or private easement shall be permitted, unless specifically approved by the City Engineer or the applicable utility. This includes eaves, foundations, chimneys, etc. No masonry, wall or permanent structures shall be permitted within any easement. CC &R's shall include a restriction that the Homeowner is responsible for the cost of removing and reinstalling or repairing any improvements including landscaping and paving installed in the easement areas. RESURFACING OF STREETS IN AREA 88. Applicant shall resurface the Western half of Grand Street from the northern terminus of Grand Street to the centerline of Fortmann Street. The existing surface shall be ground down a minimum of 2" and resurfaced with a minimum of 2" of asphaltic concrete. The Applicant shall repave the northern half of Fortmann Way along the entire length of the street and western side of Alaska Packer Place between the edge of the existing pavement and the concrete gutter. The existing pavement of Fortmann Way and Alaska packer Way shall be sawcut before repaving. All repaved sections shall be redesigned with the design procedure for Flexible Pavement as set forth in Section 608.4 of the State of California Highway Design Manual. Pavement structural section calculations shall be provided based on R- values and recommendations contained within the geotechnical report. LOT NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING 89. The lot numbers on the Final Map shall be consecutive. The Applicant shall submit a table or equivalent that compares the lot numbering on the approved Tentative Map with the Final Map. MASTER PLAN 90. Prior to approval of the Final Map by City Council, all applicable conditions of approval of Master Plan MP05 -01 pertaining to subdivision improvements shall be satisfied. The subdivision shall be constructed to comply with MP05 -01. EFFECTIVE DATES 91. The Applicant shall record the Final Map within twenty -four months of approval, or conditional approval, of the Tentative Map by the City Council. An extension of time, not to exceed an additional twelve (12) months, for the filing of the Final Map may be granted by the City Council providing written application is made by the subdivider prior to the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved Tentative Map. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM 92. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the Applicant shall comply with all the conditions specified in the "Grand Marina Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program" approved by the City of Alameda. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program specifies the responsible parties for the funding, implementation and monitoring requirements. 93. The grading and improvement plans shall incorporate the recommendations of the geotechnical investigation as outlined in the Soils Report. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT /FINANCIAL GUARANTEE 94. In accordance with Section 30 -85.3 of the Alameda Municipal Code, prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the Applicant shall execute an agreement between the Applicant and the City for approval by the City Council specifying the period within which the Applicant shall complete all on -site improvement work. The on -site improvements shall be completed in accordance with the approved Tentative Map, the improvement plans and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Agreement shall provide that if the work is not completed within the specified period, the City may complete the work and recover all costs and expenses from the Applicant or successor in interest. The Applicant shall post sufficient financial guarantee to guarantee construction of the on -site improvements as determined by the City Engineer. 95. The agreement shall provide for construction inspection costs to be charged as a flat fee. COPY OF FINAL MAP & AS- BUILTS 96. Prior to the City Council approval or the recordation of the Final Map, the Applicant shall submit a Mylar copy and a CAD file of the improvement plans recorded Final Map. 97. Applicant shall provide as -built and reproducible Mylar copies of the infrastructure improvement and landscaping plans to the City Engineer within 30 days of completion of construction. CONDITIONS, COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS (CC &R's) 98. In conjunction with the on -site improvement plans, the Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC &R's), which shall establish a Homeowners' Association, of which all property owners must be a member. The submittal shall include an estimate of costs and proposed level of maintenance for each of the activities identified. The CC &R's shall provide for funding and provision of maintenance of all common facilities, including but not limited to streets and utilities, . not accepted for maintenance by a public agency. The CC &R's shall stipulate that the Homeowners' Association is responsible for maintenance of landscaping along the streets, courts, open space, and triangular mini - parks. Additionally, the CC &Rs shall be reviewed and found satisfactory by the Planning and Building Director in consultation with the City Engineer and City Attorney prior to the recordation of the first Final Map. 99. CC &R's shall be recorded as deed restrictions with the Final Map. 100. Prior to the application for any building permit for the site, two copies of the approved and recorded CC &Rs .shall be submitted to the City Engineer and Planning and Building Director. CONSTRUCTION 101. During construction, the Applicant shall ensure that a program of dust control is implemented consistent with MMRP and BAAQMD requirements. All construction crews shall undertake a program of dust control including, but not limited to, watering soil surfaces as needed to prevent dust blowing, covering trucks carrying materials to and from the site, and frequent clean- up of soil carried by construction vehicle tires from the site onto roadways. 102. During Construction the Applicant shall ensure that all construction crews are properly trained and made aware of any site contamination issues consistent with the Site Management Plan and MMRP. 103. Subdivision construction activities shall be subject to the requirements of the Alameda Municipal Code which restricts construction to the hours of 7:OOam to 7:OOpm Monday through Friday and 8:OOam to 5:OOpm on Saturdays. Construction traffic shall adhere to designated truck routes. 104. Prior to issuance of building permit Applicant shall provide a Recycling and Solid Waste Plan to minimize solid waste disposal and maximize use of recycled materials associated with demolition and construction activities for each and every construction contract. The Plan must be incorporated into any construction documents for every contract. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant (or City or City's Agent) shall submit a report certifying the amount of materials off hauled, amount of materials recycled, and amount of recycled materials used in that contract. 105. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall provide an Urban Runoff Clean Water Plan for construction activities which identifies specific measures (BMP's) required during construction to minimize pollutant discharge to the storm water system. The Applicant shall incorporate these measures into each and every contract for construction. Prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall provide a report certifying that these measures were properly followed. 106. Prior to issuance of grading permit, Applicant shall submit a Truck Route Plan for hauling to be approved by the City Engineer. The Plan must be incorporated into any construction documents for every contract. 107. Prior to issuance of any permit, Applicant shall submit a Surcharge Plan showing extent of surcharge, height of piles and any storm water run off control measures to be approved by the City Engineer. The Plan shall include approval by any other agency, if so required. NOISE REQUIREMENTS 108. Concurrent with submittal of Development Plans, the Applicant shall identify specific acoustical treatments to minimize the noise levels for future homes that back up to major streets in compliance and which is required to comply with the City Noise Ordinance. ACCEPTANCE OF WORK 109. At the completion of construction of the improvements for each phase of the Project, the Applicant is obligated to provide all required information to the City including, but not limited to, all certifications, warranties, guarantees, proof of payment to outside agencies and as -built drawings. Upon recommendation by the City Engineer, the improvements will be accepted by the City Council. PLANNING BOARD CONDITIONS AS MODIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1) The applicant will study the feasibility or exposing the underlying wood planks and provide a consistent cosmetically appealing walking and bicycling surface. If upon further study by the applicant, it is determined by the Planning and Building Director that exposing the existing wood planks is financially infeasible, unsafe, or contrary to water quality standards, the Planning Director may approve an asphalt resurfacing plan. 2) The existing asphalt pedestrian path from Grand Street to the Alaska Packers building will be widened and resurfaced to provide an well maintained, adequately sized, and safe bicycle and pedestrian path along the waterfront. Per condition #49, the project shall be responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalk. . 3) The applicant shall provide signage to direct traffic down Fortmann to the marina parking lot to discourage use of Hibbard by marina -bound traffic. 4) The Grand Street sidewalk shall be widened to facilitate pedestrian access to the waterfront. 5) The waterfront open space landscaping plan between Hibbard and Alaska Packers should be revised to include larger areas of turf for informal seating. 6) The final architectural submittal to the Planning and Building Director shall include revisions to the third story elements. The revisions will reflect the design of the third stories in the Marano Project in Cupertino. In addition the final architectural submittals will be reviewed to ensure that the project includes high quality windows, and the Grand Street elevations will also be reviewed to ensure that the Grand Street project frontage is well articulated architecturally and attractively landscaped. The Planning and Building Director shall consult with Mr. Chris Buckley on the final design approvals. 7) To reduce automobile trips to and from the site, the applicant shall provide voice, video, data, and telemetry services to each home in the Project. The developer agrees to negotiate in good faith with APT for the purpose of entering into preferred provider marketing agreements with APT for voice, video, data, and telemetry services to the residences. The developer shall make certain portions of the Project available to APT to construct its telecommunications facilities for the purpose of providing APT Services to consumers within the portions of the Project within Developer's ownership and /or control, with the understanding that APT will obtain and maintain the requisite legal and regulatory authority under any and all governmental authority and applicable laws to provide the APT Services to the Project including without limitation, the required permits, franchises, certificates, licenses, and approvals for the design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of and access to the Project and network facilities. Neither Developer nor APT will prohibit, restrict, discriminate against or seek to prevent any other service provider access to the Project for such service provider to provide competing services, including, without limitation, precluding the other service providers from access to the conduit, poles, ducts, and other rights -of -way used to provide the APT Services. NOTICE. The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein include certain fees and other exactions. Pursuant Government Code Section 66020 (d)(1), these Conditions constitute written notice of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations and other exactions. You are hereby further noticed that the 90 -day appeal period in which you may protest these fees and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020 (a) has begun. If you fail to file a protest Within this 90 -day period complying with all the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such fees or exactions. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda during the Regular Meeting of the City Council on the 16th day of January 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and Mayor Johnson - 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 17th day of January, 2007. —Q/\9, Lara Weisiger, City CI City of Alameda