WHEREAS, an, application was made on November 13, 2007 by SRM
Associates for a Final Development Plan, Major Design Review, and Planned
Development Amendment to permit the construction of ten office buildings and
associated parking, landscaping and other improvements, located at 2800 Harbor
Bay Parkway, and;
WHEREAS, the proposal was accepted as complete on January 24, 2008;
WHEREAS, the subject property is designated as Business Park on the
General Plan Diagram; and
WHEREAS, the subject property is located in a C -M -PD, Commercial,
Manufacturing, Planned Development, Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, the Planned Development for the Business Park was approved
by PD -81 -2, and subsequently amended by PDA-85-4 and PDA05- 0003;. and
WHEREAS, the City Council on April 4, 1989, approved an Addendum to
the Final Environmental Impact Report of the Harbor Bay Isle Development; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board held a public hearing on February 25, 2008
for this application, and examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board made the following findings relative to the
Final Development Plan:
1. Condition #2 of Resolution No. 1203 which approved the Business Park
requires that for each development proposal within the Business Park, a
Final Development Plan be reviewed by Planning and Building Staff for
compliance with the conditions of Resolution No. 1203 and then be brought
before the Planning Board. This requirement has been fulfilled for this
WHEREAS, the Planning Board made the following findings relative to the
Major Design Review approval:
1. As conditioned, the project will be compatible with its site, adjacent or
neighboring buildings or surroundings, and promote harmonious transitions
in scale and character in areas between different designated land uses.
The project's site design takes into consideration the adjacent properties by
providing ample open space that is appropriately located to serve as
transitions between the office park and the surrounding land uses, the
buildings are grouped to create a sense of spatial units, and there are
ample provisions for pedestrian access to the waterfront. The building
design is horizontal and harmonious with the neighborhood, compliments
the Harbor Bay Business Park, and has an appropriate theme and sense of
scale, utilizing high quality textures and building materials. The design also
takes advantage of its location on the waterfront and maximizes its
orientation to, and visual relationship with the water. The landscaped areas
have been designed to be an integral, harmonious, and sustainable part of
the project, incorporating plant species that are attractive, native, and
tolerant of the maritime environment. Additional amenities such as
benches and bicycle racks have also been incorporated into the landscape
design. Finally, the traffic and parking system has been designed to
promote safety and avoid conflicts between uses. The off - street parking is
located behind the buildings, is attractively screened from the public right-
of-way, and landscaping will be used to break up the interior.
WHEREAS, the Planning Board made the following findings relative to the
specific design guidelines for the Business Park contained in Resolution No. 1203:
1. The preliminary landscape plan is consistent with the required landscaping
requirements of the Business Park.
The buildings are designed to project a low horizontal profile which reduces
the apparent bulk of the buildings as required by the Architectural
Guidelines contained in Resolution No. 1203.
WHEREAS, the Planning Board made the following findings relative to the
Planned Development Amendment for reduced parking:
1. The development is a more effective use of the site than is possible under
the regulations for the district with which the PD District is combined. The
development is a more effective use of the site because the reduction in
land that would otherwise be devoted exclusively to parking will provide
additional open space and outdoor amenities, particularly in the transition
areas between the office park and Shoreline Park. In addition, Buildings B1
through E2 will have shared parking, thus providing greater efficiencies.
The project is part of the existing Business Park and will participate in an
existing program that was developed to minimize traffic and parking
demand. This program disseminates transit information, provides
subsidized mass transit passes, cooperates with RIDES on car pool
matching programs, provides shuttles to and from BART, and encourages
employees of the Harbor Bay Business Park to use alternative commute
modes. Additionally, a condition of approval requires the applicant to
construct a new bus stop on behalf of the Harbor Bay Business Park, with
funding for this bus stop currently available through existing assessments.
The applicant, staff, and AC transit are currently working to determine its
specific location. In addition to transit access the project location is
adjacent to the Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal, which provides commuter
access to and from San Francisco. Finally, the proposal includes space for
a restaurant or cafe immediately adjacent to the Ferry Terminal. The
reduced parking allows for a more extensive pedestrian network on -site,
better landscaping plan, and the opportunity to slightly reduce impervious
surfaces and surface runoff.
2. The project will not have a significant adverse effect on adjacent land uses.
The proposed reduction in parking requirements from 3.75 to of 3.51
spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area is appropriate in this case and
will not adversely affect adjacent properties.
WHEREAS, on March 5, 2008 an appeal of the Planning Board's approval
of the project was filed with the City of Alameda; and
WHEREAS, on April 15, 2008, the City Council considered the appeal and
the information relative to the appeal provided by the staff report and the public
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Alameda hereby finds that no further environmental review is required for the
proposed project as provided by Section 15162 of the California Environmental
Quality Act Guidelines because:
1. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, there have been no significant
changes in circumstances that require revisions to the previously certified
Environmental Impact Report. The proposed project is not likely to cause
substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish
or wildlife or their habitat.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda
hereby upholds the Planning Board's approval of Final Development Plan and
Major Design Review PLN07- 0061 subject to the following; conditions:
Prior to the issuance of Building or Grading Permits:
1. The project applicant shall submit an Impervious Surface Form to the City's
Public Works Department (PWD) during the plan review process, indicating
the proposed total change in impervious surface area for the project site.
Land and Transportation Development
2. Prior to issuance of grading permit, a sanitary sewage flow analysis shall be
prepared by the applicant and approved by the Public Works Department to
determine sanitary sewage quantities of the proposed development.
3. Prior to issuance of grading permit, a storm drainage analysis including
detailed calculations for bio- swales and planters shall be prepared by the
applicant and approved by the Public Works Department to insure
adequate drainage capacity for the proposed project. Project proponent
shall construct stormwater treatment measure(s) that meet the hydraulic
sizing design criteria indicated in Provision C.3.d of the City of Alameda's
municipal NPDES stormwater permit. Final Development Plan plans need
to accommodate for the proper sizing design of the necessary stormwater
treatment measure(s).
4. Prior to issuance of grading permit, applicant shall investigate and provide
to the Planning & Building Director for analysis, any opportunities to widen
the private access road in order to provide additional space for a bicycle
lane' that are consistent with the project's approved elements.
5. Prior to issuance of grading permit, a geotechnical report, prepared by a
registered geotechnical engineer, with recommendations to the findings
shall be prepared by the applicant and approved by the Public Works
6. Bicycle parking rack locations shall be shown and shall be based on one
space per 10 vehicle spaces. Location and type to be approved by the
Public Works Department.
7. Prior to issuance of grading permit, applicant shall prepare a traffic analysis
in connection with the temporary rerouting of AC Transit buses during the
reconstruction of the private access road that will include' an evaluation of
bus turning radii at the intersections of Aughinbaugh Way and Bay Edge
Road, and Bay Edge Road and Harbor Bay Parkway. The analysis shall
also include an analysis of additional bus loadings (Equivalent Single Axle
Loading) along Aughinbaugh Way and Bay Edge Road for the duration of
construction related to the rerouting of AC Transit Line 50 along
Aughinbaugh Way and Bay Edge Road.
8. The private ferry access road shall be reconstructed to accommodate bus
traffic between the Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal and Harbor Bay Parkway.
The Public Works Department shall provide a final Traffic Index (TI) for the
street design.
9. Prior to issuance of grading permit, applicant shall indemnify the City and
AC Transit for any damages arising from the temporary rerouting of AC
Transit Line 50 during construction along Aughinbaugh Way and Bay Edge
10. Prior to issuance of grading permit, applicant shall provide an agreement
from the owner of Bay Edge Road regarding the use of the road as a
temporary reroute for AC Transit Line 50. Applicant shall also notify and
provide contact information to the affected residential neighborhoods
regarding the temporary rerouting of Line 50 along Aughinbaugh Way and
Bay Edge Road.
11. On behalf of the Harbor Bay Business Park, applicant shall work with the
Public Works Department and AC Transit to determine the proper location
for, and install bus stops, bus shelters, crosswalks, and any associated
improvements at or near the intersection of Harbor Bay Parkway and the
private ferry access road. Additionally, applicant shall construct
decomposed granite steps and install directional signs at the northwest
corner of the intersection of Harbor Bay Parkway and the private ferry
access road that connects the sidewalk with the paved pathway along the
lagoon pursuant to approval by the Public Works Department.
12. During the course of construction of the private ferry terminal access road,
the applicant shall provide a letter of credit, deposit, or other acceptable
instrument of credit to assure that the private ferry terminal access road is
completed. The amount shall be based on the subdivider's engineer's
estimate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and shall include 20%
Preliminary Grading, Drainage and Utility Plan
13. Efforts shall be taken to minimize impervious surfaces, especially directly
connected impervious surface areas. Roof leaders shall discharge onto
landscaped areas. Additional design techniques can include, but is not
limited to, the use of pervious pavement in parking areas.
Landscaping Plan
14. The final landscape plan for the area between the eastern edge of the
private ferry access road and the sidewalk along the lagoon shall: a) Retain
the existing healthy, mature trees with some pruning along the road-side
face of the trees to improve sight lines and remove overhanging branches;
b) include the planting of up to fifteen 15-gallon evergreen trees of like kind
to the existing with final planting location to be coordinated with the
adjacent Freeport and Bay Colony Homeowner's Associations; c) be
implemented using Bay-friendly landscaping guidelines in accordance with; d) be subject to the approval of the City Planning and
Building' Director.
15. For the parking area in front of Buildings B1 through C2, a minimum of 75%
of the trees in the bioswale along the western edge of the ferry access road
will be evergreen with an average mature height of 12' to 15' (as shown on
Sheets L1.1 and L22). The final planting location of these trees will be
coordinated with Freeport and Bay Colony Homeowner's Associations and
shall be subject to the approval of the City Planning and Building Director.
16. Tree clearances from utilities shall be as follows: a) Fire hydrant — 6 feet; b)
top of driveway wing - 5'; c) stop signs — 15'; d) street/pathway lights and
utility poles — 25'; e) storm drain, sanitary mains, gas, water, telephone,
electrical lines - 5', f) front of electrical pad- mounted equipment 10'.
Verify minimum clearance distances of street trees /shrubs from electrical
transformers with City of Alameda Power and Telecom.
17. Site traffic signing shall be to the approval of the City Engineer.
Environmental Services Urban Runoff
18. Final landscape plans should ensure that all landscaping and bioswales are
designed to minimize irrigation` and runoff, promote surface infiltration
where appropriate, and minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides` that
can contribute to storm water pollution. As appropriate, integrated pest
management (IPM) principles and techniques shall be incorporated into the
landscaping design.` Where feasible, landscaping' shall be designed` and
operated to treat storm water runoff by incorporating elements that collect,
detain and infiltrate runoff.
19. Stormwater treatment measures that function primarily as infiltration
devices shall, where practical, protect groundwater from pollutants that may
be present in urban runoff. The vertical distance from the base of any
infiltration device to the seasonal high groundwater mark shall be at least
ten feet (10') unless a collection system or another diversion method
collects a reasonable amount of the infiltration.
20. Trash enclosures and /or recycling areas shall be roofed and /or enclosed.
These areas shall be designed to prevent water run-on to the area and
runoff from the area and to contain litter and trash and pollutants, so that
these materials are not dispersed by the wind or discharged to the storm
drain system. For buildings having food service or restaurant use, their
respective trash enclosure should have floor drains connected to the
sanitary sewer system. The trash enclosures shall have a minimum floor
area of 96 square feet for buildings 10,001 - 25,000 square feet in size and
192 square feet for buildings 25, 001 —50,000 square feet in size. The trash
enclosures should have fire sprinklers if attached to the buildings.
21. Given that the total disturbed area for the project will be greater than one
acre, the applicant must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the
California State Water Resources Control Board ( SWRCB), indicating the
intent to comply with all requirements of the SWRCB Construction Activity
Storm Water NPDES General Permit (Permit).
22. In compliance with the NOI submittal to the SWRCB, the applicant (or its
designate) shall prepare and implement a thorough Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) document to ensure appropriate protection of
storm water quality during the project's construction activities.
23. The applicant (or its designate) shall submit to the City's Public Works
Department (PWD) a copy of the completed project NOI and SWPPP
documents, as required for preparation by the SWRCB, with sufficient time
for both document review by the PWD and any necessary
corrections /modifications to the SWPPP by the applicant (or its designate)
prior to commencement of any soil - disturbing activity.
24. Prior to the granting of a certificate of occupancy, an operation and
maintenance (O &M) agreement and O &M plan for all post- construction
(permanent) stormwater treatment controls shall be prepared and submitted
to the City for approval. The O &M plan shall include: treatment type,
location(s) of treatment measures, maintenance requirements,
maintenance schedule, assurances of party responsible for O &M, and
assurances of access to inspect and verify treatment system O &M for the
life of the project.
25. The developer is responsible for ensuring that all contractors and sub-
contractors shall, during all construction activities, comply with the SWPPP
elements, the City of Alameda's Urban Runoff Standard Conditions of
Approval and the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for construction
activities indicated in the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program
brochures during all construction activities.
26. Storm drain inlets in the parking areas shall have canister type filter inserts.
All catch basins shall be clearly marked with the words "No Dumping!
Drains to Bay" or equivalent, using methods approved by the City of
Alameda's Public Works Department.
27. Plan sheets prepared for the construction phase shall indicate the
specifications for the installation and upkeep of the erosion control
mechanisms as described in the project SWPPP. Specifications shall be
provided for the perimeter protection(s), any silt fencing and fiber rolls used,
the storm drain inlet protections, the stabilized construction entrance(s) and
exits and vehicle tire wash area(s), the vehicle and equipment servicing
area(s) and the materials handling and storage area(s). These
specifications should meet the same level of erosion and sediment control
effectiveness identified for erosion and sediment control practices
established in the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control
Board's Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual and the California
Stormwater Quality Association's Stormwater Best Management Practice
28. For projects creating or replacing greater than or equal to 10,000 square
feet of impervious surface, project proponent must submit a stamped,
signed certification from a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California
and working for a firm included on the Bay Area Stormwater Management
Agencies Association (BASMAA) list of Qualified Post- Construction
Consultants for stormwater treatment facility design which indicates that the
treatment measure design plan meets the established sizing design criteria
for stormwater treatment measures.
Environmental Services — Waste Management & Recycling Functions
29. The project is subject to the Waste Management Plan (WMP) requirements
of section 21 -24 of the Alameda' Municipal Code.
Transportation System Management
30. The applicant shall participate in the existing Harbor Bay Business Park
program that was developed to minimize traffic and parking demand. The
Harbor Bay Business Park program is responsible for disseminating transit
information, providing subsidized mass transit passes, cooperating with
RIDES on car pool matching programs, encouraging the use alternative
commute modes, and providing employees of the Business Park shuttles to
and from BART.
31. The applicant shall establish a provision in the project CC &R's that the
project owners' association notify all occupants that the preferred ingress
and egress routes to and from the business park shall be Harbor Bay
Parkway and Ron Cowan Parkway.
32. The project shall be constructed in substantial compliance with the plans
prepared by Fee Munson Ebert Architects, dated February 12, 2008, titled
"Esplanade, San Francisco Bay" consisting of 24 sheets, marked Exhibit
"A ", on file in the office of the City of Alameda Planning and Building
33. At the common property line with the adjacent residential neighborhoods,
the project will meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) standard for light pollution reduction in residential areas. The
following will be incorporated into the site lighting design:
a. Use of pole lights with a maximum height of 25'; no building
wall packs on the east building elevations (excluding
architectural and /or entry lighting such as sconces and soffit
b. Fixtures and /or cut -off shields will be specified for exterior
lights that mitigate direct view of the site lighting source form
the adjacent residential neighborhoods.
34. Prior to issuance of building permit, applicant shall submit a photometric
analysis indicating how light will be contained on the project site for review
by the Planning & Building Director.
35. Any noise making mechanical equipment located on the ground, which
generates noise exceeding ambient noise levels at the common property
line with the adjacent residential neighborhoods shall be enclosed in a
sound blocking enclosure meeting the noise standards established by the
Alameda Municipal Code. The enclosure shall be built to standards
approved by the City.
36. Within 30 days prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a pre- construction
Phase II , presence /absence survey for the burrowing owl (Athene
cunicularia) shall be conducted by a qualified biologist, with potential site
location information provided by Golden Gate Audubon. The results of the
presence /absence survey shall be provided in writing to the City's Planning
& Building Director and the California Department of Fish and Game
If it is determined that the project site is occupied by the burrowing owl, a
Phase III burrowing owl survey shall be completed, with results provided in
writing to the City's Planning & Building Director and the CDFG.
If any known location of active nest(s) is established in consultation with the
CDFG, the Applicant shall: 1) Create a buffer zone of 160 feet (radius)
around the burrow(s) during the nesting season (February 1 through August
31). 2) Following the nesting season, or after the CDFG verifies that the
burrowing owl(s) have not begun egg - laying and incubation, or that the
juveniles from those burrows are foraging independently and capable of
independent survival, the Applicant shall passively relocate the nesting
pair(s) occurring on the project site.
37. Applicant shall apply for a Conditional Use Permit if the project proposes 1)
Any public restaurant or cafe over 5,500 square feet in area and/or 2) Any
restaurant or cafe with hours of operation before 7 a.m. or after 10 p.m.
38. Any public restaurant or cafe having all of the following characteristics shall
be prohibited from the project:
It specializes in short order or quick service food service; and
It serves food primarily in paper, ` plastic, or other disposable
containers; and
It delivers food and beverage products in such a manner that
customers may remove such food or beverage products from the
food service establishment for consumption; and
d. It is a formula food service establishment required by contractual or
other arrangements to operate with standardized menus,
ingredients, food preparation, architecture, decor, uniforms, or
similar standardized features
39. The Final Development Plan and Design Review approvals shall expire
twelve (12) months from April 15, 2008, unless actual construction under
valid permits has been commenced or the applicant applies for and
receives a one -time twelve (12) month extension.
40. Applicant shall reconfigure the proposed parking area to add a maximum of
five (5) motorcycle parking spaces and create more compact automobile
spaces to achieve a total of 3.75` parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of
building area The addition of these motorcycle and compact spaces shall
not increase the amount of paved area shown on the plans approved by the
Planning Board.
41 The parking plan as approved is based on the proposed office /restaurant
floor area. Prior to the issuance of building permits now or in the future, the
Planning and Building Director shall be informed of the number of
employees in the building and any changes in use
42. Within the Business Park, a Parking Management plan is required to
minimize traffic and parking demand. This program can include, but is not
limited to, preferred car pool parking spaces, bicycle lockers, cooperation
with Regional Ride Share Program, car pool matching programs,
disseminating transit information, providing subsidized mass transit passes,
membership in the Alameda Transportation Management Association and
encouraging employees to use alternative commute modes. The Parking
Management plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning and
Building Director and the Public Works Director. This Parking Management
plan shall be in addition to the existing contributions to the Harbor Bay
Business Park Association, which are currently required.
43. During construction, the applicant shall ensure that construction crews
undertake a program of dust control including, but not limited to, watering
soil surfaces as needed to prevent dust blowing, covering trucks carrying
materials to and from the site, and frequent clean -up of soil carried by
construction vehicle tires from the site onto roadways. Construction
activities shall be subject to the requirements of the Alameda Municipal
Code, which restricts construction to the hours of 7 :00 a.m. to 7 :00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday and 8 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday.
Design specifications shall incorporate Waste Management and Recycling
elements for building and site demolition debris.
44. The project shall not cause an increase in ambient noise levels in excess of
those allowed in AMC. Prior to the issuance of building permits and prior to
any future change in building use, the applicant shall submit an acoustical
noise analysis demonstrating compliance with these Standards. The
Planning and Building Director may require noise monitoring and additional
project modifications if appropriate.
45. Signage is subject to a separate permit. All signage shall be consistent with the
requirements of the approved signage program for Harbor Bay Business Park.
46. Conditions relating to Planning Board Resolution No. 1203 are incorporated
by reference.
47. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Federal
Aviation Administration a Form (currently designated 7460 although FAA may
designate a substitute form), completed to FAA satisfaction, which describes the
electronic and light emissions and reflections from the facility toward Port of
Oakland runways and related information. The FAA Form 7460or the equivalent
regulates both building external elements and construction elements including
temporary use of cranes. The applicant shall conform to FAA requirements in
the Form 7460 or FAA - approved equivalent process. The applicant shall
conform to any process of the Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission
and shall provide verification to the Planning and Building Director of compliance
48. There shall be no outdoor storage unless approved by the Planning and
Building Director, and any outdoor storage permitted shall be temporary for
in- transit materials.
49. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall secure all necessary
permit approvals from EBMUD regarding the installation of all revisions to
water or sewer lines necessary to install the project. Accumulated
wastewater must be drained to the sanitary sewer. A sanitary sewage flow
analysis shall be provided to determine sanitary sewage quantities of the
proposed development in relation to prior proposed building usage and the
City's line capacities.
50. Total load in kilowatts or kilowatt/volts (KVA) needs to be provided and
location of the transformers to service these loads must be approved by
AP &T prior to building permit issuance. If necessary, the applicant shall
provide at no charge to AP &T an easement and access to all AP &T facilities
on the property prior to issuance of building permits.
51. Prior to issuance of Final Design Review and construction, the developer
shall show the location of fire hydrant spacing on all sides of the project.
52 The City of Alameda requires as a condition of this approval that the
applicant, or its successors in interest, shall defend (with counsel reasonably
acceptable to the City), indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Alameda, its
Redevelopment Agency, the Alameda City Planning Board and their
respective agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or
proceeding against the City of Alameda, Alameda Redevelopment Agency,
Alameda City Planning Board and their respective agents, officers or
employees to attack, set aside, void or annul, any approval or related
decision to this project. This indemnification shall include,` but is not limited
to, all damages, costs, expenses, attorney fees or expert witness fees arising
out of or in connection with the project. The City shall promptly notify the
applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and the City shall cooperate in
such defense. The City may elect, in its sole discretion, to participate in the
defense of said claim, action, or proceeding.
53. All Time and Material charges for this application shall be paid in full prior
to the approval of Building Permits for the Project.
NOTICE. No judicial proceedings subject to 'review pursuant to California Code of
Civil Procedure Section 1094.5 may be prosecuted more than ninety (90) days following
the date of this decision or any final action on any appeal, plus extensions authorized by
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6.
NOTICE. The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein include certain fees
and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), these Conditions
constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the
dedications, reservations and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-
day appeal period in which you may protest these fees and other exactions, pursuant to
Government Code Section 66020(a) has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90-
day period complying with all the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred
from later challenging such fees or exactions.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and
regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda during the Regular
Meeting of the City Council on the 15th day of April, 2008, by the following vote to wit:
Councilmembers Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam
and Mayor Johnson - 4.
ABSTENTIONS: Councilmember deHaan - 1
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of
said City this 16th day of April, 2008.
Lara Weisiger, City C'
City of Alameda