Resolution 14274CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 14274 DENYING THE APPEAL OF THE AUGUST 11, 2008, PLANNING BOARD DECISION TO CERTIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THE ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT PDA05 -0004 AND MAJOR DESIGN REVIEW DR05 -0073 WHEREAS, the City prepared an Initial Study that identified potentially significant environmental impacts associated with the Alameda Towne Centre Expansion Project; and WHEREAS, on January 30, 2006, the City issued a Notice of Preparation ( "NOP ") of a Environmental Impact Report (EIR); and WHEREAS, the City conducted an extensive public input process to identify potential environmental issues and concerns that should be addressed in the EIR; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR (DEIR) was published on August 29, 2006 and the DEIR was circulated for public comment between August 29, 2006, and October 12, 2006; and WHEREAS, the City held public hearings to accept comments on the DEIR, before the Planning Board on September 25, 2006, and before the Transportation Commission on September 27, 2006; and WHEREAS, written responses were prepared addressing all significant environmental issues raised by commenters during the public review period and published in the Final EIR (FEIR); and WHEREAS, the FEIR, consisting of the DEIR, responds to comments and evaluation of project revisions, and was made available to the public for review on June 24, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board held public hearings on July 14, 2008, and August 11, 2008, wherein the Board considered all pertinent information and then certified the adequacy of the Final EIR on August 11, 2008; and WHEREAS, on August 20, 2008, an appeal of the August 11, 2008, Planning Board decision was filed with the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on this appeal of the Planning Board decision to certify the adequacy of the Final EIR on October 7, 2008, and examined pertinent maps and documents, considered the testimony and written comments received; and WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings: 1 The Final EIR has been presented to and independently reviewed and considered by the City Council, 2. The Final EIR reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City of Alameda, and 3 The Final EIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and all applicable state and local guidelines. 4. Project changes were made by the applicant that addressed some of the comments received on the DEIR and specifically objections to the proposal for a Target store in the Shopping Center (Building 1000, former Safeway store); the project changes reduced and/or eliminated some of the potentially significant impacts relating to noise, visual, light and glare by reducing the amount of square footage originally requested for the Shopping Center; the project changes do not increase the size of Building 1000 substantially as was previously proposed and evaluated, in 2003 to approximately 66,700 square feet, and to approximately 147,000 square feet in the original 2005 submittal; and The project changes do not create new significant impacts and do not increase the severity of an impact identified in the EIR; the Board further determined that the EIR prepared for the project adequately addressed all potentially significant environmental impacts as required by the California Environmental Quality Act and no further environmental evaluation is required. WHEREAS, a DEIR, State Clearinghouse Number 2003042073, was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and was circulated for public review between August 29, 2006 and October 12, 2006 and no comments were received which identified new significant environmental impacts which were not already analyzed in the DEIR; and WHEREAS, a final environmental impact report (FEIR) was prepared responding to the comments received on the DEIR (DEIR and FEIR are collectively referred to as EIR); and WHEREAS, on October 7, 2008 the City Council found the EIR complete and correct, and after considering public testimony and reviewing all project documents, including the EIR and the Mitigation Monitoring Program, Exhibit "A" of this resolution, found no significant environmental impacts from the project as mitigated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda hereby certifies the EIR and adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Program, Exhibit "B" of this Resolution, for the Alameda Towne Centre Expansion and Reconstruction Project. NOTICE. No judicial proceedings subject to review pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5 may be prosecuted more than ninety (90) days following the date of this decision plus extensions authorized by California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 NOTICE. The conditions of project approval set forth herein include certain fees and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020 (d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations and exactions. The applicant is hereby further notified that the 90-day appeal period in which the applicant may protest these fees and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020 (a) has begun. If the applicant fails to file a protest within this 90-day period complying with all requirements of Section 66020, the applicant will be legally barred from later challenging such fees or exactions. ATTACHMENT 1, EXHIBIT A FINDINGS OF FACT REGARDING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES FOR THE ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE REDEVELOPMENT AND EXPANSION PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The EIR evaluated the environmental effects of the expansion of the Alameda Towne Centre by approximately 49,100 sq. ft. of gross leasable area (GLA) over what had previously been approved by the City. This proposed expansion would result in a total shopping center GLA of 706,650 sq. ft. and physical re- arrangement of uses including an approximately 145,000 sq. ft. GLA discount department store (Target) replacing an existing smaller store. A Target Store is no longer proposed as part of the redevelopment of the shopping center. After preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report, the renovation plans for the shopping center were revised and the immediate expansion plans for the shopping center were reduced by 26,500 square feet to approximately 680,150 sq. ft. of GLA. The revised plans would have the same or reduced impacts in all topic areas in the Environmental Impact Report. The Project is defined as the redevelopment of Alameda Towne Centre which includes an expansion ranging from 22,600 to 49, 650 square feet of additional floor area resulting in full build-out of up to approximately 706,650 square feet of GLA, construction of a new parking structure, and pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvements, new signage and other minor site improvements ("Project"). A detailed Project description is contained in the DEIR at pages 3-1 through 3-4 and FEIR at pages 15-2 and 15-3. 1. THE EIR: The Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") consists of the Draft EIR, dated August 2006 ("DEIR"), and the Final EIR which includes revisions to the DEIR, responses to comments and the mitigation monitoring reporting program, dated June 2008 ("FEIR"). II. THE RECORD: The following information is incorporated by reference and made part of the record ("Record") supporting these Findings: a. The Project application and all studies submitted on the Project. b. The EIR and its associated reports. c. All testimony, documentary evidence and all correspondence submitted to or delivered to the City in connection with the EIR and Project. d. All staff reports, memoranda, maps, slides, letters, minutes of public meetings and other documents relied upon or prepared by City staff or consultants relating to the Project. e. All matters of common knowledge to the City Council, including but not limited to the City's policies, guidelines and regulations f. These Findings adopted in connection with the EIR and Project. III. FINDINGS AND STATEMENT OF FACTS SUPPORTING FINDINGS The EIR for the Project, prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), evaluates the potentially significant and significant adverse environmental impacts which could result from approval of the Project. Pursuant to California Code of Regulations ("CEQA Guidelines") Section 15091, the City is required to make findings with respect to the impacts. These Findings of Fact Regarding Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures ("Findings") list all identified potentially significant environmental impacts of the Project, as well as mitigation measures for those impacts. All mitigation measures are hereby adopted by the City Council and will be enforced through the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan ("MMRP"), as incorporated in the conditions of approval. All potentially significant impacts identified in the EIR will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with the implementation of the mitigation measures as enforced in the MMRP. A. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS WHICH CAN BE AVOIDED OR MITIGATED TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL 1. AESTHETICS a. Potential Impact re: Nighttime Glare (Impact 4-1). Project implementation may involve installation of light standards and new signage at various locations throughout the Project site. b. Mitigation. Impact 4-1 will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with the following mitigation measure: MM 4-1: Lighting Plan. The Project applicant shall submit a Lighting Plan for the Project site to the City's Planning and Building Director. Lighting design shall employ fixtures that would cast light in a downward direction. c. Facts. As required by MM 4-1, a Lighting Plan will be prepared for the Project. The Lighting Plan will be reviewed and approved by the City's Planning and Building Director to ensure that light fixtures are used and designed in a way to limit the amount of light and glare emanating by the Project. Implementation of MM 4-1, enforced through the MMRP as a condition of approval, will avoid or lessen the potential impact on nighttime glare from the Project to a level of insignificance. d. Findings. The City Council finds that the implementation of MM 4 -1 will reduce the potential impact of nighttime glare from the Project to a level of insignificance. 2. AIR QUALITY a. Potential Impact re: Generation of Particulate Matter (Impact 5 -1). Construction at the Project site could have short -term air quality effects, primarily due to the generation of particulate matter (PM10). PM10 is normally generated by diesel construction vehicles and equipment, the disturbance of soils through excavation and grading, construction vehicle travel on unpaved surfaces and the tracking of soils onto paved roads. b. Mitigation. Impact 5 -1 will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with the following mitigation measure: MM 5 -1: Dust Control Measures Construction activities must comply with the "Basic Control Measures" and "Enhanced Control Measures" for dust emissions as outlined in the BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines. These requirements are listed as follows: 1. Basic Control Measures • Water all active constructive areas at least twice daily. • Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose debris or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. • Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non- toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites. • Sweep daily (with water sweepers)( all paved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites. • Sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. 2. Enhanced Control Measures • Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non- toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.). • Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways. c. Facts. BAAQMD has identified a set of effective and comprehensive control measures for particulate matter that can be generated from construction activity. The applicable measures for the Project identified by BAAQMD are required by MM 5-1. Implementation of MM 5-1, enforced through the MMRP as a condition of approval, will avoid or substantially lessen the potential impact that may be caused by Project construction as it relates to the generation of particulate matters. d. Finding. The City Council finds that the implementation of MM 5-1 will reduce the potential impact relating to the generation of particulate matter from Project construction to a level of insignificance 3. HYDROLOGY a. Potential Impact re: Generation of Construction Related Storm Water Pollutants (Impact 8-1). The Project could potentially generate temporary increases in sediment loads and associated urban pollutants during its construction period. b. Mitigation. Impact 8-1 will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with the following mitigation measures: MM 8-1a: StormWater Pollution Prevention Plan. Compliance with the region's NPDES Permit, and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan permitting requirements would involve implementation of best management practices for construction activities, precluding increases in sediment and urban pollutant loading in storm drainage from the Project site. Implementation of appropriate runoff control measures shall be incorporated into Project design prior to approval of final Project plans. The applicant shall file a Notice of Intent with the Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to commencement of construction activities. MM 8-1b: Operations and Maintenance Plan. The Project also must incorporate permanent post-construction treatment controls for stormwater, through the use of source controls, site design, treatment or flow/duration controls. The Project must issue an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) plan to assure that treatment measures are maintained throughout the life of the Project. c. Facts. As required by MM 8-1 a and 8-1 b, construction of the Project will comply with the region's NPDES Permit and the SWPPP which 4 include measures and practices designed to reduce erosion and protect storm water quality during construction and substantially limit the degradation of runoff from all portions of the completed development. Compliance with these measures will be ensured through regular inspections conducted by appropriate City personnel. The Project is also required to incorporate permanent post - construction treatment controls for storm water and an O &P plan is required to ensure the measures are maintained throughout the life of the Project. Implementation of MM 8 -la and 8 -1b, enforced through the MMRP as a condition of approval, will avoid or substantially lessen the potential impact that may be caused through Project construction as it relates to storm water pollutants. d. Findings. The City Council finds that the implementation of MM 8 -1 a and 8-1b will reduce the potential impact relating to the generation of construction related storm water pollutants by the Project to a level of insignificance. 4. NOISE a. Potential Impact re: Construction Noise (Impact 9 -1). Development of the proposed Project would result in an increase of short term noise levels due to construction activities. Construction noise could adversely affect sensitive receptors near the Project site. b. Mitigation. Impact 9 -1 will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with the following mitigation measures: MM 9 -1a: Adherence to Noise Ordinance Restrictions. All Project construction activities shall be conducted in accordance with the City of Alameda Noise Ordinance, which imposes restrictions that protect nearby sensitive receptors. Outdoor construction activities shall be limitedto the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. MM 9-1b: Construction and Demolition Schedule. In order to buffer adjacent sensitive receptors to the greatest extent practical, the Applicant or Applicant's Agent shall submit a construction and demolition schedule, subject to approval by the Planning and Building Director. The plan shall include the following: • Approximate dates and hours (duration) of demolition and construction activities; • A table listing the noisiest construction equipment and activities and hours of operation (e.g., jackhammer); 5 ® A provision to restrict the noisiest demolition and construction activities to the hours between 9 AM and 5 PM. The Planning and Building Director may modify these hours; A provision to notify all neighbors within 300 feet of the construction area one week prior to initiating demolition and construction activities (including establishing staging area). Notification of neighbors shall also include construction and demolition schedule and construction times. MM 9 -1c: Phased Demolition. In order to buffer adjacent sensitive receptors to the greatest extent practical, demolition of the existing Safeway building shall proceed from the front to the rear of the building. To the extent that demolition can be phased without endangering public safety, the rear portion of the building shall remain standing while the remainder of the building is demolished in order to provide a sound barrier between the demolition site and the nearby elderly assisted care facility. Additionally, pile driving shall be prohibited during demolition and construction of the proposed Project. c. Facts. As required by MM 9 -1a, The Project will comply with the City's Noise Ordinance which includes restrictions on the days and times of construction activities. As required by MM 9 -1 b, the Project is also required to prepare and submit a construction and demolition schedule which must be approved by the City's Planning and Building Director. This schedule will include notification to the City and neighbors on the timing and duration of the nosiest construction activities. Also, as required by MM 9 -1c, the Project will phase certain demolition to allow sound barriers to remain to buffer construction noise. Construction noise impacts are short-term. Implementation of MM 9-1a, 9-lb and 9 -1c, enforced through the MMRP as a condition of approval, will avoid or substantially lessen the potential impact on noise that will be caused by Project construction. d. Findings. The City Council finds that the implementation of MM 9-1a, 9-1b and 9-1c will reduce the potential impact relating to construction noise to a level of insignificance. Minor revisions to the mitigation measures were made to clarify responsibility for and timing of mitigation implementation. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION a. Potential Impact re: Park/Proiect Access -North Driveway (Impact 10 -1). With baseline plus project traffic, the outbound (eastbound) left- 6 turn driveway movement would be operating at LOS E (36.8 seconds /vehicle) during the weekend mid -day peak hour. This impact would be focused on -site. b. Mitigation. Impact 10 -1 will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with the following mitigation measure: MM 10 -1: Park/Project Access -North Driveway. A two -way- left -turn lane ( TWLTL) shall be installed on Park Street. The TWLTL shall function as a refuge /merge lane for outbound left -turn movements from Whitehall Road (north Park Street entrance) and to accommodate inbound left -turn movements for businesses on the east and west sides of Park Street. This would allow the intersection to operate at LOS C. The cost of installing the TWLTL shall be the responsibility of the applicant and another recently approved project applicant (Safeway Gas station PDA05- 0001). The applicant shall contribute a proportional share toward the installation of the TWLTL based on increased trip data contained in the traffic study prepared for this project. The applicant shall make said contribution at the time of issuance of the first Phase 3 building permit; or, at an earlier date if the City determines that installation of the TWLTL is required to maintain acceptable LOS standards for left turn movements from the shopping center onto Park Street. Construction of the TWLTL shall be completed prior to the issuance of final certificate of occupancy for the first building in Phase 3. If the City determines that implementation is required during Phase 2, construction shall be completed prior to the issuance of the first building permit in Phase 3. c. Facts. A two -way -left turn lane on Park Street as required by MM 10 -1 will be installed. The two- way -left- turn -lane will be installed at the appropriate time (as determined by the City) to ensure that traffic operates at an acceptable level. This improvement will ensure that the traffic level at the Park/Project access north driveway will operate at an acceptable level of LOS C. Implementation of MM 10 -1, enforced through the MMRP as a condition of approval, will avoid or substantially lessen the potential impact on the Park/Project access -north driveway. d. Findings. The City Council finds that the implementation of MM 10 -1 will reduce the potential impact on the Park/Project access -north driveway to a level of insignificance. Minor revisions to the mitigation measures were made to clarify responsibility for and timing of mitigation implementation. The City Council further finds that the revision to the original mitigation measure in the EIR does not change the analysis in the EIR and will not create any new significant impact on the environment. 7 a. Potential Impact re: Otis /Project Access - Trader Joe's Driveway (Impact 10 -2). With year 2025 Cumulative plus Project traffic, the Otis /Project Access - Trader Joe's Driveway outbound (northbound) left -turn driveway movement would degrade further from LOS E (36.8 seconds /vehicle) to LOS E (40.2 seconds /vehicle) during the PM peak hour and LOS E (38.4 seconds /vehicle) during the weekend mid -day peak hour, respectively. Per the significance criteria, intersection volumes would increase by over 1% with proposed Project traffic at this location. b. Mitigation. Impact 10 -2 will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with the following mitigation measure as revised in the FEIR: MM 10 -2 (revised): Otis /Project Access - Trader Joe's Driveway. It ft (16.6 seconds /vehicle) during the weekend mid day peak hour. Other intersection. The Applicant shall contribute a proportional share toward the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Otis Drive and Trader Joe's driveway, based on data contained in the project traffic study, prepared by Omni Means. The Public Works Director shall determine the final pro -rata share. The cost of installing the traffic signal shall be the responsibility of the applicant, another recently approved project applicant (Safeway Gas Station, File No. PDA05- 0001), and the City The applicant shall make said payment to the City, at the time of Building Permit issuance for Phase 3 construction: or, at such time that the City determines that this improvement is required to maintain acceptable LOS standards for left turn movements from the shopping center onto Otis Drive. The City shall ensure implementation of this mitigation measure as soon as reasonably feasible, following receipt of the contribution from the applicants. c. Facts. As determined in the traffic study prepared on the Project, the applicant is required by MM 10 -2 to contribute its fair share toward a traffic signal to be installed at the intersection of Otis Drive and Trader Joe's driveway. The signal will be installed at the appropriate time (as determined by the City) to ensure that traffic operates at an acceptable level. The mitigation measure was changed from that measure recommended in the DEIR to ensure consistency with the requirements in the traffic study. The revised measure is more effective than the measure originally recommended in the DEIR and consistent with the measures adopted for other projects. Implementation of MM 10 -2, enforced through the MMRP as a condition of approval, will avoid or lessen the potential impact on the Otis /Project access - Trader Joe's driveway to a level of insignificance. d. Findings. The City Council finds that the implementation of MM 10 -2 as revised will reduce the potential traffic impact on the Otis /Project access - Trader Joe's driveway to a level of insignificance. Minor revisions to the mitigation measures were made to clarify responsibility for and timing of mitigation implementation. The City Council further finds that the revised MM 10- 2 is equivalent to or more effective than the original mitigation measure identified in the DEIR. The City Council further find that the revision to the original measure in the DEIR does not change the analysis in the EIR and will not create any new significant impact on the environment. a. Potential Impact re: Shoreline /Project Access -Post Office (Impact 10 -3). With cumulative year 2025 plus project traffic, the outbound (southbound) left-turn driveway movement would be operating at LOS E (36.0 seconds /vehicle) during the weekend mid -day peak hour. This impact would be focused on -site as all other turning movements at this intersection would operate at LOS B or better. b. Mitigation. Impact 10 -3 will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with the following mitigation measure: MM 10 -3: Shoreline /Project Access -Post Office. The applicant shall install either a TWLTL on Shoreline Drive or an all - way -stop- control at the Shoreline Drive /Project Access -Post Office intersection. Under either scenario, the southbound Project Access -Post Office driveway shall be re- striped for separate left and right -turn lanes. The applicant shall implement this mitigation measure prior to the completion of construction of Phase 3; or, at such time that the City determines that these improvements are required to maintain acceptable LOS standards for left turn movements from the shopping center onto Shoreline Drive. c. Facts. The traffic improvements identified in MM 10 -3 will be installed The traffic improvements will be installed at the appropriate time (as determined by the City) to ensure that traffic operates at an acceptable level. The type of improvement will be determined prior to the issuance of building permits and will be based on the information in the traffic study and EIR. The improvements required in this measure will ensure that traffic will operate at an acceptable level at the Shoreline Drive /Project access -Post Office intersection. Implementation of MM 10 -3, enforced through the MMRP as a condition of approval, will avoid or lessen the potential impact on the Shoreline /Project access -Post Office intersection to a level of insignificance. d. Findings. The City Council finds that the implementation of MM 10 -3 will reduce the potential impact on the Shoreline /Project access -Post Office intersection to a level of insignificance. Minor revisions to the mitigation measures were made to clarify responsibility for and timing of mitigation implementation. The City Council further finds that the revision to the original 9 mitigation measure in the EIR does not change the analysis in the EIR and will not create any new significant impact on the environment. B. ALTERNATIVES IN THE EIR 1, Introduction, In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") Guideline Section 15126.6, an EIR must describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the project, or to the location of the project, which would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project, but would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project, and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives. If a project alternative will substantially lessen the significant environmental effects of a proposed project, the decision maker should not approve the proposed project unless it determines that specific economic, legal, social, technological or other considerations make the project alternative infeasible. (See CEQA §21002, CEQA Guidelines §15091(a)(3)). 2. Description of Alternatives. The EIR considered four alternatives: (1) "No project" alternative (no development), (2) Reduced Development Alternative No. 1, (3) Reduced Development Alternative No. 2 and (4) an alternative project site. These alternatives are analyzed in the DEIR at pages 11-1 through 11-21. The DEIR concludes that the various alternatives would have similar or greater impacts than the Project, The purpose in considering alternatives in a DEIR is to allow decision makers the opportunity to consider if those alternatives may reduce unavoidable impacts that would be caused by a proposed project. The Project will not result in any impacts that cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance. Findings rejecting alternatives are required only if one or more significant environmental effects will not be avoided or substantially lessened by mitigation measures. The City Council is not required to make findings rejecting alternatives described in the EIR since all of the Project's significant impacts will be avoided or substantially lessened by the mitigation measures adopted herein. The City Council, as it has done in these Findings, is required to make findings relating to each significant impact. If it makes a mitigation finding for each significant impact, no further findings are required, including findings on alternatives. See Pub Res C §21081(a)(1)-(2); 14 Cal Code Regs §15091(a)(1)- (2). 1 1) 3, Finding. The City Council finds that the Project will not result in any environmental impact that cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance. As a result, findings rejecting the alternatives are not required. Nevertheless, the City Council rejects the alternatives analyzed in the DEIR because 1) the Target Store was considered in some of the alternatives and that portion of the Project has been eliminated, 2) the alternatives will not result in a project that has fewer or les impacts than the Project, and 3) the alternatives fail to meet the objectives of the Project as outline in the DEIR at page 3-2. C. CONCLUSION The City Council finds that all potentially significant environmental impacts identified in the EIR will be mitigated by the implementation of all the mitigation measures identified in these Findings. Implementation of the mitigation measures will be assured through enforcement of the MMRP. The City Council further finds that the Project will not result in any significant unavoidable environmental impact with the implementation of the mitigation measures. 11 ATTACHMENT 1 EXHIBIT "B" MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM INTRODUCTION This Mitigation Monitoring Program has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of state law (Public Resources Code, Section 21081.6) and CEQA Guidelines, which require adoption of a mitigation monitoring program when mitigation measures are required to avoid or reduce significant environmental effects of a proposed project. This Mitigation Monitoring Program is only applicable if the City of Alameda decides to approve the proposed Project. The following Mitigation Monitoring /Reporting Program is organized to correspond ro environmental issues and significant impacts that are discussed in the EIR. The table is arranged in five columns: • recommended mitigation measures, • timing Co r implementation of the mitigation measures, • Party responsible for implementation, • monitoring action, • party or parties responsible for monitoring the implementation of the mitigation measures, and • space for entry of completion date as mitigation occurs. ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROJECT FINAL EIR PAGE 1 7 -1 CHAPTER 17: MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM PAGE 1 7 -2 This page intentionally felt blank. ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROJECT FINAL EIR LJ - 7: --. ,...■ z. tz -■ .., . 9 F. 2 c,E ,•-•,/ ,Z-- 9 , .=, ;A' " ,..,' :-/ .../ Applicant .' -:....-: 0 2 a.4 L.. ) „ . 0 7.; ,, :0. ...) il 0/ :: z,- ?., T . „ u .....- - • - 3 u :3 = ..:- -7- 7.... .. .,° 5:—'7 ::, : .,d 7:.' .f.: 0 0 r.., ..', E. : .. - %-: 7' L' '',':' i'''.2. :-.7: -:5; , , ,t; - -:] ,.. ;'..3 - ' 'a :0 1.1 ."0 :. -,-' ' 7,-) -- 0= :,1 t-k, ..,''.: ....' --=. l',.: , •;- --, 1F4 '' .. ,.. f....-- c - ?-: 4 . ..:-...., F; 0 . . - t.Z -6 z ,..:-1 -7., '74 ., , a. ---- ', 9 '. 2 - a a; ,-, ■-• ...., , ^ ..... ,-, 4 . '-r.J Z-! 9 -:-. • a. ,..1: a 7., ,-...c . -c .1, c ,-. t-, ..e ;.-. ,, ;_., ._, , Lo ..., ...: ' . ' 0 -:- , .. - -... .0 ..-. 9, "7,.......: M 71 :.-,''7 E: ...1: E , .., `. :' - .7.: , '.4 '>' >2. E. rj , c.. .. - ‘...., _.,-, - ,z,,-, ,,-, • 0 ,./ :7-... „., 1-..j :: !--, - ;- ,,,'" ,. --c 0 ....0 r-1 it ^7 : J ,r, ;I to , . , ..: ,....._. ,.L. .. 4 :F.: 7. FY 0 4.3 ° L- a. .'„ *:7; rJ 5, 3, uL. '../: F.. . 0 :, 5 ___ .3.,,, c,..., z 0 .74 ,t,.. , -..,2 . > N MONITORING PROGRA ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Verification Date Completed Monitoring I Responsibility Monitoring Action I -7 ■-,- El-, )J C •^=" ',C - ..,,.. ' ..... :2_, ,, U • ... / 'z' -,-., :,' C .'' Implementation Responsibility . :?.■ 3 Timing/ Schedule - > < =- Prior to issuance of Mitigation Measure public streets, 2. Enhanced Control Measures o 1 inciosc, cover, water twice daily or apply (non - toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.). o Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways. MM 8 -1a: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Compliance with the region's NPIIS Permit, and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan permuting requirements would involve implementation of best management practices for construction activities, precluding increases iu sediment and urban pollutant loading nt storm drainage from the l'roject site. Implementation of MM 8 -1b: Operations and Maintenance Plan. The Project also must 'incorporate permanent post - construction treatment controls for stormwater, through the use of source controls, site design, treatment or flow /duration controls. The Project must issue an Operations and Maintenance (C) &bl) plan to assure that treatment measures arc maintained throughout the life of the ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROLE N ("3 z LL ORING PROG z 7 >4 (.7 0 0 z Verification 0 0 ---- -,..-_, . _ ." , z., ,,,-,, 1.; •,;, : g" 9, -F.-: E, Ti r,' ‘—' s: 7: , ru 5 _ 2; if, .,-,, < ';"" '7--." ..... C-' E •-• :., ,-, ,--. Timing/ Schedule g 7.4 2 2; -74 tt.0 ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROJECT LL \. \ z 0 {• ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROJECT MITIGATION MONPI'ORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Verification Date Completed Monitoring Responsibility / \ \�/ / \ \ /\/ Monitoring Action / \- 2 � \ \\ ` \� Implementation Responsibility Fl // Timing/ Schedule () V� //\ - }. - -i / \ \\ \ - @ Mitigation Measure Notification of neighbors shall also include construction and demolition schedule and construction times. MM 9 -lc: Phased Demolition. In order to buffer adjacent sensitive receptors to the greatest extent practical, demolition of the existing Safeway building shall proceed from the front to the rear of the building. To the extent that demolinon can be phased without endangering public safety, the rear portion of the building shall remain standing while the remainder of the building is demolished in order to provide a sound barrier between the demolition site and the nearby assisted care facility. Additionally, pile driving shall be prohibited during demolition and construction of the proposed Project. MM 10 -1: Park /Project Access -North Driveway. A two- way -left -turn lane (1'\Vl ;11,) shall be installed on Park Street. The mum, shall function as a refuge /merge lane for outbound left- -turn movements from Whitehall Road (north Park St. entrance) and to accommodate inbound left -turn movements for businesses on the east and west sides of Park Street. The cost of installing the ifW1,1'1. shall be the responsibility of the applicant and another recently approved project applicant (Safeway Gas Station_ P1).AON- ■(till). The Applicant shall contribute a proportional share toward the installation of the TW1, 1, based on increased trip data contained in the traffic study prepared for this MEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROJECT b / U z EL; ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXP_ PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Verification Date Completed . . Monitoring Responsibility , ;:.',.: ..,...: ,;,.,.■ JD :,--: •;:,..;- .:-. .....; ;,.: , Monitoring Action . ; , .... g- : . , Implementation Responsibility , ---- ...!. Timing / Schedule , . , ' . , - . . . , . Mitigation Measure project. The applicant shall make said contribunon at the time of the issuance of the tirm Phase 3 building pernu or, at an earlier date if the City determines that installation of the 1 \VLI'1, is required to maintain acceptable LOS standards for left turn movements from the shopping center onto Park Street l'onstruenoo of the 'Mil .11. resnonsihility of the :tnnlit -ant_ another nit-tinily LL, cL ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROTECT C4 0 a_ z 0 GAI ION MON ALAMEDA TOWNE CENTRE EXPANSION PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM C.) Wr• 'EZ CJ Date Completed Monitoring Responsibility 7 7 ■t' I'' ,,,,, '•-• ' L''' L) Monitoring Action = ,.. ..c Implementation Responsibility , 3 7,... .:---. , Tinting / Schedule '',?•C 7', E 2 ,..,;J Mitigation Measure Drive, the City shall implement this improvement as soon astretsonablt_,easible but no later than ten years from the date of the first Phase 2 Building Permit application submittal. MM 10 -3: Shoreline /Project Access - Post Office. 'Ike applicant shall install either a two -way left turn lane (I1r/L, LI,) on Shoreline Drive or an all -way- stop - control at the Shoreline Drive /Project Access -Post Office intersection. Under either scenario the southbound Project Access -Post Office driveway shall be re- striped for separate left and right -turn lanes. The applicant shall implement this mitigation measure prior to the completion of construction of l'Itase 3; or, at such time that the City determines that these improvements are required to maintain acceptable I (.)S standards for left turn movements from the shopping center onto Shoreline Drive. 0 c` — 5 Z ZLU 0 z L.L.1 z ce )"' z 0 H- 0 LU I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda during the Regular Meeting of the City Council on the 7th day of October, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and Mayor Johnson - 4. NOES: Councilmember deHaan - ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 8th day of October, 2008. Lara Weisiger, City City of Alameda