Resolution 00004RInpLucIoN ro. 4.
daindlEAS,e4 sycciel municipal election wso he's, ha the GitY of Alaneda,
Tuesday, lennasy Uth, 1917 in accordance with law and Ordinance No. 87, hew
Caries,. cad
hhTTEAS, a canvpss of said returns has beer: maGe; be it
HESOLVED, that from the cesvass of the returns of said elastics it
aosecre aad is horeby declared that the following esomositian, to
"For the seoptima af the Uhartor of the Oily of Alameda, prepared
And sfSmittod by the hoard o freeholders and filed Octobor 2Gth,
received a majority of tho votos cast in said elootiati cnd zaia charter
is hereby declared to hhye been adopted.
Adoytod and caused by the foaroll thdr, 101h day of Jaauory, 1U17.
fresiding Officer of the Counci.
E. E. Bosshard,
Citp Clerk,
Presented. to and approved by me this 10th. day of lanuary, 1917.
Mayor of the City of Alameda.
I hereby certify' that the foregoing Essointiou was 0 adopted and passed
by the Council of the City of Alaseda in 31 0) regular meetihrs assembled.
on the 10th day of Monhary, 1917, by the. fad:loving rEte:- Ayes:Councilmen
Allam, Lomond, Majors, LO13 i2, "robot fm mfm
Noss:"Ene. Absent:Mono, „ ica, Stewart, e
WalMer and Eresidnt
and I faxthen certify that the sams was
-presented to and. aaproved by the Mayor en ths 10th / f January, 1917.
•R. E. Bosshard, .
City Cleik of the City of Alameda.
(eal of tle City of' Alameda.)
I herchy certify that the. foregoing is a full, true and correct copy
offldlosolvtion No. 4, Declaring the Hesdit 0 tem Special Municipal Election
Hell fusslay, locus:try. 9th, 1917" passed by the Council of the Cify of Alameda
in adMmunied regular meeting assembled on the 10th day of January, 1917,
an4 sedd.
11300. was presented. to and approved. by the Mayor on the: 10t 0.
day of Janisdry, 1917.
City Clerk of the 0 ity of Alameda..