Resolution 00009RESOMUEIGE NO. 9. TRANSFERRING $8020.40. FROM ERE CLEFT= LIGHT FITTS TO THE CTERTRAb f"aND. RETAINED, by the Council of. the City of Alameda thwt there be transferred thp cam of Eight thousand, arid twenty arP. 40/100 (8020.40) Dollars, from the dfanctrio Fight Faun to tho General Esiad, rams being an amount equal fp the city lighting bill fer the three mu:fibs ending fpcombof alot, 1916. lice Auditor anE. t Treasurer aro hereby authorized to makb said. transfer app.:. their respective books. Adapted and. passed by the. Cohan:11 this 6th. 1py. of February, 1917. F. H. Bartlett, Presiding Officer of the Counpii. R. E. Bosshard, City Clerk. Presented to and. approved by me this 7th day of ffehraarT, d91.7. Fu Hy Bartlett, :favor of the City of Alameda. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted and.. passed. tho Council of the City af nlamedE ip regular mooting assembled oft thE 6th day of it0Puu7, 1917, by the following vote:— lyes.Coancilmen. Allan, Hammond, baAxrs, Morris, :Probst,. Smith, Stewart, Walker and President Roth, (9). Noes; ibeentifone, mad. I further certify' that the same was presented to and. anproved. by. the nayor on the 7th lay oE February, 1917. R. Bosshard, pity Olerk of the City of flaredam (Seal of the City of Alamed) I hereby certify thm forageing to be a full, trao ace correct cony of "Resolution No. 9, frarmiturmhig. 0020.40 frem the Electric Eight FurE. to the General Fund" -passed by the Council of tne Oity of Alameda in regular mGO ting assembled on the 6th day of February, 19a7, ann. said Resolution was presentbd to apd. approved. by. the Mayer on the 71 h dgy of IMenfiary, 1917. City 01 erk of the City of Alahedn.