Resolution 00010RDZOLGTIOE NO, 10, . THANSITHLRGIU. 01600.00 FR), TEE EIECERHC IIDHE FUND TR THE GEERYD.Wh FUND DS A. DOAN, RESOLVED, by the Council of the Cdtr of Alameda that there be trwnsfeEd. the sum of Shmteen. hundred. ash 00/100 (16( 0.00) Dollar s. from. the Electric Light Fulla to the General FEnd, for 1 purpose of furnishing uniforms. for thE Drigh Sohool. cadets, •as a loan., The Auditor and the 013 '(T are hereby authorized to meRE said transfer upon their respective books. dopted. End. passed by the Council of the City of Alamed,a this. 6th. day of Februari. 1917, Bartlett, Presihing Officer of the Council. kttest: osshard, 'City Clexk„ :Presented to and approved by me thEUs 7th day of February, 1917. 70, H. Bartlett, Mayer of the City of' Alameda. I hereby certify that thw foregoing Hesolution was ahowted anh. passed by• thw Council of tho City of Alameda in regulsx meeting assert-sled on thE 6th day of February, 196D, by the• followhng vote:— Ayes:Councilmen Allan, Hawmond, Majors Morris, Probst, Smith, Stewart, Walker and President Roth, (1). DoesbUone. Absent:None, and I•further certify that the saws was presented to and approved by the MayEr on the Yth day of PebrwaRT„ 1917, h. E. Bosshard, City Clerk of the City of Alameda. (Seal of the City of laameda.) hereby certify thw foregekag to be a full, trww anh correct copy of b2esointion To. 10, -' 1. ').16300,00 kr= thw Electris Light Fund to the Goneyal Fushl as a loan" passed by the Council of the City of Alahleda in regular mooting assembled 0 the hth day of FebruERy, 1917, and saita Resolution was wresented to and apEEkkved. by thE Dayqr onthe Ytl. day of DEbruar, 1917. City Clerk 0 f -10- City of Slam Eda.