Resolution 00012HRSCLUSIOW fElIndINPAPING 765.90 Idala THE Gf=1.(1 FUND TO TUE PCINE FUND. IRE202700, that there be mad tears 'hereby is froafferreb from. the General Fund to Via FolOtoe Fmnd the erm of naven hundred armi sixty-five and 00/100. (765.0f)) 'fellers, to pay for servioss of an additional policeman. The Auditor and the ddreasurer la bkdr shy eutharthed th) make said trnseftr upon their respective books. Adooted. and passed. by ths Council thi,o Gth day- of February, 1.017. E. d, farflett„ Presidang Officer of the Council. Alt test: R. E„ Bosshard, City Clerk. „Presented to and approved. by me this Eth day of Ifebrunny, 1917. H. Bartlett, leaver el the City of Alameda,. hetety certify that the foregoinde Resolution was adoptod and passed by the Pouf:ail of the City of Alameda in -regular meeting asteemPled an the Eth day of' Februkry, 1917, by tbe following votet- Ayes:Councilmen Allan, 2kamend, Usejors, MOrria, Drotat, Elpfth, Stedsurt, al:ker and President Noes:None. Absent :None, and futlAler certify that the same WC2 press:dated to and approved. by. the „Nnyor on the Eth day of February, 1017'. R. 2, Bosshard, City Clerk of the City of alamedna • (Beal of the Cit,y of Alm ed ) I hereby certify the foregolbs to be a full, troa, amb correct oopy of. "Rasainotion No. l2, fdransferflnd: ')166.00 from tdne Goneral Rand to the Palace be..d." passed by. the Ceumeti of the City- of Alameda. in red:ular theft:is: asnambled on the 6th. day of Pearnsay, 1917, cad said resolat ion was bresanted to and approved by the Mayer on toe 6th da:v of febetka7, 1917. c Mma m a. a a 01 ty Clenk of the Oity 0 f Alsaedn.