Resolution 00013RESOLUTION' NO. la.
WHEREAS, Article 5I, Chapter 1, Section. 1 of the Charter of the City of
flaneda provides that the ganeral municipal election shall be held on tbe second
Tuesday in hbrch in each. oda numbered year; and
WHEREAS, said section states that th5 election shall be held on the
see5n5 luesda'y in 'Lerch, 1917; therefore be it
REsoy=6. that said election. io hereby ordered to be held on Tuesday, Itarch.
13th, 1917, for the purpose of electing fhwe coassilmer, aa auditor and. assessor
end a treasurer end tax collector; ardd be It further
RESOLVED, that the election precincts for said. election. be and they are
h5reby numbered from one to forty-two inclusive, and. the election. precincts hnd
poilirg places therein shall be ape fhb same ere hereby described and designated
ae follows, to
Descripti5n:- All of avid. city lying cast of the center line of Hist.
etreet and south of Vhe eentur line of frieinal Avenue and. all that portion of:
Cady form Dilduld laving within the charter limitb of the City of Alcm5da.
Location. of Polling Plcae:-. Tent located at the southeast corpen of High
Strabt an. ue:5AI Avenue,
IREOTTET lets 2.
asefition:- 1111 of 41 sid. city lyi5u east of the contest' line of High
Ittuest and north of the cesfter line of Epeinal Avenue.
LootAien of Polling Place:- Tent located at the southeast COITICX of
High ntreet and Centraa Avenue.
Desoription:- nil of said city lying west of' the center lino of Hiy5
Otreeti; 'north of the center line of Enoinal Avenue; east of the center lino of
Hound Street; north of the center lim5 csf Saata Clara Arenrie:. cant of the canter
liene of Versailles Aveauo ehteni5d nartbanaby to the Tidal Canal.
Location of
'1 '4' Pleas:- Basem5nt of the Licoln Sch5ol.
Description:- All of said city lying betweentite center lines of Hesari
dtreet and Moh5d Street. and. the center lines of Santa Clara ZA-erfle E5cinal
Location of Polling nese:- lent located at tba southeast C01-iler of
Versailles v5nu5 arid Central Ave-iliac:a
DeserItti5n:7 All of Enid. betneo.i. the center lip5s of Versailles
Avc555 and Hhgh etreet atf. south. of the. center lipe of 355insl Avvn55.
f5chtion of foiling Place:- Tont located. at the soutb5ast corner of Mauna
Street and. Encinal Avenue.
L5seribtion:- All 41 f Ecid city lyiP..g betupen tb5 1 enter linos of Versailles
Avenue anf Broadway; and. south of tha confer line of Eacinal Avenue.
Accatlon of. Polling Place:- Teat located at the northeast corner of
Shn Joao Avenue and Pearl Street:
0 All of said city 18olig between. the center fires of
;Broadway and Park Avenue and south of the corker line of Encival Avehae.
Lochtion of Polling Plhoewm Tent located at the southeast dorneT of
Regent Street and San jose Avenue.
Description:- All of said catty lying between the center lines of
Pearl Street and Bark Avenue and the center lines of Encihal Avenue and.
Santa. Clara Avenue.
Location of pollill Place:- Tent located.. ht the seutheast cohnor of
Broadway ued Central Awenne.
IhRECINCT, ro. 9.
Daecriptionh- Ail of sa8g city. lying between. the cefUnur lines of'
Broadway ;gig. derrseilles Avenue =tended to the Ti9a1 Canad end north of the
. center line of' Shmta {flare: Avegue„,
lecatlen of Polling Place:- Terst located at the northwest corhor of'
Iincolre Att.7hie aTd Pearl Street.
Descrihtion:- All. of eadd. city lying between the center lihge o
Broad:way end. Bark Street end north of Santa Clara Avenue.
Looetion of golfing 2140e:- •Hphse located at 2421 Webb Avenue.
Description:- All of said city. lying west of ieho center line of pafk
Street; north of the eerier line of Banta Olgra Avenue; west of the confer
line of ThInut Street; south of the center lino of Lincoln Avenue.; east of
the canter lino of' Oek Street.
Location. of Polling Place:- Store located at 1817 Park Street.
2.180INOT NO. 12„
Desorintionf- Ell of said city' lying west of the center line of Park
Avenue; north of the center line of Efeinhi Avenue: west of the center 1.137e,
. of Park Street and north of the centr line of Sen Antonio Avenue; ehst of
the center line of Oak Street: south of the center lino of Santa Clara
Lochatien of Pealing Place:- Store located at the northwest corner of
Park Street an5. 8nel:hal Avenue.
Description:- All of said city ly4ng west of thin contor line of' Park
1ventzet; scuth of the center line of Encinal Avenne; east of the center line
of Park Streetf south of the neuter line of San. Antonio Avenneand east of. the
COA:ter 'tile Of 021;: Street,
. Location of Soiling Plane:- Tent located; at the southwest cornor of
lark Street anf San. Joh° Avenue.
Description:- lai
0 f shaid city lying between the center lines 0 f Oak
Street ana Walnut Street and sauth of the center line of San Antonio Avenue .
Lbcation. of felling Plahe:- Tent located.. at the southwest corner' of
Clinton Avenue nnd Laurel Street.
Describticas- Ail of said city lying betreen the center lines of Oak
Street and Walnut Street etNI. hetwebn the center lines of ads Antordo Averbb
Soarte?dfistra Avecale.
Locatian ofdiolling Place:- Basement of the Hiudi School.
Description:- All of said. city lying west Of the pester line of Oak
Street; north of the center Line af Lincoln foetus--; east of the center line
of' Wainbt Streets north of the center L' of Susan.. Vista Avenue; east of'
the center linb of lialberry Street.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south:west corner' of
Elm Street ond Buena Vibta etVetethe
Description:- All of said. city tying west of the center line of
Yulberry Street; south of tIa center line of Loofa Vista Avanue!!, west of the
confer line of 1blinnt Street.; rorth af thb °eater line of Sante. Clara fvenue;
cast of tbb center line of' hut! w Street.
Location. of Polling farce:- shut located at the northeobt 3314' (3 of'
'Pacific Arbnue and. Willow Street.
ifilE13 L801
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center line of Willer
Streetl south of tro, center lirb of Sbnta Clara Avenfb; WeSt of the center
line of Walnut Street.; nnudds of tte center line of Alameda Avenne; east of
the center line of Otabnfrist Streets; souh of' the center line of Libboin. Aversi.
Location. of boiling Disce: 4 arc of the aaight 8chool.
2220INCT 20. 19.
Descriptient- All of said city lying etween the. center lines of Walnut
Ssaceet cad ilica: Street con. south of the center line of tOrdsedf Avenue.
fooatdon. of Lolling Liebe:- fort located at the southeast ocbner of•
Aniendo Avende aft!. ddllat Stroet,
-.rHIT.ciroT NO, 20...
Description:- All of sid city lydrg 'between thb center lires of Willow
Street :and Chestnut Street rhd south of the center linb of Alameda, Avenue.
Socatios. of foiling Place:- Tent locotbd at the southeast Career of Sets
Antonio Avenue and Chestnut Street,
Description:- All of sada city lying between the center lines of
Chestnut street esd Grassi Street; south of the center linb of Lucia:al Avenue.
Location of foilinf disco:- Tent. located. at the sobthesst corner of
flan Antonio Aoesbe and Lafayette Street.
Description:- All of sadd city lying betwee3 . the center lines of
Obbethtt Street etted. Shion Street and. the center lines of Lincoln Avbnas and
:inc.:ins' Avenue.
oe:finnan of fell:inn' Placa:- Tent located.. at tra northwest corner
of Cantina Avener urn ]Atawathste Street.
.W5MOTHEI' CP. 23.
description:- Ail of' sale. 0 it y -.1.7 ine... between. the contra filler of
nialow Street and Chretnat ntreot awd. uorit of thr center inrc of' Lincoln
Location. of foiliny Inane:- Tont located. at the northwest corher 072.'
Courripilun:- nil. of said. city- lyinu between the center lines of
Chestnut Etraat end Hibbard. Street owd horth of' tale 00Aer line of Lincoln.
Location of' follinu Place:- Tent lcoatod at the socthwent nornra of
'buena: atata ...Untie. anad. Schiller Street:,
LDEETE'cl Sad. 25.
Description:- Ail of said city lying' between. the center 1 Inrc of'
Prior. Street crn fora Eti•eet and behave:a:du the neater linns of Lincoln Aftwor
Location of' follira Place:- Tent locates. et the norianart bearer el
Greod Street and cerft.-TrEa Tc,T,To,...?..
Crahr Street; south. of the °eater line of Eneinel Awenae: weot of' ton center
line of froca. Stfret; south of the canter lino of Central Ananne; eakat of'
thr shentbr llne of Morton.. Street; north of the nentea line al San jos°
nvenec: eart of the center lane of Lath. Street.
Location of tor, try 'imacen- Tent loontrai et the boa:taw:art corner of
Eon. nrtonio Avennr ond. feTD. Street,
IllaNOIN1T MOE 27.,
Description:- Ant. of sate,. city lying i7mst of the cantor lipc of Peru
Etreet: nerth of tbr oehter ifor of' Central Averuw; east of the center line
of Senter. Street; north. of the center' inne of Berta. Clara. Avenue; eant of
tee center line of Mnrtrn. Street; soath of 'the center line of aineein Awennr.
location. of bril ate c uace:- Tent located. at the) nothrweof corner of
Stanton Etreet and Santa Clare. Awepue.
1.120INCT NC. 28.
Descriptiout- fell of said city lying between the center lines of
Hiftbard Stroot aPii Cohton Eta:net extended to Oakland Harbor and nertr. of the
center lino of Lincoln Avenue,
. Location of Coiling Place:- Tent located at the) nortnfest corner of
Pacific ..leenhe and. ntanton Street,
PHEC Tr c T T.:To : 29.
Description:- Lia of' :data city lyiac between. the center lire of
Benten. Etreeta ewtended. to Won:fond Harbor ane. lise center line of St, Charles
Street extended to eklane. harbor ann. rehth of' the center lire. of hipeo1m
liocetion of Holifirg flaa,e:- Store located. :at 112b Iincrein rvonue.
Descrionion)- All of said city lying west of the center firs of Lorton
Street; south. of Vas center line of Shnta Clara Avenue; west of the center line
of Benton. Street; north. of the center line of SeAtral Avenue; east of the °enter
line of Bay• Street; scat?, of the Center line L Lincoln Avenue.
ibx0(AtLL of Ecifing blucec - Tent t0 asted. at the nowt-I/gest corner of
Sana. Slurs Avontw ann. chart:an Street,
Description:- All of sold city- lying woof of tee centew Tins of 'Lorton.
Street; south of the center lion of Ban. Jose Awenue; west of the confer line of
Taro Street; east ot the center fins of Bt. (Merles Street alld. south. of• the center
line of' Central Avenue.
hocafion of Bolting rsacat Tont ?council of tAe northeast corner. of Bet.
Befoul() Avenew swd Bay Street.
IttECE4ST TO. 02.
Desoristiont- All of
11 sd5. city lythz between the center lines of St. •
Thwories Street and Birth Stweet an5 south. of the confer line of Sontsta ilivehne„
Location of Bolin:ay Pince:- Tent located at the southwest, 41 41 of Caro:Nino
Street P11,3. CerArni.
Description:- All of said. city lytng west of the center flee of Bay- Street;
east of the canter line of Sas:cline Street; south of ae confer linw of Santu• Clara,
Avwnne; east of thc center linw of Verdi Stweef; anh between the confer flows of
Central Avenas seil Lincoln Avenoe.
Location of TcBeing ?These:- Easement of thw :Bastifb Schwol.
Desoriptiorf- All.. of sajs city Tylha• between the center lines of St. Toadies
Street extenheh to faiffench Barbet enil sheft street extended to 00,,,MLIO nexper and herth
of the center flow of Linowin Avenue.
locution of Tolliag Place:- Tent located at the soffhwest corner of bacific
Avett seri Chapin. Street.
Descrittioef- All of achh city lyiny west. of -Lbw center line of Verdi Street;
north of the center liee of darts hisraAvenos; west Of tws canter fins of Sawoline
. Street; eawf of the center lino of hinth dtreet and between the center lines of
Lincoln fetches) cfL Central Atsnee.
eocotiot of Doliteg - Tont located at the northwest corner of
Mozawt Street aril Santa 0121,a AVerrae.
Descritationf- All of ((bald city• lying between the center linos of Sheth Street
and. Webster Street; south of the center flew of Santa Clara Avennw.
Locution. of PoiTing flans; - Basement of toe fashirgton School.
wocrittient- Jaz. of said city' lying between. thw center lines of Ninth. Street
ahn Debsier Street an5. the canter ileac of Lincoln Avenue htd Santa Clara .Avence.
Locaniso. of Poldha S41 owe located.. at 1540 deb-Ater Street..
Descrigtionf- All. of said city lying between. the cester lines of' Ninth
Street extended to Oakland. Etabor Asa. Webster Street; and nbsth of the center
lime of Lincoln Avonne.
Tweet:inn of Soiling Place:- Store located st the northeast corner of Eighth
Street and Lincoln Awenpb„
D escription:- - All of said. city lying between_ the corder lines of Tobster
Stneet at:C. FnIth Street extendad to Oakland Boarber and north of the oentba line
of Santa Clare: fivenuo.
Location of Palling Place:- Tent ltxtoted iot the surithEcast chaser of
Lincoln Avenue. nd. Sixth Street-
D escriptiohb- All of said city lying betwees. the centbr lines of Webster
Streethand Fifth Street. dne. south of the cehtbr -Line of' Santa Clara Avenue.
Loot:tier: of Tolling Slace:- . Test located. at the sontheast consea of"
ilante Clara Avenue ond. Sixth Street.
Description:- All of Said city lying test of the center line of Fifth
Street: cotth of the center line of H.c,aEtt Avenue: west of the center line
of Thdrl. Street; south cf thb center line of Locust Street.
hootAdon of Soiling Place:- Teat located at the northwest cornbr of
°antral Avenue and Eilith Street.
Description:- All of said. city lying west of the center lisb of Fifth
Street north of" ttie center line of Haight Avensw; ebbf. of" the center line
of Third Street cud. noath of tfw center Ague of hoccbt Strobl:-
Location. of Polling Place:- Tont locotbd at the southwest corner of
tounton Street and Pacific Ages:der
Adbrted and nessed this 6th day of riebtuary, 1917.
N. E. Bartlett,
Trosidippo Officer of the Council.
7. S. Docenhar6„
City Oles:p.
Pressoted to a :4 nrproyed by he tals sth dry of Sobruabs9, 1917.
P. t. Scrflett,
Nyor of the 011,9 of Alataxa.
cart:139 tort to9 fotoboong aosoinotion gss sdettc0 ono Passed
by tto °conc.:id of .e (iffy en alasece in settler Abating assembled on the
6'n day or fedi:nary 1917, by two 7o1ficalhb vote:- hyes: Councilmen Mac,
ofemaces), u, 2 - caL g a ard president Roth,(9), _7002:
:Scut. Aosert:Tone, ittittner certify that tne sdme pas presented to and
accroved Cy the 13 T on tho 7th do9 of :scorusaT, 1917.
H. ossbasi,
Oily iilorie of the City of Alabedt.
(Neal of the City of Alameda.)
ncsolutian NO. 1E.
I hereby cortiTy the Toregodag to be a full, true and correct copy of
"Resolution. No. 13, Establishing are Le scribing Election Precincts and. Polling
Places. for the. General Municipal Election to be acid in. the City of Alameda,
Eueuday, March lett', 1917."
3. 0.. by the Council of the City of Alameda in
regular meeting aosemgled on the diL. day of February, 1911, and oald Resolu-
tion was -presented to and aypromed by. the Mayor on the 1th. day. of VebrucE9,
City Clerk of the City of•