Resolution 00014HEOSIFTISH FO. 14.. RE0CESTANG Eta COUOTY .i.T-a-aLR.D OF STIMAVISHIRT TO MOTO THE CeiriblY. I.U'OPPlahl. TO SOFF ICOACTOY TN Cdh dila OF CACCO(441). WHET:FAS, bhb present location of the Alameda County Obspital causes 'noels vehieuce by reason. of' distaneac from the end of any oar linb and the eohseqpbrit ownense to the sick and injured and. thwir relatives and. fffmnids, as weal an the gad:anal pabSdcw, now thcrefore, be it 2RSCIAAED, that Onib Council respectfully requests the Beard of Super- visors of Slameda County to remove the Alameda. Comnty Hospital from its present location to some more 3. 1. located point within the City of Oakland, as a result of the pros:tot intubM.imatloh, the quid Board. of iinporvinors shall find. that such. 1 is reasonable end orabtiaable. Adopted. and passed by the Connell thin 2sth day. of February', 917. fl H. Partistt, kr:coif-ands effiher of' thb Cotacil. City Clerk. krosbnted. to and. cyprored hy. mo thin 2ayst aay of februncry, 1917, Z. H. Eartipat, kbyam of tho City of Alameda. I hereby. certify that the (Mores:ging Resolution wao adopted and. yensed by the Council. thin 20th day of' February, 24-417, by the following() vote: Avas: Councilman Allan, Hammond, Mblers, Morltum Pbbbet, Snalth, Stewart Presi- dent Roth, (2). fbeamhoue. Absont:Corneilmar. Walker, (1), cud. I farther certify' that the navb was presented to apbeapproved by the Maywr on tha Sist day of' hbbrnmyy, 1917. TM EY Bosshard, Clty Clerk of tho City of fimmoda. (Seel of the City of Alameda.) I hereby certify that the foregaing is a. full, true one correct copy of'ddenolutien bo. 144 TeameEdndam the County Beard of Supervisors to Uovic the County Hbspital to edure hoof:riled in. the City of Oakland.", passed by' the Coubbil of tho City of linwieda in reganWer meoting. assembled on the 20th day of' kehrunry, 1917, ani amid. Fesointiun) was presented. tw and. atoprovwd. by the Hayor on tho Slot day of February, 1917. City Clerk of the City of flyuchei.