Resolution 00021lkfikTISC Mk 01, City, to wit: Thai kasha Street fres. the eaaVefly libe 111' 1,,,. 817 Street to theftemt only lire of the Sotend. Pheifie 111 owldemk).86 ri)jba o' key be 111:0 :':'o3 &E That the entire widt12 of ocid [-street, botwees sAjo limit:), be crade111 to tec off1 cial. skade) that redwood ourble, :'M2.2.7 'inches by twelve drehea ie. cross 7.. 071. 11111181111 011, De laia along 'sae curb lines of skid street; Intet Fronted neck gntters, of the dfdat pdttake", tno feet sik inches (2) 6))) width csd six (6) 1.11,317,8>=3 in thickness, be conktrected along tee roadwesse side of And costiguoas to said curbing; that tne ream:rang portion af the re8(1ke8, between calk diaits, de smcmCnsided wite onl macadam toe. (10) inches in thickness; and that elemk sidewalk, six i6) feet in width ound limits, in the sidewalk spasso That of sai6 work shall be done in 0.00 0121.1.108 with the pluns and. asucciihkentises heretciere oh:Mated. :for deinm said. wonh and. now on. fdla in. the office of the City. Clerk., That Tuesday, 1917, ak 8 o'clock 9278). is. tbe Council Uhsmber in. the gity Hall of' sold. Ofty be and the mwae Are hereby- fired ac the lard, herr and. plkre macs. ann where all.persons kovimp asv objections to the proposed world. and. improves:le...ink van- depeam betere sdao dounell Ana snow cause -shy Asid prop'1 sed. improvement shoals). non be commied out in decor&face shijk, said. Resolution,. id hereby neskandped as the daily news:corer published. and.. ciaddInted. in. oadd. City et 3121:: (.1.0 in wrach this gesolution be Jublished. as provided dy laws, lbe Streat Superintendent Rnmeiately, cause to be )10'))703 1(11.07)73 ly per'Jel along Ike lips; of sail. contemplated west and. Improvement and in flefA sf all the property liabla to be assessed, setiaes of 'the passage of this fn.:solution of Intention, in the meaner Anid form required. by dew, nil of MSc ?Tenets). proposed. park shall be dose fstonrsuanse of' An. Act of the Legislature of the State 031 CallfonsdA, :17111)')) 0111 the "Improvement Act of 1911dapph0r02, apsnd 7, 1911, Adopted. by tee Connell of the City of klinmoda talc 6te. day of March, F. H. Sort lett, Streeridjak octr cd) the Cosholl. Resolattow fo. 21. 97 Cobehara, City alechs. Srceent901 to and epproved. by- mo tbas 771. day of Rarcht 1917. 7T. a. (Sort:holt, Rayor of Libmoda. I 'hereby. certify-- That the TrToyols,.-s desodertien of' Isfentlon was Inly arR regniarly introdneed. ahem-cod by' The C0f7.T.Cia of fro City of lareda in. regrisr mertlfy aseembred. on the Sth. fay of Rorch, 1917, oy- The vollowins vote:— nyes:Conspilren. Sation„ Hsmmond, iFeMjers, Morris, Probst, Smith, Stewar% wad. President hoth, (6)., NoeF:fOre. Arsent:Conorilmah 'Calker, (1), orb. I irrther certify that whe said Rearihtfah was presented to and approved. by tbe Royer on The "its day of flareb, 1C17,, R. B. hose:bard, City cla.r.] of the City of Alosoda. (Seal. of' the City of lamods,..) I horobv- certify that the foroolg is a frla, true ahh. correct. copy of "Seseinttan No. 21, Rosolution ihterflon Sr. CO, New Seriest for fhb fenyroyemoht of' TraeborStfrof from tHe Easterly line of Webster Street to the Westerly' line of tbo Coathern. Pooltri Com-don:be effedht of Way" 'passed.. by ter Connell. of the City of Alaabda in regvlar asetihs orsembiod. or The hth by The frybr on. the 7th. day of' Hameln, 1917. andassafferaw.ima. Oety Cieerb of tro eity of Als4edad