Resolution 00023MilSbISTIOa ht. 22. TRAT6EMOTElla '400.00 PhLa Tda CENEalb 2UND TEE CEITLF TUND hT3C1E1)), by thm Council of the City of Alonmdo that thoro be transferrrad. ffom tho ()scram' Thad. to the dralicf Fmnd thm (ma of Ons Saaalfed.. nnE. J 0/100 (100.00) Emliars as a lona. The dm:htter PCPS tbm Treasnror ore. hereby nathrarined to mads sedd. transfer. anon. their roodeetnvo books. AloOod. and passed. by the Conmmil thim 20th. (lay of aree., 19a.7. eh EM Bartlett, Lfesidang (afficms of the Bone:oil. h. Basalemal, 01y• Clerk, Eresented. to and e(bissed by me idnis 20th. nay of arch, 1017. ft, En Bmntlett, Mayor of the City of Miasmata. I Indt MITT dart 1)1),7 461ht the -ZSC,T SZ 0 1142: aC 0 0 TISSCS i CM WS, a etort oft PISS paSS ed. by t hm C sammma of' the C itr o f SOMare do rn re Eannar menet the) ora. anda c d. on. tbm 20 th day off larmfm 1917, by the following rote:- nrss: Boahoilmen 1202ra, Hammond, COSSiCTS, -CSSOTISIS, dreamt, Smith ann Stewart, (7). Moes:dbne, Absent:Coammilhran. Both and WaInsin Y.."), Th21. I ftmeteler emrtif).: thot tha emno was oft:seated to and abcproved by t:m Mayst oa thm. (00th day of innfen, 2- E. Soeshafd, City Cisri of tho City of 21stme6a. (Seal of the City of Alameda.) T hereby oertiy that tile 7CCaSSESCSOSSISC SS a full, true end correct copy et "Resole:Aden. ao. 23, Transferring 3100.00 from. the Craneral Munn to the 2Mlied land am a Loan", passed. by the Coahmil of °Ohm City ef Alarsla im. rennlar nrastih assembled en the iOth. day. of Marsh, 1D17 and.. ooid lasolutios was pre- sented. to sae aratrevad.. by the HMT:rar en. the 20th day of Loreh, 1917. fit, City Clark of the City of (200m):700