Resolution 000247111GOLTIO1
TfRA122E01117C 040E0.00 20).01T TE7 OEfET(15 Ten TO THE -TIRE FUND,
4)234.VED, by the Council of the Oityyof Ulamoda that there be trans-
ferred from the Twahmval Eund to the FiTO Turin, thm sum. of F.OTIT Thousand. able
fifty and 00/100 (4050.00) DollarF for +hc. parrhece of a Arfpfo comb:in:stash
Chseefhtl darg1ne hooe Chocgon witT. Booster un for the ume of the FiTC
p a Tit
Thm Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby. anthmrAaed. to mabos said. travel —
Ter .1130.1 thtr respective hooka,
Adopted (ma paseed by the Council oi the 0):fy ab thia
20th day of Marche, 1919.
Fa Rh Dabefle,
frosidahg Offficer of tile Council,
City OlorTs.
Preempted to ahn. aTTahmva by•mo this 2.0t6h Cory- 3:1? Emrch, 1917.
:Tevoy of the City of' 111.aTnea,
certify that tho foregoing Resolution wee afmwtond and. passed
by tfe Couheil of the City of Alumona in. regulof meeting smaamh1me) on the
20th. dmas of Karen, 1917, by. the followag vote:— idves:Cohnoilmen Hamment1,
thore, MMhste, Pecfnet, Stowext ann. Rresiderad Hoth, (I). WMemwhMhe,
Abseht:Ovancilaten. an.d. Walker, (2), and farther certify that the same
was presented: to and averoved. bp' the Rawor on the. 20th. dog. of March, 1917.
E. T, Boashawc),
dity Clerk. of the City of flameda,
aCeal oT thm City of' Alameda.)
I henwhy cortify that Ene forefo)fo im a fulit fThs aye.. horreot copy
of' "Essolatioh Ifo. 2A, rofefmrTing 40.00.00 Them the General Fund to the
Fire Fdand", passed.. by the oaa:Ecri... of tho City of Alamens ih rogulof mooting
aseembled on the 20th. (do(v of nerch, 1917, an said. 2osolation. was )bosented
to and. evwfmved. by the. Etas::: oh. the 20th. day of Mays)), 1917.
Oita (0)ore of tot City of ADawces,