Resolution 00090-E; r-1 030 N • 0 .1 0 0 iz 0040 bi Resolution No. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly that it is the intention of the City Council Introduced and adopted by the Council of the City 03 to order the following wank to be done and improvement 6th day of November, 1917, by the following vote:- aesembled, on the 03 0 44 . Noes:None. 44 0 s r-1 0 s V-- el 0 44 00 44 6.) 200 4 City Clerk of the (Seal of the City of Alameda.) I hereby certify that the foregoing la a full, true and correct copy rovement of Certain ,,ide "Reeolution No. 90. Providing for the 0 the City of Alameda under Resolution of Intention No. 41, New Series.", the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the November, 1517. +) feet easterly from the westerly line of said Versailles 0 003- a from the westerly line of Fornside The improvement of Central Lv ifty-hundredths (82.50) feet, by constructing yard, theme westerly eighty-two and curbing ou each side of the 0 04 and by constructing concrete sidewalks five (5) feet wide and three (3) inches e of the eide thidk, on each side of the said Central Avenue, the center lo 44 on the northerly side of said Central Avenue to be al southerly from the northerly line of said Central Avenue, and the center line of the sidewalk on the southerly side of said Central Avenue to be six and one-half 03 (6,1T) feet northerly from the southerly line of said Central Ave GO 4. 4.0 04 03 The improvement of the West side of Pearl Street, begi line of Lincoln Avenue, thence southerly three hundred and forty-six and twenty-one hundredths (346.21) foot, by constructing a concrete oorbing along the curb line, feet wide and three (3) inches by constructing a ooncrete sidewalk five (5) thick, the oenter line of said sidewalk to te five and one-half (5fl feet east- erly from the westerly line of said Pearl Street; r-I 4' GO 00 Tho improvement of the north aide line of Schiller Street, thence westerly fifty-eight (50) feet, by constructing a concrete sidewalk five (5) feet wide and three (3) inches thick,the center 44 The improvement of the West side of Pernside Poulevard, line of Central Avenue and the northerly line of Sterling Avenue, by constructing 0 4,4 01 0 A (5) feet wide and ›. a, 0 feat southerly from the northerly line of said to be five and of said sidewalk to be five (5) feet easterly from the westerly line of ntrect beginning at 01 Fernald° Boulevard; enue beginning at the of the North aide of Linco The improve erly one hundred and twenty- of Lafayette Street, thence ea easterly ourb lim five (5) feet wide end three (3) inches thick, constructing a concrete eider, 008—half (5-H feet westerly from the easterly 0 F, five and one-half (5)) feet southerly the center line of eaid side said Fountain Street; from the northerly line of said Lincoln Avenue; improvement of the westerly site of Fountain Street, beginning at the easterly line of of Santa Clara Avenue beginning 4, tnence southerly the southerly lino by constructing a con- twenty-five end thirty-one hundredths (125.31) ue, thence easterly six the easterly li, (676.65) feet, more or less, orete sidewalk five (5) feet wide and three (3) inches thick, the center line A 4) 0 4-, 44 0 rau 4 44 'Pz, ea of uni( sidewalk to be five and one-half 15i-) feet easterly Tram the westerly between the weeterl of Encinal Avenue the South el de 1 44 The improvement of the South side of Van Buren Street, beginning at the the easterly line of Fountain Street, by constructing of High Street a 0 a concrete sidewalk five (5) feet wide and three (3) Inches thick, the center feet northerly from the 11 to be five and one-hell line of said eide line of said ncinal Avenue; improvement of the youth aide of Encinal Avenue, beginning et the (42) feet easterly, by of Court Otreet, thence easterly curb li `.2 2 constructing a concrete sidewalk five (5) feet wide and three (3) eet northerly from 0 8 6 gl 40 4 2 14 3'3 ‘03 041 4; ter line of said thick, the e ling at the of the North side of Enoinal Avenue, begi nd twelve in accordance with the plans and 20 of said tor thence easterly one hundred line of Court now on file in t speoificatione heretofore adopted for doing said work and (112) feet, by constructing a concrete sidewalk five (5) feet wide and three offloo of the City Clerk. (3) inches thick, the center line of said sidewalk to be three (3) feet and 0 That Tuesday, December 4th, 1917, at 8 o'clock, p. m. ches southerly from the northerly line of said Encinal Avenue; ed as the day, tuber in the City Hall of said city are hereby I mprovemont of the East side of Court Street, beginning at the place when northerly line of Encinal Avenue, thence northerly fifty (50) feet, by posed work and improvement may appear bezore the five (6) feet wide and three (3) inches thick, constructing a concrete eid to be six (6) feet and nine (9) inches weater- should not be oarrled out in Alameda and show cause why said improveme 4, 4,F the easterly line of said Court to be pudliehed twice accordance with this resolution. The Clerk shall cause thie Resolutio rt Street, beginning et the south- improvement of the East side of Co a, a daily newspaper 'published In the Evening Times atar and Alameda Daily nd three and seventy- 1 0 44 0 4-4 erly line of designated for that purpose by the acid said City and her and circulated i nine hundredths (103.79) feet, by constructing a concrete sidewalk five consnicuOus- 11, immediately, cause to The Street Superintendent ee (Z) inches thiok, the center line of said sidewalk to bo 4) feet wide of this Reso- 8 0 0 F0 1 8 2, 2 aaia contemplated work and 1 esterly from the easterly line of said Court Street; es of the the property liable to be asseesed, n The improvement of the westerly side of Fountain Street beginning et 4) 0 0 0 .84 E ution of intention, in the All of the herein proposed cork shall te none in ours California, designated the "Improvement Act Legislature of the State of of 1911" approved April 7, 1911, and ants amendatory thereof. rotemerrt of the northerly side of Van Buren Street beginning at 4, Adopted by the Connell of the City of Alameda thie 6th line of Fountain Street, thence westerly one hundrea and thirty-. te weete a concrete Bid five and eight hundredths (135.08) feet, by' constru 0 0 '47 :2: 0 4)44 4)44 044+ 822 8 34 44 five (5) feet wide 8010 three (a) inches 6nce0, the center line 00 0810 sidewalk