Resolution 00092HESCILV2TO1\ NO. 92, P 0. co 0 1 El 4 44 4 . '0- '6 'd Pi "4 F-41 A M i-, 0 -,,1 0 01 0 1 00 1 1 ,0 0 . 0 .0 o 00' 0 0 10' 4 0 o . •0 0 44 4 4 4 0 0 4 0 d 0 0 00 g 00 of 014. F.0. 00 2 .0 0 0 .01 .0000, 00' 0 q of that there be traocterred trom Local 5O.73) Doll RES d in repayment Tareuep, eto 01 'Da •oN ptma- 0 02 ..0 0 0 .2 ,00... f.0 oreby authorized to reopective tookr. traneter upon thei er, 1117. day of Dee Adopted and oasped by the Connell this 401 Greene Majore, Presiding Officer of the Council, 0 City Clerk or the City corre ct copy I hereby certify that toe toreeoing le a roll, true ing 48E30.76 from Local Improvement Fluid of "Resolution No. 92, Tranzta ed by the Coyne etiog aseernelod No. 20 to the