Resolution 00595FEWOIPTITCE 10. 595.
MBIFFIMAR, the Council of the City of Ala:redo bon had under considhrotion the
construction of a highway over Bay Farm Iclond, to connect with the foot of Davit
Street, ,SPM Leandro,
AHD WHEREAS, cold Aroposed haghwty runs pamtly through the cities of BalMumd.
and Alameda and partly through mnincorEnratAd territory, and would form a anemic
drive along the bay shore which corad be linked up with the sky line boulhyard,
beeffes relieving thh congestion on East Fourteenth Street, now therefore be it
PERTS:TED, thot the city council wf tho City of Oakland be requesthd to in-
rhstigote the idea of coopnrstana with thw acumen of thw City of Alameda snd
thw BEard of Suporvisoro of Aimmedh Chanty for ttn purpose of bringing about
the constmaction of Enid hlghwsru
BEECTAIED, that a copy of this resolutionbe cent to thn city cm:End:11 of Oukh
lona, and aaso, to the Board of Suntervascrs of Alameda. County.
I, thA undersigned, horeby certify that the foregoing fesolutiEn arc duly
and. regulArly intmoduned smd adomdwd by the Council of the City o AlAbledo in
regmfar meeting acceultand on. the 16th dwy of Johoubm7u 13 of
to with
AYES: Coumoilwen Adams, Lnt.111T,., Probst, Taldnn and Bresidert
NOEB: Pore.
lh TECIPTEEBY WHEREOF, I hnve boreunte set my band orld. offixnd the offinial seta
of 2,7,i(1 city this 17th Coy of dnimmarya A923.
City Clerk of tbo City of Alacelms
31 hereby ocartafy that tho foregoing is P. full, true mod correct copy of
"'Resolution no. n9k. :Resolution En Canhtruction of Esighway on Pay. FAxm Islamd.",
passed. by the Council of the City of klomwdo. in reguler aheticg oho:am:hind on
the fhth any oh Jetookory, 19S3.
CheaMIECET City of Aluwods-