Resolution 00601RESOIUTICE N, 601. RERUN TiTEC DELI CHEF T TAX PEN AIN'T TO AS CINATH AEFIFEASA. Aeennth Knox, trustee for the estate of Annn Farr la, on ono about November 245 1629, sent a ce rtified. check fir S44.1E in. payment of the• tuxes or Ihts 4 and 5 block 7, Bartlett 50 Acre Trxht in the City of AST:nolo, ATE) WHEREAS', sXe received. a reply from the tidah collector, requesting her to send her last tam receipt, which sae thereupon •done, following which she received anotAar letter to the effect that the correct amount of the tax was S47.50 instead of O44,13 AND WHEREAS, it appears that during the goof ear ondenw witll the tax eollehtor thae tax became delinument5 appnoently through. no fault of safd. Knox, wherefore, in the opinion of the city council, the penalty of $7.13 imposed there= Tex Se liiNEIFoxiS wns 727270180 0127 collected, 127 71 Lc. IT In HTZETBY REWENTED and ordered. by the 13 20)3 of the City. of Alameda that the sum of, 87.12 so imPosed as a, xi-opal-by for delirpuency as aforesaid, be, sold thn show is hereby ordered.. refunded. by the tax collector, curs:shut to the pro- ons of section 90 of tho 'c'oae 1, the undersigned, hereby cort1fy that, the foregoing Re2olution smis duly o. 1) regularly introduced and. adoptca Xy the Council of tIle City .of Ylameda 12 regular meeting ataSoritioa. on thn 6th day of February, 1923, by the toll owing ccte, to wit: AYES: Counhifirer Adarx extham, Probst sod Presidnht Otis, (4) TT 0E5 2 On e ASSENT: '0'' '11 T1ider5 1 TEETIMONY W4E1111013 I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city thfe fth. day of Tiehoushy, 1923. 3,11, Hereon City Clerk of tXe City of A.:name:as. (Seal of 12,10 f Alameda) I hereby certify that the forego:pig full, tAnle arid. COTTeet COpy Of "Resoluation Be. 601, Ref ending Delinquent Tax Penalty To Asehath Thiox," passed by the '11 212 Of tdig) City of algxeda• in regular meeting assert:led on. the 640 . day of Fehtnary, 1923. SOTwcwili ATOso lOt9tbMWSTOOC „ 23 /'('y of Alameda,