Resolution 00602RECOEUTIBE BO. 602. AUTDORIZECO TRADTAFE? OF PROPHECY TO HIGH 'SCHOOL DESTFICT. IVIEBEAS, the. title at mart of 1' land embraced. in the blonh bounded on tho north by Central Arerus, on 'Coo east by cab Otreet, en the south by. Alameda. Avenue an3 . on the wost By Walriht Street IL the City of Al' State of Califonniiii, stands of record. in the mime 0 the City of Alameda, and the title. of another tort of sada block, subsequently acquired, stards of record in the nava of Alameda sigh School Blstrict 'fl Alameda deunty, State. of California; Pod WHEREAE, eaid harts are adjacent to one another and have. been used and axe now being ,"el for high. school purposes; and whereas the boundaries of said district are cotormlnue with the boundaries of said city, and WHEREAS, the Thigh Dohool Board, which is the controlling authority of the hlgh school within. said 1111 t, desires to shbmit to the electors of said. district the question of '7 issue o 018 for the construction offsi new haeh school boalding on. said lands, and 1EEREA8 it is dostrable that the title of all of sold 'school lards should to vested in the district, instead of the city, in order to 'remora any legal questions which may' tsar upon. or affect the validity of said bonds and the marketatility thereof; NOC THEREFORE, BE IT REBOINED ty the Council of the City of Alameda. thot the lands in 8"' tiocrx the t,tle of which is now vested. in ths City of Alanda, he ronteed and conveyed by tho Cipy of Alameda. to the Alameda high School District of Alameda County, State of Ccelifornia, in consideration and on condition thtt the said distrint tondo in shall. construct a. zodern hivh school tylbling on thexBald block, or on such part thereof as may be deemed expediont„ and that att.. of said school lane in said block shada be use0 . exclusively for school purposes Dor the benefit of the inhabitants of said City of 01. '717 and.. be it further 1222.0167Biax that the nhyor of said city be, and he is hereby, authorized, empowered and. directed, for and on behalf of said city to execute a decd. to said Alameda high School District of Alarodo County, State of California, of the lrLd in said. block new storming ot record in the novo of said city, which land in more particularhy deocribed as follows:- Commencing at the point of intersection of the southern line of Central Attune with ate eastern dine of Walnat Street and run- ning thonce easterly, along sold southern line at Centxol Avenue, f,)' hundred arm fifty /01 ) feet; thence at R tleht angle south- erly one hundred and forty (140) feet; thence at a right anxae westerly ono hundred and ninety (1901 feet: thence at a rieht angle southerly one bandred and fifty (150 feet to the =thorn line of Alarolo. Avenue; thence at a right angle westerly, along said line of Alameda Avenue, two haelred and sixty (650) feet to the eastern dine 0 walnut Street, and whence Pt a riaht 11 'lo northerly twe hundred and ninety (2201 feet to the point of coma mencement: Being Tots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, lid, 16, le orid 1' and the western ten (10) feet of Lot 6, in the waste-hp balf of Bleck. "0", as shown and. dolineated on the map of "Lands Adjare cent to The 01 '7,7,1 "1", on file in ths office of the County Pe- corder', of said County Gf Alameda. ?TOOL= PBETHEE, that hesolution 6c. 596, heretofore adopted by this Couroll _nd purporting to give. the authority herein given, bs and the sans is hereby reshinded and annulled- Nesolutien No. 602. T, the undersigned_ hereby aortlfy thmt the crecring :Faso dation was ault7- and re introduced and adopted by the CoafeciP. of the City of' Alavecia tn regu- lar meetir7 assembled on the 6th day of Febfruoty, 1923, by the foliran,lpf, vora,, te t AYEs: Courcilmen Adan8, Lathan, Pnobst and President Otis, ;4! N oE3 Now.)..e ABSENT:. Councilmen Tilden, (11. IN TEP0PaNdFt YFUTPEOF, I have heneunto set ny haife. and affixed the official seal of said. city this eth day of February, 1922. W. TN'. Vareoe City Clerk of thD City of diamelo- (Seal of the City of Alamedad I hereby. certmay that the foredolr is a fnl, true ana correct cony of PResolutien J'e® NOP, Authorizing Transfer of Pideperty to di gh 10001 De passed. by the Codnoil of the City of Algonala reauler meeting asfiewhied on the, Oth day of February af.123. 1] erk eff anned City of Alameda.