Resolution 00604RESDIUTTOR PC. SUEZITTIN2 ZETIO OFINTE1DOE TO SUR PEOPLE. WHEREAS', petition hes deer filed watb thn city clerk protesting against the passage of GrAinnAce No. 217, hew Serins, in relation to soninp, and. reonestIng the council to submit saiid. ordinance to a vote of the electors, Altit WHEREAS, it epeAsts tinwt the of said petition. had not affixed. thereto the dates of signing, as required by section. 10Z -A of the Political (lode, wherefore said. petition was net in legal form and does not entitle the council to call an elec- tion thereunder, AND WEEREAS i7 7, the council believes in carrying cut 0- 3-' in spirit az wAll as in letter, 9.11a thntotiore desires on Its own. initdative to subrdt said. or- dinance. to a vote of the people, AND EREERA.D, it appears that tbn ''l0 '1 ground of objectinn to SPAti ordinance is the uncertainty of the provisions, of section foot thereof, relpeing to gstrinces, now therefore THE COUNCIL of the oity of Aisne-dr. do Resodve and. ordnr az fo i0W2: SeetiOn I. That there be suhmitted. to the Anoplo of the City of AismAds, with- out a petition therefore, e proposition for the repeal. of Ordinance. No. 227, New Onries, relating to zoning, also a 01 1010 for amending sention four of said ordinance both oY onid. propoons to bn voted upon at the regular rmAilicipal election to be held insoid city on Tuesday, the 1Ste cloy of March, 1223. Sea. 2. Thn ballots to be used st said . election shall bE ench as arn reqUired by law and the city charter to be used thereat end, in 01 1' to the other mstters reppired by law to he printed thereon, shall arkear thereon the folleathig: MUNIOIDEL TIODED To vote on any nuestion or proposition, stamp a Excise (X) in the voting squsre after the word "YES", 1 after Abe work "ND". Also said balicts snail have printed thereon in a separate 0100 am provided for thst purpose,, the followjrg propositions. Proposition Shnll '11 No. 227, her. Heries, comnorly known as the new zone ordinance, be repeale? 20 Proposition Shell Section Fehr of Ordinance Eo. 227, Few Series (the now zone ordinance) be ewerted to read as follows: "aaa. 4. Private garages or other suNordinate structures no-' be erected and medntairel as accessor- ies to a dwelling nrcvidcd the lot or which they are situated torn part of the grouds adjacent to or cornected with surh dwelling; otherwise it chndi he unlawful to nee any lot if a residencr district solely for the erection and gaintenares thereon of garages Or other subordivate strilutures, unless 'per- mission first be secured as provided. In said ordinance. .4 Private garages or other saLordironce YEZ' structures in residence districts may to rented out for one or two vehicles; provided that where they NO . are capable of housing three or more vehicles, and arc, rented out in their entirety, or to the extent o7 three vdhicies, to persons other than those oceonving 12 id- dwelling, ouch lice shall be deemed a business of Class 7." Re.Shalutdon So. C.C.O. Sectien 3. The cloT17 of the oouncil cause said ordinance arid the rroposed amendment thereto to be printed, and he shall mail a copy thereof, enclosed ir an envelope with a sample ballot, to each voter at deast teu days prior to said election. Any onalifjed elector of the City of Alameda mpy vote at said election for or against the propositions herein stated. When the polls are closed the officers or election shall count the ballots cast thereat and canvass the votes oast respectively for and against the propositions herein stated, ane make return thereof to the city council In time, form and r011 00 reouired for the counting, canvassing and returning of votes cast at other munidipal elections held in said oty of Alameda. Section 4. If, at sand eloction, it shall be Tonna that the preposition to repeal said 0±dinance Yo. 227, Few S-eries, has received a majority of the votes cast thereon, sold ordinance shall he rets9nenr* aeocrftAugly. 11, however, it, shalf be found that sald ordinance has rot been repeRled, and that the proposition to amend section Toar of said ordinance, as herein eta tea, has received a majority of the votes cast thereon, said oreinance shall remain 111 fuI1 force ana effect, provided that in that case it shall be wended accordingly. I, the undersiged, hereby certify Ihpt the tbregon7 Resolnitior wss duly Ei1d regularly introduced and adopted by tr. Council. of the City of Alameda on adjourned regulsr meeting assemblea on tne 9th do,y of February, .1,9?,ot ny the JotiowihR vote, to wit: AYaar 07 5711 Adams, Latham, _Probst, s_na frasiae:i Otis, (4). n&f: i‘one. ARMS?: Coancilmar Tiloor, (1), IR '2=1Th= WHaltROF, 1 have hereunto set my hara ana alflued the official Beal af 711 city this 10th (lay of February, 112Z. 7. fARCCa, City Clerk of the Sity of Alameda. iSesi of the City of Alameda.) I hereby certify that thm fotausuing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resoiutior No. 604. asilanittiug Zone Ordinance to the Pe.pas", passed. by. the Council of the City of Alaupaa in adjoarned result:1r Keeting aElseml.e.ti on the ath ray of February, 1923.. 01 aUk of 1 rie 0 ity of Alameda.