Resolution 00661RESOLUTION ro.., 561.
WSTAROAS, the OPty Connell of the C of Alameda did, in open session,
on the 7th day of August, 1923, publicly oper, examine, and declaim: oil sealed
epepoPois or bia8 for doing the following work and improvement in said city, to-wit:
That the crossing ef Pay Taland Avenne and Park Avenue, also the
crossing of Bay Island and Regent Street, be improved by grading and.
cmnotructing thereon concrete ci's, gutters, sidewalks, corrugated
or culverts, and an oil macadam pavement.
as described in Pesolation of Intention re.. 54, r. 5. of the 'deity Council of eeld
city adopted June 5, 192.2, which resolution of intention is hereby expressly re-
ferred to for farther partienlars, it le hereby
RESOLVED:, that said Council hereby rejects all of saia proposeO or lids
except that honed::: mentioned and, hereby awards the contreat for acing said work and
maiindjp aaid improvement to the lowest reanonadtle bidder, to-wit: Hutchinson Company
at the arice2 named in their hid.
The aity Clerk is hereby directed to post a notice of thle award conseionesely
for five daye op er near the Chamber door of the City Council enid alac publish said
notice twice in the Ara aa Times .Atar, a daily newspaper cf general circulation put-
'lobed and circulated in said city and hereby letignated for that purpose by said
I hereby certify that the feregping resolution wns duly and regularly adopted
by the Cdty Chuncil of the. City. of Alameda at R regollar meetiag. thereof' held August 7,
1923, by the following vote tc-wit:
2edn,allmen Adarz, Latham, Probst and Pres.
NM: Tone:
ASSES14 Counodiman Tilden, (1).
Thereupon it waz f y r office on the aame day, and. recorded on page
of the record.
City Olark.
I hei eby. certify that the foregoing iz a full, true and correct copy. of
"Reed:nation Nod 661. Eesolution of k.alra", pazoed by the Utuncil c the Tit'y of
Alameda in regular meeting assembled on. the ft 1' of August, 1923.
Clerk df the 1 ity of Alameda.