Resolution 00665PSSOLUTIOV TRAM GFERRIVG 702413 FROM THE ELTZTRIC LIGHT FUND TO TOO INTERSOF AND REDEITITTION FUND. REMITTED, by the Canxbil. of the Gity cf Alameda, taint there be end. tnere • is hereby tranuferred. from tho ElectrOn Inapt Tuna to the wrtoreat and Fedeurption Fura,the sum of Seven hundred and Throe end 13/100 (.703413) Dollars, to. pay the interest due October 1st, 1923, on the outstanding Electric Light Bonds authorized in 19E8. The Auditor. and. the Treasurer. nue hnreby authorized to make said transfer upon their respective bobkns the undersigned, hereby certify that the fcregoing Resolution was duly ann regularly introduced ern adopted by the Council of the City of 'lame wegnlar meeting anzembled on the 4th )d.' of Gssentember, 1923, by the following rote, to wit:. ATES4 Councilmnn Adams, Latham Bronnt, Tilden nnd President Otio, (5). NO444 Bone. ABSSIZTa None. TN TESTIMONY OHERFEF, I hafe hereunto set my hand and affixed thn official zeal of sada city this 5th day. of September, 1923. 4) ED MARGOT, City. Clerk of the City of Alameda. (Seal of the City of Alzmeda)s T' hereby certify that the foregoing le fall, true and correct 'copy of "Pbsolution No. 626. Troxeferring S703.13 fwbm the E1e-r''- Light Fund. to the Interest abd 1' 10 Fund") passed. by the Cbuncil of the City of Alameda in regular meeting esznmbled on the 4th day of noutowbbw, 1923. enDx n4Gano ANClerk ofFthe City of Alan:ea.