Resolution 00697PESOTNATIOL AO. 607. AUTHORIGIST THT MAYOR TO :,'.co AE AGREESPVT XITH TBE RAZE BAY WATER COMPANY PCB COBSTRUGITTE ADDITIOTAI WATER MAINS ITO assID CITY, SOD AI=ORIT'LlaS 11 Tin CLITRIT CO; ATTTST SEPOTE1111., the council of the Oicry of Alameda did. hanetofare authorize tbp waver, or and in lehnlf of the City of Alarado to e-44 ecute. an agree:rept wtth. the Enet Pay Water Oomtwxy for. the installo.tion d maintenance twentysinch water min on Lincoln Avenue- 'hatweeu Webster and Rork Streets, :raid otty, in noncrdunne with the terms; and cc:alit:Inns' incorporated in the onnakah areement; ATI) WYEBTWOH, it now appears that nutria intoreat and safety demand that additional water mains be conotruoted OD. thp following streets ard nAgawars: Bight inch (8") as Iron Eains, Class 8, auariceti Waterworks Stn,nlard, or. tEe ac23.owirg streets. and highnaztom finnoln Eva. front :Inkster St. to Third St.; San Tose Are. from Park St. to iltrton at .; Elfrt on St. from. Bar Joss( Aver to Ear Antonio Arat St. Thaxies St, ram Sah Antonio Ave, to Psoltkla Awn.; and Thontrut St . from Snn Antonio Ave. to Engle Ave: Also, 31x inch (6") Cast Iron Mains, Clans Ex American Waterworks Standard. o the felloadng streets and. hfghwnys: Grove St. from ET1C ital. Are, to. Central Ave.; Pearl St. from Itnnoln Ave. to .5,9 5) Boulevard; Olemett Ave from Plearl Gt. to Excaldway; Taylor Ave. from St. Onnzles St. to Webster At.; and Taylor Axe. from Sly:TB St. to Third St,: Now tharefore, it is harety 11,1833CII011) by the 0. 3. ,01 the Cdty of Alps:Ledo that the saxpor be, anE. he is hereby authorized for and. on tehs2f of said dishy to entor intp an ogreemput with the Hast Pay Water Torr,ony for lo installation ond maintenance of said. additional mains in accordance with the terra and. conditlons incorporated in trn annexed agrooponat, and the city clerk in hereby ot .4. 5' to attest the sorx. I, the undenxighod, hezvty certify. that the foregoing Resolution was duly hind regalarly introduoed and adopted by the Couroil of the Tity of Alan,eds in special rtatAZ(g assemtled. on the '4 01 dank of' NovemPer, 192TE ty the following vote, to wit: TAyES: Counwilnan Adams, hathhm;„ Probst, Tilden and. Passifient Otis, (51. TOESw None. APSEETY Tone. TT THSITISNAY T..TESSOP, 3. - are hereunto set my hard and affixed the official. seal of said city this 26th doy of November, 1923. W. E TARO OE , City Clerk of the City of Alaweda. (eal of the City of dam Ea). 3. hereby cartlfy that the foregoing is 9 1 5 ull, true and o orreot cagy of 31lesoluttom No. 697. Authorizing. 44 1 1 Mayor tw. exactrto am P5)'44, 3. with the Bast 37ny Intar Tomparyt for 5" ‚4 odaitforal water mains in sal.E. city, ol(6 authorising the ity alert; to attest saga", pasend hy the Owurnil of the Tfty of Alersda in AposlIAT meeting. ossomtled on the 26th. day of Norepldnx,,1923. .knot sows alsossaity sT Alameda,