Resolution 00699libidOLTTIrt gO. ell.
ihbalblitht, the Soargin. of thra City of Aisne Ms did., on the ntr. day of Jude.
llhdll, rasa Toccietibb. of Intentnba. To. 64, rb, C.,ppoossaht Me the rroySt Oohs
of the "Imbenvament get of 1911", to order ce:rtain work to. be done and Omerehbobsts
ho. be amen. lin asid. city, referenee being rbreby ermanbasly mails to sain recointibh
of :intent:jab. for Tamther radicles's:re,
Sada) ab schbosment wes mane 121.1r 2 U. RYA t 0 tne provacions of said
abt and notice of ihib filing of' said asses:orb:at and of the time :Idled all persons
interested. ib the cork dohe 02" assenembnt sould. be hoard by the city soma:Ill
bas nobted, •butaiaded add. mailed. in. the time, for add. mabher brorldbd. by Sbe. 21 of
said. ant,
.5 »..s ITICTIEMS., no otjeatiodb to thb caltectness or legafity. on' band. assecameht
OT tO. any. other act, determlnation or procceding cf. thn abasrintahnert of streets or
againot Ibrfodrahce of the smelt mann Tail:ed. ab prorOdbn loy. acid. ant, sh1 thn
lmnhns• satisfied unth. thb °orceetheric of sadT acceicsmert,
TT IC 7.17.]nRTI, TTSCITIOD, datarreded abed declared. hy: the Scandal. of tbo City.
J f glamb,da tbat sand. work. hac hbob partotrand sobordlhg to tbb controbt in s goo_ . and
sgbatabbiall embher era that ti.ja cmcesombnt and dOnag*om mane in pa,icansome of the ems-
rdalsina •of ant are correct, enbabfems add. the ante erg. •Metarminctlnals of the
stryst sucerirtehdent relative to cage solem. Orarroseenst, asaaanment ana be,
and. the 8aPIe are heablay achrovb,ds ratified. ane cohfiresed, abd the atraet outerdntendbrt
ab ebrehy directed to sdatend a .warrent to acid. casenament hooming thn date belnot.
I, tbe shdersignada atreny cbrtity that the foregoing Resollution seas duly
and regnistly insoblbeen mn1 adopted by tne leis:snit of thb City of Aibmado Sl retutibr
maetibg accemlned on libb 4th day of TYJOG711-,,'1', last, bv tre fenamence: vote, to vItt.
thifXle ltancilmbh. Probed, Tid5en odd PrecidsbI °tin, (5).
Talligb. gene.
latildidah. hone.
Th. ICSITTIOTY CHTTEOP„ I have hereunto. set my habn ern affixed the official
seal ah chain. city trie: Encr. day 0,f Dec ,3 rab .
Otty Cd,ere of the City of Attire:dm.
nre City ,T ameda) „
I C: cerdith thh, the taretniam lc F fral, arC 1 nr " °I
sdlesci°Eeed lb. ntl. hrE el eatch F 7 w3n0 hy the Corte' a of
c -
tno , 7,c17.17.1 isolieg recmgaltion cr Of Docerhar,
I b