Resolution 00711RESOLUTICE 110. cll.
T TEtePECT TO ITTE, 1.112,1011Y 'CT 1Y001.111OC
VETERELIEn the Ssupreme Puler of the Us, 'verse heir celled to eternal rest our
former presiden 2LC 3 1 ho occupied. each dominarit position Curing the late
world. war as a Masterful leader of man, and ((those exemplary character,. hiedi idealc nod
lofty parposee endeared, him to the people od all nations,
TEEREPORE FE IT RES.CELITED, t the Council of the City of Alameda, that in
the death of loodrow Wilcon the United 1te.tee heF loet a noble citizen end a g-reat
effCT 1;2 *behalf of the, peace of the WOrld ceeure him a consplotous place in
stcry and a loving memory in the hearts of all. man-kind,
AIM P2 IT FUTTIME PESCINIM that these resolutions be spread in full on the
minntes, and that scre n this o curcil aai0111":CE; thi.o day it adjourn, out of respect -to the
memory cf 1riccdrow
1, th.c. unnerrigrder hereby dertif that the Tottering- Reeolution was duly
and re8-ularly introduced mid adopted by the aocuncil of tree City of Alameda in replar
Ineeting aesembled on the any of February, 1924, by the fallowing yota, Cc vitt
MIE-Er thre r .1ai 718 , Latham, Probst, Tilden Pal d. FTE,Oi dent etre', (5).
IMEien Noce.
IE lMETTEOry WHEIMCFn 1 have hereunto oet my hand and affixed the offleial
seal this Eth. day of February, 1024.
11. 11 . TARO OE ,
City Clerk of the City of Alameda.
of the (1ity, of Alameda)...
Tr.-44€41.1x, eirsince -
42 4242 4242 4., 423 ,.. the. „ o 11 me irmt, creme - witt,
A1141.1.14,-(l4242 .442 .1114(destA1atners1.0t.e222mplEtokunt..„..1 illen. eatIMP1Ren„Ederst,....nttler-M111).
2 *422+22
4331+2 2222
seal ettlica 6 theday--, (of Metordex.y, co,110 24 .
1111-licel3 AR3EI
Ilheroby certify that the foreAxoing is a full, true and correct copy of
"Resolution ito. 111. In itestect 1.111e, liemory of 17bodrow tiEls oh% passed 'by the
Council• of the City of 142420 21 in regular mectinsr...c,esoribled on the 6th dry Tholsruary, 24„
.A of the Ci f Aloneda.