Resolution 00730rs,9,0.37:717 ON IAD. 730
SALARY arEgi,loY,
PECATTSPA by the Council of the Oity of, Ainace..a thn.position of
CLocial L'er.'aib: be, and. the same is hereby created and established-
ISEERIV&D, that it shall be the duty of the Social Xtrkor th and
execute plann for aining bra assisting'. the finarmial, physical or moral. readjust-
ment of those rho, fbr the tinr being, are unable tr meat their own neessities
or toporisibilities, ono.d in conbegnence thereof seek assistance from the city's
• 'board of iSon ial a,ervio.e
PEACIMIL that the salary of the Pobial .earker hereby annointed be, anyl
the same is hereby fixed at One Hundred Dollars Moo.00l per month, payable in
arrears, for cosh calendar' month.
ISEAbIb'ED, tbat thin resolution shell go into foll force tIrld effect
Aninil 1 1.924,
I, the undersigned hereby certify thnt the foregning "Soolutien y'as
. dmly and regalactbr intY'odubd. and, bysted. lay the Conrbil of the City of Alannala
in regniar meeting assnmbled on the 18th day of Enrols, 1923, by the folloa:LarT
vote, to witm
Ocubnilmen AdaniA, Latham, brats's. Tilden and. PresiAbat Otis, (51.
NOES: done.
ApapITIR bone,
if TESEARATY LREPEOP, I have hereunto set my hanA and affixed the official.
seal of said oity this 19th day of RIL'h, 1924m
E VAPC did
City Clark: of the rbitic of ACIsocenth
(ne.v.1 o:f the City of Alameds)
I herebny certify that the foreabing iE full, true and correnA cobb'
of "Pesointion br. PAR. Creatbrg Position of Social niiner and. fixing Sbnlary
thereof", passed by the Coanbil of the City of AlameSa in regula obeting asserbied.
on the 18th day o-f Mars,h., 1924.
Oi Clean: 0 f the 'City of Alameda-