Resolution 00742SSC CDT I 07 74E.
05.7116.4 „ a 3. e 3. act e ti a 7 1. h. day o f Dec saft thr, 2 a 33, b stwe gen tigiegegy y „pbsty
end SALO (h. HALT Y., his ;rife, marti en th fi rot pant CT TY 0 ,te ithAtitiDA, yea rty
of 'th e second. fe. rt, c on:thy fug to th e City of Aterteda and to ita e etc c e a en ret ern d nate Etna
f obeyer fo r use 0 natal s re et , a 11 that 1 and. thith the roast sheen se si rusts in
-eh et Di o f Alameda, County o f Alameda ; State o.0 ifo rnia . and partithilarly s ..d ri bed
the thaws t °awl t,
Coderlancisig at a point on the west erly line of ;Pour th Street eni ei point
being die tacit S 1°. 3.1T it. thereon 267 . 07 f .f rum the Ely 1 ine of
Taylor theene. e, as sat. d street and gr onus are. d e 1. in sat ed. and. on deal grated,
upon that certa eta p Pt' ad. heneat d. Yap of the .6 es dub ai via i on o f 130 e
Ha tett Tr ant f 1 ad. 're elyther y 16,, 1.891, in the 0 f as of • the Oirthrty Reno
of Alegre 3.3. Coin:thy, f path i a in Book. 8 f lath -page 35 , and rthinithe tharcate
s outhrth t erly along the are of a (nerve to th e ght th a ra u.s of 2 ft;
a di teithe of 12.95 f t. to a point of curve of a c amp nun d miry to 'the
ght th a. radius of 885.04 f.t „
1 cut to the ett, ryes sai d. point
honzn north. 803 13 31" ; 'tr.; elonc; the arc of Seta c orgarand. carer
a eri stance of 357 85 ft. 'to a adi „ e tang ent to the curve at, s0
p o beans N . 57° 08 50" bi; 578 OF1 30" IV , 174. 74 ft 'to
a point of entry e of a du ith tc th e t with a radian of 1C, f t" t.he
tare, ant th e our v at sun d p o bourn Y. 578 OFT 50" CI, t c a thing
the arc of.' satal atta t r gat a dile tare:, o f 2.5 „ C f to a. -point
on the thouthe,drithe 1 the o f Saylor ;Arena e the tangent to tan a C12 /le at
Eanne point, bears It. 88° 45 "th thane s Et. 888 45 , along. eat d south -
cstj y gins 0 f T o r Avenue 63.06 ft , to a, point on the east err. y Una
of `Pair .3. Etre et; thence S. 1 35' 1t, a 1..the c.i.d .... as t teal y line o f Third
street 47 . 35 ft t c a point; th anc e S. 57 ri 08' 30" 8. 209 „ ft, „
a voint crf etheve of: a 31.2.ate e t th.a, ef th renti ne of 64,31. 04 -ft.
the; t dna ant to -the arra at sal d. point beteg; a 3. 576 08 30" ; then ce
along the arc of. 001 a CaChe a 0 the et di stance. of 5159 . 84 t
a Tinley" thence 88° 4,O3 ES 56.39 ft„ to a pthithe 0.n th coat erly
a a ft .:!;thur Str eet ; then° . 31' , thanther 75.05 ft., to the
point of comarrthement,
has be en del leg err e 3, to ;acid arty 0 tts 0 sera:met pant
0-0.3 th, babas-3.p , se; Ts the go tanan that the Cattinthil. 0 6. tbie City o f Alameda.
co ne se t to the reaor dine 0 ..13 satin" deed, enc. st hearth. fi ed. 0 opy o f lathed i on
be attached U. er e t o.
, ihniersi Ebbed., hereby erti th. et tee. a tale a Tete e atele tlen deny
an a 3.51 1313.8 t 6 ethad and adopted by the Donn c il of the 8 ty f Alan; eda lc egulet-
Prictir td ass ambled en the 15th day o f April , 19 24, by the f tec vo te, o
cetallei Leen ehallen Lathan., Plebe; te, ?Al nen ana Pa 0 ehlan t Otte, re h,
ell;e 'Nana
7.ot YEEPA.COLY r66520F, hare hereunto set thy hand abb. affixed tab dffinial
oaf. a. .5 ci ty. tithe 1 Fta. Say ri , 24
tt, . 7.4116 Of ,
0:thy Olathe of th a ty of Alaginia
theses 1 f th thrty f Ai am octal .