Resolution 00754RESOLUTION' NO. 754.
New Seriess.
1113 131 Street)..
RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alem da
to oc tr e following work to to done and improvement to be made ion said city, toswity
That Fillmore Street, between the easteTn. line of M0 ux4 Street aid the east-
ern line of Court Street, be gradad, also Root concrete curbs, gutters, gutter bridges,
and corrugated iron culverts be constructed thereon of the dimensions and at the loca-
tions shown on the plans hereinafter referred to, also 'that the roadway thereof be paved
with a six in13 h. oiled. macadam pakempnt.
All of said. work shall be done in accordance with the plans acd. apechfications
adopted therefor aLA new on file in. fae office of the city clerk.
TOYIENT TS MERELY GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 17th day of afina, 1924, at 8 o'clpok,
p ma in the council chamber of the council of said city at tee city hal1 . «i of any
and all persons having any objections to the propos13 d. wprk or itprovement may appear be-
fore said. council and show cause why said, proposed '1 13 should, not be carried oat
in. expordiancp with said resolution.
The aity clerk Shall cause this resolution of iiittfani to 13 published. twice
in the "Alameda Times-Star" a daily nswspaper of general 13 fl published. and cir-
culated in said city and hereby designated for that purpose ty the city council,
The street superintendent shall cease to be conSpicuomely posted along the line,
of said contemplsted work and improves:ant and in front of all thp propbrty liable to le
assessed notices of the passage of this resolution of intention in the timp, form and.
skinner required by lawk
Xid the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legis
lature of tbk State of California designated. the "Improremsnt Act of' 1911E, at:graved April.
7, 1911, and. amendments thereto.
I, She undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly
and regularly introduced and adopted by 1. .13 (3. of the City of Alameda in regtlar
meeting assembled on the 20th day of May, 1924, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Counallmsn Adams, Latham, Probst, Tilden and President Otis, (5).
NOES: None.
ASENT, None.
TN TESTIMONY WERREPT, hadas hereunto set TT hazd, and affixed the Xifi:t_el
seed of said city this 212t deg, of May, 1924.
City lierk of the City of Alameda,
(0 eal of the City of Alameda).
Reaelotion Jo. 754.
I hereby certify that the forEnTbing is a full, trbe and. correct ocpy
of "Resolution. go. 754. Resolution of intention No. 69, New Series. 17.il1more
street)"; passed by the Council of Mae City. of Alameda in regular mbetang assembled
on the 20th day of May, 1924.
City Olerk-c;f the City of Alameda.