Resolution 00758DES - ' ON farPOITilbrall a heat I,IC Saab, OLDS (17 Olt. ile,SOLITTO by the Cannel I (vf th e City of Alameda tha t Le On h. bailer be , he is h bir ploy appo int ed. Lie ease (3 r alai fo r th City of alantala, pur sboant to e pro v s ions of Coo Sena e No 24:9 , New Seri , the hitiersigaied , her Shy certify th a t th e f or ego ing Res olut ion was Sally a al r agalarly intro duo eh and. ado p te th e Council f the 0 i ty of Alamo (la :regliar Meeti :,3,30e,:.:11"..id ea On the 20 th clay of alay , 192(1, by the f 11 owing 7,T,Dt t Wit; 2,..7,Z2.: 0 c an oi liner, :abatis , igarthtect, Pre bat a:of T lid ( Cosssoilspirssidsist. Otis, (1) ,,, Ali SOSO None. IN TEST ENONY WHYS SOF ; hav o her (bunts e et ray rand aria af fixed th e official a ea lof s c ty this 21 et o f Oast , 24. 'it. 3. VDrcios, City Obbe r c f, the a ity of el anode, (Seal of the City of Alameda). leer eby erti f y that the for ego ins S a full , trap and. corr ect say of 'Rosie:Intl or, No r appoint ng Le on E. Inier Lite ease Oa e p ass ea. by the Comae of t he ty o f aga ret, r ego, la r teeti na, ass sealed. ca. the 20th day of Day, 1924.