Resolution 00771RESSIIIVION ff. 771.
( Stanford 3trect)
RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the City Ocrincil of the City of
alpmeda to order the following wort to be &ore and improvempnt to be made in said
city, to-wit: e
That Stanford Street, bottven the northern line of Buena Vista avenup
and the fantharn litp of Clemwrt Street, be improved by gradinz, (constructing
concrete curbs, gutters, gutter bridges, installing corrugated iron culverts, and
paving the roadway with 'six inch oiled macadwn pavement.
The City Otudincil hereby arderp end it is hereby resolved, that the cost
nnJ epenseS or' that eart of thp above described work lying and being. on the street
batersections bettven thp linvs aforementioned be raid for oat of the general fund
of the treasury of said citva
A21 of said work shall bv done in accordance with the plans and speeafi-
eativnp adviated therefor and now on file in the offiee of the City Clerk.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVER that on Theadloya the 15th day of July, 1024, at
8 o'clock p. ma, at the City Ball, in the Ocpappil Charler of said city, any fad
all persons having any ab1eft,Ww-is to the bac:loosed fork: or improvement may appear
before said eadincia fad show donne why said pronosed 1mprovement should not be
carried out in adcordance with this resolution.
oler1 shall cause this resolution. of intention to be published
1 -
3 fild circulated. in said city cirri. hereby deptupbted. for that purpose by said city.
The 8treet Superintendent shall. cense to be conspicuously pOsted along
the linp of said contemplated tell( apd Improvement and in front of all the property
liable to be assessed, notices of the eassaga of this resolvtdon of intentionsin
the timp, form and manner required by law.
The herein.. proposed wort. and improvement shall be done in pursuance of
an act of the Legislature of the State of California entitled the "Improvement
Act of• 12111, approved April 13, 1911, and amendments thereto.
I, thp undersiqred, hereby certify. that the foregoing Resolution duns
duly and. regulably introduced. and adopted by the Gunnell of the City' of alampda
in regular mpeting assembled an thp 14th day- of June, 1924, by the following
vote, to wit:
0- dospeilmen Adams, firobst„ Intham and Connoil-president Otis, (4).
ROES: None.
AESENT: Colincilapn Tilden, (1).
IN TESIEISIONY WILIZEOP, I have hereunto set my hand apd affixed the
official seal of said city this 18th day' of June, 1024.
City Clerk of thp Clty of Alarpda.
(Seal of 1 he City of Alameda.)
Reoolution No. 771.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true end. correct copy
• of "Resolution No. 771. Resolution 'of Intention No. 72-A. New Series.
(Stanford Ctreet).% passed bn the Cdunsil of the nity of Alameda in regular
destines assegThied on the ift11 . day of Jure, 1924.
City alerk of the City of Alameda.