Resolution 00775RESOLE-TEM.:. NO. 775. AWARDING CONTRACTS LINCOLN 00E001, SMEMTRiS, 9.. notice inviting pealed. proposals for ruhstracting an addition to the hihmoin School rea duly and regdlarly publishrd and advertised by tbm board of odacktion of the City of Alameda. on t 21st day of Maya MOSA, inviting bids for the pnstruction. of said addition thereto, AND•ARTREA3, in response t6 said notice and invitation for bads the same were duly:received and opened at the 'hoar of 9 o'clock' aMma on Tuesday, the 10th day of Tune, 1924, whereupon after due examination, contracts were awarded to the lowest ressmneable bidbmrs, as follows: . A,mio.00. Masonry' work to Thitem Cloor - A. Steel Work to Erode iren-Tehr:a:17t.:To7-:0.00. 3. Carpenter WorR to O. H. Peterson., for the sum. of $76,450,c0, 4. Plumbing' Work to Trederiok use Shook Co., for the sam of $6,347.00. 5. Eaectrical Work. to Strom. Electrical Company for the sum of 7...5903.00. 6. Heating.' Work to W. K. Nottingham, for the sum of $9,359.00. And all cots, condltarne arE.. things in connection. aith tbro awarding of . the fkrevolam contracta beirg subriitted to the city. council of said city, nor therefore RASOLYTED, that the semautMag of Said ohatracts am aMorestated. be and the care is harrchy ratiMied, approved and.. confirmed, and. the Mayor of the City of Alameda, for and. on behalf of shad city ia hereby authorized. to join with the President of the Board of Educatirh in tie exacatich and. sighing' of appropriate contracts for the aforeeaid. work. I, the andrrsigneW, hereby omrtify that the foregoing Resolution was daly and regularly introdaced and adopted. by thm Council of the City of MUrneda in regular ameting assembled on the iTth day of June, 1924, by the folio:hang vote, to wit: AYES: Coanmilmen Adatimm Probst, Latham and. Co:spoil-president Otis, (41. MOWS: None. ABSENT: Counciiran Milafmm (1). IN TESTIMONY WHCAMOF, hakh hereunto set my hand. and affixed the official seal of said.. aity this 10th day of Jana, 1924, . 2, 34. City Clerk of the City of Alameda. (Seal of the City of Alameda.) I hereby certify that the foregoing is a fall, trae ard correct copy of "EgmmMfition to, 775. Aitarding Contracts Rermolh School.", passed by' the Council of the City of Alareda in regular rmeting assembihd on the 17th day of June, 1924. .0mh -ME ita3:30-NYARPhMal City. Clerk of the City of Alameda,