Resolution 00840RESOLUTION NO. 840.
RESOITUD, that whereas the City Council of the City of Alameda did on the 2nd
day of December, 1924, pass its Resolution of intenteon No. 74 N.B. to order the hereinafter
described work to be dene and improvement to be made in said city which Iinsclution of in-
tention was duly and legally published. as required by la .w, as appears from the affidavit
of T. Trwin Orane now on file in the office of the city clerk of said city; are. whkreas,
notices of the pessape of said :Resolution of Intention No. 74 N.B. headed "Notice of ig-
proyegynik were duly and. leakaly posted along the line of said contemplated work and im-
provegynt and in front of all the property lialle to be asseseed therefor, and on each
and every street and highway in the assessment district described in said Resolution of
Intention, in time, formn mnhner and number as required. by law, after the pasaage of said
blesolation of Intention, as appenrs from the affidavit of I.O. NelSOP. who personally posted
the some, and veho, upon the completion of the -CDStill of said notices, fprthwith filed
said affidavit in the office of the city clerk, making oath that he completed toe posting
of said notices en the ath day of December, lailer and said counnil having now acquired
juriediktion to order the proposed improvement, it is hereby
2:1901,1101), that the public interest and convenience requAre the wnrk herein
cribed and thn City Council of the City of AlamYda Merehy orders the following work to
be done and improvement to be made in $ aAd city, to-pit:
That Bay island avenuY, from the eaytern line of EneEnt Street to the eastern
line of Inari Street, tc graidad; also that concretn curbs, gutters, gutter bridges, and
sidewalks be construnted. thereon; also that corrugated iron culverts be instsiled therein
and. that tan roadway thereof be paved with a. six inch oiled macadam puveannt.
All of sain work shall be Jone in accordance with the plans and specifications
adopted therefor and now on file in the. office of the city clerk.
The City Clerk is hereby instructed to post a notice of said. work, togeth. r with
the pl..9 and specifications therefor, 61314< 233331]J for five days on or near the council
chambkr door, inviting sealed proposals Or bids f do(rg the work ordered. Ile is also
directed to publish twice a notice inTiting such proposals, and. referring to the specifi-
cations posted or on file, in the Ala'nd' Times Star a nnwspaper published and circulated
in said city and hereby designated for that purpone.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wan duly and regularly adopted
by the City Council.. of the City of 1< do at a regular meeting thereof held January 20th,
1925, by the folladAna Tote to-wit:
11(11 Councilmen Latham, Neiss, Probst, and President Otis, (4).
NOES; None.
ABSENT: Councilman Tilden, (1).
Thereupon it was filed in ry office on the setae day, and recorded on. page 1,54 of
the record.
City (Iler of the City DC Alameda-
(Seal of the City of Alameda.)
I hereby certify that the foregbing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resole.-
tic's. No. 840, Resolution Ordering Inc Wore, passed by the Council of the City of Alameda
in regular meeting assembled on ths; 20th da,y of January, 1925.
11614 Clerk:W.5f the City 31 alameda.