Resolution 00853RESOLUNION NO. 853. R3SOIAJAION OF ACIAlifTbliCEn (((;eorge C. Stephens and d'renh L. Taylor) RASOLVED, by the Council of the City. of Alameda, that the grant of right of way for street purposes by GEORGA G. STkPHENS and NEAMA Is TAYLOS to the OINY (13 ALAMEDA, under date of January 22nd, 1925, be accepted by said. city and that said City Counbil consent to the recordation thereof. 1 certify that the foregoing resolution TaS passed by the Council.. of the City of Alasda, 3ebruary 17th, 1925. V. A. VALCOE. City Clerk. (Seal of the City of Alameda.) The 2T 11 resointion was 23,20 ,7 and passed. by the following vote:- AYES: CounoLlmbm Latham, Probst, and Lresident rOffna None. ABSENT: ConnciAmen reiss, and Tilden (2). W. A. VARCOli City Clerk, I hereby certify that the foregoing( is a fall, true and correct copy of 75besolation No. 853, Resolotion offAcceptahoe, (George C. Stephens and. Arank L. Wsylor)" passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 17th day of Tetrusry, 1925. City fillorti>of the City of Alameda.