Resolution 00879RESOLUTION NO. 879.
WHEREAS, a general municipal election was held in the City of Alameda on
Tuesday, March 10th, 1925, under and pursuant to the provisions of Article XI of
the charter of said city, to fill the offices of councilmen held ty ?rank Otis,
Ernest H. Neiss, and Merles Lee Tilden, reepectively; also for Auditor, to fill
the office now held ty F. J. Croll; also for a Treasurer, to fill the office new
held by Leon H. Ader; whose terms expire on April 20th, 1925,
AND WHEREAS, nominating petitions were duly filed and presented to the
city clerk in the time, form and manner prescribed by sections 5 and 6 of said
Article XI, nominating Mrs. Sidney Haslett, Ernest E. Neiss, George 8. Noble,
W. B. O'Brien, ?rank Otis, William J. Fierce, Walter G. Tiblitts, Charles Lee
Tilden, ?red J. Cron, Leon H. !der and Walter O. Jacoby,
AND WHEREAS, said nominations were entered in a list, with the offices
to he filled, which list was certified to in the time, form and manner required
by section 8 of said Article XI, whereupon an election proclamation, stating the
time of the election, the offices to be filled, and the mimes of the candidates,
signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk, was duly and regularly pub-
lished more than ten days tefore said election three times in the Alameda Times
Star, the official paper of said city,
AND WHEREAS, all the ballots used for said election were prepared and
arranged as to form and contents es provided in section 9 of said Article XI, a
sample ballot being mailed to each registered voter on February 26th, 1928, being
more than ten days preceding said election, together with a aopy of the question
next herein stated,
1293 RREEEAS, a question was submitted to the electors to be voted upon
at said election, which was set forth in a separate column on the right aide of
said ballots in words and figures as follows:
9IJE5TI0N ...........
Shall the pension ordinance .
proposed by members of the police :
and fire departments be adopted? ...........
AND WHRREAS, there were forty-five (45) election precincts provided for
holding and conducting said general municipal election, said precincts being the
same as those provided by the board of supervisors of Alameda °Panty for holding
atate and county elections,
AND eEEREAS, the officers appointed to conduct said election were duly
appointed and qualified, and all election supplies furnished and election booths
provided for each precinct as required by law,
AND WHEREAS, said general municipal election was held and oonducted,
and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed and the returns thereof ascer-
tained, determined and declared in the time, form and manner provided by law,
wEEHius, the council of the City of Alameda, at this, its next
regular meeting following said election, having met and canvassed the returns
of the votes cast thereat, now therefore,
etermined and declared and said council finds
as follows:
1. That said electron i_n all respects and particulars was held and con-
ducted in time, form and manner provided by law and the charter of said city;
2. That the vote cast in the differert precincts throughout the city for
all the candidates, and also on said quest ion, rcas as follows:
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3. That the total vote oast in said city for the candidates for the
couBBil v.a. as follows:
ist Choice and Choice
3rd CilDi Total Vote
MRS. SIDNEY HABLETT 1290 144 153 1577
ZRNEST R. FEISS 3071 315 377 3693
BEBRIB H. NOBLE 2626 435 226 3489
W. B. 0'38133 1533 265 200 1996
YRANK OTIS 2669 310 253 3232
WILLIAY J. /70203 309 90 71 470
3. TIBBITTS 1330 220 201 1751
CHARLES LEE TILDEN 2140 227 327 2694
4. That the total vote cast in said city for F. J. CROLL, candidate for
Auditor, was 3178.
5. That the total vote cast in said city for the candidates for City
Treasurer was as follows:
1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choiae Total V
5159 5
1039 3
6. That the total vote oast in said city on said Question was as follows:
YES, 3194; 20, 3027.
received a plurality of all votes cast of all choices for the office of councflfllCfl
sai 'RNEST R. NEISS, GEORGE H. ROBLE and FRANK OTIS are hereby declared elected
respectively, as members of the city council of the City of Alameda, to hold their
respective offices for a period of four years from and after eight o'clock p. a.
of Monday, Inc 20th day of April, 1925, and until their successors are elected and
AND WHEREAS, said F. J. CROLL received a plurality of all votes cast of
all choices for the office of Auditor, said F. J. CROLL is hereby declared elected
to hold said office for a period of four year from and after eight o'clock p. m. of
Monday, the 20th day of April, 1925, and until his successor is elected and qualified,
AND WHEREAS, said LTECV H. ADER received a plurality of all votes cast cf
all choices for the office of Treasurer, said LEON H. ADER is hereby declared elected
to hold said office for a period of four years from and after eight o'clock p. m. of
Monday, the 20th day of April, 1925, and until his successor is elected and qualified,
AND WHEREAS, it is found that a majority of all votes cast on said question
atorestted was in favor of the adoption of said initiative ordinance, said ordinance
is hereby declared adopted, and shall go into full foroe and effect ten (10) days after
the passage of this resolution,
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly
and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular
meeting assembled on the 17th day of March, 1925, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Latham, Jeiss, Probst and President Otis, (4).
NOES; None.
HS:ENT: Councilman Tilden, (1).
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of said. city this 16th day of March, 1925.
City Clark of the City cf Alameda.
(Seal of the City of Alameda).
1 hereby c rtify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
"Resolution No. 679, Resolution Declaring Result of Election", passed by the Council
of the City of Alameda in regular meeting ass The-A-on the 17th day of March, 1925.
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