Resolution 00902RASOLITTION NO, 902. AUTNORIEING Th2 121MOR TO ENTER INTO AN AlREEMICS0 WITH MAGNUS HOPLESTED, 5129REAS, Barnett Hamilton, City Engineer, and William J. Locke, City Attorney, were appoimted oommittee to he:satiate mitt. Magnus hollerfed, the owner of certain. 'hada nape:seamy to open and extend Calhoun and Claw a:meets between Broadway and Regent, and endeavor to fouph an equitable agreemeot with said ilier for the opening and improvement of said streets, AND it appears that said ownor is willing to deldaste the lands neces- sary for said opandug and have the sbmp impromed at his own expanse, on condition that the city contirbbate the sam of One Thousand Dollars to imnrove those portions cf said. offebta lying in their itharsection with. Broadway, AND WHEREAS, said Bumpett Hamilton and William j. Locke have reported that in their jmdariont the proposition of said Magnus Rollested is fair and egpituble, and. have recommonhad its etareral and. adoption, new therefore be it RCEOLVED, that the recommendations of said Burnett Tamilton end William it books be, enP they ars hereby approved, 8T1d. the Mayor is hereby' authortued and emnowered fox und in behalf of said :ditty to ester into an. agroement with said Magnuis Hollested, substantially in the following ?tem, te-wit: IRIS AGREEMETMIL made and entered into the day of June, 1925, by snd betwee: Magnus Collbsted, of the City of' Alameda, County of Alameda. State of California, heretna after culled the 'owner" and City cf Alameda, a mumdcipal corporation of said state, here- inafter caliGd thp "mity", :WITNESSES H: That phefeas, said city desires to open rnd improve daintagn 8nd Clay Streets, between. Broadway and Regent Streets, in said. city, and Pbsferp, said. owner no agreeable to the orembna: of maid streets 8nd their Improvement on the conditions hereinafter awn a tioned, now therefore, it is hereby. agreed by and 'between Use owner end said. city as follows: Said. owner, for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, agreeb to dedicate the lands Pacessamy fp open aril extend, Calhoun. und Olay Streets to Regent Street. Said oitAw in canalderation of thG dedisation of said. lands, agrees fo con- tribute thP sum o? Ona Thoubund Dollars tosbrd the impravement of tacos portions of sala dulhouw and Clay Streets as are in. the intersections of th8 present sidewalk area on. the peotprn side of Nra8dbay, It is furthpx agreed by ouid owner that he wAll endeavor to have the extension of said streets improved under privates contract within ninety' (90) days from the data hereof, fabling nn wbish. he agrees that the city May Di:prove t same by. public prosendimgai IN WISRESS WHERDOS, sada. tener end eity have: hereunto set their hands the day. and year first' aboye written, bald city. being represented. herein by its Meyer, authority therefor' Naming been first au:1y glyan My resolution. of the cow-owl:1 of saih. eity. (DEAL). City Clerk. thiff Of ALAMEDA 17 the nnethrsigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly Land regolarly introduood amd adopted by thm Council of the City of Ala:made im regoilar meet- ing assemMawd on the 2nh day of johh, 1925, by the following yelmc to wit: AYES: CouPoilmh5. Latham, Lhiss, LiMble, Probst mod President Otte, (5). NOES: Mame. ABSENT: None, ID TEDRIMONY LELTEOF , I Dupe hereumtn act my hand hnd. alfixed tam official. seal of sand city this 3rd day of June, 1925. Ft, E. VARCIOE7 5iny aleph of the City o F Alamena. (Coal of the City of Alameda), I hereby cammtify that the foregoing is a. fern, true 6666 correct copy of "hmsolutihn fo„ Authorizing the Myod to Snter into en agreemdnt with Mhgnhm Polleareil, passed by the Council. of the City of Alameda in regular emmaping asseMbled on. the fmti day of jane, 925. cy_may ywann".. -a' Efffild-ry Olmiakfh th 6 ity o f Aihmeda.