Resolution 00903RESOLUTION NO. 90ft
WITEREAS, the Council of thr City of Alamhda did, on tee fth day' of May, 192E,
pass its Resolution of Intention Do. 7S, Nn S., to ordmr the hereinafter described work
to. be hone and impervemhnt to kw made in send oitya notice of the pasekgr of said rescla-
ngpler.1119t1Hy and legally published ani: basted aw required by lawb as appease from the
effinswits on file with. thw oity clarXm and the Oity Brapall haring aoqpired jurisdiction
to order said tprk to be done, npwtbeywfchh it is hereby
RE5OLVED, that the bohnbil of the City of Alpmeda hereby orders thw following
work to be done and. improvement to be madb in said oitym to-wit:
That Eagle Avermw, in. said uitja Im opesha and extended to a uniform width of
50 Text from. its present easterly terminus 151 feet easterly from the eastern linw of •
Webster Street to its present westerly terminus 41Di feet more or less from the western
line of Eighth. Street.
The land deemed necessary to bG tahen therefor is described as follows:
Beginning at a point on. the soutabrly lite& of bugle Avenue distant
thereon 101 ft. from the eastern line of Webster Street, thence easterly
along the soathern line of Eagle A75flf3 produced 500 ft, more or less to
the poiht of intersection. of the southern line of dusale dEsure and. east-
ern. line of' Southern PPrific Company's right of way, thence thrtbwrira
along thh eastern line of the Southern Pacific Company's right of way to
the port:harp line of Ehgle Avenue, thance westerly alang the nimmtnmn llum
of ?Raft avesch: produced 492.25 ft. mare or less to a paint distant axd ft.
eastern from tne eastern line of Whipter Street thesch at a right angle
soothably SO ft, to the poiat GT-beg:innings containann: 0.572 acres of land-
The exterior hoandaries of an district of lands to he affected end benefited
by said work. sal .EgnectmDruhrt anel to be assessed to pay the damages, cost and expenpes
thereof, are ahead-Jim:ultra described ak follows, to-wit;
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 5 in Block Fl es said lot.
and blocn art delineated and designated. mpon that certain map entitled
"Mkp of Mhstick Pe sit City of Alameda, California," and filed in the
office of thh Coantra Recorder of Alumwdu County, March 13, 1907, in Book
22m of Maph Pawo 5av and 4) 42 tharbe westerly along the southern
nth of said. Lot 5, 119,5 fth to a point; thenth at right angles north-
erly 46.5 ft., to a point which is distant southerly 1CM ft mbasured
at right angles from the southerly line of Eagle ANO,; therice westerly
and parallel with said southmk1 line of Swale AT'S., to a point Tiptart
101 ft„ easterly measured.. at rigin angles from the easterly lino of
S abeter 'Street; thence at right weans southerly 50 ft,, th a point;
thhnoe at right angles westerly 306.,ft., to a point; thenok northerly
eta. tern:lei with Wriest:sr st., to the northwhst sornbr of lot 13, in.
B lack. D, of thw Shape:Edson propeXtyt thenbe easterly along the north-
erly' line of said. thepardson property to the northeart corner of Lot
13, in Block Et of said property, thanes southerly End parallel with
Webster St., to a point which. la distant 1,05 ft„ northerly mesas:red
at right ercies from. the northerly line of Eagle Aven thence masterly
and pwranal with said northerly lank of Eagle Abe., to a point which
is dietaft sksterly 119.5 ft., marooned at right Pushes from the west-
erly line of Eighth St.; tnence northerly and parallel with Eighth
St., 189.79 ft., to a paint on the segregation linen; thence S. 87°
54' E., 312 ft., thereon to a print themics southerly 211d parallel
with Eighth St., 495,61 ffm to a pointm thence at might angles whet-
erly 192,5 ft„ to the point of heeinningt
RESOLVED, that W. Sh Marcum, Prod J. Stoll axle. Szt j. Lucke be, and they' aro
hereby appointed the three commissienbrs to assess beipmftet end dmages and bath general.
supervision of Mae proposed Wj'nL or improvement until Ina conplation thereof in oomad.bnnce
with the statute,. proxided they deal' receive no um:I:pc:nest-Don fox their 38177i06S. Eac42 .
of said commissirners shall file with the oimMX of the City Council an. affidavit, anh a
bond to the Stets of Malinforula in ths aux, of ?ive Thouhaul Dollars 3 S5CB77 n0042 to Daithfally
perform the duties of his affinct
the undersigned, nereby certify tbat tau foreguing Rbaulatius
wau duly and regalarly Introduaed and adopted by the Cooncil of the City of
AlamaaDo, in. reaalar meeting assembled, on. the Snd day of Atins, 1925, by the
Sol:lowing pots, to wit:
AdS, Councilmen Latham, feiss, Noble, Probst and President Otis,
NOES None.
nfnm: fUne,
IN TEST-1=Y WHENEOF, I haus hereunto sat my hand and affixed the
oi,„cam b,foo oo eity this 3rd day of juns, 19sby
Citj Clara of the City Of Alameda,
(Seal of tne Sity of Alameda).
I hereby certify that the foreguing is a. fall, true and.. correct copy of
"Resolution. No. 903. dissolution Ordering the Oponliag of Eagle Amenues, passed
by the Coons-II of theolity of Alameda. in peg:filar meeting assembled. on thu Sna day
of Jane, 1923.
Ofty -.Clerk of Whet City of Alameda.