Resolution 00942RESOLUTION NO 92.
WHEaEAS, a controversy has arisen between the City of Alameda, a manisipal
oorpormtion, ana Erederick Snook, 30100 buslnEss under the firm name of Brederick
W. SnodX Cc., as to thh responsibility for certain defects which have appeared in a
battery of urinals recently installed in the new addition to Lincoln School, this city,
and it hes bean agreed by the city attorney, and the attorney for said Prederick W.
Snook that tha question as to responsibility, and who should. make gosh im ths matter,
may be submitted to erbitratihn, now therefore, it is hereby
RESOLVED, that the mayor be and he is hereby authorized to enter into an
agreement with said Exederick ft. Snook to arbitrate the said question, tor and on
behalf of 111 City of Alameda.
I, the undersimned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly
End regplorly introduced and adopted by the council if the city of Alameda in ad-
journed 35 73170 gesting assembled on the 2 1 day of SeptemIchr, 33 15 by the follow
ing vote, to wit:
ALES: Councilmen Bothaem Nefes, Tmobat and Pmesident Otis, .(5).
0.1 None.
ABSENT: one.
IN TUSTIMOEY CliffeMOB, I 0... hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal. of said. oity this 23rd do of 7.1 5E' 1925.
Caty Clerk of the City of Alameda.
(Seal of the City of Alameda).
I hareby certify that the foregoing is a fall, true ara
correct copy of "Resolution No. 942. Resolution to Submit.
Matter to Arbitration", 5 by the council of the city of
Alameda in. adjourned regular meeting assembled on the 221 d
day of Septexhar, 1925.
1 larf of thenefity of Alameda.