Resolution 00956RE301AJTIO1 NO. PROTESTIBT AGAINST THE altitLICATIO5 OF E. C. SESSI085. 'Slir!,13:Ea , E. 3. Cessions of Oakland., 3oLi±orna, h3 as ed to the l'(ta r Deoart - lie at for a pe rmit to dredge an area along t3o 601.1th odor e j1 Gove rumen t Island in the San ,Antonio 3,etuary, and whe reas, in the opinion of the ci ty attorney att. o± Alameda, said. E. 0 . Seas ions has no right, title or interest in or to any prtioc of said GLFVerunieLt Island, and bases his claim 'solely on two ea it cia.im de ea s, the grantors of wrioh. had no title thor.eto, AND WilSli10A3, the grant i. of an i-i ic I; ion by the War 11ep art me.rit for perm iseion to dredge along the shores of said island might ntrb3te to se odor% the claim of title now made by said E. C. Sessions,. now therefore, it is hereby 1EO0Ij1i71.(, by the Council of the City of A:lame „ tha t said c outlet 1 reby re s de ctf 11y protects against granting an a pplic at ion tc said 1'. C. Sessi ons 101 permission to d r d ge an area along the s 'oth shore of Government Island or f or any permise on to dredge along any of the .}J100 the rocf. 113301,7D, that CA certifi od ropy of this rosoltitiirn he at to Maj r John L. Schulz 8. 5. Engine e rs Off ice, iirst :District, Custom Donee., San irencieeo I, the und ars lgnea, hereby certify that the 11 illy, ou was dilly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of A lame da in special meeting assembled on the 27th day of October, 1925, by the fallowing vote, to wit: AYES Ccaseilmer TAI 'sham, 5e1se, 5oh1e , obet and ?re sid ant Ot1 a, ) 1J013: 5one 13 103T Acne. IA TESTI:J.051 vira001', I have he raunto s ot my hand and a f fixed' the of fi clad seal of aaid pity this 28th day of La:toiler , 192o. J L OC ZOE, Acting City Cie rk of the Council o1 the Oityt of Al.amoda. ( Ces1 of the City of Alameda ) I hereby c er tify that the forego is a fall, true and correct copy of R,osoluti ea No 956 . Pro to stltig Aga i/15t the liclt.ou o 00.0 Sessions", passed by the Council of the City of tlu.rCCh ia spe ci 01 a: uting assembled 31: the 27th day Gf October, 192o Clerk al the City of Alaw,eda