Resolution 00959RESOLUTION NO. 969, PROVIDING PON MUNI:Ginn GOLF LINKS Add THE EMPLOYMENT OP AE ARCHITECT AND SCNENVINOR OF CONCTEECTION. DESOLVE,D, by the council of the city uf Alameda, that a municipal golf links be constructed on the property reeently acquired anO 1. '-sea by the city- of Alameda on Bay Farm Island, and th8t the city manager bo, and he is hereby empowered to employ, on behalf of said city, a golf architect and supervisor of construction. of uaid links at a salary of Three Hundred and. Fifty Dollars (050.00) per month, said employent to dommence a2 of November 4. 19E5, and sad employee to hold office at the pleasure of the city councii . l', the undersigrad, haheby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly. and reANlarly introduced ane adopted by tha ocuhcii. of the city of Alameda in regular )useting asseidLled on the 3rd day of 'November, 19E5, by the following vote, to wit: ANCESi Councilmen :Latham, Nciss, Noble and :Probst, (4). hOEC: Ocuneilupresideat Otis, (1). ABOENT: None. iN TESTIMONY WEEREOF, I have hereunto sat my hand and affixed tie official. seal . of said it this 4th day of November, 1925. W. E. VAROOSE City Clerk of the City of Alameda. (Seal of the City of t I hereby certify that the foregoing is a lull, true aad earrect copy of "Resolutton Eo. 939. Providing for Eunioluai Golf Links and the Employment of an Architect and EareprIstr of Construction", passed by the CoUncil of the Oity of liamoda in regular meeting assombled on the 5rd day AT November, 1925. 071-y 0 0 the Olty of Alamoda.