Resolution 009601 ESOL1 921.011 1:10) 960 COVElilliG USE OF SO UTNE. RN PA GIP I 0 0 OriaPAIIE PROPEliTy Du RING COES riedUC PI ON OF TU BE 7NEI-Z))S, 1 i avid" be ne cessary to use a c er tai n triongulhor piece of pro!perty hel Dag Ong to the Southern Pa cif is Company in CO 'are Ct zi wi th the do touriug o traff iC 'ilebater Str out, Alameda, during co n stru cti on of the tubs taid or the e stua ry AND '+/THETENAS, the Southern Pacific Company 'ass agreed to grant the City of Alameda the necessary right of way F:CrOOS land for detouring traffic o co rd c' rd it1ri1 the. t said grant shall aut ()Troia °ally cease snd tot-mine te upon oaraple ti on of t tube and tha t the Clitd! of ANarre da shall ()relit and :mai ht(11 n a notice reading , "Private Fro our. ty Pet 30 "paaa over revocable at say time", a t a paint to be designated by said eompany, now the re fore it is hereby hiESOL 1D, that the Ci ty of Alame da o 1tr ',LIAO an agreement with the Souther, Po f ic Company f or the use of said proper t 013 afo resold [101. Ord ilog to the form submit -Lod, to the oity engine or under date of October 31, 1E+25 , and the crayor end to clerk 1000 reby authorized to attach their signatu es 00 s d agreement fer arid ori be.hal 3 f the City of A la (re do RESOLvED PUIVENEN, that the ott engi e sr to , wad he is hereby ins truo tea i0 erect and maintain the notice afor amen ti one I, the under sikale,d, hereby c 001 10 -that !The to 0 u,!,;() ing Ass(' luti en W 3 duly and regularly introiluo od (and ado pted bo the c rune II of the city of Alain.) =an 11 r copi la r meeting assembled on the 3,±6_ day of Nov ember , 190o, by the io "low ing vote, to wit LL ES: Councilmen Latham, Eels:), bMble, 2robst and Ergoldent ROES: None( A Balm.? Bono . IL TOLETIELLY WEEEECF, 1 have hereunto set my hand cmd affixed the official. seal of said city this eth day of Covember, uu2u, W( Ec VER092, City Clerk. (Seal of the City of Alameda). 1 hereby certify that the forage itg is a full, true and correct copy of (tResolctlon Um( 960) Covering Use of Southern Lacific 0:or:many Crobarty during Construmtion of (11.0w% Du soad. by thb Council of the City of Alameda in regular mooting aseembled on the ard. day of bovember, 1925. DemNAL cA ot mod-2F --mtIA Ole rk of the City of Alameda,