Resolution 00961HIRSOILTIOL RO. 961, anANTEg.', A SEPLIT FOR A LIGELLSE TO SELL SOFT DRINKS. WHEREAS, applications have been made by the se rsens hpreiaafter named for a permit to sell non-intoxicating beverages, commonly called. ooft drinks, in the Gity of Alameda, in accordance with the provisions and requirements of Ordinance AP. 262, R, 2, of said city, now therefore bp) it RESOLVED, by the council of the city of Alameda that a permit be and. it im hereby granted and a license is hereby authorised te be losued under and in pursuance of the provisions of said ordinanC0 autherisluz the sale and. disDpnwation of nonsintoKA leafing beveragAs, commobffy called. soft-dr:rinks, by the following persons and at the following places to wit: RAISH 21,A ian Iiiiertha 3 I,ea 2258 Alameda Avenue 1' 13 Creamery Co. aiLL,"/ High Street, RESOD SHIR, the t the lie ens 1 colle c tor be and be is hereby author/iced. and directed to issue a lie ens° to so id 'persons und er the prey Hsi ors of said ord inance upor, the payment by said 'persons t 0 S ai d 31 lanieda of the license tax of $5i00 per year, or Traction thereof payable in advance. 1 3 'i signed, herelLy certify that the foregoing absolution was duly and rekfularly introdpeed and adpcted by the council of the city of Alsupda in regular meeting assembled oo the 3rd day of 1SONamber, 1925, by the following vb te, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Latianak Reiss, Roble, Probst amid President NOES Oral 11 he None IR '2E3 T LIMN Y aulhalheirb 1. ha e h ereu nt o oet my 'head a lad affixed he f c la I anau of mole ci th is /4 y of hoe, aebe 192 a, E vaRuoii, I ty ler Ic of the elle/ of Alamo . (Soul of the City cf Anameaan, I here"by eertLfy thaA the foregoing is 114 trice and correct espy of "Resblutfon RP, 961. Greeting s be rm. it for a ineeroe to Sell Soft Drinks", 144/43- 1) the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the Zxd. day of :November, 1925. gmbovvvb _se 1 l blit,bal.enhk anie (fah- " • o afameoa.