Resolution 00962REBOLUT EC. 962( AOCEMIMM4G OFEW1). OP DEBTIMEdied WE STREETS It THE "BAY VIEW TRACT, WHEUMAS, on Besteater 1.5t la, 1925, the armors of that certain tract or sub d iv s ion of land in »1 » ty of Alame du, known as "BAY 1 TaAoT", offered for daddeation as (albite streets and highways all the lands designated on said map for that purpose, as the sane appear on -the offluial cchieu of said map which was flied in the office of the, County Recorder of Alameda County mu or about the 29th day of fame, 1925; and 'I 'I said ;offer ia made on condition tha t 1 proceedinge shall be taken by the, council f o r paving or otherwise improving said streets before October, 1, 1926, now therefore, it is hereby liEBOLVIC), by the council. of the city of Alameda that aul.A. offer to deaicate said Tienda for purpocos be and this sume is hereby accepted, anti Bald counoil agrees 11,A 1 take arrj pwoceedings for eav'ing or otherwise improvine said streets or highways 'heforo October 1, 1926. T., the -and er alone d , he reb y ea tify tha t the forego trig Resolution W13 wad regularly introduced and adopted by the council of the city of Alameda in IL1 J:I17 fl8 ,issembled on the 3rd de.,7o of „November, 1925, ty the foll.wwing vote., to wit: Coumcilmen Lath8o, io1 i1, Noble, Probst and Preoldeat 1 i. (a.), .2033: None. 2232,22: None. TEBTIM014Y WHEREOF, hare hereunto set my hand and affixed. the Qf Tic :lel oe)l of aupid city trio dth day of hdrember; 192E. (Shal el the C4ty of Aldmeds). W. 2. 11 A2.00E, City Clerk of the City of Alanleda. I hereby certify that the foregoing la a flail, true and correct copy of Ras :clout len We; 922, Accsa ti ne 'Offer of Dedica ti on of Otree. ts 111 th.e "any View Trnet", ato:laed by the Council of the City of Alameda ir, regular Ineeting zisoombled. On the 32.d akcy 11 :No vemh6r, 19o. ovddh --- ;;Cah, Clera oft(Eada; -Mit,/ of Aiana;da.