Resolution 00963RBOOLUTION GMAMTIRM A PERMIT FOR A LICENSE TO SELL COMM DRINKS. 411IR17,153, aoplication has bean made by the pe art hereinafter named. f az' a -permit to 3°11 P.:on-intoxicating beverages, con-nor:1y coiled sof t drinks , in the City cif Alameda, in accordance wi th the provisions and requirements of .Ord inance No. 262. N. S. of said. city, now therefore he i.t RESOI.VED, by the eaur,oil of the it of Alameda that a permit be and it is hereby granted an a license is hereby authar12.8d to h e issued unde_r and in pursuance of the .017:)V.101 one of said rd inane e uthor le Eng, the sale andt dispensation of nonalintox lc ating beverages, corr.:mainly culled soft -dr iunks, by the followitig person and' at the f el- 'towing place to wit IIAME ?LA OE Irene A. Baugh. 13_00 :Pair:. Street 31::30V1i.B. that the license collector he, and he is 'hereby authori2 eci arid directed to issue, e 'License to said re rson under the -provisions of said ore, inarlUe 1.21701.1 the payment by 3a u p er soa to said ci ty o± Alame LIB, of 'th a license tax of 45.00 per 'year, or fraction thereof: Ipa yab le n ad'vancs. I, the and,ersignied, hereby c err tify that the f o 'rage Iry Resolution W.43 duly and regularily introduced and adopted hy the c orinc 1.1 of the city of Alameda regular ,meetin.7, assembled or: the 17th day of Rove:mbar , 2925, by the folic:A:ming vote, to wit: AYE3 Councilmen: Latham, Reiss, ,N ob1e, robst end President Otis, ). :ROMS ,None A airar 'Bone IN TESTI:WRY VMMEME01,0, I have he reurito set any hand. and. affixed the official seal of 3 it city this a Uth day of linvember, 1925. VARCOEh City tiler k of the City of Alameda . (Seal of the City of Alameda). T hereby certify that Qui forego ing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resol'ut on No. 963. 'Gratation tier:nit for e License to Sell Sof t Drinks', passed, by tile Coq-nail of the City of A:La:none r r egolar i oting a ssomb 1 ed. on the 17th day of November, 192.5. „„ itortai g co— City Clerk of the City of Alameda,